The Noble Woman’s Guide On How to Tease One’s Husband

Chapter 126

The Noble Womans Guide On How to Tease Ones Husband Chapter 126

Translated by: Oinkoink

Warning: This chapter contains a little explicit content!

This novel is only hosted on Foxaholic, copies found elsewhere are either stolen or plagiarized.

Chu Xiang will be one year old the day after tomorrow. Everyone in the Ministry of Rites, the Department of Rituals and Taiji Palace were bustling with this matter. Even Ye Huaiyang had inevitably asked a few questions.

Has the Clothing Bureau sent Xiangers clothes?

They had delivered in the morning.

As Yueya replied, she fetched Chu Xiangs clothes from the inlaid mahogany box. There were two sets in total; the purple satin with cloud crane patterned and the yellow satin with dragon playing the pearl patterns which not only exquisitely tailored, but also lined with extremely soft filtered cotton core that would not scratch the childs delicate skin and could even be described as made with ultimate attentiveness.

After a casual quick glance, Ye Huaiyang nevertheless felt that the bright yellow piece was too ostentatious. After all, Chu Jinglan has yet to make Chu Xiang the Crown Prince and wearing this would probably incurred criticism from the others. It was still better to choose the purple one which was tastefully fitting and reservedly noble.

Taking the clothes and unbuttoning them, she then turned to look at Chu Xiang who was playing tangram on the inside of the big bed and said with a smile, Xianger, come and try on the new clothes, okay?

Tilting his head, Chu Xiang still could not fully understand what she meant but seeing her waving something brightly colored at him, he crawled over obediently. His chubby little legs were so fast that he reached in front of her moment later. She then carried him to sit on her lap and began to change his clothes. Afterwards, she supported him to stand up on the bed.

Is stillNiang-niangwho has good eyes. His little Highness looks really good in this set!

Looking at the lifelike white crane on Chu Xiangs chest, Ye Huaiyang caressed his head and said, Looks really good.

She always felt that Chu Jinglan looked pretty good whenever she saw him wearing purple-colored clothes, looking peerlessly noble like a celestial monarch descended to the human world. And now Chu Xiang was by no means inferior wearing it too, they are indeed father and son.

Speaking ofCaocao,Caocaoarrived when Chu Jinglan walked leisurely into the room amidst the franticness.

[T/N:(Shu coco coco do) speaking of the devil and he doth appear]

Ye Huaiyang raised Chu Xiangs little hand to wave at him and spoke with a smile, Emperor Father is back, come and see if our Xianger is handsome?

Chu Jinglan glanced casually at him and nodded in reply. He let Yueya carried Chu Xiang out while all the other palace maids retreated too when only the husband and wife remained in the bedchamber. As it happened, Ye Huaiyang had something to discuss with him. So she fetched the list that was kept beside the pillow in passing and said to him excitedly, Come help me look at this.

What is it?

Taking a look at it, it turned out to be the list of things for Chu Xiangsgrabbing test*which was a detailed page full of everything that would definitely not be able to lay out all on the brocade mat at that time. Hence, Ye Huaiyang wanted him to help choose a few for their son, but who knew after browsing through it, he replied indifferently Anything is okay, you do as you see fit.

[T/N:(Zhu zhu) a custom of placing a varieties of articles (writing brush, abacus, books, etc) before an infant on its first birthday to see which he or she will picks (the article chosen is supposed to be an indication of the childs inclinations or the future career etc)]

What are you talking about? With sharply raised eyebrows, Ye Huaiyang reproached lightly, Grabbing test is a big deal and its only once in a lifetime. Dont you want Xianger to grab a good one?

The wife had already spoken angrily, so Chu Jinglan had to cooperate harmoniously and just pointed his finger randomly without paying attention to what he pointed at. Ye Huaiyang could finally see it too. All the while, he just didnt care at all, thus she immediately felt annoyed and amused at the same time.

Those who have a son in their old age will dote on him to the marrow of their bones, why are you an exception?

Chu Jinglan could hardly contain himself anymore upon hearing this. Raising his lips with a smile, he hugged her and sighed deeply, His birthday is the day you suffered, thus there is nothing worth celebrating.

The scene of her lying in bed with blood flowing a year ago was still vivid in his memory which even now terrified him, so how could he have the inclination to care about their son?

Ye Huaiyang smiled evidently while her heart had turned into a river of spring water, palpitating softly in her chest.

I know you feel distress for me, but those are already in the past, dont think about it anymore, okay? You see how sensible Xianger is, if you are unwilling to celebrate his birthday, he will be very sad.

Sensible? Chu Jinglan raised his eyebrows with a voice full of teasing, Whose familys child are you talking about, bring him here for me to see.

Hateful. Ye Huaiyang rebuked with a laugh.

The two of them chatted and also picked out the things for Chu Xiangs grabbing test, which were everything from seven treasures and rarities, such as the official money, pocket bow, sword and everything that could be thought of, all of which held good implied meaning and only remained to see what Chu Xiang will choose the day after tomorrow. After this matter, Chu Jinglan took Ye Huaiyang out of the palace.

The mountains were still a little cold in early spring. Once the heavy snow melted, the silver rivers were all around and the glistening green grass were daubed with transparent ice crystals which resonated a series of crunching sounds when the horses hooves treaded on it which were extremely pleasant to the ears.

Ye Huaiyang did not know where Chu Jinglan was taking her. She only saw the carriage drive over the undulating ice arch, all the way to the mountains before there were gradually villages and signs of human habitation on both sides. She originally thought these were huntsmans families in the mountains but appeared unlikely under closer scrutiny. She got off once the carriage stopped and stood over an overall panoramic view from a high point when she then realized that this was a rare hot spring village.

Several springs that emitted puffing hot vapor interspersed between the wooden houses, from which the villagers fetched water for cooking and bathing which eliminated the need of burning firewood. Hence, the whole village is free of smoke and fire, like a haven of paradise.

How did he find such a place?

Ye Huaiyangs face was full of questions but Chu Jinglan did not explain and led her into a courtyard at the edge of the village. The stone walls and wooden doors were extremely simple, yet it was a completely different scene inside a cliff was behind the single house where the hot spring was located on the cliff, and the people inside the spring could overlook the whole view of the flowing misty clouds and unending foot-hills, which was truly magnificent to the extreme.

Jinglan, this is

Do you not like it?

How could I not be! Ye Huaiyang exclaimed softly while the corners of her eyes could not hide her pleasantly surprised, I have always wanted to come to the mountain to soak in the hot spring with you, but regrettably unable to do so. But I didnt expect you Hey! What are you doing?

Without waiting for her to finish her sentence, Chu Jinglan just carried her and walked inside. He then went straight down the steps on the side of the pool and into the water where both of them were drenched in an instant. Ye Huaiyang felt disconcerted yet Chu Jinglan put her down unhurriedly before he began to untie her belt.

She clenched the lapels with both hands when he instantly pushed them aside gently and his magnetic voice was full of titillation, Dont move, Husband will help you take it off.

What on earth does he want to do!

Two clusters of red clouds hovered on Ye Huaiyangs cheeks and before she could even react, he had already taken off all the clothes. She was dull-witted for a moment and looking down at her own naked body then looking up again, he was actually naked too!

You, you, you

Why, so excited that you cant speak anymore? Chu Jinglan glanced at her teasingly when he suddenly reached out to press her hips hard against himself, In your imagination, what would it be like to soak in a hot spring with Husband in the middle of this open wilderness?

Ye Huaiyang was dumbfounded by his question when an unpleasant thought appeared immediately.

What else could it be like? With him against the wall of the pool, the curve of his muscly shoulders daubed with tiny droplets of water bared outside, looking extremely captivating. As the temperatures rose, those scars on his body began to reveal different colors that amid the hideousness contained an unconcealable acute aura while the woman kneeling at the edge of the pool felt incessantly distress upon seeing that as she handed him a medicine bowl and gently urging him to drink it.


Perhaps there were also intimate gestures such as scrubbing the back or changing the dressing and so on which the letters did not mention.

She pursed her lips, as if rather unhappy while Chu Jinglan did not miss her subtle expression when the corners of his mouth curved into a smile.

You still eat that old vinegar. Im innocent, dont you defame an innocent person.

His one remark hit the nail on her head that Ye Huaiyang could not help staring dumbfounded at him, You, how do you know

I found a few letters in your study yesterday which all were fine except for one which unknowingly crumpled by someone who appeared to have exerted a lot of force, hmm, which was known as getting angry ah .

Dont say it! Ye Huaiyang blushed unexpectedly and rushed to cover his mouth, I wasnt angry! And I wasnt jealous either!

Chu Jinglans smile gradually widened and the teasing in his eyes became more pronounced, but he pretended to say, It was my mistake then. It turns out there is another girl in the Ye family who has been secretly in love with me for so long, do you know who she is?

As soon as his voice waned off, his shoulder was bitten hard. Looking at the little beast with revealed fangs, his eyes were full of doting.

You brought me all the way here just to laugh at me! Ye Huaiyang was so angry and embarrassed that she was on the verge of tears.

How could it be? Chu Jinglan lowered his head and licked her lips, then spoke with extreme tenderness, Youve been so busy for Xiangers birthday ceremony these past few days, I just wanted to bring you here to relax.

Saying that, he covered her shoulder blades with one hand while the other pressed against her waist to gently and slowly knead with a strength so comfortable that made her sigh.

This has long been a habit between the two of them. Lu Heng had explained previously that massage was the best treatment for lumbar injury. So no matter how busy he is, he will relieve her waist once he returns to Taiji Palace at night. Despite having so many people serving them, he is used to doing it himself and as time passes, he knows perfectly well the exact sore spots on her body.

Who would have thought that the ruler of a country would have such a tender and considerate side?

Ye Huaiyang was like a little cat rubbing against his chest when she teased him, Your Majesty is submitted to serveChenqiethat others would condemnChenqieas the femme fatale should they see this.

Chu Jinglan raised the corner of his lips gently, Wait until the Empress is comfortable before coming to serveUs, then they will be in a state of equilibrium.

Ye Huaiyang giggled, Nonsense, you think you are coaxing Xianger!

When have I ever coaxed him? I only smack him.

You still have the nerve to say that! Ye Huaiyang glared at him when she immediately thought of another matter, Are we staying here tonight? You didnt say a word before we came here, I didnt even tellGuguand Yueya. I still have to give Xianger at night

Leaning down suddenly, Chu Jinglan blocked her mouth.

Xianger, Xianger, only concerned about that stinky little brat all day long!

Thinking as such, his kiss became more and more intense as he engulfed her lips and tongue like a plunderer. Ye Huaiyang mumbled twice and about to step back to see what was going on with him when he unexpectedly probed the brook of dampness where his long finger moved in as she gasped a mouthful of cold air then along with his probing came the sound of moaning.

He simply didnt give her a chance to speak again!

The movements below her body became more and more intense that Ye Huaiyangs legs began to weaken when she barely exerted the last ounce of her strength to hook around his neck and heard him say hoarsely, See if you can still call someone elses name ..

She instantly came to realization and begged delicately for mercy, I was wrong wu.. you slow down, slow down


Are you sure? Harboring evil designs, Chu Jinglan asked her.

Ye Huaiyang nodded repeatedly when she felt him stop and the slender knuckle slowly withdrew from her body before being replaced with a certain huge object. The moment it reached the deepest point, she heard her own high-pitched moan and his low chuckle of triumph.

This can be a little slower.

A moment later, the hot spring began to ripple violently, surging up countless splashes of water which was so loud that the little person in Ye Huaiyangs heart hissed out tearfully.

Hes such a liar!

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