The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 37 - Her Discontent

Chapter 37: Her Discontent

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

You could tell that Chen Yueru was very much troubled by her daughter’s outcry from the deep frown on her face.

“Alright, alright,” she held her daughter’s hand, unsatisfied but out of her means, “Yuwei, trust me, wait till the baby’s born.” The child would their most compelling bargaining chip. Under the worst scenario where they divorced, Yuwei would nonetheless end up with a great amount of money.

Yuwei pouted, her fist clenching. Wait, wait, wait, how long should she be waiting?

Downstairs Yixuan strode into the villa in a black wool coat, hiding under a pair of rimless glasses his ink-black eyes as well as the fatigue they would betray. He put out the cigarette before going in.


He called out the name while entering the dining room, not realizing that he had just mouthed a taboo name.

The name caught every woman’s attention in the room, all looking at him in astonishment.

Yuwei stared at him, blood vessels bulging in her arms. She would have confronted him in fury and forced him to look at her until he’d never say the wrong name it it weren’t her mother.

Li Qin, uncomfortable with the growingly awkward air, grabbed her son’s sleeves and forced a smile.

“Yixuan, come here, this is Yuwei’s mother,” she took his son’s hand and pointed him to Chen Yueru.

Chen stood up out of courtesy and drifted her eyes up and down over Yixuan before her face was graced with a smile as if she had forgotten the little episode.

“Yixuan, you must be hungry. Come and eat.” Chen filled a bowl with rice for her son-in-law.

Yixuan took the bowl and arched an awkward smile, steam filling up his deep eyes and blurring his sight.

“Thank you, auntie.”

Hearing “auntie”, her heart plummeted. Her daughter, his wife, was having a baby and yet he still wouldn’t call her mom.

She kept the discontent inward, though, and went ahead to put some fish in his bowl, smiling.

“Yixuan, you must be very busy lately. Look at how thin you’ve become. It hurts to see you like this.” Chen kept putting more food in the man’s bowl.

She didn’t forget to give her daughter a wink while doing that.

Yuwei immediately rogered her mother’s signal and, as reluctant as she was, played along. Fine, she’ll wait.

“Yixuan, could you come home for dinner more often? Mother and I cook more than the two of us are able to eat everyday and it would be a waste to dump the rest.” Yuwei slapped her smile on and said gently, although she was never involved in the cooking part since Li QIn didn’t allow her in the kitchen during pregnancy.

Yixuan responded with a nod and kept eating even though he was not in the mood to taste the food in his mouth.

After the dinner, Yuwei dragged her mother to third floor lobby and lashed it out.

“You see that, mom. He’s always like this, cold like a walking fridge. I’ve tried everything,” said Yuwei, who became more upset, her eyes flashing with tears.

Looking at her daughter, Chen emphasized, “Alright, Yuwei. I can see that you don’t have his heart yet. This might work, though.”

She then leaned closer to her daughter and whispered something into her ear. Upon hearing her mom, Yuwei was first shocked but soon changed into a smug smile of hilarity. Her fist clenched, she had made a decision that was bound to be brutal for someone.

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