The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 232 - Like Hell I Will Leave Now!

Chapter 232 - Like Hell I Will Leave Now!

This woman's confidence…

What is wrong with me that this hooligan cannot choose me? Meng Ya grimaced. ??

Fu Renshu intervened. "Let's stop here already. Please leave, Tian Meirong."

She chuckled. "Nope. Especially not now."

She clapped her hands and two servants entered, holding huge suitcases. They kept it near the couch.

Tian Meirong said, "I forgot to tell you that I will also be living here from now on."

Meng Ya froze.

"Of course, I need to show somebody her place and bring her out of her illusion. She has to see it for herself that it's me, not her, who is standing beside Renshu."

Fu Renshu's gaze darkened. "What? You are going to live here from now on?"

"Aren't you happy?" She winked.

"Like hell I am! Go back to your own house!"

She shrugged. "If you have anything to say, talk to…" she peered at Meng Ya and said with emphasis, "'Dad' about it. He knows about my arrival."

Meng Ya's heart burned in fury by the obvious sarcastic remark.

She already calls her Dad? Damn you, Fu Renshu!

Tian Meirong said as she looked at Meng Ya. "Don't be so surprised. Renshu and I are childhood friends so I address his father as Dad and likewise, Renshu does the same. Our families are close after all."

"That's nice…" she tried to smile.

Fu Renshu suddenly felt a massive killing intent directed at him and his brow twitched.

Tian Meirong said, "Ah, I am so tired. I'm going for some rest."

She signaled the servants to take her suitcases and left.

Fu Renshu pressed his brows and felt a headache coming.

Meng Ya stomped forward and hit him hard on his shoulder.

"Ow! Why are you hitting me now?"

She glared at him. "Why did you agree if you clearly don't want it?"

He dryly said, "Did it look like I agreed to her living here? If Dad knows about it, I cannot do anything."


"And what's with you suddenly calling me your boyfriend? When did this happen? Why am I not aware of this?"

She gave a cold smile. "And what's with you suddenly turning into someone's future fiance? The worst thing is that you...that you…"

She felt unable to speak.

"That I what?"

Meng Ya threw the vase at him that he narrowly dodged. "Hey! You want to kill me or something?"

"I do! A hooligan like you who already has a fiance yet kisses a maiden's lips deserves to kick the bucket!"


Fu Renshu said, "First a fall, will you stop calling yourself as some delicate maiden?"

"You scum!"

He ignored her cursing and asked the second question. "Why did you come out of your room again?"

She was about to flare when his question reminded her of her motive. She actually wanted to tell him that she was ready to take his cheque and leave the city. But then suddenly, his to-be fiance appeared in the picture.

She froze.

Wait, I was going to leave this house!

"I came so that I can tell you that…"

Her mouth opened and closed many times but she couldn't complete her sentence.

Fu Renshu lazily said, "Close your mouth or a fly will enter."


"Shut up!"

Damn it, why can I not say it!?

She looked towards the direction where Tian Meirong went and some inexplicable feelings surged within her. She clenched her fist.

Like hell I will leave now! Who the hell does she think she is to treat me like that?

Hah! I will show you what I am made of. I will make you eat back your words!

A dark and sinister smile laced her lips, sending a shiver down Fu Renshu's back. "Hey, hey, what are you planning? Whatever it is, just throw it out of the window."

She sneered. "What? I am not thinking about anything. You are mistaken."

He scowled. "Your creepy smile shows your true intentions! Just leave her alone and stay quietly here. Don't make trouble."

"Tch. Such a scaredy-cat."

He had an urge to strangle her and dump her body into the deep sea.

"Hmph. She thinks she is so great just because she is your so-called childhood friend," she snorted. "She challenged me, Meng Ya and looked down upon me. I won't stand for this humiliation! Just wait and watch."

She proudly stood tall and then went back to her room.

"Meng Ya! Meng Ya!"

She was already gone.

Fu Renshu tiredly collapsed on the couch.

"How did I get into this mess...?"


Lihua peeked into the Jiang villa's grand garden and saw Jiang Lanying taking care of the delicate flowers.

She put down Lihua, the cat and whispered. "Go, Lihua!"

Lihua, the cat grimaced.

Who do you think you are to order me around, dumb human?

But the weather was nice and sunny and the grass was soft under her feet. So she obliged.


Jiang Lanying was surprised to see the cat beside her, intently looking at her.

"Ah! It's Lihua!" She beamed.

Yes, it's me, the Queen. Don't get so excited. I am not here to meet you.

"Can I hold you?" She eagerly asked.

Are your hands clean human?

Lihua, the human, was stunned.

Jiang Lanying looks so expressive now. Inside, she is always so quiet.

Jiang Lanying slowly extended her hands and seeing how Lihua, the human, wasn't retreating, she gently picked her in her arms. A warm smile laced her lips.

"You are so cute. Your fur is so pretty," she said as she softly stroked it.

The cat looked proud.

Of course!

She tickled and ruffled her head and seemed to enjoy her time with Lihua. Lihua, the cat, was pleased with her petting and lazily lied on her lap.

"Ah Lihua, there you are!"

Lihua, the human, quickly walked towards her. She sighed. "So you ran off over here huh. I was looking for you in the whole villa."


Nice acting, human.

"I hope she didn't disturb you," Lihua smiled as she looked at Jiang Lanying.

She shook her head. "Not at all."


There was a beat of silence.

"*Cough* if you don't mind, then can I join you?"

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