The president tried to trick me

Chapter 2221

Chapter 2221: Chapter 2221: The thought of her getting married in the future


In the silence, there was a sudden sound behind her. Wu Shu quietly hid in the darkness.

Yan Yusheng walked out of the living room and saw her brother staring into the night in a daze.

“brother? Why are you here alone? You didn’t eat much just now, ” Yan Yusheng asked worriedly. She slowly walked over and stood side by side with her brother.

All these years, there were always people who asked them if they had the legendary telepathic connection. After all, they were dragon and Phoenix twins, which made them more mysterious.

However, that feeling was actually very ethereal and difficult to describe.

It was just that she could sense the change in her brother’s emotions faster than her parents.

This could be considered as a type of telepathic connection, right?

Yan Yuhan turned around when he heard the sound. He saw that his sister’s face was slightly tipsy, so he smiled and said, “did mom and Dad Mention Big Brother Quan? “

Just like her, he could quickly see through her guilt.

“just a few words. ” Yan Yusheng mumbled softly, and his face turned even redder.

Seeing her like this, Yan Yuhan could not help but reach out his hand and stroke her smooth long hair. “Our Xiao Sheng has grown up. “

This was his sister from the same mother as him. They had grown up together, and she was his most important family member.

“then shouldn’t brother tell me what you’ve been busy with recently? ” Yan Yusheng picked up the phone and asked.

Regarding the so-called girlfriend, Yan Yusheng had already learned the INS and outs of the matter from Yuan Bao.

She did not know about this matter, and judging from her parents’looks, she probably did not know either.

What exactly was it that she had to hide from them?

Yan Yuhan’s expression paused slightly, and then he immediately thought of who might have leaked the secret.

Seeing his hesitation, Yan Yusheng continued, “I know you didn’t say anything because you didn’t want mom and dad to worry, but brother, I don’t want anything to happen to you. “

She guessed the seriousness of the matter and unconsciously grabbed his sleeve, tightly gripping it in her palm.

This small action made Yan Yuhan’s heart warm.

He pointed at her smooth forehead and smiled, “listening to Yuan Bao’s nonsense again? When have I, your brother, ever done anything that I’m not confident in? “

Regarding this, he had perfectly inherited everything from Yan Jun..

Father and son never did anything that they were not confident of.

He was determined to win over the Han family!

Ever since he took over Lego, his uncles had barely given him some face on account of his parents.

Even though he had done well in his performance, it was only a drop in the bucket. If he wanted to completely win over the hearts of the people, he had to show some real ability.

The Han family had been constantly causing trouble recently, and his uncles were already very unhappy. If he had not been suppressing them, the two sides would have very likely started fighting.

For him, winning over the Han family would allow him to become famous in Lego.

At the same time, he would cooperate with Huo Ting. After the matter was done, this would be his stepping stone into the city.

He could have both fish and bear paws.

The opportunity was right in front of him.

“Then promise me, no matter what the situation is, don’t risk your life, okay? ” Yan Yusheng shook his arm slightly. There was stubbornness and certainty between her delicate brows.

If it was possible, she really wanted her brother not to carry so much on his shoulders alone.

“okay, I promise you. ” Yan Yuhan nodded with a smile. He knew that if he didn’t say that, this little girl wouldn’t be able to sleep for a night.

Although she was usually carefree, she was actually the most meticulous and emotional person.

When he thought of her getting married in the future, Yan Yuhan began to feel reluctant to part with her… …

He suddenly understood why his father had come back in such a hurry.

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