The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 734

Chapter 734

Getting a bad feeling from the situation, the bald Malicious Spirit woman flinched and backed away.


Unfortunately, she wasn’t fast enough. Cards suddenly came flying in from all directions, immediately sending out chains and overpowering her.

“These puny chains!”

Unable to hide her shock, she began to release her power, making dozens of eyes open in midair and distort the surroundings.

This intangible psychic force was telekinesis. Its purity hinted at her talent and accomplishments being exceptionally rare among other users of telekinesis.

She unleashed her full power in an attempt to break her binds, the chains beginning to tremble and break one by one under the strain.

“Although these are encroached chains and don’t have any contractors raising their power, even the King of Mythical Beasts would need to exert some effort to completely break them,” Davey sardonically informed her.

Hmph! Unlike what others say, you’re actually pretty capable. I’m going to have fun playing with you.”

Rattle, rattle!!

Her lips curved into a grim smile as she eventually managed to break all the chains off her. An intangible force then squeezed Davey with so much strength that he felt as if he were being held in a massive vise. The sight made her smile turn into a more seductive one.

"It’s not so nice being on the receiving end, is it?” she taunted, seemingly having complete control over the area. Objects engulfed in blue light floated around her, moving like fish swimming in midair.

“Telekinesis is a type of mental power, and I just so happen to be its most skilled user among my species.”


“Now, what should I do with you? Sir Katshi told me not to approach you carelessly, but I’m far too interested in you,” she said while slowly walking over to Davey. "Well, before we can get down to business...”

As if something was bothering her, she then frowned slightly and turned around.

“We can’t have our special fun with all these voyeurs around now, can we?”


Massive explosions of metal and fire occurred all around, revealing numerous helicopters that had been hiding nearby. They had been using light manipulation to conceal themselves.

"There we go! No more disruptors! Hey sweetie, now that I’ve taken a closer look at you, you’re just my type.”

She opened her mouth in excitement, a tongue of unimaginable length slipping out between her lips. Approaching him, it almost appeared as if she intended to lick his cheek.

“Don’t resist. Not that you can move, anyway,” she joked, a chuckle accompanying her faint smile. “Kikiki!”

While still narrowing the distance between them, she introduced herself. “I’m Oatgars. I can’t seem to control my urges around you.”

In response, Davey simply pointed his finger toward the sky.


She blankly looked up, finding several white spheres spinning rapidly in the sky.

“What is that... Huh?!

Finally, she realized that Davey had somehow moved his hand despite her telekinetic hold on him.

"How...? How?!”

Realizing that she had been deceived and sensing danger from the balls of light, she quickly attempted to distance herself from Davey.

“Telekinesis is really useful, yeah.”


“But I can do what you do without that power.”

Hundreds of cards of light appeared all over the area and surrounded her. Among them were talismans filled to the brim with lightning

[1st Circle Grand Sorcery]

[Divine Retribution]



She screamed and struggled to break free as the magic scorched her.

“You know, you should consider yourself lucky. If you had hair, electric currents this strong would have incinerated it or made it puff up since they usually contain protein.


Enraged by both his physical and verbal counterattack, she tried fighting back.


However, before she could even gather her strength, history repeated itself; chains once again emerged from the cards to completely bind her.


She tried her best to escape, exerting so much force that her veins became visible, but the chains kept growing in number.

Her lack of knowledge about the chains’ structure worked against her here, none the wiser as her strength was sapped away to feed the growing strength of the chains.

“You have no idea just how much damage and pain those things up there can inflict, do you?” Davey asked.


“Seems like I’m right. Let me show you.”

[9th Circle Non-Elemental]

[Mass Acceleration]

Eliminating the gap between the soul and body did not only increase one’s mana. It also prepared one’s body to utilize the enlightenment they had gained.

Before she could react, the three light sources swiftly wrapped her up and interfered with the large mass. They then moved and forcibly accelerated every mass in the area.

“One more coming your way.”

Davey formed three-dimensional magic circles around him, making them follow the movements of his hands. They overlapped and merged, creating another magic circle.

[Natural Disaster Series]

[Call for Lightning]

In the past, using these spells would’ve left him unconscious. Now, he could easily cast them.

In the sky, purple thunderbolts gathered and fell straight on her.

According to Kain, high-ranking Malicious Spirits weren’t that far apart in terms of strength. Hence, even though Oatgars was ranked slightly higher than Antares, Davey assumed that she wouldn’t be significantly more powerful.

Davey wasn’t sure if she would die from this, but he knew it would at least critically injure her. Considering their battle had weakened her defenses to below Antares’ level, this attack would be fatal to her.


A massive thunderbolt brightened up the night sky as it brutally struck her down.


Unfortunately, Oatgars managed to escape.

Davey hoped that he could say that she managed to slip away from him thanks to her exceptional mobility, but in reality, he simply let her go.

Davey wasn’t sure about Oatgars, but the boy he met just now—whom he believed to be the top-ranked Malicious Spirit—seemed different. Contrary to Davey’s expectations, he had already manifested his true form on Earth. Moreover, just before Davey could beat Oatgars to death, he stormed in and took her away.

He naturally didn’t just let them get away, but the way they disappeared made it hard for him to track them down with his current techniques. Moreover, although he could have imbued them with divine power, he figured that doing so would be dangerous since it could be used against him.


Moreover, the tactical bastard didn’t just run away. He used some kind of power to twist and explode the surrounding area behind him, forcing Davey to counter and twist it back with his divine power.

Arbit’s voice rang in Davey’s head. [Ah... Katshi... O’ Goddess Freyja... I never suspected that monster still lived,]


[Yes, my lord. That boy Katshi is the King of Atlantis, said to be the top-ranked Malicious Spirit. Despite his weak, youthful appearance, he once single-handedly put eight ancient dragon elders to eternal sleep. Fortunately, it appears he's still dormant and has yet to unleash his full power. He was the only Malicious Spirit that could ever resist Eclipse.]

To Davey’s surprise, a small version of old man Arbit sat on his shoulders.

“Aren’t you in the Red Void? I didn’t know you could come out like this.”

[I believe I can help you. I can only stay here for a little bit, but it should be long enough to help you track down the red mutant. Still, I can’t believe Katshi is...]

“Let’s just forget about him for now. Chasing the runner comes first.”

[We should head west from here. However, it seems Oatgars did something before they left.]

Davey looked down at the ground as it began to shake, seemingly on cue.

Rumble, rumble!!

[This is Oatgars’ specialty; she twists the ground on its axis and starts powerful earthquakes. By the time her power disappears, a huge earthquake will already be coming.]

‘The ground?’ Davey wondered, then thought of Gnoass. 'Can you handle it?'

[The remaining power is interfering. Contractor, I need more power.]

Although it was easy to destroy something, calming it down was a different matter. Concluding that it was difficult for a spirit king to handle this alone, he decided to support it with a being that wielded the power of the earth.

Davey released a being from the Heavenly Demon’s Card Album.


Amid a huge ball of light, a large earth dragon with black scales materialized before him. It then roared as if it were going to destroy the building in front of it.

- Kaaaaaa!!

Shandrea Minea the Earthburst Dragon, a being that frequently ran wild and rampaged, had been summoned. Although it had not yet been liberated from Urd's encroachment, Davey figured its powerful earth attributes would be strong enough to support Gnoass.

Davey slowly stretched his hand toward it and snapped his fingers. “This is a Ten Cost spell, you know.”

[9th Circle Dark Magic]

[Mental Control]

Even though it could not follow precise commands, Davey figured it would support Gnoass very well. As soon as he made eye contact with Shandra Minea, he released black devil mana from his body and imbued it into the dragon.

Shandra Minea, who was about to run wild, soon settled down and came under control fairly easily, perhaps due to its low intelligence weakening its mental defense. It then began to draw the power of the earth and release it indiscriminately.

[This is some absurd power, but it’s enough, contractor.]

“Don’t break anything. We have enough victims already.”

Soon, Gnoass used its power and began to stabilize the distorted and broken ground.

[My lord, are you done?]

"Yeah, let’s go find him now.”


Davey flew up using fly magic and followed Arbit’s directions. Although an unwelcome guest had intervened midway, he was now back on track in finding the runner.

"By the way, Arbit.”

Arbit looked up at Davey. [Yes, my lord?]

“Hercules. What kind of person is he?”

It took Arbit a while to answer.

[My lord, I cannot understand the intention of your question. If you could be a little more specific...]

Davey sighed quietly, then asked, “What did he do?”

[Ah... When I first met him, he was a human prince of the Horne tribe, which was known for its old-fashioned values and extreme expertise in alchemy.]

“He was?” Davey glanced at Arbit in doubt. "That outdoor nudist pervert who always went topless? Him?”

Arbit smiled bitterly. [Well, he hadn’t always been like that. Hercules was the first ruler and my godfather, after all. Back then, he was considered worthy of being a king... at least until the Great Race War broke out, leading to the death of his sister, Priestess Frejya. Fufu, now that I think about it, if he hadn't interacted with my species before the war, we might have been hostile to humans as well.]

“Freyja... Priestess...”

[Oh, I almost forgot. He is also Lady Eclipse’s husband.]


Davey couldn’t help but imagine the huge Hercules standing alongside Eclipse, towering over her small figure.


“The next time I see that damn bastard, I’ll make sure to stab him with my bamboo spear.”

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