The Prodigies War

Chapter 1808: Inducing a Tribulation

Chapter 1808: Inducing a Tribulation

The people in the outside world were all discussing the recent events excitedly, but none of them knew the specific inside story.

The bigwigs sitting in the main hall of Star Jade Sword Pavilion at this moment had long known that Chi Lingzi and his juniors had suffered heavy losses and were returning in defeat.

However, what was important was that they had left with their lives. This proved that the young man named Lin Daoyuan did not really want to kill them all.

Therefore, these bigwigs had gathered together to discuss countermeasures after learning the news, instead of rushing to kill him immediately.

After all, it was simply a fight over opportunities, so casualties were inevitable.

Furthermore, this was the Great Yu World. While the Imperial Yu Clan might have lost a lot of power in recent years, their ancient heritage was still not to be underestimated.

These bigwigs from the other Nine Major Worlds also had to weigh the consequences of their actions.

However, unlike them, Feng Ruxue from Ruijin Great World took action without hesitation because Li You was dead!

Li You had been the most dazzling sword genius in Ruijin Great World and was a peerless great sage who was almost invincible among his peers.

Furthermore, Li You was also the junior whom Feng Ruxue valued ​​the most!

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if Feng Ruxue did not take action.

Someone broke the silence and spoke in a deep voice, "Everyone, the Imperial Yu Clan has also made their position clear, so we naturally don't have to worry about it anymore. Lin Daoyuan has been incredibly arrogant and rampant, so how can we not punish him?"

"As far as I know, I have never heard of a young junior like Lin Daoyuan appearing in the Great Yu World. With the means he has shown, if he is a cultivator in the Great Yu World, I am afraid he would have been famous all over and known to everyone already,” stated an elder in a green robe from the Star Jade Sword Sect.

Everyone instantly looked thoughtful.

Someone asked, "Do you think that Lin Daoyuan is not a cultivator from the Great Yu World?"

"Yes." The elder in green robe nodded, "Don't you think it's strange? Even in the entire Ziheng Star Field, Lin Daoyuan could be considered a great figure in the Supreme Big Saint Stage, but have you ever heard of his name?"

Everyone's eyes flickered, and they all realized that something was strange.

"Not to mention, a supreme Big Saint who can fight against many people alone and kill Saint-Kings is rarely seen even on the Ancient Nebula Road. If ranked according to the Starry Sky Big Saint Rankings, this boy's combat power must be among the top three."

When the old man in green robe continued, his expression was a bit strange, "But on the Starry Sky Big Saint Rankings, the only one with the same surname Lin is Lin Xun, who is ranked first, but there is no young man named Lin Daoyuan."

Someone couldn't help but say, "Could it be...that this boy is Lin Xun?"

With one sentence, the hall became silent, and everyone’s heart was in turmoil.

Lin Xun!

He was a young man with a fierce reputation in the Ancient Nebula Road and had made the stars tremble with his bloody massacres in the Kunlun Dominion six years ago.

The Great Six Courts and the Great Ten Battle Clans regarded him as a must-kill target and had issued one tempting bounty after another.

Two of the Three Dark Giants, the Holy Illumination Ancient Sect and the Earth Treasury Realm, also regarded him as a thorn in their eyes and were searching for him all over the place.

More importantly, Lin Xun held the great secret of becoming an Emperor and Ancestor! For this reason only, even some Emperors were jealous and excited!

"If this Lin Daoyuan is really that Lin Xun..."

When they thought of this, the bigwigs felt their emotions bubble over, and their expressions became more and more subtle.

"Whether this boy is Lin Xun or not, he should be severely punished for the evil deeds he committed in the Great Yu Secret Realm!"

A red-robed man stood up suddenly and said murderously, "Everyone, I will go first."

After saying that, he turned around and moved away.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall became restless.

Everyone could see that the red-robed man was probably thinking something else, likely suspecting that Lin Daoyuan was Lin Xun!

The green-robed elder of the Star Jade Sword Sect stood up and said in a deep voice, "Why don't you all go with me to the Great Yu Secret Realm?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Soon, some people nodded in agreement.

Some people shook their heads, thinking of something else, and refused this proposal.

But no matter who it was, they all had a premonition that Lin Daoyuan, who was abandoned by the Imperial Yu Clan, might not be able to get out of the Great Yu Secret Realm alive!


While the entire Great Yu World was in an uproar, Lin Xun was strolling around in Emperor Yu Palace.

This mysterious ancient palace was left by the progenitor of the Imperial Yu Clan. The palace was like its own world, vast and empty.

Above the palace, nine large cauldrons were suspended, all of which were transformed by chaos qi. Dao light flowed around, while the chaos qi was thick and misty. The whole place exuded a primitive, ancient, and supreme aura.

As soon as Yu Yunhe, Yu Yunfeng, and Yu Yunlong had entered the hall, their eyes had been drawn to the nine large cauldrons. At this moment, they were sitting cross-legged on the ground to comprehend the opportunity.

Primal chaos origin was the rarest kind of great power in the world. Primal chaos opened and formed worlds. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the birth of a world came from the nurturing of primal chaos origin.

If a person could absorb and refine some of the power from primal chaos, they will definitely be able to gain insight into the mysteries of the laws of the world, which would be of great help to break through and become a Saint-King.

Yu Yunhe and the other two would not miss such a great opportunity.

Back then, Emperor Yu must have forged the nine Emperor-grade cauldrons here...

Lin Xun strolled around the hall with his hands behind his back.

His mind was completely empty as he perceived the nine cauldrons, and all kinds of insights surged into his heart.

Finally, he stopped. His black eyes flashed like lightning as he observed the nine cauldrons. He took a light step into the void.


The whole hall roared instantly, and the nine cauldrons released terrifying fluctuations of the law of chaos, which made Lin Xun choke and feel an immediate fatal threat.

Lin Xun retracted his foot, and the fluctuations of the law of chaos also vanished.

It seems that, let alone a supreme Big Saint, even if a Saint-King was here, I am afraid that they will not be able to take away the power of primal chaos from these nine cauldrons...

No wonder Emperor Yu Palace has stood for many years and these nine cauldrons have not been taken away by anyone until now.

Lin Xun was lost in thought.

He remembered Yu Qingyang's advice when he said that the World-Guarding Nine Cauldrons pattern had immeasurable benefits in condensing and tempering a cultivator’s understanding of the dao.

Obviously, this benefit came from the nine great cauldrons in front of him!

"The time has come; there is no need to wait any longer."

Lin Xun no longer hesitated and took another step into the void.


The power of primal chaos was released again.

The wisps of primal chaos qi were hazy like light rain, obscure and mysterious. The level of power that was released showed an immortal and indestructible supreme charm. It was too transcendent, and the power they generated was terrifying beyond imagination.

In almost the blink of an eye, Lin Xun's clothes had been torn, and bloody, crack-like marks had faintly appeared on his body, which was comparable to being attacked by a divine weapon.

But Lin Xun did not retreat at all and continued forward step by step!

A tide of dao light spread from Lin Xun and confronted the power of primal chaos origin.

The higher one went, the closer one would get to the nine cauldrons, and the richer and more powerful the aura of primal chaos became. Just a wisp of it could crush mountains and rivers!


The nine cauldrons roared violently, as if they were provoked.

"Brother Lin, be careful!" Yu Yunhe exclaimed as his expression changed drastically.

He had never expected that Lin Xun would actually approach the nine cauldrons. This was too dangerous.

According to his understanding, no cultivator had ever dared to do this from ancient times to the present. After all, that was the power of primal chaos origin. Who would dare to touch it except for Emperors?

Like him, Yu Yunfeng and Yu Yunlong had simply sat cross-legged on the ground, using their own strength to comprehend and understand the opportunity, and they did not dare to approach.

"Don't worry, I am just taking this opportunity to call my tribulation down,” Lin Xun responded.

His dark eyes were steady. The dao he sought and the opportunity he needed were different from everyone else’s. He always took the initiative to seek them.

Just like now, when seeing these nine great cauldrons transformed from primal chaos origin, Lin Xun had already known that breaking through now was imperative!

As for the so-called opportunity, there was no need for him to wait at all.

In the Supreme Realm, it was like this when he had broken through to the King Stage.

In the Battlefield of the Nine Domains, it was also like this when he had broken through to the Saint Stage.

Now, he was going to break through the tribulation to become a Saint-King!

"Break through?"

Yu Yunhe was shocked, and his own understanding of the world was almost overturned. Is there truly such a bizarre way to break through?

Furthermore, it was extremely difficult to predict when a tribulation to break through would come.

Because of this, almost all cultivators in the world would choose to retreat after their cultivation reached the perfect stage to make various preparations for their upcoming tribulation.

After all, they were worried that when they went out, they would suddenly trigger a heavenly catastrophe and be killed unprepared.

Lin Xun, on the other hand, was actually taking the initiative to seek one out!

Yu Yunfeng and Yu Yunlong were also stunned by this revelation.

"Extraordinary people do extraordinary things, and breaking through and overcoming a tribulation is also extraordinary,” Yu Yunfeng murmured.


Suddenly, an obscure and dull thunder resounded, as if it was coming from the distant horizon, but it shook everyone's heart fiercely.

It was at this moment that Lin Xun suddenly paused, turned around, and returned to the ground. He was ragged and worn, but his back was ramrod straight, and his eyes were as bright as stars.

Lin Xun stated, "Here it comes..."

At the same time, outside Emperor Yu Palace, above the Nine Cauldron Mountains, the area within a radius of three thousand miles was covered by thick, inky-black tribulation clouds, as if the world was falling into eternal night.

One after another, the tribulation lightning bolts were like pythons galloping, rolling in the depths of the tribulation clouds and shining with different colors as they loomed in the sky.

At this moment, all the cultivators in the entire Great Yu Secret Realm trembled, their faces flickered, and their hair stood on end.

They felt as if the end of the world had come, and there was a great terror pressing on their souls, making them breathless.

Who was going through a tribulation?

All eyes looked in the same direction.


At this moment, the dull and depressing atmosphere was broken by a thunderous sound that shook the nine heavens. Golden stars appeared in many people’s visions and their blood roiled.

It was just a thunder sound from a far distance, but it made them all feel very sad!

Then, they saw that many strange phenomena had appeared above the sky. There were purple tribulation lightnings that had condensed into dao flowers that bloomed in the depths of the black tribulation clouds.

There were blue tribulation lightnings that turned into the phantoms of gods that overlooked the world. There were red tribulation lightnings that condensed into copper furnaces that roared and rumbled, and there were silver tribulation lightnings that turned into the sun, moon, and stars that circulated endlessly...

Such a spectacle was shocking!

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