The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 418: Sounds from 300 years Ago

Chapter 418

In the end, Gong Jin was still pressed to the dinner table to eat dinner together. The dishes were made by Gu Beihuai, a whole table full.

When Nan XiangWan walked out of the room, her gaze lingered on Gong Jin for a long time.

It made Gong Jin's scalp tingle!

Why is she looking at him?

At their first meeting early this morning, she had left an extremely deep impression on him.

Gong Jin's original idea for the meeting had completely gone up in smoke.

Now he didn't want to deal with Nan XiangWan at all anymore, he was afraid and wanted to go back to the military district.

That pervert commander of his family looked more amiable than you, Nan XiangWan!

Gu Beihuai patted Nan XiangWan on the shoulder and said, "It's all your favorites, sit down."

Nan XiangWan: "Oh."

After sitting down, she continued to stare at Gong Jin.

Gong Jin lowered his head as low as he could, why was she still looking at him?

Damn it!

Gu Beihuai saw what was going on and explained, "He is my best friend, named Gong Jin. We are not a couple."

Nan XiangWan's expression was visibly disappointed: "Okay, nice to meet you."

Gong Jin: "???"

He looked at Gu Beihuai in puzzlement, was that an introduction?

What do you mean we're not a couple, why did you specially explain it?

Gu Beihuai knocked on the table: "Eat."

Gong Jin was furious: "It's really the sun rising in the west, you actually cooked..."

Gu Beihuai glanced over, and Gong Jin's voice got smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

Nan XiangWan, on the other hand, ate with great relish the whole time!

After the meal, Gong Jin was kicked into the kitchen by Gu Beihuai to wash the dishes.

With so many dishes on the table, the number of bowls and plates...

Gong Jin washed with his head down, cursing as he washed!

Gu Beihuai smiled and closed the kitchen door, then turned on the TV to start his cozy daily life with the little cub.

Coincidentally, a variety show was playing on TV.

Nan XiangWan's hand reaching for snacks stopped, her gaze fixed on the TV screen.

Gu Beihuai took a look: "Hua Yuanwu's new variety show. He'll invite you to be a guest performer later."

The regular guests on this variety show were Lan Tianyou and Guan Liangzhe. The main show airs on Wednesdays, and taping and live broadcasts are on Saturdays and Sundays.

Originally, Hua Yuanwu had tried every trick to get Gu Beihuai and Nan XiangWan as regular guests, but unfortunately Gu Beihuai went for eye surgery and Nan XiangWan was busy with concerts and weekly Saturday tapings of "The Singer".

Their schedules conflicted.

So Hua Yuanwu reluctantly gave up and brought in the useless double act, regular guests from the show "Escape Room".

Lan Tianyou's highlights were in two variety shows, both arranged by Hua Yuanwu.

At this point, the footage cut to the first episode opening, with Lan Tianyou and Guan Liangzhe paired up. They had taken on the day's challenge of becoming firefighters at a fire brigade.

From morning on, the two followed the firefighters' rhythm: a minute to get ready when the alarm rang, eat quickly, put out fires quickly, and so on!

Lan Tianyou was fine, he had at least trained at Lingshan Military Base before filming "Trembling Starry Sky", so he adapted quickly and soon caught up to the others' pace.

Guan Liangzhe was miserable, with no experience he was a drag the whole time, and provided all kinds of hilarious highlights for the show!

Like being scolded by the captain, failing to start a fire, pants falling down when not worn properly...

At this point, the scene switched to show the other two guest teams' tasks, which were working as restaurant servers and bus drivers respectively.

Nan XiangWan watched and giggled: "Hua Yuanwu is so creative with his variety shows!"

Gu Beihuai: "He does have a knack for making variety shows."

Nan XiangWan: "I want to go play too."

Gu Beihuai smiled. Let her rest these few days, keep her company for now.

The main show was edited down to an hour, so they finished watching quickly.

In the kitchen, Gong Jin was still battling with pots, pans and dishes...

After the variety show, this entertainment channel played an interview program. The interviewee was Zhang Rui.

Host: "Director Zhang, how did you come up with the idea of having singers choose songs based on theme announcements?"

Zhang Rui: "Without giving a scope, everyone would sing their best or crowd-pleasing songs. That's not good."

Host: "Has the theme for the 9th round been announced yet?"

Zhang Rui: "Of course, it's Chinese Style."

Host: "How did you decide on this theme for the 9th round?"

Zhang Rui: "It's simple. We Chinese like the number 9, so of course we had to arrange it for this round."

Applause sounded from below the stage, scoring points with the audience.

Gu Beihuai glanced at Nan XiangWan: "Have you picked your song?"

Nan XiangWan stared blankly at the TV interview, perplexed.

The theme for the 9th round is Chinese Style?

She seemed unaware of it!

Quickly checking the system panel, oh, a task had been issued before, she just didn't notice at the time as she was busy doing something else.

Was she petting the cat when it was issued?

Nan XiangWan took another look at the task content on the system panel.

【Triggered Task: Chinese Style】

【Task Requirement: Host is required to perform a song related to the Chinese Style theme on the 9th round stage of "The Singer"!】

【Task Reward: To be announced based on final ranking】

Below was another unread one, highlighted by the puppy.


【Completed Task: Tour】

【Congratulations host for obtaining "300 Year Old Voice" Violin by Antonio Stradivari! Valued at USD 20 million!】

【Note: The Antonio Stradivari violin will be specially delivered to the host by exclusive logistics.】

Seeing this, Nan XiangWan's eyes instantly turned into two $ signs!

Twenty million US dollars?

How much money was that!

This violin was so expensive?

It shocked her for three thousand years!

She looked carefully again at the detailed annotations on the system panel about this violin.

The 300 Year Old Voice referred to this violin being 300 years old, made by the famous Guarneri family of luthiers.

The purely handcrafted artistry and 300 year history allowed this violin to produce an exceptional sound. It once sold for USD 20 million at auction, with a world record listing etc.

Nan XiangWan was dumbfounded!

It was more expensive than her crystal grand piano!

Many times more expensive!

While Nan XiangWan was staring blankly at the system panel in shock, Gu Beihuai was looking puzzled at her side.

Chatting one moment, frozen still the next?

At this time Gong Jin finally finished washing a sink full of dishes, dragging his weary body out of the kitchen.

Gong Jin: "I'm begging you two, can we order takeout from now on?"

He really didn't want to wash dishes again!

Gu Beihuai was about to refuse at first. Takeout is not clean.

Nan XiangWan beside him instantly snapped back from her shock: "Sure! Let's have duck necks for supper!"

Gong Jin: "Pfft: I'm going to spit blood."

Gu Beihuai: "Anything except duck is fine. No, anything except poultry is fine."

With all that uproar online, the little cub probably didn't pay attention to follow up reports.

Still wanting duck?

Nan XiangWan didn't continue looking at the system panel. She secretly looked forward to the puppy's delivery.

She curled up comfortably on the sofa and opened her music app. Another recording of "The Singer" in a few days. She had to prepare songs, pick songs and practice, that took a lot of time. Add in stage design, dance moves, she was very busy!

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