The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound

Chapter 2361

Chapter 2361

Just another tool then, Randidlys eye gleamed. They stood on a plain of destruction, hovering near the mouth of a fallen god and above the abyss of the entire Nexus. He barely suppressed the urge to smile as the wheels of his mind began to turn. What sort of reactions can you cause, Solomon Rex?

Congratulations! Your Skill Deviations Inevitable Machinations (GD) has grown to Level 1760!

Congratulations! Your Skill Arch-Heretics Thaumaturgy (P) has grown to Level 980!

Congratulations! Your Skill Deviations Inevitable Machinations (GD) has grown to Level 1799!

If Solomon Rex had an inkling of Randidlys shift in perspective, he did not reveal it on his face. You are wondering how I will assist you against Elhume, yes? His greatest strength, as Im sure you are aware, is his ability to swipe the images of others. His grip on my old body makes his fingers somewhat clumsy, sure, but his avarice can penetrate through almost any sort of defense. Especially as he spends some of his time solidifying his hold on that descendant of his. With my spare time down here, Ive been able to develop certain countermeasures-

I appreciate the offer, but I dont think they will be necessary, Randidly shook his head. Also, another piece clicked into place in his mind: Techetadore and those vague energy connections flashed in his mind. That was why Techetadore had possessed a strange amount of power during their brief encounters. Even now, the Patron of the Borrowed attempted to solidify his power by grasping onto others.

Solomon Rex gave Randidly a long look at the rejection. May I ask from whence your confidence stems?

Randidly grinned like a wolf. Perhaps it is not confidence, so much as honesty. Even with your methods if I cannot resist Fieros power on my own, wont all the rest of it be moot? We will have lost if he breaks down the barriers.

In addition, I wonder how well his borrowing compares with my Seizing

Your life will be lost. But I would not give up this struggle just because of a single casualty, no matter how much present clout you possess. Solomon spoke in a light voice, clearly annoyed but restraining it. He narrowed his eyes, then shook his head slightly. ...still, I admit there is a certain savage clarity to your viewpoint.

Solomon continued to speak. Setting aside the issue of Fieros indulgences, he has definitely been preparing for incursions into his domense. Specifically against me, but also against usurpers within the Nexus. The particulars of him stealing my body I turned the situation against his greedy hands, forcefully pushing my Aether toward crystallization, sealing away the immense power he could wield with my limbs. Yet Elhume is not without talents; or you could say, he has taken and honed all of my previous ones. He used arrays to guide the expansion of the energy. He created that labyrinthine mountain range of Aether; my body might be sealed away because of it, but the energy interference makes it impossible to know what occurs in the core.

Randidly felt a brief flash of chagrin at his confidence; he had been extremely self-assured so far in this negotiation, but it was worth noting that Solomon Rex, before his body had been stolen from him, could trigger a process in his body to cause all of his Aether to crystallize. Even now, Randidly didnt understand how that should be possible.

I have my advantages, and they have theirs.Dont forget they clawed their way to the top of the Nexus with competitors just as desperate for supremacy.

Randidly lifted his chin, meeting Solomons eyes. I do have to ask is your body truly that powerful? Just from meeting the version of your past self-

The body becomes a vessel. The longer the state of the Pinnacle is held, the more the vessel is filled. Completion is the most accurate word for the phenomenon, but I dont think apotheosis would be inaccurate, Solomon almost seemed bemused by the question. I will be frank, I believe the easiest way to destabilize Elhumes position is to liberate that body and for me to fight back for its control. My efforts will tie up a portion of Elhumes power. Even if you dont believe me regarding the power the body helps, you lose little in this pursuit. Freeing my body will dismantle the main seat of his power. Without even wielding the body, many of the displays of force Elhume can demonstrate derive from the ambient energy of all that crystallized Aether.

Also, I bet the working that aims to gather up all the Grand Fates in the Nexus is centered there, huh, Randidly pursed his lips. Solomon offered a knowing smile.

But Randidly shook his head and gestured to the sky. We are again just talking about more ways that I can help you. What are you offering, Solomon? Im not tempted to become involved with that at all. Not based on what you are saying.

The shimmering form of Pine, the facade of utopia with the scabbed and gaping orifice of hunger, quivered above them. Its edges trembled like a starved stomach experiencing painful contractions.

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

Solomons eyes sharpened and he looked at Randidly for a full minute without saying anything. Randidly stayed relaxed, waiting to see how this once powerful soul, shucked out of its shell like an oyster, would respond to the harsh truth. If this was really all Solomon had brought with which to bargain, Randidly would be disappointed.

Obviously, we would be moving in concert during the attack. Attention would be diverted. But I suppose I understand your point, Solomons reluctance curled his lip. Above them both, Pine continued to shift and pulse. We both wish for Elhumes fall. From your perspective, I benefit already from your activities. As for additional payments I can offer you two things.

First, and dont immediately dismiss this, I can offer you information about the wider universe.

Randidly frowned honestly, he did immediately want to dismiss this as an option. I believe Ive heard enough about the universe in order to accomplish my missions here. I do not want to be distracted.

Youve probably had some inkling of the ideological wars being fought in the broader universes. About the Ideals and their machinations, since your Nether Core has proceeded to the stage where the flow of ideas becomes thicker. I have a history written by my- well, Elhumes people. Just consider it a sweetener for the deal.

And the real offer, then? Randidly said.

Solomon smiled. This, I think, you will find a great deal more tempting. Speaking of our chances of success or at least, timely triumph, are quite small. Actus Suprem Devick acts and few will be able to resist. I suspect that by the time we penetrate the defenses assembled by Elhume-

Wait, Randidly frowned as he noticed another problem. ...lets not beat around the bush you say we cannot make it in time, but dont you also benefit if we were to delay to that point? From what I understand about the fabric of Grand Fates, they are images refined through Pine and then plundered back. Are you just trying to have another party recreate your sons soul? And then you will use that-

That will be an abomination, Mister Ghosthound. Finally, the veneer of civility across Solomons face cracked. But to Randidlys surprise, the anger burning in Solomons purple eyes only seemed to be obliquely targeting him. Instead, the humanoid, the original humanoid, glared straight up into the sky, his hands clenched into fists. A soul assembled in that manner it has been poisoned by centuries of Elhumes mismanagement. Without a thorough cleansing, Pines vessel would only be tainted.

Solomon released a shaky breath. He almost seemed embarrassed as he glanced at Randidly. ...ah, that is- well- the energy itself isnt bad. And, as you say, it is a chunk of images from the eldest and most refined images in the Nexus. Beyond purity the quantity cannot be rivaled. And that is the offer I am making: others will aim for it, but I will stall them. The process started by Elhume will result in the destruction of the base framework of Grand Fates. But all that energy will still exist, gathered and potent. A universes worth of energy. Probably enough to be a half step toward the Pinnacle, all on its own. You should take it, Randidly Ghosthound, and strengthen yourself.

Immediately, Randidly mistrusted the offer. But at this stage in the game, he understood that all the elements he touched were volatile enough to make caution necessary. And also that he needed to use them, to accomplish his goals. This power you consider tainted you offer it to me? Even setting that aside, how much power can really be gathered? Although Devick will overcome weaker individuals wont the powerful ones resist until the bitter end?

Solomon chuckled. Yes, my descriptions would not instill confidence. I grew agitated, speaking of my family. My apologies; it is one of the few precious true things that havent been taken from me,

Even though Pine is not your son, Suddenly, Randidly could begin to understand why Elhume had been such a perfect pairing with Fiero. Pine, the source of original Elhumes achievements, was never his. It was a connection of convenience for a confused and desperate Yystrix. Do you truly not know?

Solomon continued to speak. If nothing else, you will know the sincerity of my offer when we attack Elhumes sanctum. You can judge for yourself, when you see the energy gathered. You do not even need to use it yourself: my offer, in addition to the information about the outside universe, is simply for you to choose how such a massive amount of energy is disposed. And, heh, as for the Actus Suprem you should be careful not to underestimate her.

If you or I were to attempt this task, we would eventually run into such problems that you describe. Moments when our solid images were unable to shake the entrenchment of those we have targeted. Hell, even if the body of Elhume were liberated, he would falter in the face of that effort, Solomons eyes glittered. But you forget her image is madness incarnate. Because what madness lacks in raw power, it more than makes up for it with corrupting influence. I have no doubt that those who resist most violently are being connected to the dangerous and insidious core of her image. They will begin to rot from within.

Randidly pursed his lips. ...and again, it makes me wonder how I can view an amalgamation of such rotten images to be a gift.

Ha! Yes, well, we are rebels. In the end, our affluence is restricted. Solomon countered. We make deals with the supplies on hand. So, do we have an agreement?

For several seconds, Randidly just looked at the creator of humanity, of the original owner of the name Elhume, the situation here at the bottom of the universe. He felt sure his earlier impulse was correct; Solomon Rex would try and betray him. But from the significance flowing in the air, his promises were at least genuine.

Randidly would need to put the Alpha Cosmos, or at least a connection to it, up for collateral in order fo the cooperation. And in exchange, he would receive two items of dubious value.

Honestly the most important aspect of the deal will be knowing what Solomon Rex intends, Randidly thought. In the end, I suspect I wont need to wait until the promised connection for his betrayal to arrive.

Lets dethrone a tyrant. Randidly offered his hand. They shook.

Significance all across the Nexus began to turn murky as the universe's inhabitants stepped past the point of no return.

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