The Last Paragon in the Apocalypse

Chapter 28: Killing Captains and a General

"You've done well to last this long," Klaus said with a smirk. "But I can't let you leave. It's be fun, fellas, but now you have to die."

With a smirk, Klaus raised his sword and slashed it through the air. But instead of targeting the three Zombie Captains, he turned and slashed behind him.

BOOM! A figure was st flying through the air, crashing into the g with a thud. Klaus turned to face the intruder, his eyes cold and calculating.

"Didn't your elders warn you about sneaking up on people?" Klaus said, his voice filled with disdain. He looked at the Tier 4 Zombie Geral, who had tried to ambush him during the battle with the captains.

Klaus hadn't noticed the geral at first. It was only wh the geral got within 00 meters that Klaus ssed its presce. His sharp instincts had saved him from being caught off guard.

The Tier 4 Zombie Geral struggled to stand up, its gaze filled with rage. It glared at Klaus, its eyes burning with anger. The geral had be hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right momt to strike, but Klaus had thwarted its plans.

"You think you can just sneak up on me and get away with it?" Klaus taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I've dealt with plty of monsters, and you're no exception."

Klaus appeared angry, but deep down, he was happy. Just now, he ssed he was closer to tering the realm of swordsmanship he had be ssing the past hour. The attack just now wasn't ough to kill a Tier 4 monster, but it contained ough force to deal a devastating blow.

The Zombie geral didn't expect such an attack from him as he wasn't prepared. he was caught off guard.

The geral growled, its bone armor clinking as it moved. It charged at Klaus with a fierce roar, its bone sword swinging in a wide arc. Klaus was ready, though. He met the geral's attack head-on, their weapons clashing with a resounding crash.

The force of the impact st shockwaves through the air, but Klaus stood his g. He dodged and parried, his movemts fluid and precise. The geral was powerful, but Klaus was more skilled.

He countered with a quick slash, aiming for the geral's exposed flank. The geral roared in pain as Klaus's sword cut through its armor. It staggered back, its rage only growing.

'These creatures are ev more human than most humans. Where did they get the armor from' Klaus wondered looking at the place he had just cut. It was well known in movies that Zombies only wear ragged clothes, but from what he is seeing, these creatures are more than mindless drones. They possess some many qualities that humans would ev jealous. 'No wonder humans fear them'

Klaus pressed his advantage, his sword flashing through the air. He moved with lightning speed, his attacks reltless. The geral struggled to keep up, its defses faltering under Klaus's assault.

"You're really not very good at this, are you?" Klaus taunted, his voice filled with mockery. "Maybe you should have stayed hidd or just run wh you had the chance. But since you are here, I can only kill you and take what is really mine."

The geral snarled, its eyes blazing with fury. It lunged at Klaus with rewed desperation, its bone sword swinging wildly. Klaus easily dodged the attacks, his movemts graceful and controlled.

He struck back with precision, his sword slicing through the geral's defses. The geral roared in frustration as Klaus's blade found its mark again and again. Despite its strgth, it was no match for Klaus's skill.

Although they have some minds, they are still lacking wh compared to human warriors. The only thing they excel in is their viciousness. That is also what makes them lethal.

Klaus continued his reltless assault, his movemts fluid and deadly. He ducked under a swing from the geral, th slashed upward, cutting through the geral's armor. The geral staggered back, its strgth waning.

"You're really putting on a show," Klaus said with a grin. "But I've se better. You shouldn't have come, but alas, you have to die. That stone inside your head is worth more than you think."

Just as Klaus finished his taunt, a sudd kick landed on its abdom, sding it flying backward. It slammed into the g, a cloud of dust erupting a it.

Klaus didn't let the Zombie Geral regain its footing. As the geral struggled to stand, Klaus quickly countered. He swung his sword, unleashing a powerful ice arc that surged through the air. The icy blast struck the geral, pushing it back ev further.

The geral roared in frustration and pain as it was driv backward by the force of the attack. The ice arc cut through the air with chilling intsity, making the geral's movemts sluggish and unsteady.

"This is unbelievable. How is he making it look so simple?" Lily muttered, her eyes wide with astonishmt. She gripped her sword tightly, ready to strike if the three remaining gerals attempted to flee.

"He is a monster," Anna said quietly, her voice laced with awe. "This is too much ev for him." Despite her words, there was a faint glint of admiration in her eyes.

Marks, standing beside them, nodded in agreemt. "My eyes are oped," he said thoughtfully. "From now on, I won't feel proud of every small achievemt. In this world, there are hidd dragons and crouching tigers."

The Zombie geral roared in anger, its frustration palpable. It charged at Klaus with a final, desperate attack, but Klaus was ready. He sidestepped the blow and countered with a powerful strike, his sword glowing with ice ergy.




"Sister Nia, what do you think? Is this kid ough to impress them?" Asha asked with a mischievous grin, holding a small tablet-like device. Clearly, she was recording Klaus's battle with the geral and captains.

Nia stared at the scre, her mouth slightly op, but no words came out. She was at a loss for what to say.

Asha chuckled softly. "Hehe, who would have thought that the great Nia, a peerless gius and a beauty, would be left speechless?"

"This..." Nia finally managed to say, her voice trailing off. "This is heav-defying. He hasn't ev Ascded yet. How is he this strong?"

She paused, shaking her head in disbelief. "No, this isn't just about strgth. It's about skill. But how does this make sse? He's just an awaked, meaning he hasn't be a warrior for long. So, how can his skills be this refined?"

Nia's eyes remained glued to the battlefield, watching Klaus's precise movemts with growing amazemt. The level of expertise he is displaying seems far beyond what one would expect from someone so new to being a warrior. His swordplay was smooth and deadly, every move calculated and effective.

"Thinking about it now, we should probably pull him to our side before any other family gets their hands on him," Nia said. Asha's eyes lit up at the suggestion.

At that momt, the three captains who had be watching lunged at Klaus. However, just as they were within meters of him, Klaus swung his sword in a wide arc. A blueish ice arc shot out, but this time, a faint gold ergy coated the tip of the arc.

"No!" one of the captains shouted, but it was too late. The two captains in front were sliced in half, their bodies freezing solid as they fell.

"What No, you're next!" Klaus said, ready to attack the last captain. But he was forced to stop and jump to the side as a sudd attack came from the geral, who was now covered in cuts. Klaus had made a significant impact on him.

"Relax, dude. Your death will be swift, I promise. But first, I must deal with your subordinate," Klaus said, his voice cold. He swung his sword, sding a thick ice arc toward the Zombie geral. The arc struck the geral, sding him flying through the air.

"Where were we?" Klaus asked with a grin. "Ah, I was just about to kill you." With a swift motion, Klaus appeared almost instantly before the remaining captain. His sword swung decisively, and the captain's head flew into the air, vanishing into his space ring.

Klaus th turned his atttion back to the geral, who was struggling to rise from where he had be thrown.

Klaus dashed toward the geral. The geral tried to evade, but before it could react, Klaus's sword struck, severing the geral's hand. It fell to the g with a sicking thud.

"I assumed this tide was your doing," Klaus said coldly. "This is all your fault. You made your minions do the dirty work while you reaped the befits. You caused many humans who were minding their own business to die unexpectedly"

With a swift, merciless motion, Klaus slashed his sword again. The geral's other hand was severed, dropping to the g beside the first. The geral's screams of pain filled the air, but Klaus remained unmoved.

"You've caused death and chaos," Klaus continued, his voice devoid of sympathy. "And now you will face the consequces of your actions."

Klaus moved with ruthless precision, severing the geral's left leg. The geral's screams grew more desperate as he collapsed, barely able to move.

"In your next life, try to be a good zombie," Klaus said with a twisted smile, observing the agony he had inflicted.

Seeing that he had gone far ough, Klaus decided to d it. With a swift motion, he drove his sword into the geral's chest, freezing the creature in place. He pulled the sword out in one smooth movemt, causing the geral's body to shatter into ice fragmts.

Wh the ice cleared, all that remained was a black stone about the size of an apple. Klaus picked it up with a satisfied grin.

"All in a day's work," he said, his smile widing as he examined the precious stone. He was about to store it wh a voice spoke from behind him,

"I want to know if this Little Brother wants to sell that"

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