The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 200 Disinfected Love Part 2

"Well... You are right in saying that the orc race goes through a phase of fertilization or sex when reproducing. However, it could be said that the way the orc race reproduces is more similar to the way the alraune race reproduces than the goblin race reproduces!"



Moku tried to recall one of the R 18 research papers about the alraune reproductive cycle written by Luna herself. When Moku read it he immediately asked in a joke-like manner, "Where did you find all this? Did you dissect an alraune who was pregnant?"

Luna answered with a matter-of-fact cold tone, "I try to make a child of my own and dissect it after the splitting process is complete."

Moku's body shuddered again when she remembered Luna's pure-cold eyes at that time as she had just described the weather in the morning. He felt that in any world, his beautiful sister would never be defeated.


Not hearing the response from Moku who was suddenly silent, Nevare was a little worried that her husband's condition had not fully improved.

"Ah... I just remember something... hmm... so, from the research paper released by R 18, it is known that the alraune reproductive cycle can be classified into five stages; the protein-gathering stage, the cell maturation stage, the planting stage, the branching stage, and the formation stage..."

"In the protein-gathering stage, an adult alraune separates various things from the prey she eats into a sac that is in her floral parts. This process can take a long time depending on the amount of protein that the alraune can get from its prey... "

"After all the proteins have been collected, the alraune will incorporate her DNA into it which is called the cell maturation stage. At this stage, the proteins in the sac will mix with the alraune's DNA into a new form called Seed..."

"The seed will automatically separate from its mother's body which will then be implanted into the ground which is also known as the planting stage. At this stage, the seed will absorb the nutrients in the soil like a plant in general..."

"When the Seed reaches two weeks of age, it will grow out of the ground to form branches which are also called the branching stage. At this stage, the branches no longer only receive nutrients from the soil but also from food that is outside. Usually, it is the alraune that provides food to the branch which is also a form of hunting training…"

"The Branch will continue to grow until it reaches the form of flowers that have not bloomed within two months. After that, the flowers that have not bloomed will emit an odor that can attract the animals around it to approach which will be the source of food..."

"Alraune's Half-Female Human Body will only form when flowers bloom. The duration of this stage also depends on the number of nutrients that can be obtained by the alraune which is also called the formation stage."

Somehow Nevare's feelings became very bad. She seemed will be hearing a secret she shouldn't have heard. Nevare doesn't know why Moku wants to open up like this to her.

Although their relationship was getting better after Nevare threw away her human identity, Moku remained to keep some secrets from her. Nevare understands this because Moku is a king, a secret that in him is not only a secret about him but the secret of all the species of monsters in Wilwatikta Kingdom.

"So, what does that have to do with an orc?"

The other reason Moku keeps the secret from her is that he wants to protect her from cruel reality. But this time it seems like Moku wants to open the biggest secret of the orc race.

"Do you still remember Luna's explanation of Valkyrie's transformations?"

Hearing Moku's sudden question, Nevare's face immediately turned red. She still remembered how ashamed she was when imagining Moku's sperm flowing throughout her cell.

"I... I... Re... Remember"

Moku smiled bitterly at Nevare's stuttering answer.

"Well... hmm... so, from Luna's explanation, it can be seen that the orc's sperm has control over themselves in the fertilization stage. From the start of changing the structure of the mother's womb to the formation of the fetus. The orc's sperm very strong is because there is Dragon Prana in it... "

"But isn't Dragon Prana only active when the orc has entered the age of puberty?"

"Hmm... Eh... I don't know"

The topic turns so strange that it makes Nevare forget what the original question was. Her face was getting red like a monkey's ass and her eyes started not daring to look at Moku who was explaining seriously.

Nevare remembered that Luna was a sister that Moku adopted, but his serious expression when explaining the perverted thing made her think that they were both real siblings.

Moku's question is not to be answered by Nevare but he just wants to make this long explanation not boring. Regardless of his wife's face which was very tempting to kiss, Moku continued his explanation.

"In essence, Dragon Prana Awakening is proof that an orc has been able to reproduce. So, it is impossible for sperm to use dragon prana during the fertilization process in the womb. But in reality, this is what happens..."

"So there is only one explanation for this; the dragon prana in sperm is the same as the dragon prana in the father. But this causes the next question if indeed it is The Father's Dragon Prana then who controls it? and Does the father know what happens in the mother's womb when the fertilization process occurs? The answer is of course not... "

" When an orc releases his sperm during ejaculation, the dragon prana contained within it will release from his control. The dragon prana contains inside the sperm only move according to what DNA's memory inside the sperm says..."

That's why the orc's sperm is very strong and able to change the structure of the cells that are in the mother's body. For ordinary orcs who haven't evolved, these changes only occur in the mother's fetus, but for orcs who have become asuras, these changes occur in every existing cell.

Not only changes from the physical side but these changes also occur from the mental side. That's why Nevare and the other valkyries could immediately speak the monster language without ever learning it before.

Actually, there is something Moku is still keeping secret from Nevare. It's not that he doesn't trust Nevare but the reality is so cruel that it can disturb Nevare's remaining humanity.

The mental changes that occur to mothers carrying orc babies are not just being able to understand monster languages but are even worse than that. A mother carrying an orc baby would go into a state of mind that they would not be able to abort their own baby.

The mother is also limited in her thinking ability so it is impossible for her to kill herself and will always try to survive no matter what the circumstances. The baby will control the mother like an ant is controlled by fungi.

The reason for a miscarriage is that the mother's mental strength is too strong so she still has little awareness when she is pregnant. As a result, the mother unconsciously tries to kill the baby in her womb.

That's why all this time orcs treated the women they got so cruelly. This actually aims to make the mother mentally weaker so that she is unable to offer resistance when controlled by the baby in her womb.

This is inversely proportional to Moku's initial thought that the cause of a miscarriage is due to the stress that the mother experiences. But it turns out that stress is what makes the orc baby born safely.

Moku once again realized that he had been too arrogant to think that his human logic was superior to that of orcs. He should have realized that the orc race had survived for hundreds of years amidst the cruel Bog forest with their Mana-devoid bodies.

It is natural for orcs as intelligent beings to form a culture that comes from their habits to survive. One of those cultures is to treat their women very badly. As a race that doesn't have a female gender, they can't hope for females from different races to open up their hearts to willingly conceive their children.

Even so, with the existence of asuras, this culture is outdated. Moku still believes that the survival of the orc race lies in how happy their wives are.

That's why Moku made a law where only orcs who had evolved into asuras had the right to have sex with their wives.


Nevare's face was full of question marks and she did not seem to understand what Moku had just explained.

"So the gist of this explanation is that orcs reproduce by self-dividing rather than sexually. The sperm that orcs secrete and contain dragon prana is the result of self-dividing..."

"Just like alraune who doesn't call other alraune as mother or aunt but sister. So in orc's culture, we don't have father or uncle but an only brother or blood brother..."

"I'm not the father of Nash because he is a fragment of me or rather he is my clone that uses your womb as the soil!"


Nevare's eyes are wide open with a ridiculous surprised expression on her face.

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