The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 80: Peace Jade Symbol

Chapter 80

In order to find blank yellow talisman paper, [Jiang Yuqing] hypnotized [Er Yu] and [Nanny Yan]. Over the next few days, she disguised herself as a middle-aged man using illusions and went around large and small bookstores in the capital, but came up empty-handed.

She was not an ordinary person from the mysterious world of Xuanmen, so naturally she did not have the relevant connections. Left with no other choice, she chose an auspicious yellow calendar day and went to the [Three Purities Temple] in the suburbs of the capital.

The [Three Purities Temple] was the largest Taoist temple in [Da Xia], dedicated to the [Three Pure Great Emperors]. It had thriving incense offerings.

Led by a young Taoist apprentice, [Jiang Yuqing] entered the main hall and respectfully paid homage to the [Three Pure Great Emperors], offering incense. She also offered one hundred taels of silver for the incense offerings.

After leaving, she went to the talisman stand next to the hall and asked the Taoist in charge of distributing talismans, “I have been learning talisman drawing recently and would like to buy some blank yellow talisman paper. Would your temple have any to spare?”

The Taoist had seen many people asking for peace talismans, love talismans, and other kinds of talismans before, but this was the first time someone had asked for blank talisman paper.

His first reaction was that this patron must be up to no good! But seeing that the man had a righteous aura and auspicious energy, he did not seem like someone with ill intentions. Besides, those with evil plans would conduct them in secret instead of openly asking for supplies. Perhaps this patron really only wanted them for learning, just as he claimed. So the Taoist said, “Let me ask my master.”

[Jiang Yuqing] bowed to the Taoist again and said, “Please help ask on my behalf!”

Seeing there were not many visitors offering incense today, the Taoist hesitated briefly before agreeing, “Very well. Please wait here, patron. I will be right back.” He cupped his fists and walked around the side corridor behind the main hall.

[Jiang Yuqing] waited for about fifteen minutes before the Taoist returned. He said that his master was not there, but his Uncle-Master Huayang wanted to see her.

[Jiang Yuqing] readily went along.

Led by the Taoist through various twists and turns, up and down the mountainside, and a long, steep flight of stone steps, she finally arrived at an unnamed hall built on a cliff.

The hall was not big—at best, an exquisite small courtyard. The faded green stone fence overgrown with moss made it look particularly ancient and dignified, even in late autumn’s chill.

The Taoist pointed at the hall, “My Uncle-Master is inside. Please go right in.”

[Jiang Yuqing] bowed to him in thanks. The Taoist returned the bow before leaving.

[Jiang Yuqing] knocked on the courtyard gate. A young attendant opened the door, bowed and said, “Master is waiting for you in the side chamber. This way, please.”

Led inside by the attendant, [Jiang Yuqing] saw a middle-aged Taoist with a stern demeanor sitting cross-legged on a mat on the floor―that must be Huayang.

Judging only by looks, he seemed around the same age as the Taoist from earlier. Yet his status and seniority were both surprisingly high, likely thanks to his mastery of retaining his youthful looks.

[Jiang Yuqing] respectfully greeted him and explained her purpose.

[Huayang Zi] looked her up and down without saying anything, then nodded. He had the young attendant bring over a stack of blank talisman paper, at least two to three hundred sheets judging by the thickness.

[Jiang Yuqing] took them with both hands and expressed her thanks.

Only then did [Huayang Zi] speak, “If it’s not enough, please come by anytime for more.”

This delighted [Jiang Yuqing]. She had been worrying about how to ask for more. With one offer, the Taoist had resolved her concerns. What a nice person!

Since [Huayang Zi] did not ask for money, she also felt it would be too crass. After thinking for a bit, she took out a pouch from her package and presented it to him.

[Huayang Zi] also did not look inside but had the attendant accept it.

[Jiang Yuqing] sincerely thanked him again. Then she retreated out the main entrance of the chamber before turning to leave.

Ginseng―her spirit realm was full of it, abundant as daikon radishes. Exchanging gifts helped pave the way for good relations. It would be easier to come back next time.

After she left, [Huayang Zi] flipped open the pouch the attendant held. Seeing the contents, his eyes flashed with surprise before turning to realization.

The attendant exclaimed in shock, “Master, this is...!” He stopped himself and said worriedly instead, “Master, if he uses all this talisman paper for evil deeds, what then?”

[Huayang Zi] smiled mysteriously, unfathomable, “How could someone with such abundant merit and golden light ever harm the common people?”

The attendant understood, “So he is someone eminent!”

[Huayang Zi] stroked his bearded chin but just smiled without replying.

Having obtained the talisman paper, [Jiang Yuqing] promptly began her research.

The Talisman Scripture jade tablets contained records of many interesting talismans and charms. Peace talismans and protective talismans were basic techniques.

There were also practical charms like invisibility talismans for “doing bad things,” escape charms and earth concealment charms for "getting away after doing bad things," explosion talismans and heavenly thunder talismans for fights in case of pursuit. And that wasn’t even mentioning the other odd prank charms.

[Jiang Yuqing] decided to start by learning the simplest peace talisman first.

Following the instructions in the jade tablet, she first practiced drawing peace talismans using an ink brush on ordinary white paper.

Once proficient, she would then imbue spiritual force into her hand and calmly use the talisman brush dipped in the blood of a Dark Stone Bull to draw on the yellow talisman paper.

But halfway through her first stroke, the talisman paper suddenly flashed and a flame roared up, reducing it to ashes in a few breaths, nearly scalding her hand.

She figured that as a mundane object, the yellow talisman paper likely could not withstand a third-tier demonic beast’s blood. So she caught a first-tier jackrabbit and tried its blood instead.

That still did not work. She then tried diluting the jackrabbit’s blood with spiritual spring water. Still no good. Finally left without options, she experimented by adding a certain amount of cinnabar...

After three or four days and much trial and error, she finally succeeded in drawing one peace talisman.

Holding this hard-won paper, [Jiang Yuqing] almost cried from happiness.

Her efforts had not been wasted after all.

What came next required diligent practice. A few days later, [Jiang Yuqing] could finally draw peace talismans proficiently. She then had another brainwave―she took some spirit jade stones from the inheritance hall’s rear warehouse and carved them into jade peace talisman charms, imbuing them with protective formations too.

She gave her master and three senior brothers one jade peace charm each. She heard that wearing them would not only ward off evil spirits, even top masters on Jianghu would find it hard to approach. They quickly treasured and kept the charms on their persons.

[Jiang Yuqing] also took the time to give charms to the Empress, Prince Jingyan, and Li Deshun. She only said these were rare protective treasures passed down in their sect that could save lives in times of need, and had them wear the charms close.

These people had treated her well so of course she counted them among her own. Naturally she would not forget them when she had something good.

The days grew colder. The fu residence had also lit its kangs.

At the end of November, the capital saw the first snowfall of the winter. Correspondingly, the number of people infected with wind-chill illness also increased drastically, leaving the Hope Hospital packed every day.

[Jiang Yuqing]’s days seemed to return to the time when she was making penicillin. She was extremely busy day to day.

Busy as she was, the days arrived at late November. [Jiang Yuqing] prepared to “return to Qingzhou.”

After being away for almost a year, it would be strange not to miss home.

In this age of “communications by shouting and transportation by walking,” the once-a-month letters were especially sorely missed.

In fact, she planned to truly return home in Qingzhou around the twenty-seventh or twenty-eighth of the twelfth lunar month. With White Little Ten flying back in a day, it would be fast.

The trip from the capital to Qingzhou would optimally take over twenty days. If they met rain or snow and the roads were bad, a month was also possible.

So leaving now was just right.

Before “leaving,” [Jiang Yuqing] specially went to the palace to bid farewell to the Empress, Prince Jingyan, and Li Deshun. Naturally she received piles of rewards and gifts too.

By now, all the prefectures nation-wide had reported this year’s grain yields to the Ministry of Revenue. Lingzhou Fu’s yield was over triple the average of other prefects. It was also over fifty percent more than the most prosperous regions around Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Just Qingzhou county alone brought in more grain than an entire prefecture, delighting the Emperor so much that his whiskers nearly curled up to his eyebrows.

The ministers had absolutely no doubts. If Lord Jiang was here, His Majesty would probably hug and kiss him out of joy.

Though that mental image was rather disgusting!

But there was no denying His Majesty’s true delight.

After leaving the palace, [Jiang Yuqing] had people first send the rewards back to the estate. She went straight to Hope Hospital herself.

It so happened that Lu Yi had just carried out a young woman in blue robes with a splint on her leg from the consultation room―the same beauty who had whipped him at Baoyue Lake.

With twinkling eyes, Tuanzi’s gossipy soul burned fiercely.

Jiang Yuqing immediately ran to the changing room, grabbed her little white coat, put it on while walking, and followed them to the inpatient department in an upright manner.

Lu Yi carried the girl into the only vacant VIP ward left and Tuanzi jogged a few steps to catch up.

Just as she was about to enter the room, the door suddenly slammed shut with a "bang" right in front of her, barely touching her nose.

Jiang Yuqing looked at the closed door in disbelief, her heart pounding as she reached out and touched her little nose. Fortunately, it wasn't flattened and was still straight.

Not willing to give up, Tuanzi looked around with twinkling eyes and then turned and ran away.

If the front door doesn't work, can't I still climb through the window? Soon, she concealed her presence and went around to the remote window under the eaves where no one was around.

But with her short legs, she still couldn't reach the window. Seeing no one around, she simply let Bai Xiaoshi out to use him as a footstool.

Although Bai Xiaoshi was ashamed of her despicable peeping behavior, as a qualified spiritual tool, he still could not refuse his master's unreasonable demands and honestly acted as a meat stool.

With Bai Xiaoshi's help, Jiang Yuqing was just able to reach the window. She pried it open about three fingers wide and peeked inside. With just one glance, she couldn't bear to look away.

The people inside were still unaware that they were being peeped at and continued talking.

"Why did you help me?" asked the beauty in blue.

Lu Yi inserted the medical record card into the bedside table while replying, "It's not to help you, it's my duty as a doctor."

"You're lying!" the beauty in the blue dress was agitated, "Would you hold me like you did today for them too?"

Lu Yi looked at her as if questioning her sanity, "Of course not!"

The beauty in blue suddenly smiled, like a peach blossom blooming in early March, vibrant and eye-catching.

"I know now, you like me!" she said.

"How is that possible, are you crazy?" Lu Yi reacted as if his tail had been stepped on. He jumped up, "Impossible, absolutely impossible..." But his voice grew smaller and smaller, betraying his lack of confidence and guilt.

The beauty in the blue dress suddenly burst out laughing, her voice clear like silver bells.

She crooked her finger at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi looked at her doubtfully, "What's wrong? Does your leg hurt?" He bent down nervously, ready to check her injured leg.

Unexpectedly, the beauty in the blue dress grabbed his collar and pulled him down, immediately covering his lips with hers...

Jiang Yuqing outside the window did not expect to see such an explosive scene. She was so excited that all her blood rushed to the top of her head. Her eyes bulged like copper bells, wishing she could stick her head through the window gap for a close-up view.

Accidentally taking things too far, her head slammed heavily on the window frame with a thud...

Tuanzi only felt her vision go black for a moment, and when she came to her senses she was being held by the scruff of her neck like a little chick.

Tuanzi looked up and came face to face with a dark, handsome face.

She was done for!

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