The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 42: 42 - None are Normal

Chapter 42: 42 - None are Normal

"I didn't expect you to have the same Self-healing Ability as that idiot. No wonder you survived the explosion."

Francis said without any trace of panic or fear on his face.

He already knew that whatever he did, the end result would be death and he is not afraid of death at all.

"To be honest, I am quite envious of you guys. I was a victim of the research institute myself. Unfortunately, my mutant Ability was not as powerful. It just enhanced my reaction ability and my physical fitness. Although I don't feel any pain, my wounds don't heal instantly." Francis grinned like a victor.

"You should be grateful to me. I let you obtain this Ability. This is the ability that many people"

"Screw you, you piece of shit!" Derrick slammed the butt of the gun on Francis' head, and said fiercely, "I, Derrick, became strong by my own efforts. I did not require any external help from you, I'm just better!"


'Wasn't he just an ordinary person before he met me though? What hard work? It's all the credit of my study and experiments.'

Derrick then recalled that Francis was only the manager of the research institute and not the real final boss of the research institute, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "Since you are not the head of the research institute, who is the person behind the research institute?"

"Hehe, do you think I'll tell you?"

"I think you should."

Derrick looked at Francis and thought about it, "You don't feel any pain, right? It's okay, I have plenty of solutions other than torture."

"For example, I can put you in a completely closed coffin with only a little oxygen cylinder, and then bury you in the ground, so that you are completely isolated from the outside world. There would be no light, no sound, and you can't even feel the passage of time.

There would only be endless darkness around you. Darkness and silence, it is said that no one can retain their mind for more than five days in thissituation."

"If your nerves do get damaged, I'll find a Mutant who can repair your nerves then. Then, I can do whatever I want. Hmm, I'll start with making you do a 360-degree split..."

The more Derrick talked, the more excited he got. In the end, he rubbed his palms together, as if eager to try the split.

The threat did work for Francis this time, though.

He felt that if he didn't answer Derrick, with his honourable and gentleman-like personality, he would definitely complete his promise and do this kind of thingmaybe with some improvisation too.

"I only know that I work for a company named Essex, and I am responsible for managing the operations of several research institute branches. And regarding the higher-ups of the company, I don't have any idea." Francis said.

He anyways only worked for the money and had no sense of loyalty to the people above him.


Derrick pondered. If he remembers correctly, this company has appeared in several Mutant movies. It was a company that collected Mutant genes.

Among their collection, they have Wolverine's genes and the Wolverine's clone was the product they created using them. Generally speaking, they could be regarded as a villain organization.

'So, the story here involves Mutants and their genes eh?' (E/N: No shit, Sherlock.)

Derrick didn't care about the events anymore, after all, he was not a Mutant, his Abilities were all given to him by his titles and have nothing to do with the mutant Ability at all.

"By the way, the serum you injected me back then needed adrenaline as a catalyst, right?" Derrick asked and Francis nodded silently.

Derrick was thoughtful. It seemed that the serum had no effect on him as a traverser. There was no measure of how much adrenaline his body had secreted every time he entered bullet time. If the serum had to affect him, it would've already.

At this time, Derrick came over to Wade and his girlfriend Vanessa.

Seeing that Wade had taken off his mask, Derrick knew that he had confessed to Vanessa, and now he probably wanted Francis to restore his disfigured face.

But, Derrick knew this was impossible.

Derrick threw Francis over to Wade and said, "I'll leave this guy to you. I'll pick up the equipment that can still be used. I'm running out of them."

Seeing that there were still tons of grenades and magazines hanging on Derrick's body, Wade was a bit lost. Thiswasn't exactly running out

Ten minutes later, Derrick came back dragging a lot of guns and ammunition, he had also found a motorcycle on his way.

He then saw Francis' body lying on the ground with a bloody hole in his forehead.

"Oh wow, DonutalmostNice though!"

"Motherfucker! This shit can't fix my face!" Wade yelled angrily as if he didn't feel satisfied. He raised his foot and kicked Francis' body.

During this long period, he was frantically looking for Francis, just to heal his face, but after working so hard for so long, he got a sentence, 'I cannot do it'. With his temper, he shot Francis without any delay. (E/N: What if he wasn't done and had one more sentence?)

Derrick patted him on the shoulder and comforted Wade, "Think about it, although you are a little ugly, at least you aren't dying from cancer now. Or, do you want to visit another research institute?"

Wade: "..."

Vanessa: "..."

Vanessa glanced at Wade, although she didn't expect much from the start, none of the men around Wade was normal.


E/N: So hey readers, I've got some shit to do IRL (Cannot starve the third month in a row, Sorry your editor is a brokie) so the next update might take a few days but anyhow, Happy Reading, Have a Good Day/Night.

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