The Protagonist System

192 More Fallout

192 More Fallout

A large armored man entered Emily Piggot's office a few minutes later and Armsmaster did not look happy, which meant she had interrupted his tinkering. Emily didn't feel bad about that, because her night off had been interrupted as well.

“Director, you wanted to see us?” Armsmaster asked.

A young man wearing red tights and a domino mask entered the office behind him and Emily tried to not frown at how tight his outfit was. She did not need to see that he wasn't wearing a protective cup and she was relieved he wasn't sporting an erection. That would have been embarrassing for the 17 year old.

Note to self, inform the PR department to issue standard protective cups to all of the male capes in the PRT ENE. Emily thought. “Thank you for coming here on such short notice. I only just returned here myself.”

Armsmaster nodded and Aegis looked slightly nervous.

“I was quite dismayed at hearing that one of the Wards was involved in an attempted murder yesterday and no one responded to it.” Emily said and glared at Armsmaster. “Would you care to tell me why no cape presence was ordered to be present when there were two confirmed capes at the incident?”

Armsmaster's mouth formed a thin line. “It was deemed a school prank and an accident. If a Protectorate hero showed up, it would have outed the Ward in question.”

“So, the publicly outed cape Hess caused to trigger was deemed an accident and didn't need a cape response to handle it?” Emily asked with venom in her voice. “Is that what you are telling me, Armsmaster?”

The man was smart enough to not respond with the same answer and stayed quiet.

“I assume you've seen the video.” Emily asked and he nodded. “When?”

“Dragon pointed it out to me this morning after the case was closed.” Armsmaster said.

“And you didn't use your authority to reopen the case after seeing it?” Emily asked calmly as she took out the writ of censure for mishandling the case from the top file.

“I reviewed the evidence and it really was an accident. The victim corroborated it.” Armsmaster answered and she placed the document on the desk for him to read.

“Well?” Emily asked and he didn't respond, because he knew he screwed up. She turned her head slightly to Aegis. “Would you care to comment about how a member of your team attempted to murder someone, and failed, only to almost kill an innocent bystander instead?”

Aegis opened his mouth and closed it. He really didn't know what to say. He had seen the video and he was shocked that anyone would do that, then doubly shocked that someone had intentionally sacrificed themselves to save the intended victim and they had triggered instead.

“Do either of you have any idea how this makes the PRT look?” Emily asked, her anger rushing back. “We are being sued because the idiot that did his interview tried to force him into the Wards by threatening his family and he closed the assault case because the traumatized victim refused his generous offer of nothing!”

Both Armsmaster and Aegis winced. It was a standard tactic to mention the danger to their families when recruiting, not to use it as a weapon against a freshly triggered individual.

“It was also done in front of a witness and we are pretty much screwed.” Emily told them and leaned back in her chair to look at the both of them. “I'm quite disappointed in the both of you as well.”

Aegis opened his mouth to ask why and she held up a hand to stop him.

“Hess has been bullying that girl in the video for a year and a half. Can you stand there and tell me to my face that you haven't once seen or heard her act inappropriately?” Emily asked him.

“I reported any incidents I personally saw.” Aegis said.

Emily's eyes narrowed at that qualifier. “That's it? Only what you personally witnessed and none of what you heard? Did you follow up on any of that? Anything at all?” She asked, quite pointedly. “What about the reports? Did you check to see if anyone read them or was aware of them?”

Aegis felt his face heat up from embarrassment. He had reported each incident and then put them out of his mind. The last few things he saw, he hadn't even reported, because it never seemed to make any difference and he had stopped trying.

“Armsmaster?” Emily asked and the armored man let out a sigh.

“The incidents seemed inconsequential at the time.” Armsmaster said in his defense.

“Did you dismiss them every time? How many of them crossed your desk that you never bothered to tell me about?” Emily asked in a deadly voice. “Did you forget that I am your superior and that you are supposed to report any incident in regards to the capes under your command?”

Armsmaster knew in that moment that he didn't just screw up, he had fucked up royally. He also didn't try to offer her the actual number of filed reports, because it didn't really matter how many there were after the first few that he had read and chose to ignore as inconsequential.

“On my authority as the Director of this branch of the PRT and Protectorate, you are both hereby relieved, with cause, from your assigned command positions.” Emily said and both of them visibly wilted. “I will provisionally be placing Miss Militia in charge of the Protectorate capes and the Wards until I can personally review how many incidents have been stopped from reaching me.”

The two men stood there in silence as her glare lessened and her face showed sadness.

“I hope you both learn from this lesson and don't repeat your mistakes in the future, not that you'll get much chance to be put back into an authoritative role after this.” Emily said and took a breath and let it out. “Be glad that I didn't suspend you both until that review is done, gentlemen. Dismissed.”

Both of them nodded and left the office without comment and Emily sighed when the door closed. She hadn't liked coming down so hard on them like that; but, if they had been even a little more diligent and observant, she could have stopped anything like this from happening a long time ago.

As things stood, Emily had a few calls to make to try and stop the train before it flew off the rails. The first task was to settle the case out of court. That was the last place they needed to have their dirty laundry aired out for everyone to see, especially because she knew they were going to lose the case before it was ever heard by a judge.

There was too much public outcry, fanned into outrage by the damned Nazis, to have any unbiased jurors in a full public trial. Emily glanced at her cell phone and saw that the press were already running speculations on how much the court was going to award the victim with their lawsuit.

Seeing all those zeroes gave Emily the motivation she needed to try and convince her own boss that settling for a much lower amount was going to be the best outcome for everyone.


When Amy had texted me about coming over to visit, I didn't think much of it. I had visited her house last night and her coming over tonight shouldn't have been a big deal. She knocked on the front door and I opened it to see her standing there on the front step with both Vicky and their aunt, Sarah Pelham.

“Moooom!” I shouted over my shoulder. “Are angels supposed to multiply after descending from heaven?”

Amy blushed, Vicky laughed, and Sarah rolled her eyes.

“No, sweetie! They always existed. You just didn't see them.” My brilliant mother answered.

“That explains it.” I said and stepped back as I waved them inside. “Please, come in.”

“I'm glad Vicky warned me about you.” Sarah said and motioned for Amy and Vicky to go in first.

“Why did she do that? Aren't you married?” I asked with a smirk.

Amy's hand slapped my arm. “No hitting on my aunt. We're here for business.”

“Aww.” I pouted and Vicky laughed as Sarah stepped by me.

Sarah took it in good humor and smiled. “I have two children that are older than you, Mr. Veder.”

I glanced down at her tight uniform that showed off how fit she still was and I looked right into her eyes. “That's not much of an argument. My mom's like the most adorable woman I know and she's literally old enough to be my mother.”

“Greg!” My mom gasped and I didn't have to look behind me to see her epic blush.

Vicky laughed and pulled me out of the way and shut the door. Amy sighed and Sarah looked surprised before she could hide it behind a soft chuckle. Vicky then herded the three of us into the living room where my mother's gasp had come from.

“Embarrassed mom, I'd like you to officially meet my bestest friend Amelia Dallon, since she was saving me when you first met and I forgot to introduce you then.” I said.

Amy waved and so did Vicky.

“That bubbly girl next to her is her blonde bombshell of a sister named Victoria Dallon, also called Glory Girl, and the tall buxom blonde woman with them is their aunt that thinks having kids means she can't have men admire her and hit on her.” I said and Vicky barked a laugh as Amy groaned. “Her name's Sarah Pelham and her cape name is Lady Photon. She's also the leader of New Wave.”

“At least he didn't call her Photon Mom to her face.” Amy whispered and Vicky giggled. Sarah's glare did nothing to stop them from smirking at her.

“Everyone, this is my embarrassed mom, Diane Veder.” I said and finished the introductions.

My mom rolled her eyes at me and shook each of their hands. “It's nice to meet you all.”

“It's nice to meet you, too.” Sarah said and looked sad. “Despite the circumstances.”

“It's been trying time.” My mom agreed and motioned towards the couch. “Please have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?”

“Thirty year old bourbon?” I asked.

Amy slapped a hand over her sister's mouth before she could answer. We could all hear Vicky's muffled giggles, though.

Sarah looked amused at their antics and I could tell she was glad she had brought them along. “I'm driving, so I have to decline.”

“Rain check?” I asked with a huge grin and Vicky's giggles changed to laughs.

My mom swatted at me and I chuckled as I sat down on the armchair beside the couch. The sisters declined the offered beverages and mom sat in the rocking chair across from the couch.

“I assume you know why we're here?” Sarah asked her.

“Yes, my son has decided to ignore all reasonable arguments and wants to be a cape.” Diane said and sounded defeated.

I had to sigh at her answer. “Mom, I told you I don't have a choice but to become a public cape, no matter who I joined. Kaiser and his people will be coming for me and I would like to have a few powerful friends in my corner when they do.”

“I get that, sweetie. I really do.” My mom said and gave me a half-lidded glare. “But, did you have to choose the only team on the entire eastern seaboard that is mostly female and nearly all of them are gorgeous blondes?” She asked. 'Like me' was left unsaid and I heard it anyway.

Vicky's and Sarah's faces tinted slightly red and Amy looked a little sad.

“That's not a fair comparison, mom.” I said. “The only reason Panacea doesn't get the same recognition is because she wears those bulky robes and has darker hair.”

Amy lost the sad look and her face flushed to the same color as her sister's.

“Of course, if she wore something like Vicky's cape outfit, people might not recognize her.” I said with a chuckle. “If she changed her hair a bit, she could probably join New Wave again under a different cape name. Like me, people don't really know her for who she is and she could become anyone she wants to be when she goes out as a new cape.”

All four women stared at me like I grew a second head, even though I already had one. Fortunately, I was not thinking with that head right now or I would have been in serious trouble.

“Anyways, that's not why you're here right now. This is like an interview, right? Do you have a list of questions to ask me?” I asked.

Sarah visibly shook herself and nodded. She took out a piece of paper that had been tucked inside her sleeve and unfolded it. “First off, why do you want to join New Wave and become a public cape?”

“Two reasons. The first you know, because I was outed without my knowledge or permission and the PRT tried to use my family's safety to make me join them. I know that's not how they always handle these things; but, they did it with me because they thought I was stupid and easily tricked.”

“Greg, you don't have to be so hard on yourself.” My mom chastised me.

“If I hadn't triggered, we all know they wouldn't have even looked at me, let alone tried to talk to me. When I refused their offer, they didn't even charge Sophia Hess for assaulting me, even with video evidence.” I said with a shrug. “If they didn't know I had powers, they wouldn't have done anything at all.”

None of them tried to tell me I was wrong and Sarah nodded.

“Second, with everyone knowing I'm a cape, I might as well own it. I have powers. Just sitting on my ass and letting the world go to pot just doesn't feel right, you know? If I do nothing, then why should I expect anyone else to do anything for me?” I said and locked eyes with Sarah. “Remember that old saying? God only helps those that help themselves.”

Sarah caught her breath and she stared at me without blinking. “You... you...”

“I have every intention to use my powers to protect my family to the best of my ability.” I said and slowly stood as I clenched my fists, a slight golden glow covered me and my shirt dissolved away. “Anyone that dares to come after the people I love, will wish they had never been born when I'm done beating them into the ground.”

A soft moan made us all turn our heads to look at Vicky, whom was biting her lip and was rubbing her thighs together.

“Please tell me that's a shield and you can fly. Please, please, please.” Vicky desperately pleaded.

Amy's mouth dropped open in shock and Sarah looked like she was fighting to not do the same thing.

My mom on the other hand, sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Dammit, Greg.”

There was only one thing I could do in this situation, so I braced myself and smiled. “I'm sorry, mom.” I said and looked at Vicky. “Go ahead and hit me as hard as you can.”

Vicky let out an inarticulate cry and crossed the room instantly as her fist moved in a blur. The loud smack of a fist against flesh echoed off the living room walls and my head snapped to the side, and that was it. She pulled her fist back and looked at it like there was something wrong with it, then she looked at my unharmed face. The slight golden glow still covered me, too.

I had a lot of powers and abilities, so simulating anything I wanted was as easy as choosing a certain set of skills and using them. I floated up off the floor to show her I could fly, too.

Vicky leaped into the air and her strong hands grabbed me by the neck and pulled me close to smash her lips against mine. Her tongue dove into my mouth to try and take command of my own and I wasn't going to let that happen. I fought her tongue just as fiercely as she did and Vicky let out another moan and her grip became gentle as she hugged my neck and pressed herself as fully against me as she could.

“Dammit, Vicky.” Amy said with a groan, copying what my mother just said to me.

Vicky broke the kiss and didn't look sorry in the least. “Sorry, Ames. I just can't say no to the perfect guy.”

“I saw him first!” Amy protested and then looked embarrassed.

I blinked my eyes at that, knowing who Amy actually liked, so I had to do some quick damage control. “Amelia's right, you know. I have to date her first before you can steal me away from her.”

Vicky pouted and crossed her arms as she slowly lowered herself to the floor. “That's not fair! How am I supposed to enjoy... wait...” She paused and looked at Amy, then at me, then back at Amy. “What if we do exactly that? You can start dating him, which lets us bring him into the team, and I can sneak around behind your back and steal kisses and things from him when you're not looking.”

Amy slapped a hand on her face and sighed. “That's not how relationships are supposed to work.”

“Why not? It'll be fun.” Vicky said and reached up to grab my belt and pulled me down to the floor. “You can have him mostly to yourself for a while and then we can switch.”

“That is definitely not how relationships work.” Sarah interjected and none of us missed the slight smile on her face.

“Eh, I'll probably want a break sometimes and we can switch back. I don't want him hanging all over me all the time, anyway.” Vicky countered.

“Him is still standing right here.” I said as I let the glow around me fade away.

“Hush, you. You'll be getting access to two girlfriends out of this, sometimes at the same time.” Vicky admonished me.

“Riiight, I'm shutting up now.” I responded and she nodded, then she walked over to the couch and sat beside Amy. They put their heads together and started whispering back and forth heatedly.

“I have more questions.” Sarah said and glanced at her two nieces that were either arguing or negotiating, or both. “That I'm thinking might be superfluous now.”

“Probably.” I agreed with a chuckle.

Sarah stood up to step close to me and her eyes went down to my bare chest and then she looked up at my face with raised eyebrows.

“I lost the shirt for dramatic effect.” I whispered and she chuckled.

“If you're sure about this, then I guess it's just a formality to get the rest of the team to agree.” Sarah said and held her hand out for me to shake. “Welcome to New Wave, Greg.”

“Atlas.” I said and shook her hand. I let the slight gold glow form over myself again and I slowly transfigured my pants into a full bodysuit. It was off-white for the main color and it really made my muscles pop. It also had gold accents at the shoulders and wrists, a gold belt at the waist, gold boots on my feet, and a golden Earth symbol on my chest.

“Oh, my.” Sarah whispered and stared at my cape outfit as her hand gripped mine tightly.

I guess that means she likes it. I thought as she gave me a very thorough observation from head to toe.

The whispering on the couch stopped and both Amy and Vicky stared at my cape outfit for a second before they spoke at the same time. “Agreed.” They said and shook hands, then I had my arms full with a blonde and a brunette kissing my cheeks at the same time.

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