The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 203: Is There A Possibility

Chapter 203: Is There A Possibility

Thinking so, Shadowcat will definitely not go back.

Shadowcat knew very well in his heart that if he was caught this time, the Essex Laboratory would definitely strengthen its defenses, and the chances of escaping in the future would be even slimmer. It would be better to fight with Lu Chuang now, even if he died. It's better than being trapped in that kind of ghost place as an experimental subject.

While Shadowcat made up his mind, Lu Chuang looked around and found a utility room nearby, so he went to open the door, checked to make sure there was no one inside, and pushed Shadowcat inside.

"Stay inside and come out when I call you."

With that said, Lu Chuang turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, there are heavily armed troops outside, you are going to die!"

Shadowcat realized Lu Chuang's plan and hurriedly grabbed his arm. Although she didn't know what Lu Chuang's Ability was, it didn't matter anymore.

According to Lu Chuang's description, that pulse can make other Mutants unable to use their own abilities, and the Mutants who lose their abilities are basically no different from ordinary people. An unarmed ordinary person facing an entire armed force is not dying.

After all, Lu Chuang also came here to save her, Shadowcat can't just watch Lu Chuang lose his life.

"Believe me, this world...cough cough, I mean this laboratory, the person who can kill me doesn't exist yet."

Lu Chuang smiled confidently. Regardless of Shadowcat's dissuasion, he closed the door of the utility room. Now that Shadowcat is his important NPC, no accidents can happen.

The monitors in the corridor were operating silently, and the Essex laboratory quickly locked their specific location. The armed forces moved very quickly. In less than half a minute, a special operations team arrived at the scene first.

This time, I didn't say any unnecessary nonsense. When I saw Lu Chuang standing in the corridor, several team members in the front row decisively threw tear gas bombs. After landing, they rolled several times and stopped right at Lu Chuang's feet. Thick smoke quickly emerged. Come, envelop Lu Chuang's whole body.

"You guys, go and arrest him!"

The captain sent four team members to capture Lu Chuang. In his opinion, Lu Chuang had lost his combat ability.

The four team members nodded, walked out of the team holding their guns, and quickly walked into the smoke.

Soon, a voice came from the intercom.



Before the player could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a gunshot.

Before the captain and team members could react, several gunshots rang out again. No need for a walkie-talkie, everyone present could clearly hear the gunshots coming from the smoke. No matter how the captain called, the four who had just entered the smoke None of the players responded.

A, A, A...

Accompanied by clear footsteps, a figure wearing a black mask slowly walked out of the smoke.

At the moment Lu Chuang has canceled the camouflage on his appearance. He is wearing a tactical vest, black combat boots, a row of grenades on his waist, and two modified pistols in his left hand. He looks more professional than the armed forces in front of him.

Don't ask Lu Chuang why he is so well prepared.

As an assassin, it is natural to be prepared to fail in stealth at any time.

"One, two, three...."

The black eyes stared at the special operations team, like a Death God roll call, counting the number of people in a leisurely manner.

The captain suddenly became alert and shouted at the stunned team members: "Fire! Free fire!"

Da! Da! Da! Da

After receiving the order to attack, the team members came back to their senses immediately, and the sound of popping out of the chamber resounded in the corridor instantly, and the ammunition slanted towards Lu Chuang crazily.

Lu Chuang didn't dodge or dodge, letting the bullets rain on him.

The moment the bullet was about to touch Lu Chuang, a layer of white light that was invisible to ordinary people appeared on the surface of his body, like invisible armor blocking all the bullets, making a tinkling sound.

This is Lu Chuang's superficial use of magic. It is the result of his research on magic for so many days. The effect is similar to that of Kamar-Taj's magician's magic shield. It can block most attacks, although it is not as perfect as white magic. , but it is easy to resist thermal weapons such as assault rifles.

Soon the ground was full of shell casings, and the assault rifles in the hands of the special operations team made 'click' sounds one after another. The whole corridor was covered with a layer of light blue gunpowder smoke, and the pungent sulfur smell made people wrinkle their noses. .

"Don't look at me like that, I really didn't cheat. N

Looking at the stunned special operations team, Lu Chuang patted the unnecessary dust on his body, saying that it was not his fault that he was too strong.

"Now that you're done playing, it's my turn."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three gunshots were fired, and the bullets flew across an arc, hitting six heads with precision.

The captain's eyes widened, heck, "He seemed to see the bullet turning the corner!

"Take cover! Fight back!"

The special operations team was well-trained, and immediately found a bunker to defend. Taking advantage of the gap between teammates changing magazines, several team members took out grenades from their bodies, pulled out the safety and threw them at Lu Chuang.

Lu Chuang is not on their arrest list, and he will not be punished by his superiors if he is killed.

It was a good idea, but as soon as their grenade was thrown into the air, they were shot and exploded by Lu Chuang, who had quick eyesight and quick hands. The orange fireball expanded violently, and they didn't even have time to scream, and several people were engulfed by the blast wave .

Because the distance was too close, other members of the special warfare team were also affected by the explosion, and fell to the ground covered in blood, screaming in pain.

The kind-hearted Lu Chuang can't see this kind of scene.

So he raised his gun and directly ended the suffering of these people.

In the control room, Dr. Bell watched the monitoring screen, and said in shock: "Why didn't his mutant Ability fail!?"

It's hard not to think of Mutant's Ability when Lu Chuang solves a special operations team by himself.

Agent Turner said solemnly: "We suspect that the Spy can be immune to the ability of the hound weapon. The ability of the hound weapon has failed once before."

"Ignoring the Mutant detection system, immune pulse interference ability..."

Dr. Bell, as a researcher, anger will not affect his reason and IQ, he made a more reasonable inference based on the clues.

"Is there a possibility, I mean possibility, that this guy isn't a Mutant?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Agent Turner didn't even think about it, and denied Dr. Bell's conjecture, without producing substantive evidence.

Dr. Bell was a little speechless. He had been in contact with Agent Turner so many times, and he more or less knew the extreme Mutant guilt theory of the other party. Anyway, it was right that Mutant did all the bad things.

However, it would be more beneficial for their development to have Agent Turner, who hated Mutant so deeply, and Dr. Can Bell would naturally not talk too much.

Regardless of whether Lu Chuang is a mutant or not, Dr. Kan Bell will not allow him to leave the laboratory alive, and the secrets here cannot be leaked out.

"Weapons! Never leave the lab!"

At this time, Agent Turner said: "Doctor, how about letting us cooperate with your actions to deal with Mutant, we are professionals."

Dr. Bell thought about it and agreed to his proposal.

After getting the permission of Dr. Bell, Agent Turner took out the walkie-talkie and instructed the agents of the Sentry Secret Service in the Essex laboratory: "Call Sentinel, cooperate with the laboratory to capture escaped prisoners, and the Spy! "

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