The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1069: cousin, child

Chapter 1069: cousin, child

Chapter 1069 Cousin, child

After the Little New Year, the New Year flavor in the village becomes more and more intense, and every household begins to prepare food for the New Year. Steamed and fried, the aroma spreads in the wind, making people salivate.

However, the heavy snow showed no sign of stopping. In just one night, the snow reached up to the knees. Several more houses collapsed in the village. Seeing their homes turned into ruins in an instant, the villagers were on the verge of tears. Fortunately, no one was injured.

Most of the people in the village are kind-hearted. Those who have empty houses have lent their houses to the affected villagers, and those who do not have spare cotton-padded clothes and quilts to keep them warm from the cold. With the help of the villagers, these people were not allowed to freeze or starve to death.

In addition to worrying about their houses being crushed by snow and leaving them homeless, another thing that makes villagers anxious is the greenhouses in the fields. Although there were people guarding the greenhouse day and night, and constantly heating the greenhouse, some of the Dapeng was still crushed by the snow, and most of the vegetables in the field were frozen to death overnight. The losses were considerable.

Mo Yan had no choice about this. She couldn't risk exposing the space by directly watering the vegetables with pure spiritual spring water. Once this is done, those vegetables will grow wildly overnight, and they may mutate and produce cucumbers larger than winter melons. This is too scary.

However, the heavy snow will not stop in a short time, and the firewood stored in the greenhouse will not last long. The vegetables will still be frozen to death by then, let alone sell at a high price.

Therefore, when Yang Bao hurriedly came to Mos house to ask Mo Yan about the rescue method, Mo Yan decisively asked him to inform the villagers to pick all the edible vegetables that grew and try to sell them on the same day.

Although this will cost a lot less money, it is still better than having the shed collapse and become worthless. In addition, after selling vegetables for more than two months, the villagers who participated in greenhouse cultivation earned more than they had saved in ten years. From next year, they already have enough money to buy a new house.

Yang Bao told Mo Yan's idea after he returned. After thinking about it, the villagers realized that this was the only way to recover the losses to the maximum extent. They reluctantly agreed, but their hearts were bleeding!

On the one hand, they feel sorry for the dozens of taels of silver they have earned less, but on the other hand, they are not willing to let their carefully cultivated vegetables freeze to death. But now, there is no better way. I can only pray to God that the coming year will be a good year with good weather and not to trouble them again.

In the next few years, the children are eagerly looking forward to the New Year, and the adults are busy traveling back and forth between the fields and the city. Because the snow on the road was too deep, the ox-carts and horse-drawn carriages were unable to use their strength, so the picked vegetables had to be picked manually into the city.

There are so many vegetables to be sold these days. Even if dozens of families are able to carry poles and baskets, they still have to go back and forth twice to pick out all the vegetables. No matter how strong you are, walking in knee-deep snow for a day will make you paralyzed. Fortunately, there are enough people and you can take turns every day.

There are already a lot of people buying vegetables during the Chinese New Year, and it also coincides with heavy snowfall, so there are even fewer varieties for sale on the streets. Therefore, the business at the vegetable stall was very good. By the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, all the vegetables that could be sold in the greenhouse were sold out.

At this time, the firewood stored in the greenhouse was almost burned out, and most of the greenhouses were crushed by the heavy snow one after another. Even if the snow stopped and the sky cleared, the half-frozen melon vines would no longer be able to bear fruit.

Tang Xin calculated the amount of money that each household should receive that night, and distributed it to the villagers early the next morning.

Although affected by the heavy snow, the villagers listened to Mo Yan and picked all the edible vegetables and sold them. Therefore, the total amount of vegetables sold in this half month was the same as last month. Coupled with the increase in the price of vegetables at the end of the year, the amount of money each family received was actually no less than last month. The family that received the most received nearly forty taels, and the least received more than thirty taels.

With heavy bags of money in their pockets, the villagers who had been worried about the heavy snow finally felt relieved. They thanked Mo Yan again and again and sent a lot of home-cooked food.


The furball tiger lying on the inside opened his eyes and saw his master lying down again. He stretched out his paws and hugged his master's waist and continued to sleep soundly. The fur on its belly is soft and warm, and leaning against it is like leaning against a big stove. Mo Yan felt a little drowsy after being hugged like this, but finally fell asleep.

When Mo Yan woke up again, he was woken up by someone banging on the door. Hairball was also woken up, and he was a little angry. When he saw Mo Yan getting up to open the door, he quickly stretched out his pointed paws and hooked the corner of her clothes to prevent her from leaving.

The thin clothes could not withstand such a tug, so Mo Yan reluctantly retracted her paws after trying to say anything about the hair ball, and buried her head in the quilt depressedly, obviously having a little temper.

Touched the tiger's head, Mo Yan reluctantly went out to open the door, and she was pleasantly surprised by the person standing outside the door: "Sister Lan, why are you here at this time? Come on, come in and warm yourself up."

Liu Tinglan was afraid of the cold. Her whole body was wrapped tightly, with only a pair of eyes exposed. She was very cold now, and it was difficult to speak. She just nodded to Mo Yan, stepped over the threshold and went straight into the warm bedroom.

"Huh~ I'm freezing to death! I can't feel my hands and face. I don't know when this **** weather will end." Liu Tinglan quickly took off the windproof hat on her head and took off the fur scarf wrapped around her face. Complaining to Mo Yan showed that he was really freezing.

"This heavy snow will not stop for a while, I'm afraid it will have to wait until next year." Mo Yan replied with a smile. Seeing that the buckle on her friend's leather jacket was entangled in her long hair and couldn't be taken off, she stepped forward to help untie it. .

After finally taking off all the baggage, Liu Tinglan breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on Mo Yan's bed. She quickly kicked off her shoes and prepared to get into bed.

At this time, a big furry paw stretched out from the quilt, gently hooked Liu Tinglan's waist and took her into the quilt.

"Ah~what?" Liu Tinglan screamed in fright, and jumped up from the bed. Her big eyes looked at the turning quilt in horror. After a while, she saw a big furry head emerging from the quilt.

The guy with the big head just mistakenly thought that Liu Tinglan was the owner's hairball?

The hairball shook his head and got rid of his master's hand. It looked at Liu Tinglan with squinted tiger eyes, its eyes were quite gentle, and it was obvious that it was no longer angry.

Liu Tinglan looked horrified, stared at the hair ball and asked Mo Yan: "You, you, you, will you sleep in the same bed with it at night?"

Mo Yan thought that her friend disliked the dirty hairball, so she explained: "It takes a bath every day and is not dirty. It doesn't feel cold at all when sleeping with it."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Liu Tinglan rolled her eyes: "Aren't you afraid that this guy will dream about food at night and bite you?"

Pfft, haha, you are so imaginative. Mo Yan snorted and couldnt help laughing loudly: Hairball is not like someone who is willing to use his hands as ribs.

Liu Tinglan's face turned red when she heard this, and she rushed over to scratch Mo Yan: "It happened so long ago, it's worth mentioning it, but all my good intentions have been ignored by you, huh!"

Dont, stop scratching. If you keep scratching, the hairball will scratch you. Mo Yan quickly begged for mercy. Seeing that the hairball was eager to try, Mo Yan quickly stopped her friend.

Hairball is smart, but when he is happy, he can't control his strength. If his claws are so sharp, who can bear to scratch him?

Seeing this, Liu Tinglan quickly let go of Mo Yan, opened the quilt and got into the still warm quilt, trying to stuff the hair ball back in.

Seeing the "I refuse" look on Mao Tuan's face, Mo Yan couldn't help but laugh again, and said to her friend: "Look at you, how are you any different from the gangsters who force little girls on the street? Don't It took my hairball askew."

Being ridiculed by her friends and extremely uncooperative, Liu Tinglan finally gave up, lying on the bed carelessly, sighing comfortably, glaring at Mo Yan and complaining: "You heartless person, you haven't come to see me for so many days. Look at me, its killing me these days.

Mo Yan quickly apologized: "Isn't there too much trouble at home and you can't leave? But you, how did you get here with such heavy snow?"

Put it down, youre just lazy and still making excuses. Liu Tinglan exposed her friends lies without mercy, and hummed: Its snowy on the road and the carriage cant move, so I came here on horseback.

Liu Tinglan didn't know how to ride a horse. She just sat on the horse and let the family's driver hold the reins in front.

Mo Yan knew it and felt a little ashamed. If she went to the city to play with her friends, it would be easier than finding them. The speed of these hairballs was incredible. Even in knee-deep snow, they could run faster than a horse.

Thinking that the day after tomorrow was New Year's Eve, but my friend came here despite the heavy snow, it should be more than just coming to see her, so I took the initiative to ask: "In this weather, my uncle and aunt are willing to let you out, do you have other things to do?"

Liu Tinglan nodded hesitantly, and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Shen is not in high school this year, and he plans to finish it the year after next. I see that he studies so hard every day and forgets food and sleep. I just want to ask if you know any great scholars. , can give Brother Shen a lesson or two."

"Tsk, tsk, I'm already worried before we even get through this." Mo Yan tutted, looking at her crimson-cheeked friend and pretending to be depressed, "I wonder if Brother Shen did something to save the common people in his previous life, so he met As for a daughter-in-law like you who cares about him wholeheartedly, oh, she was fed a handful of dog food so early in the morning, so sorry."

After saying that, Mo Yan still clutched her chest and looked shocked.

"You, what are you talking about? Brother Shen and I haven't gotten married yet, so what kind of wife is not a wife?" Liu Tinglan picked up a big pillow in shame and threw it towards Mo Yan. She has long been used to it when her friends say weird words from time to time. Although she can't completely understand it, she is close to it.

Mo Yan stretched out her hand, caught the pillow firmly, and threw it back: "If something hadn't happened to the Shen family suddenly, wouldn't you be Brother Shen's wife now?"

Originally, Liu Tinglan and Shen Ji's marriage was scheduled for the twelfth lunar month, but in the winter, Shen Ji's aunt suddenly passed away. Although Shen Ji does not have to observe mourning for three years, if there is a funeral in the family or among relatives, happy events in the same year must be avoided to avoid conflict between the two parties. Therefore, the marriage of the two was delayed and the wedding date was changed to later in the year.

The specific auspicious date will be determined after the new year, and I think the wedding will be held in March at the latest.

Who knows, Liu Tinglan sighed, with a hint of sadness on her face: "His aunt has a daughter, who is his cousin, two years younger than me, and now she lives in his house."

As soon as Mo Yan's thoughts changed, she knew what her friend was worried about, and couldn't help but laugh: "Who doesn't have a cousin or two? Are you overthinking it?"

Liu Tinglan shook her head and said with a wry smile: "I wish I had thought too much, but in the letters he wrote to me these few times, he repeatedly mentioned his cousin and praised his cousin as a sensible and polite girl. If it were you Dont you think too much about it?

Mo Yan couldn't help but frowned when he heard this. There seems to be something wrong with Shen Ji's behavior. Who would praise another woman in a letter to his fiance? This is a cousin, not a biological sister. No wonder Sister Lan thinks too much about it.

If this matter had happened to Xiao Ruiyuan, she would have gone to the General's Mansion to question him face to face.

Seeing the loneliness on his friend's face, Mo Yan advised: "The truth may not be what you see. If you have doubts in your heart, why not ask? If he really has other thoughts, you can kick him out. He will find a better one; if there is a misunderstanding and you take it seriously, wouldn't it be you who gets hurt in the end?"

All Liu Tinglan was thinking about, he hesitated for a moment and said: "If not, will he blame me for being narrow-minded and unable to tolerate his cousin? His cousin's family background is not very good, and his father is a love-minded man, and his family has been ruined long ago. It's all gone. If it hadn't been like this, his aunt wouldn't have been angry to death. It's for this reason that his parents took his cousin home and listened to his wishes and lived in the Shen family from now on. "

Looking at his friend who was worried about gains and losses, Mo Yan sighed and said seriously: "If you don't ask, wouldn't you be the one who feels uncomfortable? If he feels clear in his heart, and you ask him and you only think you care about him, how can you think too much about it? If you don't ask in your heart, Only if there is a ghost will he doubt you, so dont let this kind of man go."

In fact, Mo Yan didn't think Shen Ji would change his heart. Every time he looked at his friend, his eyes were full of deep affection. It was impossible for him to fall in love with someone else just because he had a cousin. However, it's hard to tell for Shen's father and Shen's mother. If they pity their niece, it's not impossible for them to give her to their own son.

There is also the cousin, who is not young, and Shen Ji is a man with outstanding appearance and talent. There is no guarantee that she will have other thoughts. This needs to be carefully guarded against.

With an idea in mind, Mo Yan suggested: "If you have any questions, it's better to ask earlier. Isn't he coming to your house to pay New Year's greetings on the fourth day of the first lunar month? You can ask him privately if he really has any thoughts about this marriage. It doesnt matter if you dont do it, it would be best if there is no nature, and you dont have to be suspicious all day long.

Liu Tinglan thought for a moment and decided to adopt her friend's suggestion. She said calmly: "Then I will ask him face to face. Although I like him very much, if this person is really unreliable, I will not force myself to marry him."

Youre right to think so. Mo Yan looked at her friend and smiled happily. Suddenly I understood why the two of them hit it off and became good friends again, because their attitudes towards things were surprisingly similar.

After a heart-to-heart talk, most of Liu Tinglan's depression was gone. She lay lazily on the bed, feeling in a good mood and smoothing over the reluctant hairball. She didn't even mention anything about Da Ru.

Mo Yan originally wanted to ask, but after thinking about it, she realized that her friend was only allowed to go out because of this excuse. Maybe she did have the intention of looking for the great scholar, and had an excuse to ask Shen Ji to come to the capital as soon as possible, so that he wouldn't have to worry. He and his aunt's cousin saw each other day and night, and developed feelings that they shouldn't have.

Now that I have figured it out, I have given up this idea. Mo Yan didn't mention it again, but she remembered Shen Ji's cousin in her heart.

Liu Tinglan had lunch at Mo's house, leaving the New Year's gift and preparing to go home with the coachman who came with her.

Gifts are reciprocated, and the Mo family must also prepare gifts in return. Fortunately, the New Year's gift was prepared early in the morning, but Snow was too afraid that sending it would cause trouble to the Liu family, so he didn't send it.

Now that the Liu family has sent it first, Mo Yan doesn't have to worry about it. She collects the return gift and puts it on Xiao Hei's back, asking him to accompany Liu Tinglan to deliver the New Year's gift to the Liu family.

Its just that no one expected that when Xiao Hei came back, he would have a child in his mouth who was almost freezing to death...

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