The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse

Chapter 120: 118, Flying Axe or Spear Throwing_2

Chapter 120: Chapter 118, Flying Axe or Spear Throwing_2

Seeing Wu Heng walk in, he immediately said, “Captain, why didn’t you come yesterday?”

Wu Heng frowned at him.

Does Beastman not have a home?

Why is he here every time I come?

From an outside errand runner, he had managed to become a dedicated clerk, always on time.

“What’s up? Did someone look for me yesterday?” Wu Heng walked in.

“No one.” Duke said.

“Didn’t the steward assign any tasks?”

“No, there was hardly anyone yesterday.”

It’s probably due to some unpleasantness with the 8th squad.

So no new tasks were assigned.

“Captain, do we have a task today?” Duke continued to ask.

Wu Heng sat in the chair and thought, feeling this wasn’t quite right.

It was too time-consuming to report to the association every day.

But as a captain, he couldn’t appear to be too lazy.

He said, “Duke, yesterday I made a task plan for our squad.”

“Huh? What’s that?” Duke stuffed all the food into his mouth and asked.

“What we are doing now is completing tasks distributed by the association. These tasks aren’t fixed and the rewards are limited.” Wu Heng glanced at him and continued, “We should focus on the bounty rewards. The bounties are high and it’s easier to earn merits.”

“Yeah, you’re right Captain, but it’s not easy to find these wanted criminals.”

“We’ll investigate, develop some informants. As long as we have information and leads, it won’t be hard to catch them.” Wu Heng said.

He had some experience in hunting down fugitives.

The key aspect was information; as long as he could locate the target, it wasn’t hard to catch them.

“Seems not that easy though.”

“Take it slow, it’s a long-term goal. The main thing is to focus our efforts on investigating the fugitives rather than sitting in the association waiting for tasks.”

“Yeah, you’re right Captain.” Duke understood and agreed.

“So, you don’t need to come here directly tomorrow. Go around, gather information about suspicious people or any special circumstances, remember them.”

Duke nodded, “Okay, I’m familiar with the Lower Town Area, I’ll go there and ask around.”

Wu Heng approved with a nod.

His members are obedient and highly enthusiastic.

The two of them talked about the fugitives for a while.

Wu Heng’s mind drifted back to the fight between the skeleton and the zombies from yesterday.

He continued to ask, “Duke, aside from using crossbows, what other ranged attacks do you have in close combat? For example, when the enemy is charging straight at you and hasn’t reached you yet, how would you attack them?”

“Oh, I know this one.” Duke moved a bit closer and said earnestly, “I like to use throwing axes, if it hits, it can kill the enemy instantly.”

Throwing axes and throwing daggers are similar, but axes have greater lethality and require more strength.

However, it seemed like throwing axes wasn’t a good fit for skeletons.

“Anything else?”

Duke scratched his head, “There are also javelins. Humans like to use javelins. I heard some mercenary groups specialize in these weapons, they’re very useful when hunting beasts.”


This seemed like it could be used in the skeleton squad.

“Is this it?” Wu Heng pulled out his own short spear and showed it to Duke.

“Pretty much, but it should be a bit longer.”

Wu Heng nodded.

The short spear he used was the shortest type, the places where previous battles took place were all corridors and it could not be fully utilized if it was too long.

It seemed like he could let the skeletons practice throwing spears, to add a ranged attack to their abilities.

The two chatted a while and then went together to the training room to practice.

Wu Heng practiced the Greyhawk Swordsmanship while Duke picked up his battle-axe and began spinning it around like a windmill.

They practiced into the afternoon and then ate lunch at a nearby tavern.

Duke wiped his mouth and asked: “Captain, are we going back to the training room this afternoon?”

“No, let’s go and check out that armor store.” Wu Heng said.

“Oh, okay!”

The two of them got up, left the tavern, and walked towards the ‘Maoliao Armour Shop’ in the Outer City Area.

When they got close to the shop,

they saw several carriages parked outside, with goods being loaded onto them.

The Beastman boss stood in the doorway, holding an invoice and checking the quantity of the goods.

It seems like the business here is thriving.

Seeing the two approaching, he flashes a smile, “Captain, Duke, you guys are here.”

“Business looks good!” Wu Heng greeted with laughter.

“They’re all small deals with little profit.” The beastman boss gestured them to enter and continued, “The leather armor is still under production. I’ll have it delivered to you once it’s ready.”

The quantity ordered by Wu Heng wasn’t actually much.

But, there weren’t many who could pay the full amount in silver coins upfront during a trade.

“Mm, there’s no rush.” Wu Heng entered the store, approached the iron armor, and asked, “Do you have this iron armor in stock?”

This Iron Armor was what Big Guy was equipped with.

Having just killed another giant mutated zombie yesterday, Wu Heng thought of buying another set.

After all, Level 10 and above skeletons were the elites within the team and were in need of quality equipment.

“We do, how many do you need?” The boss asked.

“Just one.”

The shopkeeper immediately commanded his staff to prepare it and served fruit tea to them.

Then sat down to chat for a while.

Wu Heng then asked, “What requirements are needed to open a shop here?”

The boss looked somewhat confused, “Are you thinking about opening a shop?”

“Mm, I have some business back at my hometown and I wanted to see if I could have a sell here.”

The boss stroked his chin, “Actually, there are no special requirements to open a shop here, besides choosing the location. The most important thing is to maintain a good relationship with the faction in charge of the area’s safety, it will save a lot of trouble.”

Wu Heng nodded in understanding and asked further, “How much is the rent?”

“Different locations have different prices. A shop like mine requires about 1200 silver coins per year, shops at better streets would be even more expensive.”

This was not a cheap price.

A common family would struggle to afford this amount of money in years.

But when you’re in business, you can’t calculate it as a normal family would.

While they were talking, the shop assistant delivered the iron armor.

Wu Heng asked Basen to carry it and they left the shop.

“Captain, where do we go next?” Duke continued to ask.

Wu Heng replied, “The day is almost done, let’s skip going back to the Guild. Our following task is to gather information on wanted criminals. Be covert, we wouldn’t want to put ourselves in danger before we even caught the criminals.”

“Understood, Captain. I know many people here, I’m sure I can find some leads.”

“Mm, be careful.”

After bidding Duke farewell, Wu Heng didn’t return to the Guild either.

These past two days, no tasks were assigned to them by the deacons, they had some free time. Wu Heng was also trying to find a way to avoid being assigned tasks.

Had dinner in the tavern.

Then, he returned directly to his residence, asked Jianyi and Jian’er to sweep the entrance, and went straight up to the third floor.

Entered the study room.

The four Skeleton Ghost Hags were still reading in the room.

Other than changes in the pages of the book, their postures did not change much.

They also haven’t unlocked any skills.

Normal spell learning is not an easy task, it requires a lot of studying and attempts before mastery could be achieved.

The fact that Wu Heng could unlock a skill by reading once was something against the heavens.

It’s also for this reason that Yazde abandoned his original plan and insisted on taking over Wu Heng’s body.

After arriving at ‘Lundham’ city, Wu Heng stopped showcasing his learning ability.

To avoid any problems.

As for the Ghost Hags, their intelligence showed on the panel wasn’t outstanding, so it would take some time to learn new skills.

He closed the door to the study again.

In the bedroom, he opened the boundary door and went straight to the Zombie World.

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, Wu Heng’s brows furrowed tightly.

There were a few corpses piled up on the open ground of the district.

They were not zombies, but normal human bodies. The blood was red, and some were dressed in sportswear, leather jackets, and blue uniforms.

“Did they kill the survivors?”

Just as Wu Heng was about to approach for a closer look.


A sound of current came from the walkie-talkie, followed by Li Yahong’s voice.

“Boss, are you there?”

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