The Man’s 101st Bad Ending

Chapter 52


Translated By Arcane Translations

Translator: FusionX



She walked across the pure white snowy field.

Her legs staggered from constantly running, and she shivered from the cold wind, but she endlessly walked searching for a group of people.

Thanks to the artifact that concealed her body, her identity wasn’t revealed, but at this rate, it was only a matter of time before the artifact’s effect wore off, right?

Miragen bit her lip slightly and sighed.

Although she had escaped through the passage, problems still remained.

The possibility of joining up with Adele Igrit, and the possibility of Robert Taylor surviving.

No matter how much she thought about it, the probability of him breaking through all those tribesmen and surviving seemed nonexistent.

She felt powerless.

Miragen’s brow furrowed at that fact.

How many people had died trying to save just her?

And even Robert Taylor.

To think he would plan to block dozens of tribesmen alone just to let her escape, even the commander of the knights in the imperial palace wouldn’t be able to say that.

Someone with no particular ties to her had said that.

He would buy time, so she should escape and live.

Couldn’t they have run away together?

What was she, a princess who was just barely clinging to a precarious position while being pushed aside by the Crown Prince, to say?

“…I don’t understand.”

– There was a need for that.

When she asked why he came alone to save her, Robert had answered like that.

What need was there for him to say that?

Miragen recalled Robert’s eyes.

Eyes that were a bit more affectionate and gentle than usual.

Because he often had such eyes when looking at her, Miragen couldn’t easily understand Robert’s heart.

– Miragen, do you… believe in regression?

Was it really a coincidence that she thought of what Adriana had said?

If Robert and she had a special relationship in a time that no one knew about.

If there was something that only Robert himself remembered because no one else remembered.

Perhaps she could have understood his attitude.

The cold wind seeped in.

The reason she could still endure it was because she had received a cloak from Robert.

She hugged the cloak that she had received when he said it would be inconvenient for fighting.

Feeling the faint warmth remaining in it, she recalled the determination Robert must have had.


No, Robert wouldn’t die.

He had said he wouldn’t die himself, so she would surely be able to meet him again alive.

In the intensifying snowstorm, a faint figure began to appear.

Seeing a group of black wolves running, Miragen put away the artifact.

As Miragen’s appearance was revealed in the snowstorm, Adele, who had spotted her, led the group and ran straight towards Miragen.

“Your Highness the Princess.”

While relieved that Miragen was alive, Adele’s gaze confirmed that there was nothing beside Miragen.

Miragen had arrived like this, but where had Robert gone?

Perhaps he might join from the rear, so she waited, but Miragen spoke first.

“We don’t have time to stay here like this right now. Lord Taylor is blocking the tribesmen alone. We need to support him as soon as possible-”

“…Robert is alone, you say.”

Suddenly, such a chilling voice was heard that Miragen stopped speaking and nodded her head.

Adele’s expression was no different from before.

It was still an expressionless face, and even maintaining her composure was the same.

However, her eyes, the eyes staring at where Robert would be, were trembling endlessly.

Clack, Adele gritted her teeth and exhaled a faint breath.

It was obvious that he wasn’t facing Temuzin alone.

Wasn’t Temuzin a crafty and cunning person?

He must be fighting against dozens of people.

There was no time to waste like this.

After briefly checking Miragen’s condition, Adele opened her mouth upon seeing the cloak draped over her shoulders.

Even if there was little of Robert’s blood among the thoroughly stained blood, there was no way he didn’t have any injuries.

Adele’s expression gradually darkened as she looked at the hole pierced in the shoulder.

“How was Robert’s condition?”

“He was badly injured. I think… it will be difficult for him to fight for long.”

“I see.”

Since she had lent a sword to Robert, Adele drew the remaining sword and looked at Toby.

There was no time for everyone to move together.

From here, it would be faster for her to go alone.

It would take about 10 minutes to reach where Robert was from here.

After estimating that time, she moved her lips.

“Toby, escort Her Highness the Princess and join up with the troops. I’ll go to Robert and bring him back right away.”

“Are you going to go alone?”


Adele, who had bowed her head to Miragen for a moment, grasped the reins.

Miragen also didn’t stop Adele, who was trying to leave in a hurry.

At least the thought that they had to help Robert as quickly as possible was shared by both of them.

The thought that filled Adele’s mind was only one.

Reaching Robert as quickly as possible.

A cold wind blew.

Unlike usual, it was chillingly cold, and Adele spurred her horse at that strange feeling.


Numerical superiority was something that always provided a sense of stability in any situation.

Even if three were up against one, didn’t it feel like they would win?

Moreover, now there were a total of 50.

Looking at his warriors surrounding one man, Temuzin slightly furrowed his brows.

But why was no one able to approach?

It was a fight that would end simply by subduing one person.

Why couldn’t they easily subdue him?

Even Temuzin, who thought that way, couldn’t step forward, so this tedious exchange continued to drag on.

“Maybe they got scared.”

Robert mocked.

There were already many wounds on his body, his shoulder was pierced by an arrow, and his once white shirt had long been dyed red.

Wiping the blood flowing from his forehead, he thought.

Perhaps the trick he had tried seemed to work well.

Wasn’t the situation of one against many something he had faced quite often?

The number of knights Miragen had gathered to subjugate him alone was five hundred.

His completed sword had reached the point of cutting down all five hundred, but in the end, he couldn’t cut down Miragen.

It was because he had hesitated that he couldn’t cut her down.

The name Miragen was still someone he couldn’t help but hesitate about for his past self.

As he cleanly beheaded a warrior whose head was grabbed, the body that fell with a thud collapsed.

There was only one way to gain the upper hand in a disadvantageous situation.

Making it difficult to approach easily and leaving a strong impression.

When he swung his sword with a whoosh, the startled warriors flinched and took a step back.

“What are you doing now? Are you afraid of just one person and taking a step back!”

“But, but he’s not an easy opponent. Seven warriors have already died, it’s not easy to surround him in such a narrow place.”

“Then just shoot arrows, damn it.”

Whenever arrows were shot, him cutting them down with a sword was like watching a display of marvelous skill.

Out of over 100 shots, only 3 hit him.

Was this a level that a human could achieve?

While harboring such doubts for a moment, Temuzin, who had made a decision, took a step forward.

There was no use in sending his warriors who were already scared.

Wasn’t this the moment when he himself had to fight in this situation?

There was a high probability of winning, in Temuzin’s eyes, After all Robert’s condition was critical.

He must have already exhausted his strength close to his full power, so even if he just pretended, it seemed like he would easily collapse.

Look, he was already panting heavily, wasn’t he?

Seeing Robert, who was panting roughly, Temuzin grasped his stance.

“You don’t think I’m tired, do you?”

Of course, Temuzin’s thoughts were plainly visible to Robert as well.

It was true that he was tired.

In order to gain the upper hand at the beginning, he had to show a bit of an overwhelming difference, so he had consumed a lot of stamina and was currently enduring.

‘…5 minutes.’

The time he could use mana was so short that it made him want to laugh.

If he dragged it out any longer than that, his body would crumble and he would die like that.

It was a very short time.

However, he didn’t think he would die.

Was it confidence?


This should be called certainty, right?

He hadn’t lived a futile life to the point of dying in a place like this.

Hwarak, the mana rising like flames enveloped Robert’s body.

Unlike before, it burned the surroundings like fire and seemed to absorb the mana fluttering in the wind.

In fact, it was.

When he mastered how to handle mana, he finally learned to use the mana existing in nature.

Temuzin, who realized that Robert still had no intention of swinging his sword, stomped on the ground.


The ground where his foot touched cracked and dust rose.

He intended to end it in one blow.

Temuzin’s specialty was putting mana into his body at once, and the sword containing an enormous amount of mana swung and headed straight towards Robert.

However, it didn’t hit.

Robert, who dodged it by slightly twisting his head, brought down his elbow like that.

With a gasp and a groan, Temuzin frowned.

Then he swung his body again, but even that attack didn’t hit.

Robert’s movements were like the flow of the wind.

Seemingly within reach but not quite.


Whenever he failed to land an attack, a blow would unfailingly come to his vital points, and Robert’s leg swung towards Temuzin’s legs, which momentarily stumbled.

Grabbing the collar of the falling Temuzin, he pulled him up.

Falling would only give more time.

What kind of situation would it be after knocking down Temuzin?

Robert quickly scanned the area around Temuzin and smiled slightly.

Perhaps those dozens of warriors would rush at him.

As they valued honor more than the life of their chief, they would surely pounce on him in the name of avenging their chief.

So he had to show them.

Even after the chief was down, he was still overwhelming.

He had to make them realize that even if dozens rushed at him, there was no chance of winning.

That was the reason for conserving his mana.

Robert’s fist slammed into Temuzin’s face.

Even as his nose bone shattered and sank inward, he grabbed his collar again, pulled him up, and drove his fist in once more.

Bang, even as he crashed into the ground and the ground shattered, Temuzin couldn’t put up any resistance.

The mana flowing through Robert completely enveloped his body, so whenever he moved his body, it was immediately read and a counterattack came.

The hand holding the sword trembled and shook.

Kwaduk, Temuzin’s body, which was slammed into the ground once more, writhed.

Blood flowed from his nose and mouth, and rock fragments were chewed in his mouth.

Nevertheless, Robert didn’t stop.

Even as the fragments of broken teeth pierced his fist, even as his side was cut by the sword Temuzin forcibly swung.

The burning mana moved like a flash and headed towards Temuzin’s body.

When he swung his sword, he broke his arm.

When he tried to move forcibly, he knocked him down by crushing his knees.

When he tried to say something, he drove his fist in and crushed his nose.

“Tha…at’s enough.”


Before he could finish his words, the crushed face screamed.

In the midst of that, Robert felt his mana gradually disappearing.

His reason for hitting him recklessly like this was simple.

When he looked around, he saw the fighting spirit fading from the faces of the warriors.

Some even wet themselves and ran away, and Robert’s fists became even faster at the sight.

There was nothing to find out.

What Temuzin knew, Robert already knew everything.

The only thing he was curious about was how he found out that the princess was in the northwest.

Robert, who paused his fists for a moment, slowly drew his sword.

Sling, the mana on his body flowed into the blade.

As the sword coated with mana pointed at Temuzin’s neck, small drops of blood formed.

“Spa…spare me…”

“You’re still thinking about living?”

The moment he targeted Miragen, he was already destined to die.

In the first place, he had no intention of sparing him at all.

Robert, who scoffed slightly, pushed the sword in, and the blood that had been flowing a little gradually became faster.

“I have something to ask, and you can answer, right?”

“I can, I can, so please just spare my life…”

“Let me ask first. How did you know that the princess was in the northwest? Did someone perhaps tell you?”

Then Temuzin vigorously nodded his head.

Saying that was right, he eagerly affirmed, and Robert’s expression turned coldly stiff.

The thought he had suspected had become reality.

Then who on earth had told him that the princess was here?

“A…a woman named Tere, Theresa told me. That the princess…was in the northwest…”


Robert doubted his own ears.

Why was that name mentioned here?

Hearing that he didn’t know the surname, he let out a small sigh.

If that Theresa was really Theresa Violet, he couldn’t just let her live anyway.

However, that was something to think about later.

Since she would head south anyway, he had to decide Temuzin’s future first.

“She said if you want to receive help from her, come to the sou, south. It’s true, so please just spare me…!”

Temuzin begged to live.

Knowing that the title of great chief was useless at this moment, he somehow dragged his unmoving body and knelt down.

Kwang kwang, blood splattered every time he banged his head.

Robert, who had been blankly looking at that sight, then only smiled bitterly.

How would they have reacted when Miragen had asked them to spare her?

…They probably would have just scoffed.

Thus, his sword didn’t stop.

When his sword that drew a clean line passed through Temuzin’s neck, the head that had already rolled away was heading towards the feet of the other warriors.

Robert’s gaze reached the warriors.

His face was still relaxed as he looked at the dozens who had turned pale and were trembling.

Although he thought there would be no warrior with the confidence to do so.

Robert, who fixed his grip on the sword, moved his lips.

“If you want revenge, come.”


[T/N: Oh shit this is getting good]

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