The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 751

Chapter 751

"I’m going to tear you to pieces!!"

Hera screamed in fury, causing the ground around them to collapse as a huge movement began within it. At her words, monsters emerged targeting Davey from all sides.

These beings possessed extraterrestrial powers. The Abyss was fundamentally hostile to the laws of the world of the front face of the coin. Even if those from this world used the same magic, it barely affected the monsters, while their monstrous attacks were fatal for the natives.

This inherent danger was what made the creatures of the Abyss, including the Princesses of the Abyss, so menacing.

To kill beings from the Abyss, one had to crush them with overwhelming force, counter their power with their own, or use the unique power of Hercules which only Davey possessed—the power of taboo.

Unfortunately for them, Davey met all three criteria.

- Kiaaa!!!

As a creature of the Abyss resembling a raptor charged at him with incredible speed, the Awakened people taking cover behind him began to scream.

"Watch out! Catherine was seriously injured by those things!"

‘Who the fuck is Catherine?’

Davey ignored their warnings, stepped forward, and extended his fist toward the creature's mouth full of hundreds of teeth trying to bite him.


A massive sonic boom erupted as he punched the creature, twisting its enormous, solid mouth as if it had been struck by a giant press. The raptor-like monster was instantly reduced to a sheet of jerky. Davey’s fist then emitted a brilliant burst of light.

[Heavenly Asura’s Overlord Fist]


The heads of another raptor-like creature and some other creatures of the Abyss charging from behind exploded. The overwhelming force suppressed even the sound of breathing as blood from the monsters splattered everywhere.

After wiping out a large number of creatures in an instant, Davey advanced toward Hera with a grim expression.

"You arrogant bastard!!” she screamed, turning her arms into a giant mist.


Davey’s arm turned black as the black mist touched it.

"Ahahahahaha!! I was wrong after all!!" Hera laughed maniacally. She then shouted toward Myu, the Princess of the Abyss who had been torn to pieces. "I knew it! You’re just a mere horne after all! Myu, get up!”

But contrary to her expectation, Myu did not wake up.

"Myu? Stop playing around and get up! I know you can't die from such a weak attack!"

Her power, slowly corroding Davey's arm, began to spread more quickly.

"Come on... Don't play around… Myu?"

She kept shouting at Myu's torn body, but it was all too futile.

"She can't wake up because she's dead,” Davey said.


"Honestly, I feel like an idiot for getting a bit nervous about facing a Princess of the Abyss."

Even the two Princesses of the Abyss in the Heavenly Central Plains, that Davey thought were the weakest, were better than these two.

Davey was now certain that the creatures of the Abyss, despite their menace and danger, felt like beings that were incomplete or flawed on some level. Knowing this, Davey no longer needed to be so wary of them.

"Are you two like a single Princess of the Abyss split in two or something? Possibly more?”

Davey thought this was the only plausible explanation.


"Wait, really?”

By the way she reacted, Davey could tell he was right. Given the urgency, they seemed to have dispersed their power.


Then the black current encroaching his arm disappeared and his arm returned to normal. Seeing this, Hera made an astonished expression.


"Don't worry, it still affected me. It just seems like I wasn’t from the outside.”

Her power couldn’t penetrate all the way through his arm. As the power of taboo was unleashed, all of her power wore off—the parts that were initially corroded were slowly recovering.


Davey eventually restored his corroded skin back to normal through holy magic. Hera looked at Davey as if he were a monster.

"What... What kind of nonsense is this..."


Dozens of bizarrely shaped creatures of the Abyss slowly retreated, mirroring Hera’s movement as she stepped back.

"Let's start with you guys first."

Since the ritual had begun, Davey had to take care of all the damned creatures of the Abyss that came to Earth for the next three or four days—he knew he had to wrap things up here before he could take care of other places as well.

He held up Blue Ribbon and smiled softly.

"Blue Ribbon, if you listen carefully to what Dad says, I'll buy you waffles afterward."

[Wa… Waffles!]

[Red Ribbon too! Red Ribbon wants waffles too!]

Davey couldn’t help but laugh as Red Ribbon chimed in.

"Alright. Two waffles if you listen well!"

[Red Ribbon can do it!]

Davey gently rotated the two swords burning with desire and aimed them at the terrified, half-Princess of the Abyss, Hera.

"T-This is impossible... This is ridiculous!" she stammered.

Davey could tell she hadn’t accepted her fate yet.


"Ga.. Gaaa…

There was black blood everywhere.

"We... We are... one..."

The half-Princess of the Abyss, who had been a cute girl only moments ago, had now turned into a huge, grotesque lump of flesh. Trampling on Hera's body, Davey lifted Blue Ribbon and ended her life completely.

If the beings of the Abyss had unilaterally ravaged the Awakened before, this time it was the creatures of the Abyss who had been ravaged. For them, this was completely unexpected—in fact, except for Davey, there was virtually no one on Earth who could trample on them so cruelly.

"Hmm... The Siberian plains aren’t the only problem…”

Davey knew that the Abyss would go all out to disrupt their ritual. He had no idea how they were coming to Earth, but as long as it was possible, he knew they wouldn’t miss the opportunity. So, if they intended to keep pushing forward with all their might, he had to find all of them one by one and eradicate them quickly.

The problem was, with Kain focusing on the ritual, the only one who could immediately locate the creatures of the Abyss was Verdandi.

"There’s still a good method I can use for situations like this.”

"Um... Excuse me..." A Russian female Awakened cautiously approached Davey, clearly surprised and grateful to him for saving them from the brink of death so easily.

"Well, Russia is also a powerful country," Davey muttered to himself, noticing their puzzled looks.

"Are you thankful that I saved you?”

But none of them answered.

"Then I want you to take me to your president."

They exchanged confused glances but eventually complied.


Russian President Vladimir Kutin stared blankly at the young man in front of him.

He had sent Awakened individuals to stop a strange unidentified monster that had invaded Russian territory, but the reports that came in told of either annihilation or damage close to annihilation. The attacks were ineffective, while the monster tore through the Awakened and their military forces like toys.

Just as he was contemplating what to do about this overwhelming enemy, Davey appeared.

Though many people didn't know about Davey, Kutin was a huge fan of Alf Online and had been following him since he had appeared in the event map a long time ago. Despite this unexpected revelation, no one had dared to speak about it openly.

"This black tea tastes good," Davey remarked.

"I'm glad you like it. We brown bears of Russia will not forget your help, Saint of Tionis.”

"Then sir, please help me out a little in return," Davey said.

Kutin tilted his head. "What do you mean by ‘help?’"

"I need information about the commanders-in-chief of each country."


"I’m sure you’ve seen the strange creatures emerging from the Siberian plains."

"Yes. We observed them through satellites."

"If we leave them alone, it won't be long before Earth shatters. Many dimensions have already been destroyed by their hands."

Kutin's expression twitched at Davey's remark. "Dimensions shattered..."

"They may not seem like much now, but their true strength hasn't fully manifested. The most dangerous one is trapped in Alf Online; it hasn’t escaped, thankfully, but who knows what will happen."

"You’re not talking about…?”

Despite his demeanor, Kutin was a die-hard fan of Alf Online, so he had already seen the video of the girl in the gothic dress that collided with Davey.

"The Abyss is a place teeming with monsters that can single-handedly destroy the world. Don't try to find out about it or look into it—it’s that dangerous."

"How do you intend to use the information?" Kutin, sweating coldly, asked cautiously.

Davey smiled. "Oh, I’ll use them well.”





Several photos were posted on Durian Talk, a community app on mobile devices. They were all photos of strangely shaped monsters difficult to describe in words.


- Davey O'Rowane has invited Donald Drumper, Elizabeth, Zhang Ping,... and Kakarushi.

Dozens of people were added to the group chat at once.

[Whoever offers the best compensation, I’ll save your place first.]



[What is this?]

Messages started flooding in instantly.

[I know I should’ve met you all in person and explained what’s going on, but that would be too complicated on my end. Currently, there are rifts appearing in every country, and there should also be monsters completely different from the previous ones emerging from them. Even the Awakened won’t be able to do anything to them. I can, but since I’m not a philanthropist, I will prioritize the countries that offer me the best compensation. It's a hassle for me to go to each one.]

Most people seemed confused by his words, responding with question marks and wondering what the situation was. Some left the group chat without saying a word, but the quick-witted made another choice.

[Donald Drumper] - One billion United States Dollars. This is an upfront payment, and we'll compensate you for any additional help you provide.

As the astute American president initiated the deal, the Queen of England followed suit.

[Elizabeth] - Same conditions, but I will offer $1.1 billion in United States Dollars.

[Zhang Ping] - I will match her terms and provide necessary supplies for Tionis. Our Chinese capital is the world's best market—you won't regret it.

Other presidents began to bitterly nod to themselves, impressed and knowing that it’d be difficult to match his offer.

"Are there any other offers?”

His words made everyone nervous. As if they were being wary of one another, the presidents fully focused on the Durian Talk group chat that they were suddenly added to.

[Yabe Sanjo] - I can’t believe the presidents of multiple countries are gathered in one group chat competing in an auction...

[President Cho Soo-Hwan] - Mr. Sanjo Yabe, if you don't like it, you can leave.

Just like an auction, the presidents began to be wary of each other's bids, gradually raising their offers for Davey's help.

[Kakapucha] - We can't offer you that much money, but our country is rich in natural resources. We can offer tungsten and crude oil worth 500 hundred million United States Dollars…

Aware of the situation's seriousness and not to be outdone by the US President and the Queen of England, other presidents quickly began raising their offers.

The Russian President Vladimir Kutin, having read the group chat on his computer, looked at Davey with bewilderment and a wry smile.

"Hey, didn’t you say he was a prince from another dimension?"

"Yes... sir... He certainly is..."

"A young fellow negotiating off the presidents of Earth like a used car dealer…”

It seemed like a funny situation, but he couldn’t find any mirth. Having heard the situation briefly, Kutin realized that Davey's method was quite terrifying.

Since it was difficult for him to locate the enemies, he gathered all the leaders and used the pretext of helping them to find their locations. As a prince, he was thorough and ruthless, even auctioning off the price of his assistance for the benefit of his kingdom.

"It would be nice to have such a talent like him in Russia…” Kutin muttered, suddenly wondering if any of his female followers had the charm to grab his attention. In his eyes, Davey’s diplomacy was unconventional and radical, yet also efficient.


As Kain began performing the ritual to activate the Absolute Gem, Rinne sat down, blocking the path leading to the ritual hall. As she looked around blankly, a familiar figure approached her.

"Miss Rinne."

"Rinne deems this place to be dangerous. Rinne recommends you evacuate immediately."

The person in front of her was none other than Yeon-Hee.

Shin Yeon-Hee.

She was the older sister of both the current Hyun-Ah and Davey in his previous life. Rinne figured she shouldn’t be here, having just woken up from a hospital bed. With this in mind, she prepared to summon her lightsaber at any moment.

"Warning. Rinne determined that it is dangerous for you to approach any further. Rinne states that she has the right to handle the situation with her own discretion."

Shin Yeon-Hee flinched at her remarks.

"Warning. Scan results confirm unnatural prosopagnosia. Rinne determines you are not Yeon-Hee.”

Rinne pulled out her lightsaber and aimed the tip of the saber at Yeon-Hee, standing alone in the plain.

"Rinne judges camouflage as poor to be detected so quickly—Rinne rates it low.”

Yeon-Hee’s face, which had seemed very intimidated by Rinne’s words, changed in an instant.


There was a serene silence.

"Even after ten thousand years, you still don't understand."

At those words, Rinne made a grim expression.

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