The Losing Heroine Dumped by Her Shady Childhood Friend Will Definitely Win as Long as I’m Around!

Extra 2: The Girl Next Seat Want to Laugh

Extra 2: The Girl Next Seat Want to Laugh

Hoo~, Sekiya is so mature.

That was Masas impression after I finished talking.

I had expected to hear something from him, but I was disappointed to find that his attitude was more indifferent than I had expected.

What is that impression

No, I thought its amazing. Ive never been in love with anyone.

No way!!

Hey, arent you too surprised?

No, because Can you believe this flirtatious-looking man has never been in love? I dont think he was a fuck boy, but

The unexpected information made me feel less sad for a moment.

Is that why? I just spilled it out.

Dont you think its weird?

What do you mean?

That I was dating a tutor who was much older than me.

In middle school, I told my friends right after I became his girlfriend. At that moment, they said, Youre so mature and amazing! But I know that behind my back, they were saying, Youre just as easy-minded as you look.

(T/N: Probably means they saying she was innocent and naive)

Our relationship was nothing more than a game to those around us. He, too, thought of me as nothing more than a game. I learned that painfully.

Sekiya, you really liked that person, didnt you?


If that was the case, there wouldnt be a single element of weirdness. It doesnt matter what others think. Love is something that only the two people in love can do.

But he only thought of me as a play thing.

It was Sekiyas fault for not making him look at you.

Oi. What do you mean by that?

I glared at him with anger that instantly boiled over. Masa looked away.

Well, I know how hard it is to get someone to look at you when theyre not looking at you properly.

What? You know?

Well, sort of.

Masa said he has never been in love, but I guess he had always had a crush on someone. I could tell from his facial expression that this was probably his first love as well.

I mean, dont you have anything more comforting to say to me?

Im just one of many. I can sympathize with you, but I can only say shallow things. Is that okay with you?

Stop.just listening to me is enough.

I see.

I wiped my eyes with a borrowed handkerchief. Ive made a big mess.

Ill wash the handkerchief and return it to you.

Dont worry about it. You should cry a lot while youre at it. They say tears are the sweat of the heart. The metabolism of the heart is important.

What is that? Whose words are those?

Masa laughed and misled me. He must have heard it somewhere and said it.

He didnt do anything amazing for me. He just listened quietly to me when I was sad and just stood by me. That was really all he did.

But when I went home, went to bed, woke up and welcomed the next day, I was surprised to find that I felt better than I expected.

I wasnt completely over my  heartbreak. It wasnt as if I was ready to move on to the next love.

Still, I recognized myself as having fallen in true love.

Good morning, Masa. Heres the handkerchief I borrowed.

Good morning. Thank you for returning it.

Why are you being so stupidly polite?

Masa took the handkerchief from me respectfully with both hands. It was kind of funny, and I was laughing.

From that day on, I started calling him Masa instead of Sano-kun.

There was no particular reason. The only thing that changed was that we went from being normal classmates to being classmates who got along a little better.

On the other hand, Masa sometimes called me the girl next to me. Apparently, its because I tend to sit next to him a lot. Thats not a nickname, is it?

Hey, Masa.


Does my appearancedo I look loose-headed?


Masa tilted his head and moved his eyes up and down on me. I was a little embarrasse by those eyes.

No, you look like a stylish person. Fashionable girl-next-seat.

What a strange word-

I was a little bit happy, and my heart cleared up.

When I moved up to the second year, I was still sitting next to Masa.

Where do you want to go on our next date, Chinatsu-chan?

Its fun anywhere with Masa-kun.

The biggest change in my life was that Masa had a girlfriend.

She was Chinatsu Sugito, who was in the same class as Masa. She seemed like a difficult girl, but when she was with Masa, she seemed to radiate a sweetness that made me think she was radiating a pinkish atmosphere.

It appears that Masa has successfully fulfilled his first love. He has a really nice smile on his face.

Masa, youre so excited.

I know the feeling well. I honestly congratulated my male friend on his good news.

But, you know, love is only real when you start dating.

Thats my experience.

I thought we would always be in love, and we would always be together. But in reality, that was not the case. Even when you become a lover, there were times when you didnt know how the other person feels.

Id be happy too if I were with you, Chinatsu-chan.

Ehehe Im really happy you said that, Masa-kun

Well, seeing the lovey-doveyness between the two of them, I guess I was needlessly worrying.

I was grinning as I looked at Masa and Sugito-san. Thanks to them, my broken heart had healed long ago.

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