The Laws of Cultivation: Qi = MC^2

Chapter 87: Spirit Herb Hunting - X

Chapter 87: Spirit Herb Hunting - X

The forest grew denser around me as I stepped further into the trees. The rays of the sun began to be filtered out by a growing canopy overhead that gushed with dense Qi. The amount of ambient Qi spreading all around me reminded me of the Qi vein in Taizhou, but if Taizhou was a pond of Qi letting out light vapors to its surroundings, this was a veritable ocean, brewing a storm that filled every inch.

“I feel like just breathing the air here will make my cultivation grow,” I said out loud, turning towards Liuxiang who was walking a bit further ahead.

“This one is aware that Lu Jie knows that such a thing is not possible, yet this one still feels a strong desire to correct you,” Liuxiang replied, before his gaze traveled upwards as well. “Though this one understands where you are coming from. The Qi here is thick, thicker than the inner sect. We may have stumbled upon the Qi vein of the Cloudy peak sect.”

I whistled, gazing around the dense forest. I admit, I’d expected something more like an interior garden with carefully set formations and streams of Qi set around potent spirit herbs. Perhaps there is something like that, and we’re just being directed away from the area with the herbs.

“Have you heard of the dragon of the Seventh Peak?” Liuxiang asked, glancing back at me. His hand was set against another character engraved into the wood up front, meant to hide and misdirect anyone walking towards whatever lay at the end of this path.

“I don’t think I have,” I replied.

“The cloudy peaks sect draws their teachings from mist, thunder and water arts. It is said that they have a celestial dragon as their patron. A venerable elder who sleeps within the mountain itself, at the source of the Qi vein that permeates through the entire sect. Myths and legends, mostly, but this one in particular may not just be that,” Liuxiang said, walking ahead after releasing the ‘Conceal’ formation on the tree branch.

“Wait, so what you’re saying is that… we might be heading to a Dragon’s lair? There’s no way they are allowing something like that inside the tournament though is there?”

Lightning crackled from Labby at my words. “Will a Dragon help Labby learn her Dragon’s Tempest art?”

“Wouldn’t hurt to ask if we do meet one,” I sent to Labby, through our bond.

“Likely not, but this one has seen stranger things happen when by your side,” Liuxiang said with a mischievous smile.

I rubbed the back of my head, feeling slightly awkward. Lu Jie stirred in my chest at the words, as if sharing the same awkwardness and I ended up laughing out loud at that.

“What? Does Lu Jie find something funny in what this one has said?” Liuxiang asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“No, not you… I just. Nevermind,” I replied, unsure of how I would even explain this.

“You’re so strange Lu Jie,” Liuxiang replied, as he continued to walk ahead. “Though perhaps, given what you’ve told me about yourself. That is only to be expected.”

I slowed just a tad at Liuxiang’s words, remembering the past he had told me about. Trying to find a way to ask about the topic, I opened my mouth when an enthusiastic chime from Twilight cut me off.

“Chii!!” she shouted, before words echoed through our bond. “There!”

I looked towards Liuxiang before the two of us quickly shot ahead. The trees whirled past in a blur, the path turning as dark as night from the thick overgrowth and canopy that barely let any light slip through. Twilight continued to bounce on my head excitedly as she pointed in the indicated direction.

“Stop!” Liuxiang shouted suddenly and I ground to a halt. I looked over to the boy, and saw his gaze wandering around. Qi pulsed around Liuxiang, a frown set on his brows and I stood alert, ready to tackle anything that might jump at us.

“This is a trap,” Liuxiang said, pointing at the nearby tree. “That tree, it appears to be a new one we’ve not encountered before. The formations are working as new, but I sense my Qi flowing through it very faintly. It’s the same tree we’d started with.”

I looked around the area, trying to see if I could spot anything that looked familiar. “Yeah… I totally can’t tell.” I turned to look at Liuxiang. “What do we do now?”

“This one isn’t sure. Let’s try and follow the trees, perhaps we will find something,” Liuxiang replied, and I nodded.

We walked together in silence, keeping both our mortal and other senses open for anything that may come into our perception. A few minutes later, I sensed something at the edge of my perception and turned towards the direction.

“There, I think I felt something,” I said out loud, moving in the indicated direction. A moment later, I found another tree with a mark engraved onto it. I turned towards Liuxiang, moving aside as he walked up to the tree to let him do his work.

“A new one, we’re on the right track. Then… this one thinks there is a hidden path connecting these trees, and if we move astray of those, the wards bring us back to the very beginning, making us run around in circles.”

“That’s nasty. So anyone who gets stuck in here can’t leave until they either figure the puzzle out or the time runs out?”

Liuxiang nodded at my words. “Let us stay focused.”

I instructed my spirits to keep their eyes out as well, Labby squeaking enthusiastically, with Twilight following behind Labby.

My nervousness and frustration grew as we were sent back to the beginning two more times. Yet the difficulty of the challenge only served to make me more and more excited about the prospect of what might have been hidden behind this powerful formation.

A hidden trial… How could I not be excited?

I didn’t have to wait too long to find something. A blooming tree sat in the middle of the forest. An altar stood in front of it with a torch set on it.

“This seems to be the end,” Liuxiang replied, turning towards me. A moment later, we walked together up to the altar, as Liuxiang touched the tree trunk, dispelling the formation.

“It says something,” the boy said, before narrating the words out loud. “Curious and brave disciple. The sect admires your capabilities. But know that the path of the hidden treasure is one of perils and danger. In so far, the Elders would’ve transported any disciple out upon receiving mortal injury or upon forfeit. But beyond this tree lies a domain beyond the sect. If you enter, then do so with the knowledge that your life will be in your own hands.”

I stared at Liuxiang, before looking up at the words flashing in the bright golden light of Qi. “Well, that totally isn’t ominous.”

“There’s more,” Liuxiang replied, continuing. “If you wish to proceed ahead, then take up the torch and step ahead. But if you wish to turn back, then set the altar aflame. You will be rewarded with three spirit herb treasures for completing this trial and transported back outside this area.”

Liuxiang turned to look at me, and I looked back at the boy. My gaze wandered back to the tree and the altar, before returning to Liuxiang. The words faded from behind him as he walked back towards me.

“What do you want to do, Lu Jie? Those three herbs may very well be enough to win us the tournament,” Liuxiang said.

“I… don’t know,” I replied, letting out a breath. “On one hand, we get three herbs and get to go back out. Possibly even find some other herbs before the end and win the tournament. On the other hand… I’m curious about what lies on the other side. It clearly has to be something of great value.”

“Labby wants to meet the dragon!”

I laughed out loud at Labby’s words, petting her head lightly as she crackled with purple lightning. Before turning towards Liuxiang. “And I don’t want to have to figure out how to split those three herbs between us.”

Liuxiang smiled at my words, shaking his head. “It seems the decision has been made.”

I nodded, walking ahead. Reaching the altar of earth, I picked up the torch set on it. A little symbol was carved into it, and I poured my Qi as the torch lit up in flames.

The flames shone bright with Qi, and I felt something shifting in the area. With a pulse of Qi, the earth trembled beneath my feet, the altar in front sinking down into the earth. Words began to gather around the three once more, as Qi spread all over the area, slowly seeping it in mist.

“The choice has been made, Disciples. We wish for fortune on your Path.”

I looked back at Liuxiang, who stood close by and nodded. Turning around, I faced a dark mist filled forest with unknown dangers. My heart was pounding as I stepped forward, the touch held high and an excited grin on my face.

Now this was what I called an adventure.

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