The Lowest-Ranked Hero Has Returned

Chapter 77: Observation Class (3)

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 77: Observation Class (3)

"Stop! Both of you, please stop!"

In the tense atmosphere, as if a blade was held to someone’s neck, Yuren's urgent cry echoed.

"What on earth are you doing in school?!"


Rosanna frowned at Yuren's scolding.

Knowing she had crossed a line, she sighed deeply and nodded.

"Fine, but could you let go of my arm?"

"Yes, ma'am."


Rosanna’s face twisted in anger, veins bulging on her forehead.

She was about to say something to me, but then clicked her tongue and turned away.

"Hah, well, I can’t expect noble etiquette from a republic mutt, can I?"

"I didn’t realize noble etiquette involved slapping your child just because they didn’t suit your taste, though I suppose I shouldn’t say that?"

"You little...!"

Rosanna’s eyes narrowed as I openly mocked her.

Biting her lip in frustration, her golden eyes gleamed as if she had devised a good idea.

"Is your name Dale?"


"Where are your parents right now?"


Was that her grand idea?

I couldn’t help but chuckle inside and looked at her with an expression of disbelief.

‘Is she really Yuren’s mother?’

Sure, just because people share blood doesn’t mean they share the same personality, but this was too much.

‘Well, I guess Yuren is the odd one.’

The Helios family, descended from Reynald Helios, the leader of the five great heroes who sealed the demon god 500 years ago and hailed as the strongest swordsman in human history, had once wielded immense power that even the emperor could not lightly challenge.

The reason the Helios family had slowly started to fall into decline was simple.

‘People got too drunk on past glory to see the cliff right before them.’

There was even a famous saying from a bard that described the Helios family: "A family blinded by the sun."

Having only known Yuren from the Helios family, I dismissed it as jealousy and gossip aimed at noble families. B

ut after meeting Rosanna, I began to understand why such a mocking phrase existed.

"Are you not going to answer? Where are your parents right now?"

Rosanna’s voice was sharp as she pressed me for a response.

Before I could answer, Yuren spoke cautiously.

"Mother, Dale’s—"

"Yuren, stay quiet. I’m not asking you, am I?"

Rosanna cut off Yuren and glared at me.

I stifled a laugh and answered her question.

"I’d like to know where my parents are too."


Rosanna frowned as if she didn’t understand.

I clarified for her, explaining that I was from a republic orphanage.


Rosanna’s expression grew even more hostile.

"So, you mean to tell me that some orphan, without even parents, had the audacity to insult the Helios family?"

"You should get your facts straight, ma’am. When did I ever insult the Helios family?"

All I did was call her "ma’am."

"Such a rude brat, but you sure know how to talk back clearly."

"Funny, coming from someone as educated as you, who can’t even speak properly."

"W-what? You insolent...!"

"See? Can’t even speak properly."


Rosanna’s face turned red with fury, and she stepped forward, emitting mana fiercely.

Just as the atmosphere, which had calmed down thanks to Yuren, was about to turn hostile again—

"Dale? What are you doing here?"

A huge figure loomed over us, more like a beast than a person, with a fierce expression that suited a predator.

"Professor Lucas?"

"Ah, Yuren, you’re here too. And this must be..."

Professor Lucas’s gaze turned to Rosanna.

Perhaps because Yuren had addressed him as "Professor," Rosanna’s previously hysterical expression quickly returned to its composed state.

"Rosanna Helios."

She elegantly lifted her dress and bowed slightly.

"Ah, so you’re Yuren’s mother."

"Yes. You’re the professor in charge of the third-year warriors, correct?"

"That’s right."

Nodding, Professor Lucas continued.

"But what are you doing here? The observation class gathering point is over in the plaza, not here."

"You’ve arrived at just the right time. I have something to discuss with you."

Rosanna approached Professor Lucas with a sly smile.

"Professor Lucas, are you acquainted with this candidate, Dale?"

"Yes. He’s one of the students under my supervision, so of course I know him."

"Is that so? Well, that’s fortunate."

Rosanna, with her arms elegantly crossed, glanced back at me.

"This orphan had the audacity to insult my family—"

"Hmm? Orphan?"

Professor Lucas tilted his head as if this was new information.

Rosanna, taken aback by his reaction, responded.

"Yes? But he clearly said he was from a republic orphanage..."

"Ah, that’s true. He did come from a republic orphanage, but a foster father later took him in."

Professor Lucas grinned, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Now, I’m this boy’s father."


Rosanna was left speechless, her mouth agape.

Professor Lucas tightened his grip on my shoulder and looked at me.

"Isn’t that right, son?"


Seeing him wink at me, I let out a small chuckle internally.

‘So he was listening in.’

No wonder he stepped in at just the right moment.

He must’ve been eavesdropping on my conversation with Rosanna and decided to intervene when things were about to escalate.

‘What a meddlesome guy.’

I didn't have much room to talk, considering I had stepped into my friend’s family affairs.

"Yes, Father."

I nodded slyly, and Rosanna’s face twisted in frustration.

Whether the relationship between me and Professor Lucas was real or not, her position had become awkward.

After all, she couldn’t openly insult a student whom the head of the warrior department had just called "his son."

“If my son caused any offense, I’ll apologize on his behalf.”

“Oh... okay.”

“He’s a bit of a brute, you know. There’s a reason he's always at the bottom of his class.”


Professor Lucas burst into loud laughter, slapping my back with his palm as big as a pot lid.

When Lucas began talking down about me, Rosanna, who had been at a loss for words, glared at me with eyes full of disapproval.

“Well then, it’s about time for the observation class, so let’s all head to the lecture room.”

Professor Lucas dragged me towards the lecture hall with his arm draped around my shoulder.

As he pulled me along, I asked him in a low voice, careful not to let Rosanna hear.

“Am I going too?”

“Of course, you’re coming.”

“But observation classes are only for candidates whose parents are attending.”

“And a parent did come, didn’t they?”

He grinned and pointed to himself with his hand.

I looked at him with a face full of disbelief.

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

“Are you seriously going to keep up this act?”

“What act, you brat? Haven’t you ever heard the saying that a teacher is like a second parent?”


I appreciated that Professor Lucas was trying to play the role of my “parent,” but...

‘If people find out, it’ll cause trouble for Professor Lucas.’

I wasn’t the only candidate he was responsible for.

There were likely other candidates whose parents couldn’t attend, and if it became known that I received special treatment and was allowed to participate, Professor Lucas’s reputation could be harmed.

‘Rumors would spread that he’s playing favorites with a particular student.’

If that happened, Lucas would end up in a difficult situation.

“Since when did you start worrying about others like that?”

He seemed to have noticed my thinking and ruffled my hair with a chuckle.

“A kid shouldn’t worry about his parent, you cheeky little brat.”


At his words, I pressed my lips together tightly.

For some reason, despite having gone through a past life, where I had lost all emotions tied to the concept of ‘parents,’ in this moment, my heart felt heavy, as if storm clouds had rolled in.

If I let my guard down, I felt like those clouds would break, and the rain would spill down my face as tears.

“Always meddling...”

And that’s why I couldn’t accept Lucas’s kindness.


I turned my head to look at Yuren.

Standing behind Rosanna, Yuren moved quietly, his face pale, like a prisoner being led to his execution.

In a situation like this, the thought of attending the observation class alone with his mother, without me (since Yuren and I were in different classes), must have been unbearable.

“Tch. Seems like I don’t have a choice.”

There was only one way to avoid accepting Professor Lucas’s kindness while also getting Yuren away from his mother.

“What do you mean, ‘no choice’?”

“Well, sorry about this, Dad.”


I poked Professor Lucas’s side with my fingers.

“Oof! You brat, what are you...!?”

The arm he had tightly wrapped around my neck loosened.

I quickly turned and dashed towards Yuren.


I grabbed Yuren’s arm and pulled him.

“Let’s bail.”

“Bail? What do you mean...?”

“What else would I mean, idiot?”

We’re skipping class, of course.


Grabbing Yuren’s arm tightly, I kicked off the ground.

Berald’s Martial Arts.

Wind Step.

My body felt light as if wings had sprouted from my back, and the background zoomed past in a blur.

“Hey, you brat! Where do you think you’re going?!”

“Y-Yuren! What do you think you’re doing?!”

Voices shouted behind us, but I easily ignored them and dashed towards the school gates.

“D-Dale, wait! Wait a second!”

Yuren, being dragged along, yelled in panic.

“What? Don’t wanna skip?”

“Well, it’s just...”

He trailed off and turned his head.

The school, now far behind, came into view.

‘Skipping class without permission...’

Having been the top student for three years straight and always so diligent, he could never have imagined this kind of rebellious act.


The image of his mother’s twisted face briefly flashed through his mind.

Thinking about her anger that would come later sent a shiver down his spine, but...

“You wanna go back?”


For some reason, without realizing it, he shook his head.


He didn’t want to go back.

He wanted to savor this thrilling moment of rebellion just a little longer.

“Alright, then we’re skipping together.”

With a sly grin, Dale jumped over the school wall with Yuren.

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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