The Last Adventurer

Chapter 124

Chapter 124 – . Android (3)


In most adventuring parties, the firepower is provided by a wizard.

So, in a situation where magicians are not active, most adventurers make the same decision.

“The wizard doesn’t work, so we have to run away.”

Giving up the hunt.

However, such a decision could not be made in all situations.

The same was true when dealing with robot monsters, aka androids.

There were times when I had to fight them even though I didn’t like it and wanted to run away.

El Palm, that was the case he faced.

A time of chaos when the Mystic Gate opens and monsters burst out.

“The android army is coming. We need a day to evacuate all the survivors here.”

When the survivors were faced with hundreds of thousands of android monsters rushing in and had to buy time to escape.

At that time, the wizard adventurers among the survivors had to devise a way to deal with the androids.

“Lightning attribute wizards remain.”

And the method that came out was lightning attribute magic.

Of course, that didn’t work out properly.

“Because if you use lightning attribute magic, you can stop it for a while.”

The characteristic that androids cannot move due to a problem with their circuits when exposed to strong electricity is that the only wizard who can overcome this characteristic is a lightning attribute wizard.

“El Palm.”

Of course, El Palm also remained.

No, there wasn’t much left.

“Please take care of the front line.”

He was given the worst battlefield.

There was no choice.

“Because you’re the only wizard who can withstand D. Roy’s poison smoke.”

El Palm, who has the talent of an All Master and can use poison attribute magic, is the only one who can use magic on that terrible D. Roy poison.

That’s why El Palm knew more about the monster D. Roy than anyone else in Maple World.

How powerful that guy is.

How vicious is that bastard’s poison.

And that even lightning attribute magic, that is, 5th circle level lightning attribute magic, doesn’t work on him.

It was literal.

Even when hit by a fairly powerful lightning spell, D. Roy’s circuits did not waver at all.

The bastard didn’t stop.

“Step back.”


“Because I have to use Zeus’ lightning spear.”

You can hunt that guy.


Debo thought about El Palm’s words.

“Are you willing to sacrifice yourself now?”

El Palm is bluffing now.

It wasn’t just Divo who thought that way.

“Don’t try to do it alone.”

“Hey, even if we say we don’t know, you’re talking nonsense. Okay? Do you think we’ll listen to that and say, “Okay, we understand?”

“Boss, you can’t die. It’s hard to find someone who makes more money than you.”

Everyone else thought the same thing as Devo.

El Palm, he thought he would sacrifice himself to save the rest.

It was a valid thought.

First of all, it is quite predictable that most lightning attribute magic will not work against D. Roy.

Also, the android spewed out a very strong poisonous smoke, so it wasn’t easy for Divo or Kiri to buy time.

In that situation, the only thing that could buy some time was El Palm.

Since he used poison attribute magic, his resistance to poison itself was on a different level from others, and he had the ability to stop D. Roy for a while by using lightning attribute magic.

Crucially, El Palm said:

“You said it was useless?”

Zeus’ lightning spear magic is so ineffective that it can be considered as nothing more than a power.

But now you’re going to use that magic as a trump card?

If you believe this, it’s strange.

“Boss, even if we die, we will die together.”

El Palm did not really refute the words of Divo and his colleagues.

I didn’t even try to convince them.

I thought like that, but I knew that no matter what I said here, it wouldn’t work.

And there was no time for that.


There was a sound.


D. Roy, the guy who owns this 4th floor, I can hear him moving.

At that sound, everyone, including El Palm, held their breath.

Because I noticed it the moment I heard it.

“He’s coming for us.”

That they’ve already been caught.

And now that we’ve been caught, there’s only one answer left.

“Prepare for battle!”

Just fighting.

“It’s poisonous, so keep your distance… … .”

So, everyone, including Devo, racked their brains to come up with the best plan for the worst situation.

There was one exception.

El Palm, he started casting his spell.

To be exact, El Palm was already preparing for casting.

‘It’s moving as expected.’

In D. Roy’s case, I knew that he periodically searched the areas where the corpses of the adventurers he hunted were located.

If you wait, he’ll come here.

So it didn’t take long.

The moment the guy appeared, El Palm finished casting, and there was not a moment of hesitation when he finished.


El Palm, he summoned the lightning spear of Zeus.




El Palm, the moment he shouted out the name of the church, everyone’s eyes naturally turned to El Palm.

And soon they could see.



‘Did you hold it in your hand?’

El Palm, the sight of him holding a lightning bolt in his hand, a spear made of lightning, about two meters long.


It was an amazing sight.

The lightning attribute magic they had seen up until now was all things that were emitted the moment they were cast, things that moved in the blink of an eye.

Phage crackle!

I can confidently say that I have never seen anything with such a distinct form that can be appreciated with the naked eye.

That’s why.

‘This is not ordinary.’

The moment they saw it, everyone could intuitively tell that the magic El Palm used was not as insignificant as he had said.

And that intuition soon became reality before my eyes.

“be careful.”

El Palm, after leaving those short words, threw Zeus’ lightning spear at the approaching D. Roy.


The moment he threw it, the lightning bolt struck D. Roy.


And the moment it touched, a thunderous sound, a tremendous sound that shook the world, rang out.


It was so beyond the level of deafening that groans came out of the mouths of El Palm Party, who had been through a lot.

But even in such pain, no one could take their eyes off it.

There was no way to separate them.

‘oh my god.’

El Palm, because D. Roy was stopped in his tracks after being hit by Zeus’ lightning spear that he threw.

‘Stop, stop?’


And soon, explosions began to occur within D. Roy’s body.

It was evidence.


Evidence that the circuit is burned out, not that the circuit is stopped.

So, this is proof that that scary monster was finished off with one attack from El Palm.

‘Is this possible?’

Everyone was left speechless in front of the unbelievable evidence they were seeing.

It was none other than El Palm that brought them to their senses.


There was a sound, and the moment the sound was heard, everyone turned their heads and soon they could see.

“Look, boss!”

El Palm, he’s lying on the floor.

Everyone was surprised by the sight, but they responded quickly.

First of all, no one dared touch El Palm.

It was basic.

If you touch someone who has fallen, it could cause a bigger problem.

At this moment, there is only one person who can touch you.


Ralph, he touched El Palm’s wrist right away and could feel it.

“My heart is beating.”

After confirming this, Ralph watched El Palm’s condition a little more.

I didn’t use heal magic.

In the first place, heal magic was a magic that healed physical wounds, so it wasn’t very useful in situations like this.

Ralph, who had been observing El Palm’s condition like that, soon came to a conclusion.

“It’s a magical shock phenomenon.”

“Magic Shock? That?”

“That’s what I think. That shock phenomenon that occurs when all of your magic power is consumed.”

El Palm, why did he fall?

“What’s the status?”

And that was pretty serious.

The phenomenon of magic shock was something that wizards often experienced, and many of those who experienced it ended in death.

Even if you don’t die, there are cases where you suffer fatal injuries while living as a wizard.

For a human, it would be like their heart stopping for a moment.

“It’s serious, but I don’t think he’ll die.”

Fortunately, El Palm’s condition was not that bad.

But as I said before, the aftereffects are something to be concerned about.

Above all, everyone knew.

“But I won’t be able to get up for a while.”

“I guess so.”

It was quite a while before El Palm woke up.

“It’s normal to be unconscious for a few days due to the shock of magic.”

Pain is something that you usually have to experience often to get used to it.

“That too, there’s no way anyone would be accustomed to magical shock… … .”

Unless you have experienced your heart stop, recovering from this pain right away is impossible.

It definitely was.


“Hey, boss?”

But El Palm woke up incredibly quickly.

“… … How many minutes was I unconscious for?”

“That’s it… I think it’s about 2 minutes.”

There was nothing strange.

“It’s been a while, so it feels long.”

El Palm, before returning to the past, he experienced countless magical shocks.

I didn’t want to.

However, I have been exposed to countless situations where I could die, where I cannot even consider things like magic shock.

Anyway, thanks to that, El Palm was more accustomed to the pain of magic shock than anyone else, and because he was accustomed to it, he was able to quickly come to his senses.

Of course, I could only come to my senses.

“Don’t overdo it. I’m in terrible shape right now.”

The physical damage caused by the magic shock could not be immediately treated.

“You won’t be able to walk for a day.”

It’s something that requires recuperation for a few days, not right away.

That’s why.

“That’s why.”


“That’s why I said it was useless. Zeus’ lightning spear drains all of the caster’s magical power.”

El Palm, it was because of this problem that he informed his colleagues of Zeus’ lightning spear as an extra power.

Because the magic that made El Palm into a being other than power the moment it was used was practically useless.

‘No, that’s true.’

His colleagues understood El Palm’s words in their own way.

‘Isn’t this crazy powerful?’

But the power that El Palm had just demonstrated was worth the risk, in their view.

‘Defeat a boss monster in one shot?’

Because it was truly transcendent damage.

Of course, it was different from El Palm’s standards.

He knew.

‘If you use it, you might die. That’s not a trump card, it’s just a last resort.’

Right now, I’m just lucky that my comrades are alive and I survived, but if not, then in the end, this would just be a magic that self-destructs along with the enemy.

‘I can’t die yet.’

And El Palm had no intention of playing his final card now.

In other words, this situation was that bad.

So much so that El Palm had to take out Zeus’ lightning spear, which he had considered a power beyond his reach.

Moreover, El Palm knew.

“Prepare to run away.”


“It’s not over yet. We have to find the relics here.”

That they still have work to do.


Moreover, in the process, El Palm could no longer exert any ability.

A situation where, far from being useful, it has now become a burden.

But none of my colleagues were upset about the situation.

“Of course, just trust me. I’ll carry the boss on my back.”

“Now this will be of some help.”

“Can I carry you? If not now, then when will we repay our debt of gratitude to our leader?”

D. Roy, in a situation where you catch a boss monster, what you should be doing is smiling, not crying.

So the El Palm party began to flee for survival, taking El Palm with them.

“Run away as fast as you can until I move.”

And the third day.

“Now we begin the search for the remains.”

El Palm, he started to move.

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