The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 142.2

Chapter 142.2

At first, Ding Qu looked wary and gradually focused.

Even if the Qiao family was wiped out, it was due to the incompetence of my brother and me. I was to blame. But you, General, are different! You have a reputation as a hero, and everyone knows it. You joined Liu Yan because of your loyalty to the Han family. Liu Yan is taking advantage of you, nominally making you a marquis and giving you the power of Yanzhou. But actually, he is giving you a hot potato, trying to trap you in a desperate situation.

Ding Qu listened with shock, out of cold sweat.

He thought he had a heros reputation, but his fate was miserable. He joined Yuan Zhe and Xing Xun, all wrong masters. Now, not only failed to build success as hoped but due to the frequent change of masters, the world criticized him. Now, he had no choice but to join Liu Yan, whom he had despised before.

But is Wei Shao easy to deal with? Now, Wei Shao is approaching the city. Although he gathered the old Qiao familys forces to defend the city, he didnt know how long he could survive.

If the city is broke, even if he bravely kills out, as Qiao Ping said, it will tarnish his reputation again.

Now the situation is complicated.

Gritting his teeth, he said, Things are already like this! What else can I do? Only to fight Wei Shao to death!

Qiao Ping shook his head: General, dont be discouraged. Listen to my words. It is a pity that Liu Yan played you. I dont want the people of Yanzhou to suffer because of Liu Yans treacherous plan. All of this is also because of my elder brother, Qiao Yue. Wei Shaos anger was because of my brother. My brother, who was heartless and unjust, blinded me to take away my power. He and I have no brotherly love left. I want to kill him and take his head. Then I can seek relief from Wei Shao. Wei Shao is my son-in-law. This matter will be resolved with Qiao Yues head and my daughters help. When the battle is over, I will recommend you to Wei Shao. Wei Shaos goal is to be the best in the world, and he is eager for talent, so if you are willing to join us, how can he not accept you?

Ding Qu was affected, but his face was embarrassed. He said, I didnt do any merit for Wei Shao and only had a deep grudge. How could he be willing to accept me now?

Qiao Ping said, If you kill Qiao Yue, wont that be a great merit?

Ding Qu was overjoyed and let go of the sword in his hand, saying, I am enlightened by what you have said! I will kill Qiao Yue and cut off his head!

Qiao Ping said: No hurry. It is not too late to kill him tomorrow. Where is he going to escape? Although I cant see, and Ive only spoken a few words with you, I feel like Ive met a soulmate. Will you share a few drinks with me?

Ding Qu naturally nodded his head. They reorganized the banquet and drank together. During the meal, Ding Qu had a great talk, cursed Yuan Zhe as narrow-minded, cursed Xing Xun as brutal and headstrong, cursed Liu Yan despicable villain, cursing all the time. Hearing Qiao Pings explanation, Ding Qu felt his hate increase. Glasses after glass, he became drunk, and his eyes became hazy. Then, General Hou enters the room and slashes off his head with a knife without sound. And so, the poor generation of a brave general died in East County.

After eliminating Ding Qu, General Hou immediately called the old troops, carrying Ding Qus head, and ordered the soldiers to disarm. Most of them obeyed, but there was also stubborn resistance.

At dawn, they finally extinguished Liu Yans forces in the city.

General Hou hated Zhang Pu and took this opportunity to rush to his residence with his sword, but no one was inside. The house was empty, not even a servant.

When he entered the inner room, he smelled a strong smell of blood and saw a headless corpse on the floor. When he saw the body, he knew it was Qiao Yue, the governor of Yanzhou. He was shocked and sent someone to inform Qiao Ping. After searching the area, he caught a servant and sent him to Qiao Ping.

The servant, who was trembling, knelt and said, Early yesterday morning, soon after the news of Ding Qus defeat came, Mr. Qiao sent someone to summon Zhang Pu. I saw him carrying a sword angrily and chased Zhang Pu into the inner room. A few moments later, Zhang Pu left with a package. I was brave enough to go in, only to see decapitated Mr. Qiao. Wei Shao attacked the city. I was afraid of being implicated, so I fled in fear. I dont know what happened after that. I beg you to spare my life. Im innocent. I didnt kill Mr. Qiao!

Qiao Ping contemplated.

Qiao Yue should have heard the news that Wei Shao attacked the city and wanted to kill Zhang Pu to vent his hatred. Zhang Pu killed and cut his head off.

Although Qiao Ping hated his older brother for being confused and putting Yanzhou in this situation, he didnt expect him to die at the hands of one of his most trusted advisors.

He ordered someone to collect Qiao Yues corpse. Then immediately stated orally to write a letter, telling the cause and effect, attaching Ding Qus head.

General Ho offered to meet Wei Shao.

Qiao Ping waited apprehensively for news.

Wei Shao, however, did not even see General Hous face. He was not even read the letter.

Qiao Ping was anxious: He must think that my Qiao family changed sides after seeing the situation, killing Ding Qu to beg him, which is why he insisted on not seeing General Hou. Id better go to the city to see him personally! Attack on General Liang was because of my negligence.

The people hurried to stop him. At that moment, an urgent report came, saying that Wei Shaos army blocked the four gates of the county.

From the city head, they could already see the flags.

At the same time, Bi Zhi led his army from Juye, apparently to stop Wei Shaos army from attacking the city. The two sides confronted each other, and there was an imminent attack.

Qiao Ping vomited a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

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