The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound

Chapter 2181

Chapter 2181

Randidly faced his image, a wild force of momentum rising through his body. A painful twinge from Sulfur reminded him that the Soulseed brushed up against the cusp of evolution, waiting for his signal. Yet this hurdle had to be addressed first.

Randidly’s breathing grew heavy as the vague idea of what he would become sharpened into a more concrete image. But for now, he forced himself to relax and move gradually. He did not have much time, with the situation in the memory rushing toward a massive war. But he had time enough to commune with his images, so he had his support.

Opposite him, the Grey Creature tipped its head to the side in confusion.

Randidly glanced sideways at the Stillborn Phoenix. He couldn’t help but chuckle. “A Nether Herald. What a strange power they wield, to name. Can you see all the influences that have pushed us here? Being called Nether King Hungry Eye, and soon all that power manifesting in the Stillborn Phoenix… seeing the world and taking from it. Becoming the Moirae of Minute Repercussions has given me an even wider view than that. A hint of the shape of my story.”

His Nether Core accelerated, testing the limits of the surrounding memory. As the entire stretch of ground changed by the Stillborn Phoenix experienced a thick veil of Nether, the memory didn’t even tremble. Randidly’s vicious smile deepened.

He turned back to the Grey Creature and spoke frankly. “We could not have made it this far without your constant efforts. You survived, even when it seemed impossible. You survived and dragged me with you, even when we were doomed to die. When we did not deserve to survive. In the face of impossible foes, you retreated but never failed. You were suckled on attacks beyond our imagining and capability, growing in an environment where you were small and weak. Until now we can finally stand up straight, knowing we have grown strong. But because of that change… you need to be more than the creature that can always survive. We cannot simply react to threats. We can take the initiative for ourselves.”

Finally, Randidly’s intention seemed to reach the Creature. Its tail lashed back and forth, agitated by the suggestion. Shrugging, Randidly continued his plea. “We do not need to struggle and scrape by any longer. We need a new sort of monster. One that can handle all the information devoured by the Stillborn Phoenix opening its eye. One so powerful it requires the support of Yggdrasil, or its power will tear itself to shred. A being who can recognize and react to all inputs and outputs. A being so perfect, its execution resembles providence. An asura of sorts.”

At its mention of opening its eye, the Stillborn Phoenix flared excitedly, spreading its influence a little bit further. More electromagnetic discharge crackled around its event horizon. Meanwhile, Yggdrasil observed the developments with the long patience of the World Tree, the occasional rustling of its leaves not giving a hint to its thoughts. The tree could feel the risks but also the possible value in what was suggested. Nether continued to pour out of Randidly’s Nether Core, forming a dome around him.

Yet all Randidly’s attention remained fixed on the Grey Creature.

It cocked its head to the side. It spoke to him in his voice, one raw with a private grief it would never fully escape. “We would lose an important identity, to transform me into something capable of wielding this power. My purpose has always been to survive. Without that imperative…”

Randidly nodded. His palms tingled with a rush of adrenaline. In an intangible way, it would become much easier for Randidly Ghosthound to die once he made this decision. “I know.”

His tenacity would not vanish. But the Weight and history he had created by surviving, again and again would vanish

For several seconds, the Grey Creature sucked on its teeth, considering this. At the very least, it did not reject the suggestion immediately. Perhaps all of the images had begun to feel the limits of their fighting methods. “...even if we succeed, I would suspect we would not gain enough power to overcome Elhume directly. At least not yet.”

“But we would step up from the capabilities of all others,” Randidly responded easily. Then he inclined his head toward the Stillborn Phoenix, which continued to crackle merrily to have a physical presence. “We have already deviated from the Path of the System. Let’s not hesitate now- let’s hurtle toward our conclusion and have pride in the choices we have made.”

The Grey Creature flexed its long fingers, eliciting a sharp crack from its knuckles. The Nether in the area had grown so dense that it was almost impossible to see. The rumbling significance pressed closer. “A gamble of lives. You know I would not hesitate. But the imperative was born, not made. Do you have another that can replace survive? Otherwise, the point is moot.”

Randidly closed his eyes. He hadn’t expected this question, which made him feel like a fool. What he now considered was to shift the identity of the Grey Creature. He would need a new foundation for its existence.

What was even stranger was as soon as the question was asked, an answer came easily to him.

He became another person almost, a younger, slighter, exhausted and afraid boy who had just experienced the ending of the world. What lay on the other side of the apocalypse was pain and fear. He had been struggling alone in a Dungeon, staggering back to the safe room.

Within the Safe Room, he had found a man with a third eye closed on his forehead sitting within a pool of water. In the memory, Randidly retained much of his new awareness. It was almost impossible to make out the figure’s face other than the eye, through the dense mess of ripples that originated from him.

Everything began with that meeting.

Shal. Randidly’s heart ached. He forced his eyes open. “Yes, we’ve always had it. Although we’ve grown enough we can raise our gaze from the imperative to survive, that does not mean we no longer need to Advance.”

The Grey Creature flashed its teeth. Already its form began liquid and murky, halfway between melting and dissipating into shadows. The process wouldn’t happen immediately, not within a definitive shape, but the shift had begun. Around them, the Nether began to rotate faster and faster, adjusting the environment to the perfect bubble of meaning. “Then so I shall be.”


Devick stood on the road to the Nether King’s farm, looking at a giant dome of shadow that had erupted to the South. She glanced toward the farm, then back toward the dome. With a shrug, she left the road and began trotting toward the dome.

Almost reflexively, she raised her fingers and touched the ornate jewelry at her throat. Somehow, she guessed the Nether King was responsible for this phenomenon. She might not be particularly sensitive to the movements of Nether, but she was not an idiot.

It had been four days since she had seized victory in the finals. With the rapid growth of her Frolic of the Needle Tooth Hare Skill, Devick had been able to escape the encirclement of the captains of the Brass Sabers and slaughter the entire team. She trembled with the beginnings of new capability, hungry for more.

They had achieved a Miracle and now Devick wanted to take a step forward for herself. She headed to Nether King Hungry Eye to take advantage of his offer to give her a Class. And after that, she intended to beg him to teach her how to fight.

She had seen him giving pointers to that oaf of a Nether Warrior. Devick had no doubt that she would make a better apprentice than that clumsy bastard.

Her certainty the giant black dome had been created by Nether King Hungry Eye only increased as she approached. Devick recognized the strange, constant motion of the wind through her hair. If she paid only a certain amount of attention, it was possible to pretend it was Hungry Eye’s fingers, moving through her hair in a gesture of fondness.

Devick continued to march forward, her eyes twinkling with possibilities. Perhaps, after a long day of training, he might touch her fondly on the shoulder? A mark of approval, but because of their natural physical chemistry-

Her fantasies screeched to a halt as Devick rounded the bottom of a ridge and saw a small gazebo sitting in the middle of nowhere, with a churning force field of Nether directly behind it. Within the gazebo, three women were having tea.

“Uh,” Devick stopped. She glanced behind her, as though there would be an explanation for what she had discovered by looking the way she had come. A boring, bland, gazebo-less stretch lay behind her. She pivoted forward again. The three women had clearly noticed Devick but simply observed her. From their slender and clean limbs, they seemed to be the same race as Nether King Hungry Eye, albeit built on a smaller scale.

The left figure had long hair lavender hair that seemed to be constantly fluttering behind her. She wore a similarly light summer dress that combined seafoam green and golden orbs. She smiled mysteriously at Devick, unfathomable and soft as Devick’s instincts failed to grasp her capabilities.

The right woman made a quiet comment and produced a glass flask of whiskey, adding a healthy pour to her cup of tea. This woman had a rather elegant leather jacket across her shoulders, with a cream blouse and a pair of tight denim pants. Very deliberately, she uncrossed and recrossed her legs. Her gaze was intense, with enough force behind her eyes that Devick knew instantly this woman was a great deal more powerful than she was.

Yet it was the central woman who made Devick the most nervous. Perhaps the least traditionally beautiful, this individual had long, dark hair and features so similar to Nether King Hungry Eye’s that she could only be family. She wore a heavy-looking forest green dress that seemed immensely comfortable and had plenty of pockets.

Devick sucked in a breath and kept her head raised as she approached. The three women waited for her, sipping their tea.

“Hello,” Devick tried, when she stood only a few meters away from the gazebo.

“Good afternoon,” the central woman smiled rather warmly at Devick. The Nether of the dome began to accelerate and seeth with more intensity. The woman frowned briefly and glanced over her shoulder. She made a cutting gesture with her hand. The Nether quieted immediately. Pleased with herself, the woman faced forward again. “We’ve been expecting you. Would you like to join us for tea?”

“You… You’re a Nether King.” Devick couldn’t stop herself from blurting out.

The woman’s eyes crinkled with good cheer. “Only by blood. My name’s Neveah, Miss Devick, and I’ve wanted to meet you for quite some time. Why don’t you come up here and we can discuss how dangerous it is to get too emotionally involved with Randidly Ghosthound?"

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