The Junior Martial Sister Has a Spatial System

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The Military Camp of Xuancheng City, within the General's tent.

"Father, there has been a recent influx of refugees into the city, all coming from the surrounding towns and villages. I've had people investigate for a few days, and the news has just arrived today."

"What does it say?"

"On the surface, it appears to be mountain bandits."

Su Huan paused with his teacup in hand. "According to what you're saying, there's more to it?"

"Yes. According to reliable information, this group of mountain bandits is well-trained. Each time they loot and pillage, it's highly organized and carried out swiftly. They plunder and then immediately retreat. And before the civilians can recover, they launch a second wave, on and on in a cycle. The people in the surrounding towns and villages have been suffering immensely, to the point that they have no choice but to flee with their families."

Seeing no reaction from his father, Su Li continued, "Moreover, I have men who have infiltrated these refugees, and they've observed a very strange phenomenon. Initially, these refugees were not headed towards Xuancheng City, but whenever they tried to go elsewhere, they were intercepted by the mountain bandits. Only by heading in the direction of Xuancheng City could they travel smoothly. So I believe there's someone deliberately guiding them here."

"Yu, what do you think?" Su Huan asked, turning to his nephew.

Su Yu had been silently listening to his uncle and grandfather's conversation. But upon being addressed by his grandfather, he pondered for a moment before saying, "Grandfather, is the Second Prince still residing in the palace?"

Su Huan looked deeply at his grandson.

The eldest son Su Li was straightforward and skilled in military tactics, commanding great prestige in the army. However, he did not have as thorough an understanding of the situation in the Imperial Capital as this grandson.

"The Second Prince still resides in the palace due to his illness and has not established his own household."

"The Second Prince is now eighteen years old, at which age he should be able to establish his own household according to protocol. But due to his chronic illness, the Emperor has not arranged a marriage for him, so the matter of him leaving the palace to establish his own household has not been brought up. However, now that the border conflicts have concluded and the Emperor has decreed our Su family to return to the Capital... it seems someone has grown restless."

Su Huan nodded in satisfaction and set down his cup. "Ever since the enemy nation surrendered, our Su family has been repeatedly afflicted with incidents. Domain was simply touring outside the city when he encountered trouble with martial artists and was poisoned. Righteousness befell misfortune for no reason. It seems they don't want us to return to the Capital."

"Is it the Crown Prince's faction?" Su Li guessed.

"The current Emperor has few offspring, with only these two sons. And it has been thirteen years since... there have been no more princes born in the palace. Although the Second Prince is currently weak and the Emperor does not seem to pay him much attention, as long as no heir is established, they cannot rest at ease."

Everyone fell silent upon hearing this. Su Huan paused, seeming to recall something, his eyes filling with sadness. Seeing his father's state, Su Li did not know how to console him, as he was ineloquent and unable to find comforting words despite his heartache. He could only stand by his aged father's side.

Observing their reactions, Su Yu also seemed to realize something and let out a soft sigh before continuing, "Especially since the Emperor nearly disbanded the Imperial Harem for the sake of the Empress those years ago. Everyone knows how much the Emperor doted on her and pinned his hopes on her children. Although the Second Prince has faded from people's view over these years, the Empress and her faction undoubtedly still harbor resentment toward him. Especially now that our Su family is returning to the Capital, it gives the Second Prince military support."

"But our Su family has not taken sides, nor do we have any ambition to contest the succession," Su Li said, shaking his head helplessly.

"They will not believe that. They will not believe that a prince would have no desire to contend for the throne, nor will they believe that our Su family only hopes for the Second Prince to live in peace as an idle prince."

Su Huan suddenly looked ten years older.

"If we are to face such intimidation, would it not be better for us to resign our official posts and live in seclusion, so that our family can remain intact?"

"Uncle, that's impossible. Even if Grandfather resigns, even if you, my father, and I all resign to live in seclusion, they will not leave us alone. No one lets a tiger return to the mountains."

"This option is not viable, that option is not viable, then what..."

"Let us discuss this matter later. Allow me to consider it further." Su Huan waved his hand and massaged his brow. "Your third brother's surgery is tomorrow. Make the necessary arrangements. What did you think of the Divine Doctor Xuan's junior disciple who arrived today?"

"The one called Little Five? I've heard from my elder brother about the five disciples of Daoist Xuanji. The senior disciple is Ouyang Xu, the newly enthroned ruler of Northern Qi. The second disciple is Duan Tianxia, the son of the current Martial Arts Alliance Leader Duan Xiaotian. The third disciple is the Divine Doctor Xuan himself, these three being the most well-known. The other two disciples are the ones who came today, but..."

"But what?"

"But I heard from my brother that the Divine Doctor Xuan has one junior brother disciple and one junior sister disciple, and this junior sister has received the true teachings of Daoist Xuanji. Her medical and toxicological skills even surpass those of the Divine Doctor Xuan himself. As for the two who came today..."

"The one called Little Five is a girl?" Su Huan pondered. "I had the feeling that Little Five seemed familiar, as if I'd seen her before, especially those eyes..."

"Oh? I don't have any particular impression. Where did you see her before, Father?"

"Ah, I can't recall in my old age." He massaged his brow again.

Seeing this, Su Yu remembered the bottle of medicine Su Yue had given him today. "Grandfather, this is from 'Brother Little Five.' She said it nourishes the body and can be taken even by the elderly. Would you like to take one?"

"Eh? Should we not have the military physician examine it first?" Su Li was uneasy. It wasn't that he distrusted Su Yue, but one must be cautious with medicine, as even a small dose could be toxic.

"Pass it here. If the Divine Doctor Xuan says it's good, it must be safe." With that, Su Huan took the medicine and swallowed it. This medicine was truly wondrous, almost melting instantly upon entering his mouth, immediately causing the old man to feel reinvigorated throughout his body.

Su Huan's eyes lit up. "Not bad for a disciple of the old Daoist Xuanji."

Meanwhile, Su Yue returned to her own tent, not even stopping to wash up before lying down on the bed. After carefully listening for any presence nearby and confirming there was none, she flashed into her inner space.

Big White: Master, you've finally come in.

"These past few days, I've been hurrying day and night with my senior martial brother. I didn't have a chance to come in. But as soon as I arrived, I found an opportunity to see you."

Big White happily nuzzled against Su Yue.

"Let me go wash up first. These past few days have been dusty and dirty."

Su Yue soaked in one of the hot springs, nibbling on fruits from the inner space as she took a deep breath. "So relaxing. These past few days have been exhausting. I miss White Cloud Mountain."

Big White: You've only been away from the mountain for a few days, and you already miss it.

"I just like being on the mountain. What's so great about being down here, with all this mess?"

Big White: But weren't you coming down to find your relatives?

"I did, I saw my paternal grandfather today. He's a formidable general, strict in his command of the army, with a commanding presence."

Big White: Did you reveal your identity to him?

"Not yet," Su Yue said, frustratedly ruffling her hair. "There are many issues. My elder cousin was poisoned, my third paternal uncle was seriously injured, and it seems there's a faction targeting them with ill intent. It's all very complicated."

Big White: When do you plan to reveal yourself to them?

"I'll wait until after my third uncle's surgery. Ah, I don't know if I'll end up shocking them."

Big White: It'll be fine. They'll only be overjoyed. You're so talented and capable.

"I think so too. But if they find out my mother passed away thirteen years ago, they'll be heartbroken. Mother said she was their family's most cherished youngest daughter."

Big White: With you there, perhaps they'll be less sorrowful.

"Ah, let's talk about it after my uncle's surgery. There's still a lot going on. After this is settled, I'll need to go to the Capital City as well."

Big White: Why do you need to go to the Capital City?

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