The Medieval Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset

Chapter 22

The Medieval-Modern Man With A Gamer Mindset 22

22. Devout Believers

Sometimes, when I see John getting all worked up, I wonder why I brought him along.

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However, John by the stream, while a bit cowardly, is a man who does what he has to do. The more I got to know him, the more he seemed like a person with real guts. Despite all his fuss, he does a good job when asked.

Like now, as he’s whining and shaking his head.

“You want me to act as a monk? And you want me to go ring the bell by myself?!”

This reaction shouldn’t be mistaken for a strike or refusal to obey at all costs. Just as a great leader sets clear goals and processes to achieve results, a great colleague often demands motivation to boost their work performance.

I suppose I have the duty to motivate John and get him fired up. So, pointing to the monk’s corpse sprawled outside the door, I explained as concisely as possible.

“Don’t you wear a hood? Even if they see you without it, they’re a bunch of guys who walk around with their heads shaved anyway, so you, with a hole already in your head, will be able to infiltrate without arousing suspicion.”

“No! Master!!!”

“Do you have any basis for refuting my clear argument?”

“Master… You’re overestimating me. In the first place, with the monks killing each other, do you think just dressing up like a monk will do the trick?!”

It was something I said without much expectation. But surprisingly, John pointed out something I hadn’t mentioned. Was he hiding his abilities, or had he learned something by being around me for so long?

Perhaps it was because he was desperately racking his brains, considering the threat of death. Whatever it was, I was almost moved to tears by this new side of John.

Fortunately, of course, John’s worries turned out to be for nothing. This was because a newly joined figure approached us with a shrug.

“Don’t worry. Fortunately, Monk Sertel, who has agreed to cooperate with us, will give us detailed instructions.”

It seemed that my introduction had put some wind in his sails. Sertel, with a gentle fatherly smile, as if he were about to serve a hearty soup full of dumplings in a warm bowl, spoke in a cheerful voice.

“Those with swords at their waists, especially those on the right. If they’re allies, they’ll point the hilt of their sword towards their belly, and if there’s no response, consider them an enemy. If you consider them an enemy , immediately draw your sword and kill them.”


“This is a way to distinguish the bloodthirsty horde that plotted this. I can’t believe I can use what they forced me to do under duress like this. It’s truly the arrangement of Lux Stella.”

This Sertel… he’s really something. If you were to grind his face on a steel plate, the steel plate would be the one to wear down. But even a son of a b*tch is my son of a b*tch.

You can only be a true master if you can laugh even when you hear a dog bark. I gave a satisfied laugh and even clapped my hands softly.

“You heard him, John. Go put on any of those monk’s robes you like and head to the belfry. Monk Sertel, you keep an eye out for any approaching enemies nearby for a while.”

“Won’t you save those who came with you?”

Sertel’s suggestion was perfectly reasonable, given the need to increase our numbers in this time of chaos, but this was no time for reason. I deliberately avoided Sertel’s gaze and snorted.

“If you go with them, they’ll think you’re escaping and they’ll either change their attitude and kill me or try to kill you. It’s not an act of increasing our numbers but of increasing our enemies. Rather, Sertel, it would be safer for you to rely on me in many ways.”


“Then, I’ll ask you to keep watch while this friend of mine changes his clothes.”

“I understand. Master, please prepare without worry.”

Sertel nodded in agreement, but his voice was refreshingly dry. It was a deliberate trap. Monk Sertel was a man sensitive to his own interests and quick to judge.

He knew that if he were to save Abbot Topa and the soldiers here, his own position would be diminished. If I had gone to save them here, the blade would have been pointed at me.

There would be no witnesses anyway, so he would have thought it better to kill me and achieve his original goal rather than share the credit for nothing. It was only after the grim swordsman had moved a little distance away that I could finally get to the main point.

It was just when John was patting the blood-soaked robe and grimacing.

“John, listen carefully. When the bell rings, the entire monastery will turn into a battlefield. There’s a high probability that enemy troops disguised as looters are nearby. Sertel doesn’t seem to have noticed yet.”


I tapped John on the back of the head, deliberately creating an agitated atmosphere. I made it look like I was reprimanding John for not doing his job properly. I took advantage of this opportunity to avoid Sertel’s gaze and have a long conversation.

To summarize, it went like this. Judging from the fact that the monks were moving in an organized manner, targeting the abbot and me, it was a meticulously planned operation. This meant that someone had set the timing or deadline in advance.

If so, why set a time and deadline? It could simply be used as a way to urge and press, but the other party was Bishop Yubas and Bishop Powys. Since it was presumed that there was a common interest between the two and that they were cooperating with each other, it couldn’t be easily dismissed.

Moreover, those who earnestly desired to gain something from my death would not want to tarnish their cause with an assassination whose motive and perpetrator were clear… It was highly likely that they had prepared a real attack in order to gain a solid justification and my certain death.

I shared everything I had guessed with John, leaving nothing out.

“This massacre that’s happening now is the real main act of Yubas. To be exact, it’s more like a preparatory stage for the real main act. They intend to weaken the defenses with the chaos inside the monastery and break through in one breath.”

“Oh, my God.”

“In that case, we would need a simple and clear signal that everyone knows. And if there’s a signal that the monastery would understand…there’s no signal that’s more definitive than the sound of a bell. The moment the bell tolls, those who have been concealing their true intentions amidst this chaos will open the gates and welcome the raiders outside.”

“Then…then isn’t it useless as it is now?”

“Don’t worry.”

I flashed a confident smile, encouraging John who was about to give up.

“Have I ever let you die?”


John seemed to be feeling a lot of emotions at this moment. He pursed his lips and tried to say something, but he ended up trembling all over and looking away. John, you’re so touched by just a few words.

Now that I look at it, he’s a man full of sensibility like our second brother, Terver. No, it would be more accurate to say that he’s full of loyalty and romance. I patted John’s shoulder and slowly stood up.

“I believe in you. Do your best. Then you’ll live and see the sun rise with me.”


“John, you must ring the bell!”

“My luck…”

After seeing off John who was whining, I walked through the eerie corridors of the monastery with Surtel.

Since there were corpses of people here and there, it was like a haunted house without needing a ghost. However, even at this point, those who were being attacked didn’t just give up. At some point, the loud sound of footsteps started to echo little by little.

Soon, as the footsteps intertwined, a terribly sharp clashing sound shook the shadows cast over the monastery. Surtel and I noticed the changed atmosphere and made eye contact.

“Shall we proceed with the plan?”

“As planned. If they’re fighting with swords even inside the main hall, we can escape while they’re at it.”


There were times when we ran into Surtel’s former colleagues. Since the main hall and the abbot’s office seemed to be a bit far, they frowned as soon as they saw me. Even though they were in the shade.

“Your Highness, what is the reason for your presence…?”

“…It is very dangerous in the middle of the night, Your Highness.”

As they said that, they subtly placed their hands over the hilts of their swords, which was quite ominous. Surtel’s eloquent response shone in this situation. Surtel glanced at his fellow monks and even shivered.

“The abbot had me summon Your Highness, but on my way, I saw people with ill intentions. I found it dangerous, so I am on my way back.”

“Have you already gone that far?”

“It seems that there were people with malicious intentions.”

“What the. I will go there right away and take care of it.”

“Thank you for your understanding, brothers.”

The malicious bastards these guys are talking about are probably the monks who got their necks cut while they were sleeping. I must have looked like someone who had already had their neck cut in their eyes. The fact that they weren’t openly revealing their murderous intent was because they had to take me to the abbot’s office to kill me.

The monks with swords turned their bodies after hearing Surtel’s excuse, their eyes filled with annoyance. In an instant, I saw Surtel placing his hand on the hilt of his sword. I raised my hand and stopped Surtel’s action.

After a short while. As the monks who had interrogated us disappeared from sight, Surtel tilted his head.

“…Your Highness, isn’t this an opportunity?”

“There could be a group cooperating with them nearby. If a corpse suddenly appears, our actions will be suspected. The fight will intensify once the bell tolls anyway. We can just use someone else’s hand to get rid of them then.”


Indeed, my foot. This bastard would cut my neck off first if he were suspected, so what’s he admiring? Even if Surtel were to rush in, the only one in danger would be me. Surtel’s thinking so lightly because he’s the one with less risk.

I continued to walk down the corridor, grumbling to myself. I met corpses, headless corpses, and sometimes even dying people. It was such a ridiculous sight that I couldn’t help but ask.

“Is there a doctrine of refraining from killing?”

“Do not hesitate to kill when necessary.”

Hearing the answer, Lux Stella might be a more fearsome god than I thought.

“It’s my personal belief.”

Or maybe this bastard is just crazy.

I realized it again. I’m not made for these medieval savages. I had no choice but to stick out my tongue at the madness that was far beyond my comprehension. I already miss the cozy modern times.

But this body belongs to someone.

“I hope you do the same in the main hall.”

“Of course, master.”

As a modern man who respects diversity, I decided to show tolerance and understanding so that even a punk like this could be put to good use in the right place. Fortunately, this world was an age of barbarism where seeds like Surtel could thrive.

When we finally arrived at the main hall, I was able to see the altar of Lux Stella for the first time beyond the open door.

The main hall was a typical church structure with a high ceiling and an elongated shape. Stained glass depicting a bright blue cross. A crucifix modeled after the cross was placed respectfully in the center of the altar.

The crucifix that embodies the bright blue cross is the idol of Lux Stella. I looked at the cross and instructed Surtel.

“Do you happen to have a sharp blade like a dagger?”

“A dagger… you mean?”

“We are one now. I can’t just pass all the danger on to you.”

What is that? Even warts or corns are part of the same body until they are removed. Surtel seemed to have taken these words to heart, as he immediately pulled a dagger out of his pocket.

“If that is your will, master, then I will gladly do so.”

“Thank you.”

I took the dagger that Surtel handed me and began to take a step, then another, towards the cross. As it happened, the sound of footsteps echoed from all around.

The monks who had visited my room and the director’s office must have noticed the situation. And with everyone’s attention now on me, John would be able to head to the bell tower much more easily.

Finally, all the preparations were complete.

I held the dagger in reverse as I approached the cross. My target was my own forearm. As the cold sensation of the blade’s tip ran up my skin, I naturally opened my mouth.

“Lux Stella, starlight of humanity.”

I was finally able to say what I wanted to say most to the person I wanted to talk to most.

“O’ God, who cast Yser into twilight and brought forth the dawn of humanity.”

When the old gods of Yser demand offerings, Lux Stella demands a life to come.

Thanks to Lux Stella, humans have gained strength in a different way and from a different source than other races. By making a vow to restrict their own actions, they receive miracles without having to make precious offerings.

It is a more difficult way to miracles than one might obtain, but it is an easier way than being prepared. That was the vow. The reason I targeted the main hall was not only for the reason I told Surtel. Strictly speaking, this was closer to my real intention.

“Is an era bewitched by the relics of Yser truly your will?”

-I will take this opportunity to make the vow that everyone will interfere with.

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