The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 211: Hot Man

Chapter 211: Hot Man

Gym tips, if someone suddenly comes over to strike up a conversation, it is probably a personal trainer who came to brush up his performance.

The blond man also knew this, and said with embarrassment: "You misunderstood, I am not selling lessons, I am a customer here just like you, my name is Steve Rogers, you can call me Steve."

[Title Trigger!]

[Humanoid Meat Grinder - Completable]

[Unlock condition: Participate in a large-scale war and kill 2,000 enemy troops on the battlefield (0/2000)]

[Title obtained: Super High School Level Soldier]

Lu Chuang was very surprised that the blond man sent a new achievement task.

It's just that this task is somewhat outrageous.

Not to mention the large-scale wars in the peaceful era, are you serious about the digital system behind it?

Even if it is to kill chickens, at least 5,000 chickens will have to be killed for a long time!

Lu Chuang complained in his heart while observing the blond man in front of him.

In America, there are many people named Steve.

But with such well-developed pecs and hips, and a man named Steve, there is probably only one hot guy in this world.

"It's you, Captain America!"

"you know me?"

There was a look of surprise on Steve's face.

Yes, the blond man in front of Lu Chuang is the future leader of the Avengers.

50-50 Captain, Steve Rogers!

Just some time ago, the S.H.I.E.L.D search and rescue team found Steve buried under the glacier in the Arctic Circle and rescued him from the ice.

When Steve woke up, he was suddenly told by a one-eyed brine egg who didn't look like a good person. In his opinion, he just fell asleep. In fact, seventy years have passed, and the outside world has already happened. There have been earth-shaking changes.

And that's not a big deal.

The most difficult thing for Steve to accept was that while he was sleeping, the goddess he was going to catch married another man and had a baby, and even had a grandson in her arms. On her 90th birthday, she almost blew out her dentures while blowing out the candles.

Hearing this news, Steve was deeply shocked. After leaving S.H.I.E.L.D, he chose to return to the neighborhood where he used to live, trying to adapt to the new life, and occasionally came to the nearby iron hall to fight with iron to vent his depression. .

Steve thought that after so many years, no one knew him as Captain America, but he didn't expect that Lu Chuang could recognize his identity at a glance.

Lu Chuang said cheerfully: "How can I not know you, you are the idol of Great America, the symbol of spirit, I have visited your memorial museum before, you really don't want to say "You took off your tights, I almost missed your Ass recognized."

Steve: "???"

When did my butt become my signature feature?

"You don't seem surprised by my presence." Steve was keenly aware that something was wrong.

He, a person who was declared a sacrifice decades ago, suddenly appeared in front of him, and there was no change in his appearance. Not only was the person in front of him not shocked when he saw this, but he acted very calmly.

That doesn't seem like a normal human reaction at all!

Lu Chuang said definitely: "Please, this is New York, I haven't seen any weird things, compared to the steel mecha battle, the three-story titan fighting naked, and those messy vampires, mutant aliens , your little things are nothing."

Steve was speechless for a moment.

Are New Yorkers living in such dire straits now?

"You may not have adapted to this world when you were just unearthed, it doesn't matter, you will get used to it soon, maybe you will have a chance to see aliens invade the earth in the future.

"How could such a thing happen?"

"Times have changed, Steve."

Lu Chuang patted Steve's shoulder, felt the tight muscles under the clothes, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked Steve up and down: "You have a good figure, very strong, how are you, are you interested in practicing with me on stage? "

Lu Chuang is looking for a strong opponent to test his strength, and the Steve in front of him is very suitable for this condition!

In terms of strength, Steve is definitely the top existence of human beings. After all, the captain of the 50-50 split is not just blown out. Even Thanos of the Infinity Gauntlet can pass a trick or two, so it is perfect as a test object.

Steve froze slightly: "Are you sure?"

"Definitely, punching a sandbag is not as fun as beating someone."

After thinking about it, Steve agreed to Lu Chuang's invitation, since he had nothing to do anyway.

The two walked into the boxing ring, and Steve reminded him friendly: "At present, my body is in the recovery stage, and I may not be able to control my strength well. If I hurt you, I apologize in advance."

Lu Chuang grinned: "It's okay, actually I can't control my strength well, so don't blame me if I hurt you later."

Steve also laughed, I am a dignified captain of the United States, can I be injured by a young man like you?

"Come on, don't hold back."

"I can rest assured that."

Lu Chuang nodded, without saying a word, raising his hand was a punch!

Steve's eyes widened, he obviously didn't expect this young man to be so ignorant of martial arts, and came to sneak attack on his hundred-year-old comrade, subconsciously raised his arms to parry.

However, in the next second, a huge force came down the arm, Steve's face changed slightly, and he took a few steps back and forth before barely standing still.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Chuang strode forward, whipped his leg in the air and lashed towards Steve hard.

With the lesson just now, Steve cheered up this time.

At the moment when Lu Chuang threw out the whip leg, Steve stepped forward with his left leg, quickly stretched out his arms to block the whip leg, and clamped the shin of Lu Chuang's calf at his waist like a clamp, making Lu Chuang lose his center of gravity. While balancing, he punched out without fancy.

Lu Chuang quickly crossed his arms in front of him to block Steve's fist, then jumped up with his left leg and kicked Steve's developed chest, breaking away from Steve's control.

The two fought back and forth for several rounds like this.

After some testing, Steve was surprised to find that Lu Chuang's physical fitness was not inferior to himself at all.

You know, he has been injected with super soldier serum, and his physical skills have reached the peak of human beings, but Lu Chuang can keep up with his movements, no matter in terms of strength or speed, he is on par with him. The man in front of him is absolutely Not ordinary people.

Aware of this, Steve immediately decided not to hold back, and the offensive suddenly became violent.

Straight punch!



Lock technique!

All kinds of fighting skills came one after another, leaving no time for Lu Chuang to breathe at all!

In addition to the peak physical fitness of human beings, Steve is originally also a master of fighting, mastering a variety of fighting skills, such as boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling, grappling, etc. A variety of martial arts in one...

All kinds of tricks come at your fingertips, like flowing clouds and flowing water, which are unpredictable, but also extremely simple and efficient.

Even Lu Chuang couldn't resist Master Shi's attack for a while, so he could only defend passively.

Although Lu Chuang can display the top fighting skills endowed by the two talents of "Super High School Level Spy" and "Super High School Level Wrestler", these fighting skills are more of an instinct, and he cannot do it like Steve A variety of fighting skills are integrated.

Seeing Steve's fist strike again, the pupils of Lu Chuang's eyes suddenly dilated, the originally extremely fast fist speed became extremely slow in his eyes, and Steve's movement trajectory became clearly visible.

bullet time!

In an instant, Lu Chuang's stamina soared, he easily dodged the punch, grabbed Steve's wrist with his backhand, and pulled him in front of him "then kicked him to the edge of the ring with ten left kicks.

Steve clutched his aching chest, shocked.

Why did this guy suddenly become faster?

Lu Chuang asked concerned: "Steve, can you continue?"


Steve braced himself into a fighting stance and uttered the classic quote: "I could fight like this all day long."

It's a pity that Steve is wearing white short sleeves today, and the big black footprints of size 43 on his chest are clearly visible, otherwise the scene should be more handsome.

Hearing what Steve said, Lu Chuang immediately felt relieved, and directly drove the bullet time to attack Steve.

A moment ago, Steve was still in the upper hand, but now the situation has reversed, and it is Lu Chuang's turn to press Steve under him and beat him up.

The physical fitness of the two people was not the same before, and Steve can still take advantage of his superb fighting skills.

But now, with the blessing of bullet time, Lu Chuang's physical fitness has soared, and his dynamic vision can be described as abnormal. Steve's proud fighting skills can't be displayed at all.

It's like mast**rb*ti*n, hand speed and brain speed are slower than the opponent, no matter how good the consciousness is, there is no way to operate it.

At this moment, Steve is miserable, unable to use all his martial arts, so he can only support himself under the hands of Lu Chuang.

But Lu Chuang fought more and more vigorously, and even thought maliciously, if the fight was over within a minute, could Steve's lines be changed to "I can fight like this for a minute" in the future.

It feels good to think about it!

Lu Chuang kicked hard with his left foot, and was about to jump up and give Steve a fatal blow.


With a loud bang, the ring collapsed, and smoke and dust billowed up.

The two couldn't help but stop and looked at each other.

No one expected that the arena would collapse at this time.

There was no way, Lu Chuang and Steve were serious until the end of the fight, they couldn't hold back their own strength at all, with their two superhuman physiques, it was not easy for this old boxing ring to last until now.

Seeing the curious and shocked gazes from the people around him, and the iron shop owner who looked like he was going to eat people in the distance, Steve couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile.

"It seems we can't continue."

Lu Chuang turned off the bullet time and stared at Steve with complicated eyes.

He seriously suspected that it wasn't the quality of the ring, but that Steve's strongest buff had worked.

It's actually 50-50!

Just outrageous!.

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