The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1090: Caused big trouble

Chapter 1090: Caused big trouble

Chapter 1090 caused big trouble

The textile mill is divided into a front yard and a back yard. The front yard is the main place for spinning, weaving, dyeing and drying cloth. The two rows of houses at the back are where workers eat and sleep.

As a manager, Gou Guanshi had a large independent house to live in. Ordinary workers could only sleep in large bunks, with ten or twenty people crammed into a small room that was no more than three feet long and wide. The living conditions for the children who were bought to do odd jobs were even worse. Not to mention the mixed gender, there were twice as many people in the room as ordinary workers.

Shi Laosi was just an ordinary worker, but he was lucky enough to be married to a brother-in-law who was a steward, so he also had a separate small room. Although it is not as spacious and bright as a careless one, it is not bad at all.

Every time the evil fire came, Shi Laosi would go to the room where the children lived next door, and if he caught anyone, he would drag them into the room and humiliate them wantonly. Over the past few years, the number of children he harmed ranged from a hundred to fifty. There were also some children who could not bear the humiliation and resisted him, and were eventually tortured to death by him. It was pure luck that Sinier was able to escape alive.

Everyone in the textile shop knows about the evil deeds that Shi Laosi did. It's not that there are people who are "nosy", but all the people who are "nosy" will not end well. As time goes by, no one will Dare to ask, Shi Laosi's **** became more and more unscrupulous under everyone's silence.

Those workers cursed countless times in their hearts that the evil-doing Shi Laosi had been taken away by God earlier, so that he would not harm those innocent children again, but God probably didnt have a long-sighted mind. Let alone taking in Shi Laosi, he would have been beaten all year round. A sneeze will not make you sick.

As time went by, everyone began to believe the old saying: Good people dont live long, but misfortunes last for thousands of years! But now, what did they see? They saw Shi Laosi lying upright and naked on the bed. The scary thing was that he was completely black, and not even a trace of his original skin color could be seen. Only his wide-open eyes were white, but they showed his unyielding gaze. Infinite terror.

The most terrifying thing is that on his chest, there are several small snakes spitting out snakes. Seeing them breaking in, the little snakes hissed at them. The bright color, the sharp triangular head and the miserable death state of Shi Laosi all showed that this was an extremely poisonous snake. Viper!

Anyone who is not blind will know at a glance how Shi Laosi died. He was bitten to death by a poisonous snake while alive!

Gou Guanshi was so frightened that he didn't dare to get even half a step closer. He casually grabbed a worker and pushed him towards the bed: "Quickly, beat these snakes to death, beat these snakes to death quickly -"

If the boss is so afraid, how can the workers not be afraid? The worker who was almost pushed to the bed was so frightened that he backed away, turned around and ran out screaming: "I won't fight, and I won't fight even if I die. These snakes are the unjust ghosts who have come to seek revenge from Shi Laosi. I don't want to." Die, I dont want to die

These words were like a drop of water dripping into a boiling oil pan, and instantly exploded among the workers. The workers woke up from a dream, and rushed out one by one with weak legs: "It's the unjust ghost who is here to take his life." , the evil spirit is here to seek death from Shi Laosi, run, everyone, run!"

The dozens of workers who were standing at the outermost edge and couldn't squeeze in had no idea what was going on in the room. When they heard the others shouting "The wronged man is asking for his life," he was frightened to death. They didn't care whether it was true or not, and hurriedly followed the others outside. rush.

But there were nearly two hundred workers in the textile mill, and all of a sudden they were running out in a swarm. It was harder to get out because you were pushing me. Supervisor Gou was filled with hatred and fear. He raised his voice and threatened loudly: "Don't leave. Don't even think about leaving. Come back to me and kill the snakes. Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

At this time, life is more important than anything else. Who cares what Gou Guanshi is saying? When Gou Guanshi saw that no one listened to him, he was so angry that his whole body trembled. Just when he was about to drag a few people in to kill the snake, something suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and something rushed towards him. He subconsciously wanted to close his eyes, but it was a step too late.

When severe pain came, Gou Gushi covered his eyes and rolled on the ground in pain: "Eyes, my eyes-"

Hearing Gou Guanshi's wailing, the workers who were rushing out were stunned again. They looked at Gou Guanshi rolling on the ground, and saw the blood overflowing from his fingers, falling to the ground drop by drop, and their faces turned pale with fear. His throat seemed to be strangled and he couldn't make any sound.


An extremely clear sound came into everyone's ears. They followed the direction of the sound and looked blankly.

They saw a huge owl standing on a high cabinet, its sharp eagle eyes staring at them coldly, bright red blood slowly dripping from its sharp talons, and falling to the ground, soaked in blood. , lying there were two **** things, which were the eyeballs that the owl had just dug out of Gou Gushi's eyes!

The unjust ghost is asking for his life! The unjust ghost is asking for his life! The unjust ghost is asking for his life! The unjust ghost is asking for his life

Someone in the crowd shouted, awakening everyone's consciousness again, but under the cold gaze of the hawk's eyes, no one had the courage to move even half a step.

Before dawn the next day, there was a rumor about a huge event that was full of weirdness. It made the people who spoke about it frightened and uneasy, and those who heard about it felt like their hairs stood on end and they almost wanted to run away.

"Oh, what a sin! There are children crying inside every day. I thought those children cried because they couldn't eat and they only cried when they missed their parents. I didn't think it would be those unscrupulous people who were harming them. Now it's better, these unscrupulous things The ghost who died unjustly asked for his life and died with his eyes open, he deserved it, he deserved it!" Outside the textile workshop, a woman spitted and told the unsuspecting onlookers what she had seen and heard, her words were full of hatred and gloating.

"Come on, come on, the dead are great, everyone is dead, so you can say less." Some people couldn't stand it and waved their hands, not wanting to listen to the woman's noise anymore.

"Hmph, how can such a conscience-stricken thing kill someone?" The woman was unhappy and pointed at the man with her hands on her waist and retorted: "If I had known he was doing that screwdriver business, I would have grabbed a few venomous snakes and put them in. I wont teach him to harm so many innocent children.

When the man heard this, his face changed drastically, and he warned: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful of others suing the officials and blaming this matter on you. I think this thing may have been done by someone. There is really an unjust ghost asking for his life. What?" Didn't you ask for it earlier?"

"People did it?" The woman sneered, not taking this reminder to heart at all: "You caught a few venomous snakes and commanded them to bite the bad guys! I heard that those snakes are extremely poisonous, and everyone I saw inside was He said that he had never seen such snakes before, and he couldn't tell what kind of snakes these snakes were. Also, the owl that dug out people's eyeballs must have eaten snakes, but people don't eat venomous snakes, and they only seek revenge. Well, if youre not a ghost, how can you be so smart?

When the man heard this, he immediately stopped talking. Who would have thought that snake-eating owls could work with their natural enemies to deal with evildoers? He couldn't think of any other more reasonable explanation except that they were transformed by the ghosts of those who died in vain and came back specifically for revenge.

Such conversations can be heard everywhere in the streets. These statements are not made up out of thin air, but are spoken by the workers in the textile mills themselves. What is more convincing than seeing it with your own eyes?

What happened last night was simply a nightmare for the nearly two hundred workers in the textile mill. They were so frightened by the nightmare that they didn't dare to move around at all.

It wasn't until daybreak that the owls and several poisonous snakes left under their frightened eyes. The workers woke up as if from a dream. Those who called doctor called doctor, and those who reported to the official reported to the official. The remaining people did not dare to stay any longer. Inside, I ran to the street and tremblingly relayed the horrific scene that happened in the textile workshop last night, as if this could dispel the fear in my heart.

These workers are also afraid that the owls and poisonous snakes transformed by the dead souls will seek revenge on them, because when the children suffer inhuman harm, no one is willing to stand up and rescue those poor children.

Jinxiu Textile was well-known in the yamen. When the yamen vigilant heard that something had happened and someone died, he hurriedly reported it. Soon the head of the yamen sent more than a dozen police officers to carry Shi Laosi's body to the yamen. All the workers were also taken away. Even Gou Guanshi, who was having his eyes treated by the doctor, had two empty holes. After his eyes were bandaged, he was taken away by the waiting police officers.

In Liuyang Village, Mo Yan took out the tenderest chicken breast to reward the owl who had worked hard all night, without knowing anything about what was happening in the capital. The owl has been tempered by the spiritual spring water. It is several times larger than an ordinary owl. Its light body is nearly one meter long. It spreads its wings and soars in the air. It is difficult to tell with the naked eye whether it is an owl or something more ferocious. harrier eagle.

While the owl happily ate the chicken breast, it silently prayed that its owner would not find out that it had blinded people on its own initiative. But the more afraid of something, the more it comes. As soon as it finished eating its chicken breast, and was thinking about which big tree to go to to catch up on its sleep, the birds that were let out to wait for news flew back.

Mo Yan took the birds into the space while the family was not paying attention. Outside the space, Xue Tuanzi cannot understand the language of the birds because there is no relationship between them.

Xue Tuanzi looked down on these birds and was simply unwilling to expend spiritual energy to do so. The six beasts could only barely get into its eyes, so they were lucky enough to form a relationship with it. No matter how far away they were, they could communicate without any hindrance.

Under Xue Tuanzi's "translation", Mo Yan finally knew what good owl had done, and he broke out in a cold sweat. He stretched out his hand to grab the owl that was trying to escape, and no longer knew what to say.

She endured it again and again, and did not hit it on the head. She just gave a harsh lesson: "Didn't I tell you to take the little snakes and bite someone and leave immediately? How dare you kill someone?" Were you blind? Its okay now, but things have gotten serious, what should I do?

The owl drooped its head, cooed pitifully twice, and honestly admitted its mistake to Mo Yan. Its original intention was just to teach the fat man, who was also not a good person, a lesson. How could he have imagined that he would cause such a big trouble to his owner? Otherwise, he wouldn't have done this even if he didn't give him meat!

With its round head and equally round eyes, this big guy looks very much like a cat. It looks cute and cute. After being raised by Mo Yan, it looks even cuter and harmless. At this time, he showed such a cautious and well-behaved look. No matter how angry he was, he couldn't get angry in front of such a pleasant face.

Mo Yan stroked her forehead. She wanted to give this guy a lesson so that he would remember it for a long time and not to make his own decisions in the future, but she couldn't bring herself to be so cruel.

She took a few deep breaths, forced herself to calm down, poked the owl's protruding stomach and gritted her teeth and asked, "Then tell me, why did you do this?"

The owl rolled its eyes and barked in a measured tone at Mo Yan. This serious explanation made those who watched it want to laugh for no reason.

Mo Yan finally figured out why this guy wanted to scratch Gou Guanshi's eyes. For a moment, he didn't know whether to teach him a lesson or just let him go.

Since learning that Li Yu escaped from the Jinxiu Textile Workshop, Mo Yan sent an owl to keep an eye on everything in the textile workshop. Shi Laosi had harmed innocent children many times under the nose of the owl. Of course, it was a bird, and Mo Yan had never taught it. Even if it had intelligence, it would not know that such things were wrong. It also I never mentioned this to Mo Yan.

It wasnt until last night that the owl realized how stupid he had done. As soon as the small universe exploded, it scratched Gou Shis eyeballs. In its view, it is no pity to die for Si Laosi who has harmed so many people, but without the support and connivance of Gou Guanshi, he would not have dared to do such a thing. Gou Guanshi was an accomplice!

Since he is an accomplice and the mastermind is dead, even if the accomplice is not dead, he still has to pay a price, so he grabbed Gou Guanshi's eyes - he felt that he was blind, but he was quite fond of his beautiful and bright eyes. Out of pride, I was reluctant to dig at all, so I had no choice but to dig up the bad guys.

After learning the reason, Mo Yan couldn't laugh or cry. Looking at the owl with its head tilted to please, I reluctantly gave up the idea of punishing it. It was also her fault that she was not thoughtful enough to think of this possibility. Since the matter had become a big deal, it was useless to punish anyone. She should find a way to cover up the matter and prevent anyone from tracing it to her.

"Yanyan, as long as you don't say anything, who would know that you did this?" Xue Tuanzi didn't take it seriously. Anyway, those people insisted that it was the revenge of the wronged soul, so they could just go with the flow and blame the wronged soul.

Mo Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The idea of revenge for wronged souls can only deceive ordinary people. Don't forget that in the eyes of some people, I can control the six beasts."

Since you can control even such beasts, how about controlling a few small snakes and an owl? If anyone thought of this, it would be a big trouble.

Especially using this method to kill people invisible is really a taboo for many people. Once someone really suspected her, especially Emperor Hui'an, who had a rather subtle attitude towards her, she felt that her life was probably over.

Xue Tuanzi quickly understood what Mo Yan meant, and became irritated. He cursed at the huddled owls: "If you fail to succeed and fail, you are the one to blame. You can't control your paws. I will do it now." Chop it up.

As he spoke, his snail eyes flashed, and an invisible sharp blade shot towards the owl without any mercy.

The owl was so frightened that it trembled all over. The second before the invisible sharp blade shot over, it quickly rushed behind Mo Yan. Despite this, the wings that it had no time to hide were still cut off and fell down one after another.

Mo Yan was startled, and quickly hugged the snow dumpling that had flown behind him, intending to cut off the owl's claws completely again, and persuaded him: "Since it has happened, you can just cut it into dices." Its useless, lets work together to figure out how to solve the big trouble that may arise next.

Xue Tuanzi only took out his anger on the owl when he was angry. After some persuasion by Mo Yan, the anger in his heart slowly calmed down, but he still cursed at the owl in a bad tone: "For Yan Yan's sake, this time I Let you go, if you do something stupid like this next time, I will pluck your hair, cut it into cubes, and feed it to the hairball, which has wanted to eat you for a long time."

When the owl heard this, a flash of fear flashed in its human eyes, and its fluffy feathers shrank in fear. It was obvious that it was really frightened.

If you raise too many animals, one or two will inevitably appear to compete for your favor, and the owl is one of them. But in Mao Tuan's heart, he is his master's "main palace", and anyone who dares to compete with him for his favor is his enemy.

No, unfortunately, the owl is classified as the number one enemy of Hairball. Hairball has eaten everything but an owl, so he really wants to taste it. Therefore, every time they meet, there will inevitably be a fight, so that where there are hairballs, there must be no owls.

Mo Yan was not in the mood to mediate the conflict between the two guys for the time being, and was worried about what to do next. There are only two possibilities for this matter to continue to ferment. One is that the idea of "wretched souls seeking lives" continues to be circulated among the people, and the yamen finds an excuse to close the case to appease the people; the other is that the yamen pursues the matter to the end, and if unfortunately it reaches the ears of interested people , and then thinking about her, there is a tough battle to be fought.

After thinking about it, Mo Yan decided to tell Xiao Ruiyuan about the matter first. He was well-informed in the capital. If something happened, he could know it immediately. She could also find a way to deal with it in time. The two of them also had a discussion. She deeply believed that her brain was incomparable with others.

As a result, she had just finished writing the letter, and before she could let the owl deliver it, Maomao flew over with a letter, which contained only a short sentence.

Mo Yan's vision went dark and he almost sat down on the ground. After holding on to the table for a while, she finally recovered. She quickly stuffed the written letter into the mailbox on Maomao's feet, fed it another peach, and urged it to deliver the letter quickly.

Mo Yan returned to the space, sat down on the fertile black soil, and weakly grabbed Xue Tuanzi's belly: "Brother Xiao thought that this murder case was related to me so quickly, others must have thought of it too, but this time it was a shame."

Thank you for your comments. The red star has finally turned into a diamond. It looks very valuable. Haha. O_O

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