The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 143 - The Mafia King Orders To Forfeit The Mission

Chapter 143 - The Mafia King Orders To Forfeit The Mission

At the Underworld base, Wei's blank gaze was focused on Xia Nuan as she faced him carrying outrage and disgust in her eyes for him. She didn't know how he got the letter, but it didn't matter anymore. She had failed the mission and she knew she had no chances of staying alive. The base was filled with his men and with all the staff there, it was easy to take anybody hostage.

"Go on. Kill me! That's what you know how to do the best, don't you!" Her nostrils flared in anger. "That's why you brought the whole staff here to use them as your pawns just to save yourself!"

Fu Renshu signaled the guards to take all the staff away. But they were to remain in the base. This conversation wasn't meant for their ears.

Wei's lips slightly parted. "I will not kill you."

Xia Nuan looked at him, stunned.

"I will give you a choice as I did to Mo Huojin."

She froze.

Mo Huojin? Is he captured too?

"I will spare your life if you forfeit your mission and leave this country forever."

She rapidly blinked her eyes. "What nonsense are you saying!? Give up my mission? Forfeit the case for which my mentor sacrificed her life? You must be dreaming!"


"I will do anything but give up on this mission! If there weren't so many innocent people here, I would have already killed you! I don't care if your men would have killed me after that. At least, I would have been successful in eliminating such a disgusting man like you!"

Fu Renshu's gaze darkened. He was offended by her humiliation for Wei. His hands itched to pull out the gun and kill her already.

How dare she!

Wei silently stared at her, his gaze unreadable. "My wife doesn't like me hurting others. That is why I am giving you a choice."

Xia Nuan was bewildered. "Jiang Lixue."

"Or Song Lihua," he plainly said. Wei didn't have qualms in confessing that to her because she knew about Lihua's existence and her relationship with Song Jia.

That one admittance felt as if lightning struck her hard. She felt the ground shaky or was it her legs trembling?

He knows...he knows her identity…

She thought that Lihua might have hidden her real identity to fool him and enter the Jiang villa, but she was wrong.

"Y-you know her…" she stammered.


"Song Lihua...if you knew then why did you marry her?" Xia Nuan asked as her nerves popped on the back of her hand. "You have already…"

The thought of Song Jia's death made her heart twist in pain. Now after her, why was Wei targeting Lihua?

"What do you want to do with Song Lihua? She has got nothing to do with this mission!" Xia Nuan lunged at him, grabbing his collar. But he remained unfazed.

"Why did you marry her!? Don't you dare harm Song Lihua!"

The guards grabbed her arms and pulled her back forcefully. Fu Renshu coldly said, "Do that once again and I will be glad to put a hole in your head."

Xia Nuan glared at him with hatred burning in her gaze. "Let her go! She has got nothing to do with this!"

Wei adjusted his collar expressionlessly and said, "I cannot let her go because she is my wife. She is my woman."

She felt stunned and speechless. "You say...that you like her?"

He tilted his head. "Yes."

She burst into laughter feeling incredulous. "You fell for a woman whose sister you murdered with your own hands?"

His eyelids slightly trembled.

"And she married you in complete ignorance, didn't she? Hah! Does the esteemed Mafia King even know what love is?"

He stiffened.

"You are fooling her into thinking that you are some saint and you say that she is your wife? Do you think she will still stay by your side the day she knows the truth? You are Song Jia's murderer! She will never forgive you!"

The familiar fear crept into his heart once again, making him feel panicked. Even though he won by taking away Lihua's memories, he always felt defeated when somebody questioned him like that.

It was as if everything he did was all meaningless and the inevitable truth would steal her away from him one day.

"She will never know…" he quietly whispered as if assuring himself.

Xia Nuan stared at him and the realization dawned on her. "Never know. It's got to do with the fact that she is Lixue now, isn't it?"

He said nothing.

"Jiang Wei. What have you done to her?"

"That is none of your concern. Your worry should be thinking about my choice."

"I don't need to think about my choice! As long as I am alive, I will never give up on chasing you until you suffer your punishment!"

Wei's gaze turned frighteningly cold. He didn't want to kill her because he didn't wish to disappoint Lihua.

I hate the Mafia King who hurts others!

That was why he couldn't raise his weapon against them. If possible, he wanted to end things peacefully and without violence. But she wasn't exactly conforming to his idea. If she didn't agree to this, what was he supposed to do?

He felt his phone ring in his pocket and as he saw Lihua's number flashing on it, his gaze softened. Xia Nuan wondered if she was dreaming seeing his gentle expression.

He stepped away and said, "Lixue."

His voice was warm and doting as he spoke.

"Wei. I need some help! Can you give me your friend's number?"

Wei blinked his eyes. "Who?"

"That doctor friend of yours. I forgot his name... Mingshen, right? He was with you when I had that accident and he treated me."

Wei froze. His eyes slowly widened, and he turned pale at his mention. The hand that held the phone tremored.

"...Why do you need his number?"

"That is a long story but I really need his help! Please, please, please give me his number. I want him to come to Jiang Fai's school as soon as possible!"

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