The Laws of Cultivation: Qi = MC^2

Chapter [B3] 20 — Guidance

Chapter [B3] 20 — Guidance

I looked up above, noting the two spirit rings glowing in the skies. Or what passed as such in this place. My feet carried me forward, the combined will of Sheldon and me meant we moved fast through the darkness, even though nothing changed around us, I knew as much when I saw the gate of light appear, and we entered inside.

The tree was there, exactly as it had been before, and I walked up closer to it. My spirits followed behind me and I brought Labby and Ash forward.

It didn’t take prodding for me to awaken the spirit this time. This many people and disturbances would do it on it’s own.

“You have brought others with you,” the tree spoke, a giant silhouette manifesting around us, towering over everyone present.

The spirits bowed their heads but Twilight simply jumped up in excitement, rushing ahead as she gave the giant spirit a hug. Or at least… that was the attempt. The size difference between them meant it seemed more like twilight clinging herself to the side of a mountain.

“We are pleased to see you too, child. The gift we gave, seems to be growing well,” the spirit said, referring to the gift Ki had given her, back when I had found the spirit trial and learned the first law.

“I never got to ask what you gave to her,” I said, looking at the spirit.

“We made her a keeper of our spirit. Much like Ki was. Though she is young still, and does not understand. But given time, she will grow, and become a resplendent keeper who would tend to us,” the spirit replied, before it’s massive eyes looked down, at Labby and Ash. “We assume you have not come to us to merely talk.”

“Yeah, I haven’t. I’d like to ask for your help with these two. They both stand on opposite ends, unable to reach Chi, and my own attempts to do so have failed with Ash.”

The giant spirit looked down, before snorting. “You try to change their nature, when your own is still one you do not truly understand. It will not work.”

“Which is why I want to ask. What will?”

The tree’s spirit ignored me, facing Ash and Labby instead.

“Child of moon. You have sought change before. To journey and grow, and be born anew. And yet, now you seek War and Death,” the spirit said to Labby, before turning to Ash.

“And you… the child of fire. You were born in war and death, formed and shaped by it. But do you truly seek life? Do your flames burn with life in them? Or with the promise of death?”

The spirit then looked at me.

“You are a poor master. Their paths are conflicted, and yet your guidance fails to bring them ahead, as you stumble upon your own journey. How do you intend to lead?”

I looked up at the tree. “I don’t lead because I’m better than them, I lead because they support me, and I support them in return. I know that I haven’t been the best master, but this is my way of making up for it. Surely, you can help with that?”

“We can. But an answer we given will not truly be yours. Or theirs. All of you must understand the answers on your own. We will not hold your hands,” the spirit said.

“But guidance can still help light the path ahead,” I replied.

The spirit looked down at me, before it let out a huff. I heard a hissing noise coming from afar, as the giant spirit turned his eyes towards Ash and Labby instead.

“There are two Paths in front of you two. The first, is to let go of what you hold and have created. To abandon your path and your cores, to dissolve your cultivation, and then, to begin anew once more,” the spirit said.

Labby shuddered at the thought.

“To do so, would revert your nature as well. Not entirely so, but enough. You would be letting go of your spirit in many ways. This you understand on your own, and thus, you hold onto what you possess, unable to let go,” the spirit said, and Ash and Labby nodded.

“Then, there is the second Path. The Path where you change, grow, and become something new. Here, you must adopt the other half, transcend the limits you have created for your self, and begin something new instead,” the spirit said, looking down at the two of them, as the world shivered for a moment. “Reforge yourself into a new form. Grow, change, and become something new, and then you shall have it.”

The spirit’s eyes went to ash. “The child of flames, you understand this, do you not? Your flames seek death, seek destruction, and are forged in war, from the energies of the dead and dying. You must now, breathe life into it, while keeping the death intact. Join the two haves, seek new understands and use those flames to be reborn anew.”

Ash looks at the spirit, before lowering his head in acceptance as dark flames flow around his body.

“The child of moons. You have already altered yourself once. Now, you must simply continue on that path and expand upon it. To this, there are two steps,” the spirit said, looking at Labby now instead. “First, you must let go of your fear, and allow your spirit to change one more time. You hold on tightly to it, rigid and afraid that you will lose what you have gained. Let go instead, and in letting go, you will obtain true control. Then, use the Death provided to break that which was created, and use the pieces to rebuild into something greater and new.”

“Okay…” Labby said, her expression a mix between confused and afraid.

“The second step, is to allign with the Path you have chosen. You seek War, and thus, you must await your trial, and the rise of the solstice moon. Seek it, seek the darkest of nights and the coldest depths of it’s hunger. It it war, and it will bring it’s darkness to you. Lean into it, embrace it, and let the cold hunger seep into your soul, showing you the war that rages within the night, and the death that it brings. Once you have seen as much, you will understand how you must grow. And in that understand, you will take upon the next steps, and have your desires me bet.”

Labby and Ash bowed their heads. I too, dipped my head to the spirit.

“Thanks, for the help,” I said, smiling.

“Do not become reliant on us. We will not coddle you. You have chosen not to take our Path, then you must also show that your own is sufficient to unite the broken cycle.”

“I will,” I replied.

“We are not counting on it. Now leave us, we have done you enough favours,” the spirit said, the silhouette melting away.

I looked at Sheldon, as all of us stepped away, back into the darkness outside, before I reached out to my spirit.

With a shiver, the world around me twisted, and I worked with Sheldon, feeling my mind return to my body.

Opening my eyes, I looked around at my spirits, seated all around me.

“Labby is so confused,” Labby replied, opening her eyes as she clutched her head as if she was dizzy.

“The spirit speaks of profound things. Though… not all of it was understood by us either,” Ash added as well.

I smiled. “Don’t focus on the words he uses, but instead on their meaning. The answer is more or less simply, if I understood him correctly. I just need to guide you to towards a different Path together, drawing from both of you at once,” I said, looking at Ash, and then Labby.

“Labby is ready!” She shouted, looking excited to begin.

“We will stop if it goes like last time,” Ash said.

“Yeah. I don’t intend to let it get that far if it goes wrong,” I said.

“And thus. The cycle will mend,” Sheldon said.

I nodded, looking at the two of them. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself, reaching out to both of them at once.

“Alright. Let’s begin then,” I said, as the Two Laws manifested.

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