The Noble Woman’s Guide On How to Tease One’s Husband

Chapter 43

The Noble Womans Guide On How to Tease Ones Husband Chapter 43

Translated by: Oinkoink

Proofread by: Silkscreen

This novel is only hosted on Foxaholic, copies found elsewhere are either stolen or plagiarized.

Pei Yuanshus eyes almost popped out when he saw Ye Huaiyang dressed in mens clothing the next day that his whole person immediately felt bad glancing at the eternally icy-cold face of Chu Jinglan.

Minister Pei, this trip is full of grave responsibility and privately revealing the northward route to others is a felony.

Pei Yuanshu almost knelt down at the entrance of the inn when Chu Jinglan said this. His clear and handsome face blushed like cooked shrimp covered with pea-sized sweats, while his mouth opened and closed mumbling two words lowly official and nothing else was said aloud.

He knew it! He just knew hed have to take the rap in the end!

He already had an ominous premonition when he walked into this inn yesterday. According to the route he told Ye Huaiyang, it was very likely that she would be waiting for them here. He felt he was somewhat lucky since it was peaceful last night but now he was simply disheartened when he saw her walking down the stairs side by side with Chu Jinglan.

But what could be done about it? Ye Huaiyang threatened him that if he didnt tell the truth she would take Ye Huailing along to Jingzhou! What kind of savage place is that? So, how could he just watch Ye Huaiyang act recklessly and implicate Ye Huailing? He had no choice but to compromise, and now that the secret had come to light, he could only stand here silently and be criticized.

Not only did the culprit not feel remorse in the slightest, she even spoke to him with a pretty glib smile, Huailing loves to eat the osmanthus honey from Jingzhou. Ive come just in time to bring a few bottles back for her, so Ill first thank Lord Pei on her behalf.

Pei Yuanshu was knotted with anger and didnt speak for a long time. Chu Jinglan, however, glanced over at Ye Huaiyang and admonished, Still havent stirred enough trouble yet?

Faking two coughs, Ye Huaiyang straightened her look and stopped teasing Pei Yuanshu but her agile eyes were still glittering with bright delight, like the setting sun shone on the water, brimming with gleaming reflection; matched with the wide long gown, she looked more like a handsome young gentleman.

Naturally, she could no longer hold Chu Jinglans hand or address him as husband in such a disguise, so she conveniently changed her role and asked in a gruff voice, Brother, when do we leave?

As soon as the words died down, Tang Qingfeng came over from the back with a few horses, looking somewhat solemn.

Master, the official road ahead has collapsed. The county magistrate is organizing manpower to have it clear, and according to the situation, it looks like we wont be able to pass through in a short time. Im afraid well have to go through the mountains.

The mountain road is rugged and the carriage is definitely not usable. If its riding a horse

Chu Jinglan turned to look at Ye Huaiyang and asked, Can you ride a horse?

Yes, she replied candidly, then instructed Ci Yuan, You ride with Yueya, she doesnt know how to ride a horse.

Ci Yuan nodded, then took a horse from Tang Qingfeng and asked Yueya to come over. Yueya took small steps to get under the horse and was lifted up by him to sit atop it. She desperately resisted the urge to shriek and blushed quietly when she was no longer tense.

Soon, they all got on their horses one after the other and set off. Under Chu Jinglans hint, Tang Qingfeng specially chose a short and gentle mare for Ye Huaiyang. She was able to manage it effortlessly over the gravel and streams, all the way at a brisk and unhurried pace that even Pei Yuanshu was left behind.

Tang Qingfeng was always by her side to protect her. When he saw her skillfully reining and dismounting the horse during a break midway, he inevitably asked out of curiosity, Madam, when did you learn to ride?

I inadvertently met with a mishap when I was eight years old. After I came out of the trouble, my elder brother taught me some basic self-defense skills and riding is one of them. Ye Huaiyang suddenly winked at him with an eccentric look, I won first place in Wangdus spring womens equestrian tournament last year.

Tang Qingfeng had somewhat heard about this tournament. From what he heard, it was divided into spring and autumn seasons tournaments. Most of the participants were descendent of noble families. The autumn tournament seemed to have just begun when they returned last year. It was rather a pity that he couldnt watch it because of the busy schedule.

From Ye Huaiyangs words, she however only mentioned the spring tournament, so he asked indiscreetly again, Madam didnt participate in the autumn tournament?

No, my mind was on other matters at that moment. Saying that, Ye Huaiyang smiled wryly as Tang Qingfengs mind immediately made a turn.

Wasnt she occupied with going up Chongxiao Pavilion all day to tease his master, hence she had no desire to compete!

While he was pondering, Chu Jinglan coldly glanced over that he fell silent of his own accord, but Ye Huaiyang returned it with a sweet smile which instantly dispelled the nip in the air. He couldnt help but think to himself that it was probably only Wangfei who did not fear such a formidable Wangye.

After a short rest, the six of them continued on their way and after rushing on for most of the day, finally arrived at Mengcheng just before nightfall.

Mengcheng is one of the largest cities in the north, with its post road straight like an arrow and multi-colored street markets filled with commodities while inns could be found everywhere. After Tang Qingfeng asked for directions, they went straight to the largest inn in the city.

Even though Ye Huaiyang was an exceptional horseman, she was a young girl after all which was indeed tough for her to ride after several hours on the road. Therefore, once they entered the inn, she didnt eat anything but went straight to rest in the room.

Chu Jinglan also went to the room after he briefed Tang Qingfeng. When he pushed open the door, a complete set of simple and elegant cypress wood furniture with magnolia-colored curtains met his eyes. The room was clean and tidy, except for the person who should be here. Once he walked into the inner room, the sudden surge of hot steam with vapor curls and camellia fragrance behind the peony screen engulfed all his senses.

Ye Huaiyang was having a bath.

He turned around and about to go out when unexpectedly he heard a sudden loud splashing followed by the muffled noise of an object collision. Halting, he then turned back around and walked over when amidst the fog, he saw Ye Huaiyang lying prone on the side of the bathtub coughing vigorously. Her body was slanted in the water, one hand gripping tightly the outer edge of the bathtub while her face flushed looking extremely distressed.

Chu Jinglan slightly knitted his brows as he asked, Whats going on?

Ye Huaiyang barely squeezed out two words between coughs, Its nothing.

Here we go again. She obviously bumped so loudly, yet she still said it was nothing. Chu Jinglan was unable to stand her foul temperament of flaunting her stubbornness that he lifted her out of the tub without demur. With one hand around her waist, he pulled the bath towel from the clothes rack and wrapped her tightly. This time, she really could no longer hold back the cry of pain.

Dont, dont, dont move! Legs, legs hurt.

Looking down at her exquisitely petite body wrapped in the bath towel, Chu Jinglan was unable to see what was wrong with her legs. He could only feel some trembling, hence momentarily he didnt dare to move her and merely clasped her waist as he asked, What happened to the legs?

She didnt utter a word again.

Chu Jinglans handsome face sank abruptly and about to bend over at once. Perceiving his intentions, Ye Huaiyang hastily pressed the hem of the towel tightly which worsened the pain due to the friction that her face turned a little pale. Looking at her appearance, the flame in his heart was indistinctly provoked again.

Usually at home, dont you flirt any less? And now you are afraid to let me see!

Thats different muttered Ye Huaiyang, wrinkling her little face.

Id like to see whats different!

Angling his arm, Chu Jinglan picked her up directly and walked towards the bed. The water dripped all the way and even got his clothes wet. Ye Huaiyang struggled several times but it was useless and she could only nestle within his arms with a long face mumbling; unfortunately, Chu Jinglan did not let her go. Once she laid flat, he immediately lifted the bottom part of the towel when two red and swollen chafed patches instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

The injuries were on the thighs, which should have been rubbed raw while riding the horse.

At this moment, Ye Huaiyangs pitiful voice came from above, Im fine, dont make me go back, okay?

As it turned out she was not afraid of him seeing it, but feared that he would drive her back because of it.

Chu Jinglan froze for a moment before he left her abruptly and turned towards the door but returned soon after. His face was calm, while his clothes were still mottled with water stains, except there was an extra jade green porcelain bottle in his hand. When he opened the cork, a refreshing medicinal fragrance drifted out.

Spread your legs. He dug some ointment out with his index finger and gazed at her with his hand suspended in midair. Her face blushed all of a sudden.

I never thought youd say these words to me at this moment.

Ye Huaiyang! The blue veins on Chu Jinglans temples pounded violently while his chest rose and fell slightly, as if he wanted to grab Ye Huaiyang and beat her up. She even pretended to be afraid and drew back, yet a bright smile filled her eyes which enraged him even more.

He really doesnt understand what was actually packed in this womans head! Was there nothing else there but what will provoke him?

Youre yelling at me again. Tang Qingfeng, Yueya and others can hear you from outside.

Ye Huaiyang was in no hurry and still played Tai Chi* with him, when there were indeed two shadows looking around the doorway, but he didnt look at them and only asked with a cold face, Do you want the medication or not?

[T/N: (D tij) describe peoples vague answers to what someone said / also describe both parties not revealing their details and let the other party guess what they mean]

Want, okay She pouted and spread her legs a little apart. Although her expression was guileless, she couldnt keep the flow of blood flushing from the top of her head and instantly coated her delicate face with a rosy glow.

Even though Chu Jinglan admonished her fiercely, the movement of his hand was still very light. Not only was there no stinging sensation when the ointment was smeared, it was instead cool and comfortable. With the thin calluses on his fingertips, the tactile sensation was intriguing. She exhaled contentedly while her whole relaxed with a kind of drowsy feeling.

Chu Jinglan wiped his hands and raised his eyes slightly after applying the medication. Seeing that she was about to fall asleep, he summoned Yueya to put on her bed clothes while he went to bathe. Coming in with the clothes in her arms, Yueya couldnt help but feel distressed when she saw how injured her young miss was. She was extra careful dressing her up and took a long time before she left the room. As it was coincidentally time for bed, Chu Jinglan came out of the inner room and flicked out the candlelight. Who knew that when he had just fallen asleep, the tossing around by Ye Huaiyang made him furrow his brows immediately.

Whats all the fuss about?

Ye Huaiyang muttered, I cant seem to sleep comfortably, somehow

Chu Jinglan snorted coldly, Who is to blame for insisting on following us to Jingzhou?

If I dont come along, do you possibly want me to stay home and worry until I sleep fitfully at night and eat without relish? Ye Huaiyang was thinking of this inwardly, but she didnt voice it out, instead she spoke in a teasing tone, How can I not follow? As newlyweds, you and I should not be separated. Whats more, Jingzhou abound with beauties and if I dont watch you closely, whats to be done if you bring back a delicate concubine?

Then Im afraid you would have killed her in less than three days.

Husband really understands me.

Ye Huaiyang laughed coquettishly and snuggled a little closer to Chu Jinglan, who allowed her to entangle him, unaware that she had occupied most of the bed. A slight snore soon resounded, which he seemingly didnt hear as he quietly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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