The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 470.4, The Grand Finale Scene 4, 5 (Split Part 4/8)

Chapter 470.4, The Grand Finale Scene 4, 5 (Split Part 4/8)

In the end, Lylia found it absurd how she had had that dilemma of hers in the first place.

Asley proceeded to take Lylia to the Adventurers Guild. As soon as he arrived, Bruce clung desperately to his leg, waterfalls of tears streaming down his cheeks.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!? What the hell, Bruce!?

Asley, man y-you gotta help me!

Whats wrong? Did you go so broke that youve gotta start selling your butt hair? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Dude, quit joking around! That hasnt happened yet, but maybe Ill actually have to!

The hell?

Asley tilted his head.

But didnt you say you were going to blow all your money today?

N-no! I-I mean, yeah, I did! But I wanna NOT do that anymore! But THEY wont let me stop!!

What? Whyre you going back on your word like that, man?

Asley tilted his head again, this time in the opposite direction.

B-because! There arent any monsters left to fight, damn it!

Huh? Hmm Aha! I see, I see!

Bruce had indeed said he would spend his entire fortune tonight.

But that was because he had thought he had his previous way of life to fall back to.

The monsters Lucifer had gathered had been wiped out by Asley and the Resistance.

Even if there were still monsters remaining in various parts of the world, they were but a tiny fraction.

While there was a possibility they might increase in numbers later down the line, it would take a considerable amount of time.

In other words, adventurers were currently close to being unemployed.

That was why Lylia had been troubled, but Bruce saw things differently.

Thats why Duncans been busting his ass doing Guild work even though hes dead tired!! And thats why everyones grinning like idiots while they empty my wallet! I beg ya, Asley! Get my wallet back from them!!

Bruces belief that the adventurers trade could continue as before was incredibly naive.

Realizing that now, he cried out to Asley for help.

As such, Asley proceeded to crack an ear to ear grin and declared to everyone,

Hey! Lend me some of that gold too! Come on! Were drinkin and feastin like kings tonight, baby!!

In an instant, hope drained from Bruces eyes, replaced by despair.

His eyes filled with desperation, his body weakened, and he was engulfed in misery.

In this world, Bruce saw nothing but enemies.

The money he had saved up was spent like water, piling up before Duncan.

AHAHAHA! Here ya go, Duncan!

Ooh, a ten thousand Gold tip? Are you sure~~?

Ehh, sure, take it! Its my brothers money anyway! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

The ones who mainly indulged were Betty

Another one of these, please! And this to go!

Coming right up~~!

The Devourer Queen Pochi

Yes I still have something to fight for! This time, I wont lose!!

Former Devourer Queen Lylia

Remember the words of God: love thy neighbor as thyself!

The gleeful Fool

Well then, I suppose Ill take these and deliver them to the Heavenly Beasts den

The considerate and caring Great Mage of Flame, Gaston

Oh, then we should bring something to the Resistance Hideout, too.

Yes, indeed. The staff is sure to be quite exhausted from all the clean-up work.

Irene and Trace


And once again, Pochi.

Nobody paid any mind to Bruce, who was practically getting ready to sleep on the streets.

Why? Because the wallet was right here!

The feast continued through the night.

Rest would come later. Everyone savored this moment together, enjoying the camaraderie of those they fought alongside.

In the midst of it all, Asley rose from his seat once again.

Lina asked him,

Where are you off to now, Sir Asley?

Oh, just heading over to Ts place.

Ah, now that you mentioned him Where could he be? Hmm? Now thats

Lina sensed Ts arcane energy and questioned Asley,

Why is he there, of all places? Huh? Sir Asley?

However, by the time Lina completed her sentence, Asley was already gone.

He disappeared as if fleeing, but Lina did not pursue him.

She knew Asley was not going anywhere else anymore.

In the forest to the west of Eddo

Kept you waiting, huh?

Nah, not really.

Asley, arriving where Ts was, was taken aback by the response the latter had for him.

Any further protests to that, however, were promptly halted by the other person who was there.

Cmon, Master Ts! Youre doing this all wrong! Youre supposed to say, I just got here too! Then cue the unstoppable love between you and Ash! Oooooohhhhhh! What a what an all-muscle display! Oh, wait no! This kind of teacher-student relationship doesnt work anymore! Lets go with Warren instead! Ash and Warren! AW! Now THAT is a match made in heaven! Gah!? Owowow!

In an instant, Melchis words were cut off by Ts fist.

As Melchi held her head in pain, Asley chuckled.

Gah that actually hurt! What, do you prefer the AA ship instead? The other A is Adolf, by the way!

Want me to punch you again?

Nope, nope, nope!

Melchi covered her mouth with both hands in the face of Ts anger.

There was a reason that Melchi was unusually excited now a reason that would become clear after she settled down.

Sorry for the trouble, four-eyes.

Damn, youre really saying sorry for once? What happened?

Hah, so youre just gonna assume somethings wrong just because Im a lazy guy? Is that it?

Ts grinned slyly, and Asley did so as well.

And then, Asley started drawing a Spell Circle with blinding speed this time so fast that even Ts could not keep up.

Whoo Nice. Youre a monster.

You askin me to beat you up or what? Rise, Storeroom.

Heh, come on and try it.

From the Storeroom Asley conjured, he retrieved something or rather, someone.

Immediately, Melchi released her hands from her mouth.

T-thats Gaspard

Seeing the unconscious Gaspard, Melchi had tears of joy and nostalgia run down her face, her expression radiant.

Asley had soared high into the sky, piercing the heart of Devil King Lucifer but there was a reason for that beyond the act of finishing off an enemy.

As a part of the plan, Asley had to defeat Lucifer before anyone else could, and remove him from Gaspard, his vessel.

Some might oppose the saving of Gaspard, a figure much more complicit in this conflict than even Leon. He could not afford to let anyone see that happen.

That was why Asley needed to ascend so high, beyond anyones eyes.

There, he destroyed Lucifer, saved Gaspard, and swiftly stowed him away in the Storeroom.

Asley carried out this mission discreetly. Ts heard of it from Asley and passed the message on to Melchi.

The late hour of the meeting, too, was to avoid prying eyes.

Ts and Melchi, awaiting Asleys visit, had declined to join the celebration.

All for the sake of taking back their old friend the man known as Gaspard.

Listen I cant guarantee that this will end well.

Yeah, if this leaks out, itll be a big deal.

Ts, carrying Gaspard, nodded in agreement with Asleys words.

Then, Melchi drew a Teleportation Spell Circle beneath her feet.

This was to communicate that she and her mentor should leave this place and head back to the Far East Wasteland.

As Asley and Ts exchanged glances, neither spoke.

However, as they stepped onto Melchis Teleportation Circle, Ts muttered,

Drop by sometime, eh? Ill at least have some tea ready.

Watching Ts vanish, Asley widened his eyes in surprise.

Melchi shared the sentiment, though she recovered quicker than Asley.

Well, that last bit sure caught me off guard.


Guess theres actually a chance well, you know.

Nope. Not happening. Eternally never happening.


With a hearty laugh, Melchi stepped onto the Teleportation Spell Circle. Pointing at Asley, she declared,

Farewell, my junior! No matter how strong you become, remember youre still JUNIOR!! Thats right! Im the worlds strongest SENIOR ah.

Before she could finish his sentence, Melchi vanished along with the Teleportation Spell Circle.

As Asley watched the dissipating arcane energy from the disappearing Circle, he chuckled wryly and muttered,

Tea, huh that thing theyve got is more like boiled wasteland grass, though Hahaha

After a wistful smile, Asley groaned out his nose.

Then, like Melchi before him, he drew a Spell Circle beneath his feet.

As Asley disappeared from Toued, his destination was not back at the party, but rather

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