The Prodigies War

Chapter 1766: Wait For Me, Lin Xun

Chapter 1766: Wait For Me, Lin Xun

In the Ancient Wasteland Domain.

The bustling streets of Baiyujing were filled with cultivators who carried swords on them, male and female, old and young.

Yun Qingbai hadn’t been the first in history to carry around a sword.

But he was the one who had led to this trend of ‘carrying a sword’ in Baiyujing.

He had already died many years ago, but the cultivators here had gotten used to this habit and saw it as a sign of a true sword cultivator!

Heavenly Baiyujing, Twelve Towers and Five Cities. The immortal caresses my top, my hair receives longevity.[1]

This province was ever prosperous, just like many years ago.

Recently, a young man named Su Bai had been causing a sensation after arriving at Baiyujing several days ago.

Within three days, he had taken the tests in nine of the twelve towers in a row and had broken the record set by Yun Qingbai every single time!

This kind of remarkable achievement naturally attracted extra attention.

Today, Su Bai visited the Spirit Tempering Tower.[2]

Onlookers had crowded the streets outside this building, creating an unprecedented spectacle for this area.

“Back then, the first True Saint of the Ancient Wasteland Domain, Senior Lin Xun, also took the tests of the twelve towers and set an unprecedented record.”

“Could it be that this boy Su Bai is trying to follow his example?”

“If Su Bai sets another record today, then he’ll have broken all the records set by Yun Qingbai when he was at the Cyclic Derivation Stage.”

“Do you guys know who this fellow is? He just came out of nowhere. And to have such a cultivation at such a young age, it’s simply shocking.”

There was a lot of similar talk in the arena.

Shortly after, a young man walked out of the Spirit Tempering Tower under the attention of all and sundry. Dressed in unadorned blue clothes, his posture was straight, his eyes were resolute, and his aura was calm.

Su Bai!

A flurry of restlessness ran through the area.

Some women even looked infatuated. Since ancient times, everyone knew that beauties loved heroes, let alone a dazzling young hero like Su Bai.

“Record broken!” said a lamenting old voice from the Spirit Tempering Tower.

The short sentence sent the whole area into a hubbub. Everyone looked at Su Bai like they were looking at a star rising from the Ancient Wasteland Domain, about to shine brightly in the sky!

However, Su Bai inwardly sighed.

The world only knew that he had broken Yun Qingbai’s past record, and not that none of his efforts these days had been able to let him surpass the records set by his own master, Lin Xun!

“Just how strong was Master when he was at the Cyclic Derivation Stage?” Su Bai was in a daze, his thoughts flying.

The crowd around was cheering, but he just couldn’t pay attention.

From the day he had worshiped Lin Xun as his master, he had regarded the latter as a lifelong goal to run toward.

For this reason, he forgot to eat and sleep as he cultivated, going all out to hone himself without ever slacking off.

No matter how magnificent the scenery was or how beautiful the cities were, no matter how vast the world was or how stunning the beauties were, they could never make Su Bai linger.

He had been cultivating hard without distractions. This coupled with his innate sword bone had allowed his cultivation to soar and far surpass his peers.

The world viewed him as an outstanding character among the rising stars of the Ancient Wasteland Domain, but Su Bai knew that he was inferior to his master back then.

This made him feel disheartened and greatly shocked at the same time. The more he learned about this master’s past deeds in the Ancient Wasteland Domain, the more he felt that he himself was inadequate.

Compared to his master in the same cultivation stage, Su Bai ultimately lacked experience!

“Must work harder.” He clenched his fists.

He had always kept Lin Xun’s teaching in mind, and his only hope was that when the Master returned to the Ancient Wasteland Domain, he would not be disappointed in him.

If so, then Su Bai was already satisfied.

As for the world’s comments and opinions, he simply paid no heed.

“This guy…is just the same as Yun Qingbai back then…” commented someone in the area out loud.

Jolted out of his thoughts, Su Bai furrowed his brow as he turned to the speaker and said, “Yun Qingbai is Yun Qingbai, I am me. We are different.”

Everyone was stunned.

The fact that a casual lament could make Su Bai refute it gave people the feeling that he was making a mountain out of a molehill.

Su Bai, however, couldn’t bother explaining.

He already planned to leave. Other than cultivating, he was no longer interested in anything else.

“Young man, would you like to become a disciple of my Omega Sword Sect?” An old man suddenly appeared and looked at Su Bai with a kind smile.

The field was stirred up as the cultivators around were surprised and envious. The Omega Sword Sect was one of the few ancient lineages in the Ancient Wasteland Domain!

And this old man was an old relic of the Omega Sword Sect who had long since stepped into the Saint Stage.

“Not interested.” Su Bai turned him down without even thinking, to everyone’s shock.

Because he had already decided to worship only one person as his master!

Even the old man was taken aback, but he smiled and said, “How about giving it a second thought? With the Omega Sword Sect as your backer, any cultivation resources you require will be brought to you.”

“Sorry.” Su Bai shook his head and directly walked away.

Feeling as though he had been snubbed, the old man couldn’t help but frown. Watching Su Bai walk further and further away, he shook his head, waved his sleeve, and also left.

On this day, the news of Su Bai continuously breaking Yun Qingbai’s records and turning down the Omega Sword Sect spread rapidly like it had wings.

But no matter how sensational the news was, no one could give a positive answer regarding Su Bai’s origin, as well as his mentorship.

His rise to power was simply a mystery.

It was the same as the case of Lin Xun. When he had first risen to prominence in the Ancient Wasteland Domain, no one had known about his heritage or origin. It had been only much later that they had learned that he had come from the lower plane.


In the lower plane, the Ziyao Empire.

The night sky at the top of the stargazing platform was quiet, filled with twinkling stars.

“If that kid is still alive, then he should have already exited the Kunlun Dominion…”

The old seer was standing behind the fence with his hands on his back. He had a wrinkled face, a stooped posture, and his hair had all turned gray, but his eyes were clear and pure like they belonged to a baby.

“After leaving the Kunlun Dominion, he definitely won’t return to the lower world. For that kid, only the Ancient Nebula Road can match the pace of his quest for the dao,” commented Lone Man lazily as he drank wine in the Rotating Stars Hibernating Moon House.

The two old men were conversing with each other through a long distance.

The old seer said softly, “The child that Lu Boya poured his heart and soul into watching over is different after all. If nothing unexpected has happened, then he should already be a supreme Big Saint.”

Lone Man drained the remaining wine in the jug in one gulp and clicked his tongue. “A supreme Big Saint? Heh, maybe. But let’s not make guesses since we won’t go anywhere with them. Still, if there’s something I know for sure, then it’s that if Lu Boya is still alive, he is certainly hiding on the Ancient Nebula Road.”

The old seer mused, “Perhaps.”

Lu Boya.

This was a legendary figure shrouded in mystery. Even the old seer and Lone Man had never been able to tell where he had actually come from.


In a barren, gray world.

Blood mist rose up on a mountain range and started interpreting all sorts of dreadfully twisted phenomena.

Sharp shrieks echoed like the sinister laughs of evil gods. Terrifying fragments of the great dao fell from the void while exuding bone-chilling auras.


A huge ferocious bird shot out from the mountain range, spreading its rotten wings that were enveloped in black mist. Every time those wings flapped, they set off a surge of ferocious light.

It was like an undead bird from hell, hideous, gigantic, and horrifying.

On the barren earth in the distance, a figure was rapidly teleporting. She was dressed in a black robe with a hood that covered half of her face, revealing her fair chin.

Her figure was slender and delicate, but her movements carried a stern and decisive momentum, and the white bone spear in her jade-white hand glowed with a dream-like twinkle.


The huge ferocious bird pierced through the air in pursuit, its rotten wings beating out rolling black mist as though spreading the aura of death.

The void was thrown into disorder, and the earth was collapsing.


That delicate figure abruptly stopped in her tracks and rose into the air. Swiftly turning her waist, she raised the bone spear…

And viciously threw it out!


The bone spear poked a hole through the ferocious bird’s neck, bringing out a string of black, rotten blood.

Unimaginably, however, the bird seemed to have no sense of pain at all as it swooped down, its rotten stench permeating the sky.

Standing in the air, the black-robed figure took a deep breath. Then, she extended a hand, curled up the slender fingers into a fist, and punched out.

Tens of thousands of feet away, a large hole blasted into the void. Space turbulence swept in like a flood and drowned the huge ferocious bird.


With an earth-shattering explosion, that piece of void shook and shattered, showing signs of great destruction.

Fwooo wooo wooo~

Biting winds blew and lifted the hood of that slender figure, revealing a face so beautiful that it eclipsed heaven and earth.

Her skin was spotless and almost translucent, her eyes were large and clear, and her nose was straight. Her slightly pursed lips outlined a beautiful arc.

She was tall and elegant. Her facial features were like the strokes of a masterpiece as she quietly gazed into the distance. In this barren world where the mountains and rivers were gray, she was the only brilliant color.

She was just that stunning, that serene.

She was Xia Zhi!

A moment later, she pulled down the hood to cover her face again. Then, she arrived at the place where the huge ferocious bird had died and picked up a gray fragment of the great dao.

“This is the one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seventh.”

After some thought, Xia Zhi waved her hand. The bone spear swept over from the distance and obediently fell into her hand.

Turning around, she continued walking toward the depths of that barren, broken gray world.

For the past several years, she had been fighting here alone with only a spear.

There had been times when she was forced into a desperate situation, bathed in blood, riddled with wounds, and on the verge of death.

But she had also crushed many great enemies and killed them one by one, invincible on the path where her spear pointed at.

She had quietly repaired her wounds in the silence of the darkness, quietly daydreaming during the process.

But more often than not, she had been fighting.

Like she would never tire.

In this barren, broken world, she had no one to talk to, and she had nothing that she wanted to say anyway. Even when she had been injured to the point she was on the verge of death, she just remained silent.

Not a single word had been uttered.

Only when she occasionally thought of that one person, she would feel that this world was not all darkness.

In the vast expanse of gray, she traveled alone, her delicate figure drawing a lonely shadow on the barren earth.

“I will return. Wait for me, Lin Xun.”

1. Go to chapter 1012 if you want to see when this was first referenced ☜

2. First appears in Chapter 1017 ☜

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