The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 191 - The Time Limit of Seven Days

Chapter 191 The Time Limit of Seven Days

July 1st.

The undercurrents that had been surging and brewing for days finally broke out in East Island.

In the heavy rain and wind, the main trend had struck East Island.

In the morning on July 1st, Huating.

The Prime Minister of Zhongzhou State Chen Fangqing officially convened the G-9 Summit, which brought pressure on East Island and made East Island’s currency appreciate.

The heads of Zhongzhou State, Star State, Jia State, Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain, Gaul, Snow State, Yi State, and Gaoshan State all came to Huating to join the meeting.

Almost at the same time, a large number of financiers brought an unimaginable amount of money and rushed into East Island’s foreign exchange and futures market in order to make East Island’s currency appreciate, coordinating with the political method of the G-9 Summit.

So many illustrious big names appeared in the sudden currency war, making it glow and dazzle.





The Wang family of Beihai.

The Flourishing Age Fund.

In just one day, a large amount of capital had crashed the financial order of East Island. East Island, which was so frustrated with the war, finally realized something. The crazy appreciation of the currency was destroying East Island’s economy, which just got out of a recession. So without any summoning, all the financial groups in East Island united together and fought the financial war in order to protect East Island’s currency. The whole foreign exchange market suddenly became a smokey battlefield, where both parties got into a messy fight.

This could be considered the first planned currency war in recent years, and artificial traces were everywhere. Because of the time shortage, a lot of the setups seemed elementary, but every flow of funds contributed to the unstoppable general trend.

East Island tried their best to fight it, at all cost.

But the international funds that got into the foreign exchange market of East Island became more and more. The situation went up and down for less than a week. Then the so-called balance was destroyed.

The currency of East Island surged up rapidly and even rampantly.

In nearly a week of a sleepless battle, the curve in which every wave meant that a large amount of money was put in started to rise sharply.

For every financial tycoon that took part in this currency war, this was literally a feast.

But for East Island, this was the end of the world.

East Island’s national treasury, which had a large number of foreign currencies from Zhongzhou State and Star State, was completely wiped clean. The whole economic system of East Island was about to collapse utterly.

The prices of everything in East Island rose up at a shocking rate. Many export businesses were postponed. The currency war was like a big dark cloud, raining on all walks of life in East Island.

Voices of discontent were heard everywhere.

In a short week, East Island’s currency appreciated by 1.25 times. For East Island, this was completely an unstoppable disaster. The most violent battle had ended, but there were still a large number of funds flowing into East Island. Even the most famous economists in East Island claimed with despair that, the appreciation of East Island’s currency still hadn’t hit the limit. They predicted that East island’s currency would settle down when it rose up by two times, and the final peak value would be around 2.5 times.

East Island’s currency rose up by 2.5 times, which meant that billions of money and more was taken from people all around the world, and East Island’s economy would fall back for at least twenty years!

In this disaster, the chaos broke out in an unstoppable tendency.

In half a month, countless companies in East Island declared bankruptcy. Every day, there would be people losing their jobs and people gathering in official agencies. The crime rate rose up rapidly. All the financial groups were pressuring the government while saving the country with their money and power. Many officials fell from power for all sorts of reasons, and many civilians lost everything in a night...

The chaos was like a storm, swallowing all walks of life. The situation was getting more and more serious and uncontrollable. A few months ago, East Island was in peace, now all of a sudden, it was at the verge of losing all control.

Everyone was thrown into a panic.

As the leader of the East Island Special Warfare System, Shinichi Miyamoto felt extremely stressed out.

The chaos in the Special Warfare System, the currency order falling apart, all the things happened one after another, and they were all connected. East Island didn’t have any future anymore. As the only expert of the Invincible Realm in East Island right now, Shinichi Miyamoto was facing great stress nearly every second.

All the financial groups, the Cabinet, the royals, the press...

It was said that some officials were about to blame the Divine Wind Force and asked them to explain their weak character and incompetence.

Everybody knew that everything began with the battle in the Dark World. It was extremely important for Zhongzhou State to get control of East Island’s Special Warfare System this time. As for the G-9 Summit in Huating, other countries’ heads wouldn’t necessarily listen to Zhongzhou State. But this was a major operation which was very profitable, so they didn’t mind giving it a push, but only in the economic area. The killing in the Dark World was unavoidable. There were cooperation and fights among the many power groups. Now they all gathered in Changdao right now. The Dark World was completely connected to the economy, making a very complicated situation.

It was a deadlock, also a dilemma.

How to break out of it became the first priority of Shinichi Miyamoto.

Fuyo Peak was covered with snow.

The flying snow swallowed the headquarter of Divine Wind Force. On the top and bottom of the mountain, a few snow pillars rose up like tornados, looking towering and spectacular.

Shinichi Miyamoto stood still on the highest peak of the Divine Wind Force’s headquarter, like a statue.

The flying snow circled around his body and brought a cold, dead vibe. The only expert of the Invincible Realm in East Island gathered his entire willpower and tried his best to feel everything around him.

In his perception, the occasionally sensible danger was still there between heaven and earth, and it was getting stronger and more well-hidden.

He couldn’t track down this person. There was only mild yet sharp killing intent rushing toward him through the snow from every direction, sharp like knives.

Shinichi Miyamoto subconsciously frowned.

The snow covering his body fell off bit by bit. He took a deep breath, and there was a bit of gloominess and anger in his deep pupils.

In the past half a month, he had answered countless phone calls.

Some of them were from the Prime Minister’s Office, some of them were from the royals, and some of them were from the financial groups.

In the phone calls, everyone had different tones, some were calm, some were tough, and some were respectful, but they all wanted to say the same thing, that they wanted him to come to Changdao from the mountain as soon as possible.

The current currency war was the follow-up of the conflict in the Dark World. All the dark power groups got into Changdao at the same time, which, to some extent, was a kind of proclamation of power. And the currency war right now was the dark power groups’ way of forcing Changdao to give in.

For decades, this was the crisis that East Island had never met before. This battle was more violent than all the people in East Island could expect. Shinichi Miyamoto didn’t even dare to imagine what would happen if East Island lost this battle. Judging from the current situation, losing in the currency war seemed to be a matter of time for them. At least the possibility of winning had become really slim. Now how to win the battle of Changdao became the crucial key.

Shinichi Miyamoto desperately wanted to leave the mountain.

But the occasionally sensible danger around him was getting on his nerves all the time. This person had fantastic hiding skills. He knew that there was an enemy that was powerful enough to kill him hiding around here, but he couldn’t track him down no matter how hard he tried.

This person trapped him in Fuyo Peak.

Shinichi Miyamoto wasn’t afraid to die, but he was aware that he couldn’t die. Once he was dead or seriously injured, the manageable situation right now could fall apart at any time. If that happened, everything would be beyond redemption.

The wind and snow were getting harsher.

The air seemed to be colder.

Carrying so much stress and depression in his heart, Shinichi Miyamoto took a step and was about to walk off the hill. Suddenly, he saw something black with the corner of his eyes.

Shinichi Miyamoto subconsciously turned around.

Looking down the hill through the whistling wind and snow, at the farthest place he could see, a black car was slowly climbing up the mountain on the mountain road, and it had gotten close to the headquarter of Divine Wind Force.

That was a black car which was rarely seen on the market. It was slim and long, indescribably roomy and heavy. It traveled on the mountain road quietly. It kept going up, looking elegant and steady.

Shinichi Miyamoto twitched the corner of his mouth. He wanted to smile, but the look in his eyes seemed bitter.

That was...

That was a car from the royals.

He sped up his pace and walked off the mountain as fast as he could.

The black car went up.

Shinichi Miyamoto went down.

Both of them almost arrived at the gate of Divine Wind Force’s headquarter at the same time.

In the flying snow, Shinichi Miyamoto leaned on one side with a calm face and made a welcoming gesture.

But the car that was about to enter the gate stopped near him.

The car door opened, and a man that looked like in his thirties got off the car. Looking at Shinichi Miyamoto in front of him, he said softly with a smile, “Mr. Miyamoto, long time no see.”

The man was slightly short, about 1.7 cm or so, and he had a nice smile. He wouldn’t be considered handsome, but he had a really soft outline. He stood in the snow with a warm smile on his face, making people feel familiar like being kissed by the spring breeze.

Shinichi Miyamoto felt cautious inside, but he still looked calm on the outside. He slightly bowed and said in a soft tone, “Your Highness the Crown Prince, this way, please.”

It was the Crown Prince of East Island, Rende.

The only heir of the East Island royals, the future Mikado of East Island!

Shinichi Miyamoto still kept his calm, cold face, but inside, he was sighing.

When all walks of life in East Island were about to fall apart, it was expected that the royals would send people to pressure Shinichi Miyamoto. But the appearance of Crown Prince Rende was out of what he expected. And it showed how discontent the royals felt about him.

“No need for that.”

Crown Prince Rende was still smiling. In the flying snow, he seemed to be wearing a mask that was about to fall off. His smile faded away slowly and his eyes got cold. “I don’t have much time. Today, I’m here to bring a question for you from my father, what does Mr. Miyamoto think of the current situation of East Island?”

Shinichi Miyamoto frowned. He didn’t want to give any comment, but it seemed like he had to. “Your Highness the Crown Prince, now the situation is messy. I need some time...”

“Of course.”

Crown Prince Rende said with a smile before Shinichi Miyamoto could finish his sentence, “You can have your time. East Island can give you time, but who’s gonna give time to East Island? I guess Mr. Miyamoto must be aware of how many power groups are gathering in Changdao right now.”

Shinichi Miyamoto put on a cold face and didn’t say a word, as if he hadn’t heard Crown Prince Rende’s mocking at all.

“Fantasy World, Samsara, Dark Knights, Knights Templar, the Wang family of Beihai, the Jiang family from South America, the Polar Ground Alliance, the Heroes’ Club...”

Crown Prince Rende’s voice sounded harsher and harsher. “Almost all the superpowers in the Dark World gather in Changdao now. And some experts with unknown identities are also on the move. They are either free mercenary soldiers or experts that can represent their countries to a certain extent. Mr. Miyamoto, in this situation, do you still need time? Is one year enough? Ten years? or a lifetime?!”

Shinichi Miyamoto took a cold look at Crown Prince Rende and said in a creepy tone, “Your Highness the Crown Prince, please watch your tone. This isn’t the way that you should treat a superior of the Invincible Realm. I know the things you know, too. Right now, there are eight superpowers that had taken a stand in Changdao, but I don’t think they would stick together, in fact...”

“In fact, Knights Templar is on our side, and we can fight for support from the Jiang family in South America. In fact, Fantasy World had fought with the Polar Ground Alliance before in Changdao. In fact, Dark Knights ambushed and killed a whole team of twenty people of the Heroes’ Club.”

Crown Prince Rende sneered and said, “So what? The superpowers can be enemies with one another. But now they have a common enemy, East Island. Do you really think that Knights Templar will try their best to help us? They just want what’s best for them. I’m sure that once the general trend turns against us, Knights Templar will be the first one to betray us.

“No matter who is supporting who or who is fighting who among these superpowers, what they want the most right now, is East Island’s interests.

“Mr. Miyamoto, I can tell you some truths. Right now, a lot of people had contacted our three financial groups. As for Xitian Financial Group, hum, this currency war gave them the best chance. At the moment, Xitian Financial Group has transferred half of their property overseas, of course, in the name of being purchased. In addition, a minor financial group started contacting all the superpowers frequently. In the past half a month, about 800,000 people in East Island had lost their jobs, and nine countries declared sanction on our economy and trade. These all happened in half of a month. What’s gonna happen in a month? In half a year? By that time, who do you think will rule East Island?!”

Shinichi Miyamoto’s face finally changed.

He knew some of the news Crown Prince Rende told him, but he really had no clue about the others. At least, he didn’t know the intelligence about the financial groups, which wasn’t supposed to happen.

“Right now, many of our financial groups and families are still hanging on, but your incompetence is making them lose faith in Divine Wind Force. Mr. Miyamoto, let’s take a guess, what’s gonna happen when they lose faith in East Island?”

Shinichi Miyamoto’s face looked paler and paler, but if Crown Prince Rende’s assumption became real, the thought of the consequences of it made him shiver. He didn’t care about Crown Prince Rende’s tone anymore. The intelligence of Divine Wind Force went wrong. He could never expect that in such a short time, the undercurrents in East Island were in flood under this storm that swallowed the whole East Island.

“You know, Mr. Miyamoto, the royals have always been very respectful to you. But your silence recently had disappointed the royals a lot. Many people in the royals think that it was a mistake to put you and Liuhuo Palace in charge of Divine Wind Force.”

Crown Prince Rende said blandly.

Shinichi Miyamoto snorted with a gloomy face, tried to press down the anger inside him, and said slowly, “Okay, Your Highness the Crown Prince, I suppose you didn’t come here just to tell me you’re disappointed at me? What’s the command of His Majesty the Mikado?”

“He doesn’t have any command for you.”

Crown Prince Rende shook his head and said coldly, “He just wanted to tell you that this situation has to end as soon as possible. If Divine Wind Force isn’t capable of doing this, the royals and the Cabinet will consider compromising.”

Shinichi Miyamoto’s face changed rapidly. Looking at Crown Prince Rende, he raised his voice and yelled. “Compromising?!”

“That’s the only way.”

Crown Prince Rende said coldly.

Shinichi Miyamoto was speechless suddenly. Of course, he knew what compromise meant.

All the superpowers got into Changdao for the discursive power over the Special Warfare System of East Island and great interests under this dark power.

If the royals compromised, the Special Warfare System of East Island would be handed over to the enemy on a silver platter.

From then on, East Island would become a Dark World without Special Warfare System, a battlefield for all the fights in the Dark World.

If that happened, it could increase the conflicts among the dark superpowers. But it was easy to invite them and hard to get rid of them. Once East Island lost its Special Warfare System, it would be impossible to rebuild itself under the eyes of all the dark superpowers. Even if they could rebuild East Island, it would be years after. And in that period of time, East Island would have zero combat capability without the special warfare power, unless there was a full-scale war.


If they compromised, Shinichi Miyamoto himself would be a bargaining chip for the compromise.

A superior of the Invincible Realm was important, but in front of the general trend, any superior of the Invincible Realm was like a nonentity.

“We can’t compromise!”

Shinichi Miyamoto gritted his teeth and said coldly.

“There will be terrible consequences if we compromise.”

Crown Prince Rende said peacefully, “But there will be worse consequences if we don’t. The Special Warfare System will be dead, the economy of East Island will completely fall apart, all the financial groups will turn their back on East Island, and the funds overseas will have full control of East Island. Judging from now, we can’t take this result, can we? We might as well negotiate with them and give them what they want. Then we will have a chance to save something for ourselves.”

Shinichi Miyamoto took a deep breath and said in a cold tone, “Even if you decided to compromise, who are you compromising to? The G-9 Summit... surely it didn’t mean that...”

Crown Prince Rende took a glance at Shinichi Miyamoto, then said casually, “Zhongzhou State, of course.”

Shinichi Miyamoto stayed quiet, for he figured out the royals’ plan gradually. Right now, many elites and superiors, and two superiors of the Invincible Realm from East Island were trapped in Zhongzhou State. If the royals decided to compromise themselves, those people would naturally be the bargaining chips.

After East Island gave in, Zhongzhou State would take over its Special Warfare System. Its economy would be wrecked, but it would still be able to stand on its feet. Most importantly, if East Island gave them up, the superiors that were trapped in Zhongzhou State could come back. By then they would sacrifice Liuhuo Palace, but Jifeng Sword-reining School and Wuji Palace would still be there, which meant there would still be hope that East Island could take back the Special Warfare System one day. It could take decades to do this, but East Island still got hope.

And these few decades were good for Zhongzhou State to expand in the Dark World and to keep their position of the master of the world. Kunlun City was the most important part.

If Zhongzhou State were to take over East Island’s Special Warfare System, Kunlun City would be the main character in this. And East Island still had a chance to negotiate with Gu Xingyun.

Before Li Kuangtu, the ultimate superior of the Invincible Realm in Zhongzhou State, “betrayed” his country, Gu Xingyun had a negotiation with East Island. After that battle, they kept more than ten years of peace between them.

Till that moment, Shinichi Miyamoto suddenly realized that if East Island kept on fighting, it would be a burning hell ahead of them.

And if they retreated, there would be more options on their way back.

Of course, it would be best if they won, but if they couldn’t, compromising themselves became the best option in this horrible situation.

And the price they needed to pay would be specific individuals, which included Shinichi Miyamoto’s own life and Liuhuo Palace.

Shinichi Miyamoto’s heart kept sinking. The cold snow on Fuyo Peak seemed to swallow him whole. It was bone-piercing cold, but his eyes looked determined.

“Seven days!”

After a brief silence, Shinichi Miyamoto finally spoke again. His body stood up straight in the snow. The extremely sharp killing intent instantly spread out, and the snow between heaven and earth began to gather toward his body.

Shinichi Miyamoto stood there, like a pillar between heaven and earth, looking down at the world with coldness.

“Please tell His Majesty the Mikado, in seven days, I will fix everything in Changdao.”

He stopped for a second and continued. “East Island, never give in!”

In front of his powerful momentum, Crown Prince Rende, who was so aggressive just now, seemed low-spirited.

He took a deep look at Shinichi Miyamoto, nodded, and said, “Seven days? I’ll tell my father. In addition, I’ll go to Changdao with Mr. Miyamoto.”

“Your Highness the Crown Prince is gonna join the battle?”

Shinichi Miyamoto still sounded cold and distant.

“Of course.”

Crown Prince Rende said calmly, “If we have a chance to fight, nobody wants to give in. This battle is related to the fate of East Island and the fate of us.”

He took a deep bow at Shinichi Miyamoto and said respectfully, “Mr. Miyamoto, Please give me convenience in the future.”

“We’ll give each other convenience.”

Crown Prince Rende nodded, then turned around, got on the car and left.

Shinichi Miyamoto was still standing there in the flying snow. Only when the black car left his sight did he turn around. Then he said blandly, “Come out here, I’ve made a decision.”

In the flying snow, his eyes were like two bright balls of raging fire, and he was ready to fight against all odds. “I’ll cooperate with you!”

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