The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 243 Midterm Exam

The mid-semester exam is one type of test conducted at military academies to evaluate students' understanding and knowledge of the first or second half of the semester, particularly their abilities as mages. However, a mage's abilities cannot solely be measured by theoretical understanding, but also by practical fieldwork.

If any student has not become a mage by the time of the mid-semester exam, they will not receive points for the exam. Unfortunately, the mid-semester exam score is one of the highest points that can be obtained by military academy students. As a result, students who have not become mages by the mid-semester exam often face expulsion or become subjects for military academy teachers' experiments.

Typically, the mid-semester exam is conducted through spell performances or one-on-one fights between students. However, the old exam methods are considered less useful given the current war between humans and demon species.

The human alliance needs strong mages as soon as possible to lead their troops. The frontline battles are getting more intense, and casualties are mounting on both sides. However, sending Level 1 Constellation Mages into battle is equivalent to sending them to die. Not only demon species, but even ordinary humans can kill Level 1 Constellation Mages if they are careful.

Apart from weak spells that Level 1 Constellation Mages can recite, their lack of fighting experience as mages also makes them vulnerable. Therefore, the military academy has changed the mid-semester exam's format in this new academic year by slightly simulating the war conditions.

Artur and his classmates must accept that they will be tested differently from previous cohorts. They will be thrown into a mana field and ordered to search for an object hidden in the forest. Although the mana fields in the military academy are no longer inhabited by gold tier danger mutated animals or more dangerous mutated animals, encountering silver tier danger mutated animals is still equivalent to death for these inexperienced students. However, the military academy turns a blind eye to this clear risk.

Despite that, students in class A can be considered lucky because their mid-semester exams are still conducted within the military academy. Students in classes B and C have it worse, their mid-semester exams involve guarding the supply caravan for the front lines.

They have to pass through the Bog Forest, one of the most dangerous areas on the border between the human and elf alliances. Although the likelihood of demons breaking through the front-line barricade is very small, it is still a possibility.

So it can be said that the mid-semester exams for students in classes B and C put them closest to inter-species warfare. It is unknown how many casualties there were during this mid-semester exam, but it seems that the military academy is not concerned about the fate of students in classes B and C.

At this point, Artur once again uttered the same words in his heart, "Fairness is a son of a bitch."

"You're making the same face again. Is this your resting face or are you really thinking about something bad?" Lila pointed to Artur's furrowed brow.

"Whatever I'm thinking is none of your business." Artur snorted, brushing Lila's finger away from his forehead.

"Hey... you really have a short fuse. How can you say that to your friend?" Lila pouted and looked cute, making Dony blush beside Artur.

"I'm not your friend and you never had genuine intentions to be my friend. I already told you, if you want to get close to Robert, I can't and don't want to be your bridge." Artur sneered.

"Then why does Robert always approach you? Although he speaks kindly to other students in class A15, he seems to chat comfortably only with you."

"If you ask me, I'll ask you back: to whom should I ask? Besides, let alone me, I'm sure even his father can't understand what that muscle-headed kid is thinking." Artur snorted even louder.

"Who are you calling a muscle-headed kid?" Robert came from behind them with a furrowed face. His sweaty body showed that he had just done one of his crazy muscle exercises, and the mid-semester exam would start in a few minutes.

Robert's arrival made Lila and Dony shut their mouths and look at him with respect, a little fear visible on their faces because they had just talked about Robert. Unfortunately, the same respect and fear were not visible on Artur's face at all.

He still had the same annoyed expression and said casually, "You, of course. Haven't you looked in the mirror lately?"

"What? I'm a smart kid, and my muscles are smart too." Robert brushed him off.

"Well, yeah... you sound like it." A mocking grin formed on Artur's lips, clearly not hiding his sarcasm.

Robert charged towards Artur, raging and tackled him. The two men fought fiercely, kicking up dust and dirt that covered them in mud.

Even though Robert was much stronger, Artur refused to give up easily. He had spent several months at the military academy practicing martial arts, determined to no longer be the weakest among his friends. And Robert happened to always be short of a training partner.

"Damn! You smell so bad! What perfume are you wearing? Skunk fart?" Artur taunted Robert while pinning him down.

"Shut up! This is the scent of camouflage potion, which can mask the human scent and prevent detection by mutated animals or monsters!" Robert retorted.

"You're such a muscle-headed kid! Camouflage Potion should be used after entering the field, so the liquid inside can mimic the surrounding scent. If you use it now, what scent will the potion mimic? Your deadly sweat?" Artur fired back.

"Fuck you, Artur! My body smells good in every inch, unlike your feet which are probably infected with fungus," Robert shouted, losing his cool.

"What did you say? Say it again if you dare!" Artur attacked with all his might and managed to free himself from Robert's grip. His muscles, which had been awakened after days of being Robert's training partner, showed their magic.

However, Robert's grappling technique was not that simple. By changing his body position, he pulled Artur's arm and successfully pinned him down with a triangle choke. In this position, Artur's nose was right in front of Robert's lower stomach.

Artur struggled as hard as he could like a bull seeing red, but Robert's chokehold was too good and he was much stronger. Artur had to give up and shouted, "I give up! I give up!"

"Hahaha... You're still a hundred years too young, to fight me in wrestling," Robert released his hold and laughed happily.

"I'm not saying I couldn't escape from your chokehold, but your crotch odor is simply unbearable. If you had used it to fight from the beginning, I'm sure no enemy could ever defeat you," Artur grumbled while rubbing his nose.

Robert was stunned and frozen before turning red in anger. "If you're looking for excuses because you lost, please find a reasonable one! My crotch is always targeted by girls throughout the military academy!"

"Maybe they're trying to find gold down there. After all, gold can be found anywhere, even in a valley that smells like a skunk's fart," Artur retorted, mocking Robert.

"Youuu!!" Robert charged again and tackled Artur, and they started wrestling again for the second round.

Dony and Lila, who were watching their fight, were left speechless. They could only cover their mouths tightly before bursting out laughing at Artur's vulgar remarks.

"Do you know why Robert is close to Artur?" Dony whispered to Lila.

Lila nodded.

The two of them continued to watch as Robert and Artur wrestled.

No one dared to say what Artur said right in front of Robert. Those who dared to do so had enough self-respect not to use vulgar words like Artur.

On the one hand, they envy Artur for always being honest with whatever he says. On the other hand, they pity Artur for being the target of Robert's frustration.

Not long after, Artur was locked up by Robert again. This time he couldn't escape as Robert used a Guillotine Choke. With Robert's strong arm muscles, it was only a matter of time before Artur fell asleep.

But before that happened, the school bell rang, indicating that the midterm exam was about to start. Class A students were divided into their respective classes, and of course, Robert, as the leader of Class A15, had to lead.

"Ah... the exam is about to start."

Right when Robert was distracted by the bell sound, Artur managed to slip out of Robert's lock and ran away. While teasing Robert about his body odor, Artur joined the line of Class A15.

Robert could only swallow his frustration and walk towards the front line. Although he grumbled, his eyes didn't show anger.

Lila and Dony looked at each other and walked into the Class A15 line without saying anything.

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