The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 75: (1): Dragon Gu is complete

Long Xuan, helplessly, had to painfully replenish the spirit stones before returning to his small pavilion to continue researching the Gu recipe in peace. His progress on the Dragon Gu recipe was rapid, with only 10% left to complete.

Since he had almost all the materials ready, he needed to speed up the progress on the Gu recipe and complete it as quickly as possible.

Unconsciously, three months passed.

During this period, the prolonged beast tide finally ended. Countless Gu cultivators were killed or injured in this battle, whether they were the numerous rogue cultivators or the major Gu cultivation Clans, all suffered heavy losses.

However, those who survived were tempered by the battle and acquired a large amount of rare materials, significantly increasing their strength.

Thus, although the number of Gu cultivators in the Far west was greatly reduced, the number of experts increased.

The Fire clone also returned intact from the battlefield, so Long Xuan no longer had to meet him every two months, saving time to research the Gu recipe.

Efforts pay off, and finally, three months later, Long Xuan succeeded in his research on the Dragon Gu recipe.

Looking at the formula with a 100% progress displayed at the top, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

For some reason, seeing the number 100% always made him especially excited and ecstatic, no matter where this number appeared.

He quickly wrote "◎ written by Long xuan" in the lower right corner of the recipe title.

After putting down his pen, he gave the formula a heavy kiss and lovingly placed it in a wooden box, storing it in his storage bag.

This wooden box contained all his research achievements. Whatever he created, he would place it in this box, a treasure chest specifically for storing his knowledge results.

He then began preparing for the task of refining the Dragon Gu, deciding to start today without delay.

He had already prepared all the materials listed in the Gu formula. Only a few newly added materials needed to be purchased from the market, which wouldn’t take much time.

Once the Fire Clone returned with the new materials, Long Xuan placed approximately 4,000 materials into a large cauldron.

He carefully observed the refining progress. If no progress was shown, he would pour out all the materials, rearrange them, and put them back until the progress appeared.

When the number 0.0% appeared in his sight, he smiled joyfully and returned to his cozy little pavilion.

The refining process would take a considerable amount of time, so there was no need to rush. He decided to do something else to pass the time.

Having suffered from a lack of speed in several previous battles, he had planned multiple times to develop a speed-type ability.

Now that he had time, he decided to create a body movement technique while waiting for the Gu to form.

Body movement techniques are a type of physical art that does not require spiritual power to activate. Although their speed potential cannot match that of Gu insects, they serve as a useful transition until he becomes a top-tier expert capable of researching space teleportation. Lower-level practitioners cannot achieve space teleportation, so relying on physical techniques was necessary.

Following his usual rule, if he were to create something, it had to be unique and outstanding, superior to conventional body techniques.

He aimed to integrate elements from his previous life to ensure his creation would be unparalleled in this world, making it distinct.

If he discovered that the technique he painstakingly developed already existed in this world, it would feel like he had wasted his effort, akin to plagiarism.

Thus, he might as well learn the existing techniques of this world to save time, avoiding the need to create something new.

Only if the self-created technique was superior to those available in this world would it be worth the time spent, making the endeavor necessary.

Thinking about incorporating elements from his previous life, he immediately thought of the (Qinggong) lightness skill from martial arts novels.

Of course, this world's body movement techniques were not the same as lightness skills. Though both aimed for speed, they were fundamentally different.

This world had no concept of lightness skills, not even the term.

By aiming to create a lightness skill, Long Xuan was again treading an unconventional path. The technique he created would undoubtedly be unique in this world, differing significantly from traditional body techniques.

Strong or not, his masterpiece would stand out distinctly in this world's body movement techniques, diverging greatly in style.

When he thought of lightness skills, the first that came to mind was the superior lightness skill "Cloud Ladder" from the Wudang sect.

"Cloud Ladder" was impressive; it allowed one to step on their left foot with their right foot and vice versa, enabling ascension.

In other words, by stepping on one's own feet, one could fly, continuously stepping upward like climbing stairs, even piercing the atmosphere.

Human flight is incredibly difficult. No existing body technique in this world enables flight.

If his idea succeeded, his self-created movement technique might become the only one in this world allowing flight, a miracle in this world.

In this world, Gu cultivators could only fly using mounts. Achieving flight through one's own abilities was extremely rare, seen only among a few Gu kings.

Therefore, flight would provide a tremendous advantage.

In facing strong enemies, he could escape whenever he wanted, with no one able to catch him, regardless of their speed.

Having the unique ability to dominate the skies, he would always be in an advantageous position, attacking others without fear of retaliation.

Mastering the power of flight early on would significantly enhance his combat effectiveness.

The more Long Xuan thought about it, the more his eyes lit up. He decided to research a body movement technique enabling him to step on his own feet to ascend.

"I want to soar and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun! Who can stop me?"

Filled with determination, Long Xuan grabbed a piece of paper, ready to write passionately and vigorously.

However, just as his pen was about to touch the paper, he paused.

Furrowing his brows, he thought deeply, looking confused. Half a day passed without him writing a single word.

Undoubtedly, he was stuck, unable to start.

The emotions he had painstakingly gathered dissipated, and the passion that came quickly also vanished quickly. His initial enthusiasm was gone.

Feeling like a bucket of cold water had been poured over him, he finally calmed down.

Everyone has wild ideas and fantasies, but the key is how you plan to realize your wild ideas. Anyone can think, but what good is it if you can only think and not act?

At this moment, Long Xuan was in such a situation. His imagination was so vast that he was stuck there, looking utterly confused.

The idea of lifting oneself off the ground by stepping on one's own foot might seem simple, but anyone who has studied knows that forces work in pairs.

The more force you apply to your right foot, the more downward force your right foot exerts back on you. Therefore, no matter how strong you are, even if you possess the god-like strength to lift a mountain, it's impossible to lift yourself by stepping on your own foot.

It's like trying to lift yourself up by grabbing your left shoulder with your right hand—no matter how strong you are, you can't lift yourself.

Long Xuan scratched his head, desperately trying to figure out how to create a technique where one foot steps on the other to ascend. He racked his brain, killing countless brain cells, almost burning out his brain's CPU.

The most direct way to achieve this idea is to remove the downward force.

But how to remove the force became a new problem. He thought of Tai Chi from his previous life, which can neutralize force, but he only knew the basics of Tai Chi, so it seemed infeasible.

He also thought of the lever principle, where a small downward force on one end could generate a large upward force on the other end, but he didn't have such a long lever. Could a curved lever work? But there seemed to be no fulcrum.

Long Xuan's brain was about to explode.

In desperation, he sent out numerous clones to use the origin realmto seek teachings from various masters. The martial arts development in this world far surpassed that of his previous life.

What was theoretically impossible in his previous life might be possible in this world of flourishing martial arts. He could find a solution in this world.

Perhaps the principles of some mystical arts in this world could realize his wild idea.

He intended to borrow heavily from the principles of other mystical arts. As the saying goes, "The stones from other hills may serve to polish jade." Maybe the principles of some mystical art could be useful to him.


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