The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1239 Milord Angered Woman Again

Chapter 1239 Milord Angered Woman Again

After they were done with their business Zhao Li Xin and Lory prepared to go home but Lory remembered that the guild sealed a book about beast behavior, habitat, and ecology that would help Zhao Li Xin understand more about the Beast in this world.

Lory recalled some unpleasant memories of the time when Fred made her and Lucas memorize all these books, he even added books about the history, evolution, and even myths about the beast and it was proven that this was indeed useful when they hunted these beasts.

So Lory thinks Zhao Li Xin is a genius and a fast learner, so why not buy him these books, Lory believes these books will be useful for Zhao Li Xin when he enters the Labyrinth, even if are not, there's no harm in having more knowledge, right?

"Li Xin, can you wait a moment, there is something I want to buy first."

"En," Zhao Li Xin nodded without asking much.

Lory hurriedly rushed towards the counter to talk to one of the workers. When Lory left, Zhao Li Xin looked around to find a place to wait for Lory, a moment later he found a small table for two people placed in the corner by the window that seemed isolated from other tables which was very suitable for unsocial men like him.

Zhao Li Xin headed to the table with calm steps, he lifted his hood so as not to attract unnecessary attention because of his foreign look. After that, Zhao Li Xin pulled the chair from the table and sat quietly.

Zhao Li Xin took out his cell phone and started browsing on his cell soon he was immersed in his own world and just like any other people in this world Zhao Li Xin was also completely hooked by the convenience offered by the object called cell phones.

He can't stop admiring how easy it is to get any information in this world, whether it's about political issues or trivial things like daily life everything can be searched in a matter of seconds, and it got even better when Lory bought him earbuds.

It's a device that can block outside noise. If only this tool had existed in his previous world, Zhao Li Xin couldn't imagine how much easier his life would be and how much destruction could be avoided because he was less irritated.

At the same time, Zhao Li Xin also felt disappointed in himself because he had never thought of making a tool like this so he started to think that he was not as good as he thought he was. When he compared himself with the creativity and breadth of imagination of people in this world, Zhao Li Xin felt he was far behind as a result for the first time in his life he was humble by other people's abilities.

Even though he might be disappointed, Zhao Lixin was not unaffected, instead, he became more excited because it meant he had a lot to learn, for starters he needed to learn the language of this world even better.

After he set his goal, Zhao Li Xin tapped his earbuds and a second later the loud noise from the outside was blocked significantly, soon a faint smile appeared on Zhao Li Xin's face as his mood became better after that he selected the learning video he wanted and pressed the play button.

Like a good student, he immersed himself in his studies because he was determined to be able to speak fluently. For him speaking is more difficult than listening, let alone reading, because the number of letters in this language is the same as the number of letters in his language, it doesn't take long for him to remember and understand it.

However, speaking was much more difficult because his accent was thick so he had to speak slowly so it wasn't too obvious so the other person could understand. Therefore, he has to practice speaking in the hope that he can minimize his accent, maybe if he can get rid of it, at least people won't notice his accent.

However, that doesn't mean he is embarrassed by his accent, it's just that when studying anything, Zhao Li Xin always expects the best from him, therefore he wants to speak as perfectly as possible just like the native people of this world.

When Zhao Li Xin focused on studying, he didn't realize that people around him were staring at him. Even though part of his face was covered by his hoodie, his handsome face was still visible from certain angles. Zhao LiXin had a calm, graceful appearance combined with an urbane demeanor he looked like a refined noble who stumbled to this place by accident. 

Everyone can't help glancing in Zhao Li Xin's direction a few times, wondering what a man like him doing in this place, among all of them there was a group of women staring at him and one of the women was a woman with a petite body, she got big round eyes, small pouty lips, and chubby cheeks that make her looks cute like a small animal. 

She tossed her blonde hair while repeatedly glancing at Zhao Li Xin. She seemed a bit hesitant but her friend said something that made the woman suddenly become more confident. She tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear and then proceeded to approach Zhao Li Xin.

Her heart was thumping rapidly as the closer she got the clearer the man's face became and it turned out he was more handsome than she thought! The girl's face turned red as she spoke " Excuse me, sir, my name is Angela Swann, may I ask your name?" the girl deliberately softened her voice.

A normal man wouldn't have the heart to ignore this type of girl but unfortunately, Zhao Li Xin wasn't normal especially since he was focused on studying therefore Zhao Li Xin didn't pay attention to the strange girl who approached him, however since he didn't feel hostility from the girl Zhao Li Xin chose to ignore her instead, after all, he was busy.

Not expecting to get a cold reaction from the handsome man, he stood awkwardly, not knowing what should she do, should she continue or retreat after contemplating her option for two seconds she thought would make her more embarrassed therefore she continued.

"Sorry sir, I didn't mean to bother you but I saw you were alone so I was wondering if you had joined another hunter group? If not, we happen to need new members to hunt high-level beasts so I thought you might be interested in joining us?" The girl named Angela explained at length but Zhao Li Xin still ignored her as if she didn't hear her.

Angela bit her lip, and her whole face and her neck became completely red. She knew people were laughing at her right now but what could she do? unable to withstand the pressure, she turned her head to her friends for help.

One of Angela's friends became impatient. She suddenly kicked her chair and then rushed towards Angela with heavy steps. The woman has a tall and slim body with enough muscle in her arms and legs so that it doesn't look excessive but is still feminine and sexy. The woman had short maroon hair and bright green eyes that were now filled with annoyance.

As she arrived she slammed her fist on the wooden table and shouted at him "Hey, don't you have any manners? My friend is talking to you, don't you have ears?"

Zhao Li Xin lifts his head and then stares at them with an indifferent look after a while he takes off the earbuds from his ear then says: "Yes?"

Soon waves of laughter broke out in the room they found it funny that this whole time Zhao Li Xin was actually wearing earbuds while the girl acted cute in front of him, no wonder he didn't react.

Instead of apologizing, the short brown-haired woman thought that Zhao Li Xin was deliberately embarrassing them, even though it was them who decided to come to disturb Zhao Li Xin who was sitting in the corner minding his own business.

Even so, this problem could have been resolved quickly if they walked away from Zhao LiXin after this, but don't know how, Angela's hopes were rekindled as she thought Zhao Li Xin was ignoring her because he was using earbuds! thus she decides to try again.

"Uhm...Sir, my name is Angela and this is my friend Nora, other than us we also have three other members, Um...I would like to ask you to join our group, we are a B-level group but we already have enough points to register our group as an A-level group, therefore, we will have more opportunities and better rewards so I think it will not be a waste for you to join us" her blue eyes filled with anticipation.

Zhao Li Xin's expression remained indifferent, he looked at them for a moment then flatly said: "No,"

After that, Zhao Li Xin calmly put his earbuds back on and then returned his attention to his cell phone.

Nora's face turned tight from anger. She couldn't believe she was rejected outright. What make things worse the man didn't even bother giving a reason, this guy was clearly asking for a beating!

Nora raises her index finger and then begins to lash out her anger at Zhao Li Xin "You, how dare you! You think we are beggars begging you to join us, my friend offered you to join because he pities you, she was worried about you hunting alone but this is how you treated him, you are so ungrateful! "

"Nora, don't be angry..." Angela tried to calm her friend.

"You think just because you're handsome you can be rude to any girl, huh!" Annoyed Nora slapped Angela's hand away, then slammed Zhao Li Xin's table even harder than before as a result the table visibly cracked.

Even though it sounded very generous, everyone couldn't help but think Nora's reasons did not make sense. Everyone becomes a hunter because they know the risks, so why are these girls so worried about a stranger who wants to hunt alone?

Besides no one knows whether Zhao Li Xin is alone or not, just because he sitting alone doesn't mean he doesn't have any friends or has joined any group already but these girls make assumptions in their head and then approach him but when they get rejected they get angry.

Moreover, if they were really that kind why did they only come to Zhao Li Xin's table when there were clearly several people also sitting alone in this room, why not invite them too?

They are not stupid, they know why they are angry, they tried to pick up a guy but failed miserably. Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin was at awed that he couldn't hear anything, this devices is amazing!

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