The Last Adventurer

Chapter 137

Chapter 137 – Orbis Tower (2)


Stone ball.

This monster, which only appears in the Orbis Tower, has an entire body made of extremely hard stone.

This means that it is by no means easy to destroy with just a simple attack.

That’s why I had to wait for an opportunity.

The moment when Stone Ball is about to use magic attack, when there is an opening.

The easiest way to catch the stone ball was to aim for that moment and attack through that gap.

Of course, it wasn’t an easy thing to do.

Basically, the stone ball wasn’t big. It was about the size of a person’s head, but it was very quick and nimble for that kind of thing.

It wasn’t light or anything. It was a boulder, as the expression suggests, and the stone ball that rolled quickly was like a weapon in itself.

Crucially, stone balls usually moved in groups of several dozen.

You’re looking for an opening while dealing with a group of stone balls like that?

If that’s possible, then you’re a true genius.


“Oh my god!”

That is why it was no exaggeration to say that Debo was a genius.


While facing dozens, if not hundreds, of stone balls, Divo accurately targeted the gaps and easily caught them.

It was a wonderful sight.

“That’s amazing!”

“Did he eat something wrong?”

Even Kiri and Miner were surprised by the sight.

Of course, El Palm wasn’t surprised.

‘As expected.’

No one knows better than Devo how great his talent is.

“I, I, I feel strong!”

But the moment I heard those words, it was different.

“Do you feel a surge of strength?”

“no way?”

Because everyone knew what that meant.

“Circle! The circle has grown!”

Devo, the number of rings on his left arm has increased by one.

That he had crossed the 5th circle wall.

It was amazing.

Even if you are a genius, the number of adventurers who have surpassed the 5th circle is truly limited.

Moreover, it took less than 3 years for Devo to reach the 5th circle.

It was a growth rate that was unparalleled in the history of Maple World.

So, it was a situation where I should normally have been shocked.

“That’s amazing!”


However, the feelings of his colleagues looking at Devo now were different.

I was surprised.

“The real leader was right?”

But what surprised them was not the opening of Divo’s 5th circle, but El Palm’s words.

“Orbis Tower was the key to unlocking the 5th Circle!”

It’s true that he broke through the 5th circle wall by climbing the Orbis Tower, just like he said.

“See! What did I tell you? I told you that the boss wouldn’t joke around!”

“Divo, let’s get this straight.”

“What should I do right now?”

“Yeah, you should get straight to the point. You bet your money on the boss joking around, right?”

“Hey, that was a joke!”

“The look in Divo’s eyes as he bet 1 million mesos was no joke. I guarantee it. I know better than anyone whether or not he is serious about betting money.”

Naturally, everyone was skeptical about that fact.

“What about you guys? The boss joked around and bet 1 million mesos, so the bet didn’t work out?”

“Speak clearly.”

Devo, of course, and everyone else.

“I bet 100 million mesos, not 1 million mesos!”

It was unheard of and unbelievable that one could overcome the 5th circle barrier simply by climbing the Orbis Tower.

I just trusted El Palm.

But not anymore.

“Boss, you are truly amazing!”

Now everyone believed El Palm’s words.

Of course, El Palm never once said with his own mouth that climbing Orbis Tower was the way to get over the 5-circle wall.

All I said was that in order to get over the 5th circle wall, you had to climb the Orbis Tower.

So, from El Palm’s perspective, the current situation, where Devo is breaking through the 5-circle wall, was unexpected.

Actually, I didn’t think it was impossible at all.

‘Was it the change in your mindset that helped you overcome the wall?’

First of all, the situation itself was different from usual.

Breaking through the 5 circle walls, Divo took to the battle more actively than ever before.

Didn’t spare his body.

Above all, Divo was Aran’s disciple and was evaluated as having talents comparable to Aran’s.

El Palm knew that fact better than anyone.

‘I knew he was talented, but I didn’t know it was to this extent.’

That means that Devo’s talent exceeded El Palm’s expectations.

‘Maybe I can surpass Aran.’

In any case, El Palm had no reason to refuse.

‘Anyway, only two people can get over the wall with Elijah’s horn, so it wouldn’t be bad if Devo got over it first.’

In many ways, it’s a happy thing that there are fewer people to share this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with.

Plus El Palm didn’t tell the truth.

‘What is certain is that my colleagues have awakened now.’

There’s no reason to waste your energy telling the truth when misunderstanding what you’re saying might actually help you overcome the wall.


That’s why El Palm said.

“I believed.”

At those words, everyone’s expressions, including Devo’s, changed.


‘The answer was here!’

If El Palm says this, it seems that there is an unknown secret in the Orbis Tower.

“Hey, Devo! Get out of here now!”

“That’s right. Give us the Stone Ball!”

“Just watch from behind.”

That’s why El Palm’s colleagues are more proactive.

El Palm smiled at that sight.

‘Experience will eventually become blood.’

The tough days may help you someday.

In other words, El Palm knew.

‘No one will be able to cross the 5-circle wall.’

Devo was just lucky, there’s no way anyone will ever break the 5-circle barrier again.

That prediction turned out to be correct.

It’s been 20 days since I entered Orbis Tower.

After Devo, no one has crossed the 5-circle wall.

“Boss, let’s go up to the next floor now.”



In the meantime, El Palm was reached.

“There is a place to go from here.”

“Here? Is there only one upstairs or one downstairs?”

Instead of answering that question, El Palm knocked on a spot on the wall.

That was the moment.


El Palm’s arm went straight through the wall.

While everyone tilted their heads at the incomprehensible sight, El Palm headed over the wall.

And then everyone followed El Palm, and then everyone could see.

“here is?”

“It’s a secret space.”

A secret space that exists in the Orbis Tower.

“There was a place like this?”

Everyone was surprised by that fact.

“No, but more importantly, why did you come here?”

And when El Palm pointed with his finger to the question that followed, everyone could see it.

“Mystic Gate?”

One of the Mystic Gates located there.

Only then did everyone realize.

That’s why El Palm came here.

“I received a request.”

El Palm didn’t give any detailed explanation there.

The fact that Elijah exists within this Mystic Gate.

What value does that Elijah have?

My colleagues didn’t really raise any further questions either.

They were adventurers, and when a leader tells them to go on an adventure, it is the adventurer’s duty to follow him.

“Okay. There’s nothing wrong with doing both.”

That kind of colleague’s appearance was also what El Palm had expected.

‘It’s going smoothly.’

It means that everything is going smoothly according to plan.

‘Everything went as expected… … .’

But El Palm’s expectations were dashed.

“for a moment.”

Kiri, she suddenly called everyone with a stern expression.

“What? Is there a problem?”

“that is.”

Everyone was surprised by her behavior, which made it difficult for her to even bring up something unless it was something serious. Kiri took off the gauntlet on her left hand with a more stern expression and spoke.

“I feel like I’ve overcome the 5th circle wall.”



When expressing the city that exists in the sky, the place that cannot be left out is the Cloud Park.

It was a park that existed above the clouds.

To be exact, it was a place where clouds hovered like fog over a vast area in the sky.

Of course, that alone was great.

Because it was a spectacular sight that was breathtaking just to look at.

“Long ago, the goddess made the Cloud Park her garden.”

It is so understandable why the goddess made it her garden.

“But it’s hell for adventurers.”

But it was different for adventurers.

“Because going on an adventure in the clouds is no different than going on an adventure with your eyes closed.”

Stages like Cloud Park were in some ways more difficult than deserts or snowy mountains.

“Beyond the Mystic Gate, such cloud park-like places often appear.”

The trouble was that such a cloud park now existed beyond the Mystic Gate.

That was the only silver lining.

“Only for green grade or higher.”

The Cloud Park field has never appeared in a Mystic Gate below green level.

In other words, adventurers who ventured through the Mystic Gate of green rank or higher were different.

I often encountered a stage whose view was obscured by clouds.

And whenever we faced each other, he would scream.

There were no exceptions.

“Eww, wow, wow!”

El Palm Party, until they hit the stage.

So the El Palm Party was an exception.

They didn’t scream a bit in this cloud park, on this stage filled with clouds.

“Come on dogs!”


Even the monster they encountered was a Junior Sallion.

It was a Sallion’s offspring, a monster that was about the size of a large dog and similar to a dog, but unlike a dog, it did not have a protruding snout and instead had horns.

It was quite a troublesome monster.

Because it was as agile, agile, and ferocious as a dog.

Also, I lived in groups.

But that was the most troublesome of them all.

The tip of the white hair was red like a blazing flame, and the tip of the hair was actually very hot like fire.

It means that if you touch the tip of the hair, you will get burned.

Even if it didn’t brush against the armor, it often got hot or damaged.

Several of them stick to you? It wasn’t strange for a monster to die from the heat, even if it didn’t bite.

It was hell to hunt such a terrifying monster without being able to see it properly because of the thick clouds.

But El Palm Party was not intimidated at all by the Junior Sallion.

“Sallion here, what a jackpot!”

“That’s right. Their horns are salty!”

Rather, he smiled more relaxedly than ever.

It was worth it.

“Come on. I will show you the greatness of this 5th Circle Adventurer, Divo!”

Divo and Kiri, those two have crossed the 5th circle wall.

First of all, the addition of two 5th circle adventurers was a huge deal.

Moreover, those two were adventurers who showed skills that surpassed those of the 5th circle even when they were in the 4th circle.

The last adventurer, El Palm, was like a famous sword that he had polished and pounded without rest.

The items he had were also different.

Actually, this was the biggest one.

“Now even if I use items, I still have magic left over, I have some left over!”

To be honest, the items given to Dibona Kiri so far were usable, but they were far beyond their capabilities.

It means that even if you have it, you cannot exert your power.

But now it was different.

As I reached the 5th circle, my magical powers overflowed, and thanks to that, I was able to use the items I had more effectively.

A situation where a thirsty beast is no longer thirsty.

It was natural that he would go crazy.

“Boss! You’re resting!”

With those two being so active, El Palm didn’t even have a chance to step forward.

‘Kirido can climb over walls too.’

That was something even El Palm didn’t expect.

Honestly, it was quite a shock.

I said that I was able to perfectly gauge my colleague’s skills, but it turns out I wasn’t able to do so.


Of course, it was a happy thing.

‘You can make the remaining two into 5 circles with Elijah’s horn.’

There was no need to worry any longer about who to give Elijah’s horn to.

“Boss, I see the gate over there!”

In such a situation, El Palm Party reached the 4th floor, the last floor of the green-grade Mystic Gate, faster than ever before.

After that, we took a half-day break and then went straight to the fourth floor, and around that time, El Palm said.

‘I guess I can tell you now.’

Here is the story of Elijah, the goddess’ pet and now an extinct monster in Maple World.

“Elijah might be here.”

“Yes? Elijah?”

“It is now an extinct monster in Maple World.”

Of course, I was going to tell you that it was worth it.

“Wow, there are extinct monsters?”

“I’ve only seen monsters in books.”

“Only in books? Kiri, then do you know why they went extinct?”

“I do not know.”

The reason why that monster called Elijah became extinct was because of its horn, and nothing else.

“Do you know, boss?”


So, the value of that horn is enormous.

“Hey, wait a minute.”

That was the moment.

“Miner, what are you doing now? The boss is about to say something important.”

“I have something important to say, too.”

Miner, she said, raising her left wrist.

“I became a 5th circle.”

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