The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 95: 95 treasures

Chapter 95: 95 treasures

Chapter 95 95. Treasure

Second brother, what do you think?

Feng Jinyao held the jade pendant in her hand and asked, "This thing is so valuable. You don't have to think about it to know that it must be an heirloom of the Qiao family. It's really abominable that the third aunt deceived the thing into a **** shop without telling anyone about it."

"The Bai family will not take the blame. After I investigate the matter thoroughly, I will make my third aunt explain this matter!"

The reputation of the Bai family in Dongdu City has always been very good. Shen has made a lot of jokes just after she came back. Her daughter is also careless. Although he is a foreigner, he has heard a lot about this Bai family. The glorious deeds of "the legitimate daughter".

Shen didnt even know that her whereabouts had been exposed, so she was still complacent that the trip was worth it.

Three thousand taels, a full three thousand taels. At this moment, the banknote was lying in her arms. The injury on her back was no longer so painful. She was no longer depressed during the New Year. Her whole person seemed to have been blessed, and her mood Exceptionally good.

Hurry back to Bai Sihan's yard, and as soon as he enters the door, he sees her sitting on a stool, bored and holding a handkerchief while doing rouge.

She is not good at embroidery, but it is not difficult to embroider a patterned veil or something.

Since the last banquet at the Wei family, she has never had the chance to step out of the Bai family, let alone go to those lively occasions to show off, so she is naturally unhappy.

Hollywood was waiting carefully, fearing that she would not be as good as Bai Sihan and would be implicated.

She was a little puzzled when she saw Mrs. Shen smiling happily when she came.

Haner, come quickly, let mother take a look.

These days, Mrs. Shen has been resting on the bed and has not appeared much. Today, she came here with joy even though she didn't say anything. Bai Sihan asked curiously, "Why did mother come here? It's so cold, don't hurt your body." Yes, if there is anything important, just call someone to call my daughter."

Shen Shi sat next to her with a smile. Dongqing put a cushion on the stool, so the wound didn't hurt that much.

Youve fallen in love with the things at Zhenbaozhai, dont you? Lets go tomorrow, oh no, today. We, mother and daughter, have been in Dongdu City for a few days, and we havent gone shopping yet, right?

After hearing this, Bai Sihan's eyes lit up, "Mom..." It dimmed in an instant, "But where do we get the money? The jewelry from Zhenbaozhai costs dozens of taels of silver. The monthly payment my father gave me is already After spending all the money, arent you also tight on money?

Hearing that her daughter was so sensible, Mrs. Shen happily touched her bun. There was only a plain silver hairpin on it, which was brought from Qiongzhou. Thinking of the dresses of the ladies from aristocratic families at the banquet a few days ago, Shen felt a little more distressed.

Dont worry, mother is rich, you just have to choose.



Bai Sihan received a positive answer and didn't care where the money came from. He immediately put on his shoes and socks, put on his coat, happily took Shen's arm and walked outside.

While walking, I checked again, "Mom, can I really choose?"

"That's natural. My son is so beautiful, how can he do it without some jewelry? It's the New Year's Day again soon, and people coming and going to the Bai family are all busy. So what if you can't go to the banquet? Just dress up cute and cute. If If someone comes to your door, go to your aunt's room and take good care of her. If you catch the eye of any noble lady, won't you be in a great position?"

Isnt it impossible to climb Prince Kangs Mansion? It doesn't matter, anything else will do.

In such a large Eastern Capital City, it is either the Prince's Palace or the Earl's Palace, and there will always be those who are discerning and will take a fancy to their own daughters.

Isnt that **** in Dafang childless?

Just let Han'er hang around in front of her every day, and he'd be so angry that she would almost die!

If Mrs. Lin disagrees, then she will cry to her father-in-law to earn a future for her daughter. The mother and daughter got into the carriage and went straight to Zhenbaozhai.

Zhenbaozhai is a business run by nobles, so the facade is naturally majestic. The store has three floors, and the items on each floor are more expensive. Some even only have drawings. You have to make a reservation and wait in line for the master to finish the work before you can get it.

As soon as they entered the door, they were dazzled by the dazzling array of beautiful things in front of them. The waiter noticed their greedy appearance. After looking at their clothes, it seemed that they were not people who could afford to spend money. Therefore, although they were enthusiastic, they were not sincere. .

Bai Sihan's eyes are full of these beautiful jewelry, and she doesn't care about the thoughts of a waiter.

Hurry up and take out all the good things in your store, let me have a look.

Hey, please come from among the nobles.

Although the waiter may look down on others, there are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Dongdu City. His snobbery will not be revealed at all. He served tea and brought several boxes from the first and second floors for Shen. The mother and daughter chose.

She took out a few pairs of sapphire-green beaded hairpins, pearl-jasper hairpins, and butterfly-patterned jade rivers, but she didn't like them very much. These things were far from the ones Princess Wenyi sent back to her, so she took them. Face said.

What are you kidding us with? Are you thinking that my aunt cant afford it?

After saying that, he took out a thousand tael of silver note from his pocket and slapped it on the table. Bai Sihan was so surprised that he almost spilled the tea in his hand.

When the waiter saw the money, the politeness in his eyes became real. He immediately slapped himself twice and apologized to them.

Ouch, my little eyesight didnt recognize that he was a noble person. Please come upstairs. All the good things are on the third floor. Keep them for you. Youll like them as soon as you see them!

Seeing how he nodded and bowed, Mrs. Shen felt much more comfortable.

Bai Sihan also took advantage of it. Money is still easy to talk about these days.

The mother and daughter went up to the third floor. The waiter stopped in front of the door and was replaced by a man dressed as a shopkeeper who came to greet them and said something flattering to them.

"Please be kind to me, whether you want it ready-made or custom-made, as long as you can tell me, our Zhenbaozhai can accommodate you."

After saying that, they pushed open the attic door on the third floor, and what they saw was a set of low-key and luxurious rosewood cabinets. There were several exquisite porcelain vases with red sandalwood plums inserted in them. If someone hadn't led the way, the two of them would have thought that I entered some kind of study by mistake.

Bai Sihan was a little impatient because he couldn't see anything good at all.

"Shopkeeper? Where are your things? Why are they missing?"

When the man heard this, he knew that it was the first time for the mother and daughter to come back. He said with a warm face, "Miss, don't panic, just come in and take a look."

I saw that the top of the rosewood cabinet was not wood, but very rare colored glaze. It was used as the countertop, which reflected the treasures inside even more dazzlingly.

What a clever idea and good means, no wonder it can attract so many ladies and ladies here.

Ms. Shen secretly took a breath and suppressed the secret joy in her heart. She was afraid that she would make the shopkeeper laugh because she had never seen the market before, so she pretended to be a noble person.

Take the things out, this thing gives me a headache.


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