The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 37: 37 - Derrick's Kindness...With a Gun...

Chapter 37: 37 - Derrick's Kindness...With a Gun...

The location of the recycling station Francis invited the Immortal duo to was a little far away, and they would need to take a car there.

For the duo wearing full body armours, ordinary taxis were definitely not a good choice. If they take it, the driver might drop them at the gate of the Police Department.

Fortunately, Wade had some connections and quickly called a taxi from an acquaintance.

The driver was an Indian man. When he saw Derrick and Wade carrying a large bag of weapons, he just asked them what they were doing out of curiosity. He didn't show the panic that normal people would have.

Derrick felt that he was the only normal person among these and the pressure on him was enormous.

The driver and Wade were chatting happily, as the Indian man said, "Mr Deadpool, you were right before, one needs to control their own destiny. Nobody can order me!"

Derrick looked at the map and said, "Turn left ahead and stop."

"Okay, sir!"

The taxi stopped at the corner as Derrick and Wade stepped out of the car.

From a distance, Derrick saw the huge amounts of abandoned waste and a huge ship at the recycling station.

"You forgot to take your bag." Derrick glanced at the taxi and reminded Wade.

"Oh yeah, damn!"

Wade quickly got his weapon bag from the taxi. He almost went into the fight with only two Katanas.

'This guy is really unreliable.' (E/N: Took you a long to figure that out.)

Derrick curled his lips, took out his binoculars and looked at the recycling station. It was full of various piles of waste, but he couldn't see any person nor did he see Vanessa, the hostage.

As for the deck of the abandoned ship, it was too high for him and it was difficult to see the situation there clearly.

"Wade, what is our plan?" Derrick asked.

Wade grabbed two submachine guns and said, "Go straight in, kill all the villains like a superhero and then save the heroine, my girlfriend, Vanessa. In the eyes of the supporting role, you, the hero, me and the heroine kiss passionately."

Derrick shyly said, "Do I need to wait until you two start removing clothes or..."

Wade looked at Derrick with amazement and surprise.

Anyhow, back to the situation right now. Because things happened so suddenly, the two didn't have any time to think about plans.

Derrick thought for a while and said, "We can't just rush in like this."

"Hey, you've come here now. Are you going to back down?"

"I mean you can't rush forward blindly. Your girlfriend is still in their hands, if they threaten us with your girlfriend, we will be suppressed."

"What Unga-Bunga are you talking about?"

Derrick then proceeded to explain it all to the dumb Wade, "For example, they can ask us to throw off all the arms on us, otherwise they will cut off your girlfriend's limbs. Threatening to chop off her head or"

"Fuck, stop talking!"

At this moment, Derrick's words made Wade feel that Derrick was more like an evil villain, and said in a panic, "Dude, I don't think they think ascruelly as you do, but you're right, we can't just rush in. We have to find Vanessa first."

"So, my plan is to sneak in secretly, rescue Vanessa first without anyone noticing, kill Francis on the way back out and then go back to our houses."

"That's a fucking brilliant idea!" (E/N: You two fr? -_-)

After the two reached an agreement, they found a secret corner and sneaked into the recycling station.

Ignoring the area that would be the best ambush point, the two sneaked into the ship from the back.

When Derrick and Wade reached the main body of the ship, as they had expected, several armed soldiers appeared, guarding the stairway leading to the deck.

If it was him a few minutes ago, Wade would have taken both his guns and charged straight up.

But now, he felt that he should be more stable.

Wade said in a low voice, "There are five people in total. I'll get rid of the three on the left, I leave the remaining two on the right to you."

"Don't bother with it. They don't know this young master's heaven defying-technique of shooting."

Derrick took out a small pistol from his armour.

He entered bullet time, locked on the positions of the five armed soldiers, and pulled the trigger five times.

Accompanied by a gunshot that couldn't be louder, five armed soldiers fell to the ground.

Wade went closer to check their pulse and found that the five people had a tiny anaesthetic needle inserted in their necks, but he didn't know why they were all foaming at the mouth and their bodies were twitching non-stop.

"What's this?" Wade couldn't help asking.

"That is anaesthetic mixed with toxins that ensure that they will die peacefully without any pain during the process, so I named this gun the 'Gun of Kindness'," Derrick explained his idea.

"The gun of kindness?"

Wade watched the armed soldiers' eyes widen. It was obvious that they were not unconscious, they were just unable to move.

They could only feel the toxin getting injected into their bodies, as it spread throughout their body, and finally, they die without a single complaint.

As you can see, there was no pain at all. If the patient is so quiet, that is the only answer.

Without the obstruction of any more armed soldiers, the two arrived on the deck soon and saw a large group of armed soldiers gathered not far away. Among them were the faces of Francis and Angela and behind them was Vanessa, trapped in an oxygen chamber similar to the one used on Wade.

"Oh, they are here!"

The process was so smooth that Wade couldn't help but get excited, "Although the scene is not very exciting, I think I have fallen in love with your style. What should we do next? Do we have a perfect and clean assassination or a super-perfect and clean assassination?"

Unexpectedly, Derrick stood up suddenly, quickly took out a few grenades and threw them over, yelling, "Perfect assassination my ass. In such a good opportunity, I'll definitely try out my explosives!"

"Using explosives is assassination in the end too though."

"Damn...English is my second language." (E/N: Every author's first line before dropping a banger on this app.)


E/N: Happy reading, Have a good Day/Night.

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