The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 466: An Even Stranger Turn

Chapter 466: An Even Stranger Turn

Why why are you here!? Gaston!!

In the direst moment, there emerged Gaston, the Great Mage of Flame.

An image of Gastons final moments flashed through Billys mind.

Gaston had indeed burned through his life force yet, inexplicably, there he stood among the mages, defying comprehension.



Sir Gaston!!

Irene, Konoha, Lina, and the Magic Guardians Brigade, along with the warriors, greeted Gastons return with unbridled joy.

Dont let your guard down!

However, what echoed from Gaston was not the joy of reunion but a warning surpassing all else.

Gaston and Billy kept their eyes fixed on each other, each wary of the others intentions.

For in this place, they stood before a force mightier than even the empowered Billy this was the battlefield dominated by Devil King Lucifer.

Under Gastons firm directive, they swallowed their joy and focused, as he commanded.

S-so whos he?

Lylia stood up and asked Ts.

A very welcome reinforcement I guess. Hes still not good enough for Lucifer, though

Ts had already gauged Gastons level and arcane energy.

Though Gastons power had increased dramatically, it fell short of reaching Lucifer.

At best, he could take Billy or so Ts believed. And indeed, since Gastons arrival, Billy had not launched any attacks.

Gastons revitalized Arcane Energy was reminiscent of Asleys. Seeing this, Lucifer smirked.


My King!

Billy addressed Lucifer, seeking cooperation. Yet Lucifer remained unmoved.

The Devil King simply gave Billy a sidelong glance and said with disdain dripping from his words,

Have you forgotten my command, Billy?

Seated atop the rubble, Lucifer made Billy remember his order.

[Well then, heres a command for this new you End this ridiculous war by yourself. Surely you would not say its an impossible feat now, would you?]


There was no retracting the Devil Kings command. It was inconceivable.

Fear not. Should you die, Ill make sure to kill that Rat for you.

The statement sounded more like a death sentence for Billy.

As panic etched across Billys face, he glanced again at Gaston.

However, Gaston had vanished. Then, the next instant, a powerful impact struck Billys back.


Sent flying, Billy attempted to regain his posture in mid-air.

Attack formation nine! NOW!!

Rise! Gatling Lightning!

Countless bolts of radiant lightning surged toward Billy.


Billy screamed as the lightning struck him directly.


Lylia voiced her praise for Gaston as well as the Magic Guardians Brigade.


Gaston now directed his orders to the warriors.

As the commander of the Magic Guardians Brigade, Gaston naturally understood the combat tactics of the Warrior Guardians as well.

Attack formation two! NOW!!

The warriors sprang into action immediately.

Irene, naturally hearing the command as well, got a read on the intent behind this course of action.

Work with me, old bat!

You dont even need to tell me that!!

All members of the Warrior Guardians plunged their swords into the earth.

Their target: Billy, suspended in mid-air. Irene leaped alongside Gaston, aiming to knock Billy down.


As Billy crashed to the ground, the warriors triggered a massive explosion on the earth right under him.


Billy, sustaining severe internal damage, glared at Gaston with intense hatred.

[How? How has Gaston become so powerful!? How is he even alive!? How am I pushed to this extent!? How? How!? HOW!?]

Billys thoughts were interrupted by a mouse flying straight at him.


Watch out hes getting revenge for what you did to me!

What was flying at Billys face or rather, what had been thrown at Billys face was none other than Gasons former Familiar.


Wha!? Tch!

Billy, attempting to shake off Konoha, found himself obstructed by two Elves.


What the!? GWOH!?

Ts gut punch and Lylias sword swing blasted Billy high into the air.

Hahaha Five times! I clawed him five times!

Konoha caught his breath and reported joyously to Gaston, having hopped away just before that.

Rise! Fire Lance Rain!!

Fuyu, Natsu, Lala, and Tifa unleashed their synchronized spells at Billy.

At the highest point of ascent, the Fire Lances rained down right before Billys eyes, inflicting further damage upon him.

[No, no! No, no, no, no, no, no!!!!]

Billy had no time to utter even a single word as he descended.

Despite him being in the Ultimate Limit state, he could not use any magic to save himself, as even a simple healing spell required an incantation.

Not even a single word of that incantation was permitted under the brigades relentless assault.

Rise! Sharp Wind Asteriskos!!

Barun, Warren, Hornel, and Lina unleashed a large-scale magic spell not a split invocation, but a single spell.

They poured all the arcane energy they had managed to regain into this short moment into this phase of the battle.

Though the magic inflicted numerous wounds upon Billy, they were not fatal.

However, they still had reserves. Four more allies who, while quite worn-out themselves, still packed quite a punch.


A barrage of powerful Zenith Breaths was unleashed by the Heavenly Beast Haiko, Linas familiar Baladd, Hornels familiar Maga, and Asleys familiar Pochi.

Billys entire body was charred, yet he still retained his form.

Still, the assault did not end there. Gaston and the Magic Guardians were already in motion.

Support formation seven! Now!!

Rise! Immobilizing Sleight!!


What was aimed at Billy this time was a simple paralysis spell.

If he had been enveloped in his arcane energy aura, it would hardly have affected him. However, at this point, Billys body was greatly weakened.

Gastons choice of this spell, and the swift response from Violas elite magic guardians, prompted a mutter from Ts,

Hah, now HEs the one running the show!

Paralyzed by the spell, Billys ability to use magic was sealed, and his eyes showed only trembling fear under the intense gaze of everyone present.

Gaston walked slowly toward Billy, repeating the words he had said the last time they faced off,

Let me say this again, Billy

The confrontation between Gaston and Billy echoed that moment.

This is EFFORT!


Gastons words, denying everything Billy had accomplished by becoming a Devil, a Chimaera, shook him to his core.

Gastons finger moved quietly, precisely, swiftly.

Billys body, paralyzed, could not even tremble. All he could do was stare, his eyes quivering, fixed on the blazing Craft Circle before it.

Lucifer watched on in amazement.

Rise, A-rise, A-rise Divine Inferno!!

The most intense flame Gaston had ever conjured rose to the sky from directly below Billy.

Billy screamed as he was engulfed by the light the light of a sun that seemed to threaten to burn everything in this world.


The heat and pain of the flame were so intense that even the restraints of paralysis were broken. Billys screams of pain, which seemed to never stop, finally disappeared with the disengagement of the magecraft.

In the end, all that was left was the charred earth.

Farewell, my old friend

Gaston offered a few words to the sky one last farewell to Billy.

Right after, a round of applause entered his ears.

Impressive. Truly wonderful.

It was none other than Lucifer who applauded Gaston and the others.

Gaston stared at Lucifer sharply, as did everyone else, but they were all heavily wounded, incapable of further combat.

Even Gaston, the only one left with strength, could not match Lucifers immense arcane energy.

So, Lucifers composure, his praise it was all understood by everyone present, except for Gaston and one other.

You still seem quite calm about this situation, my former King.

Oh-ho, so it WAS you, Bathym That magecraft just now did remind me of you.

What emanated from Gastons mouth was not his voice, but rather that of Bathym, an associate of Lucifers, inhabiting Gastons body.

Lucifer had discerned Bathyms presence from the stylistic flair of the magecraft, Divine Inferno.

I am, in a way, glad to see that you are doing well.

Hmph, possessing a humans body who would have thought? You made a deal with God, I assume

Your insight is as keen as ever. But are you sure you dont want to hurry this up?


Do you think I would stand before you without a plan?

What are you implying?

Ah, never mind. Unfortunately for you, time was on our side.

Gaston reacted to Bathyms delayed words.

If anything, HE is late!

Irene, picking up on the words that Gaston blurted out, grabbed his shoulder tightly.

Now hold on one second! Whats this talk even about

Gaston remained silent but indicated with his actions.

He turned northeast, drawing everyones attention.

A single red dot was visible in the sky. It looked like it was swimming.

What the hell?

Ts asked, and Irene said after him not an answer, but yet another question.

Its red Red wings?

Following Irenes words, Lylia gasped and turned to Gaston.

Then she exclaimed,

Red wings!

Gaston nodded in agreement as the approaching red dot came into focus.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, while Pochis widened hers.

As the dot took on a human form, the world suddenly glowed with emerald light, resonating across the battlefield.


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