The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 159: Blood Is Poisonous!

Chapter 159: Blood Is Poisonous!

Pushing open the bathroom door, Lu Chuang was roughly pushed against the wall by the three red, gold and green women.

"Father, do you want us to go up one by one, or together."

The red-haired woman stuck out her scarlet tongue, and her whole body directly stuck to Lu Chuang's body. The two women next to her also entangled with each other, their eyes full of excitement. The human beings outside are not enough for all the vampires to allocate. It would be great if the three of them could enjoy one human being.

"I can do it."

Feeling the amazing elasticity from his chest, Lu Chuang wondered if he should give up resisting.

"Then let's go together."

The three vampires in front of them couldn't bear it any longer, their blood pupils gleamed fiercely, their mouths opened to reveal sharp fangs, and they roared and rushed towards Lu Chuang, their originally beautiful faces instantly became hideous.

Lu Chuang suddenly became dull.

The moment they were about to touch him, Lu Chuang suddenly raised his leg and kicked the red-haired vampire in front of him. The red-haired vampire felt an irresistible force spread throughout his body, and then flew back at an even faster speed. , The whole person hit the wall.

While the two vampires were stunned, Lu Chuang stretched out his arms and clasped their faces with his palms.

Immediately afterwards, a strong hand placed them face to face.


The floor tiles shattered, and the heads of the two vampires were directly pressed into the ground by Lu Chuang.

There is no need to turn on bullet time, and now Lu Chuang has the talent of a super high school wrestler, and his strength has long surpassed the scope of human beings. With the corresponding close fighting ability, even vampires cannot fight against it.

After suffering such a heavy blow, the two vampires did not lose their resistance. The wounds on their heads were recovering rapidly. Normal attacks could not kill a vampire.

Lu Chuang was not surprised by this.

Ignoring the weak resistance of the vampires, Lu Chuang controlled mana to flow towards the two vampires along the palm of his hand.


Like gasoline meeting flames, the moment the two vampires came into contact with mana, their bodies suddenly ignited, screaming heart-piercingly, and finally turned into ashes, leaving no clothes behind.

"The mana has increased."

Sensing the change in mana in his body, Lu Chuang turned his head to look at the only remaining red-haired vampire, and his smile gradually became kinder.

Seeing the tragic deaths of her companions, the red-haired beauty said in horror: "No, don't come here!"

Lu Chuang walked up to the red-haired beauty, patted her on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, I just want to ask you what kind of party is going on here, why are there only so many humans?

Looking at Lu Chuang's hand on her shoulder, the red-haired beauty swallowed her saliva: "Blood party, here is held every once in a while, and the humans who attend the party are just desserts.

"Oh, you mean there's still dinner?"

Under Lu Chuang's threat, the red-haired beauty nodded in fear: "After the party officially starts, the organizer will pour fresh blood into everyone through the sprinkler, and then all vampires will be able to taste it."

"So that's the case, the original owner blesses you."

In order to thank the red-haired beauty for her answer, Lu Chuang gave the red-haired beauty a purification worth 200,000 USD.

"God Falk!"

The red-haired beauty screamed unwillingly, and then turned into ashes, adding a little mana to Lu Chuang again.

Lu Chuang shook his head: "It's still too little."

The mana that can be increased by killing a vampire is limited. If you want to greatly expand the mana, you must need more vampires.

So, Lu Chuang set his sights on the vampires outside.

There are at least 80 vampires in this bar. This time Lu Chuang does not intend to let them go. He is going to kill them all at once, so as not to scare them all away like last time. Can't find it.

"However, it is difficult to keep so many vampires."

Although Lu Chuang is not afraid of these vampires, if he directly strikes, some vampires may escape. If these vampires are determined to escape, it is impossible for Lu Chuang to keep them completely. It didn't fit into his plan to wipe it all out.

Unless, there is a way to get rid of all the vampires in an instant.

Lu Chuang thought of what the red-haired beauty said, and a simple plan came to mind.

The deafening music filled the bar, no one heard the movement of the restroom, and no one cared about a figure walking out of the restroom.

On the dance floor, the vampires looked up at the sprinkler on their heads, with anticipation in their eyes.

For them, the real party hasn't started yet.

Ten minutes later, the music in the bar suddenly stopped, and the DJ said with a microphone: "...Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to tonight's bloody party.

Hearing this, the vampires all showed cruel smiles, and only a small number of humans cheered enthusiastically.

In the darkness, DJ's eyes flashed red: "Today is a wonderful and short night, and I won't waste everyone's time. Before tasting delicious desserts, let's taste the main meal. Everyone, let's go crazy!"

As the music sounded again, the sprinkler started to activate, and countless drops of water fell on everyone.

Everyone got excited, kept beating with the intense rhythm, and let the water droplets wet themselves.

But soon, some people found something was wrong.

"Wait, is this... blood?"

Mixed among the vampires, human beings noticed that the liquid in their hands was not water drops, it was clearly scarlet blood. They raised their heads in bewilderment, only to find that everyone around them was staring at them, strange and oozing. people.

At this moment, the vampires couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately tore off the disguise on the surface, their fangs popped out one after another, and they drank blood wantonly.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, these humans finally realized their situation, but it was too late for them to escape. The surrounding vampires surrounded them, watching them stabbing with teasing smiles.

"It's finally time for dessert."

A vampire covered in blood grinned grinningly, reaching out to grab the human in front of him.

The power of vampires far exceeds that of normal humans, and ordinary humans are no match for them at all. This vampire easily grabbed an adult male and opened its mouth wide to bite the opponent's neck.

Suddenly, his face changed suddenly, and he said in disbelief: "There is poison in it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, under the gaze of everyone, his whole body suddenly ignited spontaneously, turning into a mass of ashes in the blink of an eye. .

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