The Reincarnated Extra

Chapter 509: 【】 A Certain Story’s Bad Ending

Chapter 509: 【】 A Certain Story’s Bad Ending

  1. 【】 A Certain Story’s Bad Ending

* * *

Arc 23 begins!

The 【】 in the title are intentional.

I think I’ve used this kind of notation before.

Mount Desdadon, with its barren mountainside, not a single blade of grass growing, exposed under the eerie, reddish-black clouds, with thunder rumbling.

On the roof of a fort located on the northern middle slopes, the final battle between two men, facing each other… is about to begin…!


The young man, jumping high, shouting bravely, swinging his sword down at a speed like lightning, is named Herotti!

He’s a young hero of the Yoiyattsu Kingdom, clad in beautifully decorated, silver armor, a powerful warrior, said to be unmatched in the country!

“Gufufu, so light! You’re so light!”

But Herotti’s sword is blocked by a giant greatsword… and then, with a single, casual swing of that greatsword, he’s blown away!


Herotti spun around in mid-air, and landed perfectly on the stone roof of the fort, glaring at his enemy, his sword at the ready.

The one who easily blocked his sword… is a tall, sturdy man, clad in rugged, jet-black armor.

Herotti’s nemesis… the cruel, cunning, and evil general of the Superbad Empire, Tekigataa!

The Superbad Empire, repeatedly waging wars of aggression, has naturally set its sights on the neighboring Yoiyattsu Kingdom, and the hero, Herotti, has crossed swords with General Tekigataa many times on the battlefield!

Herotti, who excels in speed, and General Tekigataa, whose single blows are heavy.

Although their fighting styles are different, they’re almost equal in strength, and their win rate is a draw.

But this battle—Herotti can’t let it end in a draw!

Herotti glanced at the beautiful woman standing behind General Tekigataa—wearing a tiara, her light blonde hair, with a hint of pink at the tips, reaching down to her waist, clad in a pure white dress.


That’s right, it’s her—Princess Kawayuikko!

Princess Kawayuikko is the first princess of the Yoiyattsu Kingdom, kidnapped by General Tekigataa, and Herotti’s beloved fiancée!

To save her, Herotti came to this fort alone, knowing it was a trap!

Princess Kawayuikko, her hands clasped together in prayer, her eyes closed, doesn’t move an inch.

Moreover… although a strong wind is always blowing on Mount Desdadon, because there’s no vegetation to block it… her beautiful hair and dress aren’t swaying at all.

This is because of General Tekigataa’s special ability, 【Dollfication】!

This special ability has the terrifying power to stop time and fix the state of the target!

The target who is affected by 【Dollfication】… is completely immobilized, like a doll…

General Tekigataa has used this special ability to turn the women he likes into dolls, one after another, and decorate his mansion…!

He’s unquestionably, undoubtedly evil!!

“Gufufu, my precious collection… Cute, isn’t she!?”


The next moment!

Seizing the opening created by Herotti, who was distracted by the princess, General Tekigataa, at a speed unimaginable for his large body, approached Herotti, and began unleashing a series of attacks with his greatsword, as tall as an ordinary person!

“Gufufu, gufufu! I don’t even need to compare! This doll is the most beautiful in my entire collection!”

General Tekigataa swings his greatsword down diagonally, from upper right to lower left!

Herotti ducks to dodge it!

“After all, she’s a beautiful princess, gufufu! I’m going to display her in my secret study! I won’t even show her to His Majesty the Emperor!”

General Tekigataa, using the momentum of swinging his greatsword down, spins around, and then unleashes another slash, at a lower position!

Herotti jumps to dodge it!

“And yet, you! What was that look you just gave her!? You’re lusting after my doll, aren’t you!? DIEーーー!!!”

General Tekigataa, putting all his strength into it, suddenly stops spinning, and with unexpected speed, swings his greatsword horizontally, from left to right!


He can’t dodge it!

Realizing that, Herotti hastily blocked the attack with his sword, but the difference in strength is obvious!

He’s blown away, and rolls on the roof of the fort!

Although he wasn’t directly slashed, the force of the blow is enormous!

Herotti’s armor is dented from the impact, and he vomits blood!

“The princess… The princess isn’t a doll…!”




There’s still fire burning in Herotti’s eyes!

His heart hasn’t given up yet!

“She laughs, she cries… and sometimes, she gets angry… She’s a normal… girl…!”

Memories of his time with the princess flood Herotti’s mind.

Their first encounter, where they both got a bad impression of each other, that incident at the sacred spring, their sudden closeness during his guard duty…

Through those events, they deepened their bond, nurtured their love for each other.

“For the princess… I won’t lose… I can’t afford to loseーーー!!”

The next moment!

A mysterious power surged through Herotti’s body!

It’s… the power of a miracle… born from his love for the princess!


Using that power to its fullest… Herotti rushes towards General Tekigataa, at an incredible speed, far beyond what he’s capable of normally!


General Tekigataa is flustered, and slightly shifts his body!

He can only react that much because Herotti’s speed is too fast!


And then, Herotti thrusts his sword… towards General Tekigataa’s heart… at an incredible speed!


General Tekigataa screamed!

Herotti’s sword easily pierced through General Tekigataa’s jet-black armor, piercing his heart… or rather!?

…It didn’t pierce it…!?

It was true that Herotti’s sword did pierce the armor, but it didn’t go any further!

It’s stopped, as if it hit something!

“Just kidding!”

General Tekigataa grinned, and swung his greatsword.

“W-What’s going on!?”

Herotti, confused, jumping back to dodge the attack, involuntarily shouted!

General Tekigataa, watching him, guffawed!

“Just in case something like this happened… I hid a very hard pocket watch, that I got from my grandpa, in my chestーーー!!!”

And saying that, he took out a large, scratched item, full of memories, from inside his armor, and showed it to Herotti!


Herotti was shocked, and screamed!

What thoroughness!

And unexpectedly… a faint hint of General Tekigataa’s love for his family!

“Now! The tables have turnedーーー!?”

And seizing Herotti’s opening, General Tekigataa charged, his greatsword held high!

At this rate, Herotti’s body will be cut in half, by the greatsword!

Herotti, in danger!


But at that moment, Herotti was only flustered for a split second.

He quickly regained his composure.

Because… he has the ‘experience’ for it.

(Jijin, the martial artist, Zuzun, the scout, Zezen, the mage, and Teodartes, the drunkard…!)

At that moment, what flashed through Herotti’s mind were the faces of his trusted comrades.

And the numerous trials… that they overcame together!

(I can’t back down here… I wouldn’t be able to face them!)

Herotti regained his courage, through his bond with his comrades!

Power surged through his body again, and fighting spirit burned in his eyes!


The next moment!

Herotti ran towards General Tekigataa… at a speed invisible to the eye!


General Tekigataa, who had already started charging towards Herotti, can’t react to his incredibly fast movement!

He can’t stop!

He can’t even swing down his greatsword!

His torso… is wide open!

Towards General Tekigataa’s abdomen… Herotti, passing him by, quickly swung his sword horizontally!


General Tekigataa screamed!

Herotti’s sword easily sliced through General Tekigataa’s jet-black armor, and blood gushed out from his body!

General Tekigataa, involuntarily falling to one knee from the pain, collapsed face down, with a thud… or rather!?

…He didn’t collapse…!?

Herotti’s sword definitely sliced through the armor, and inflicted fatal damage to General Tekigataa, but he didn’t collapse!

On the contrary, he stood up again, from his kneeling position, with a calm expression on his face!

“Just kidding!”

And then, he showed Herotti the part of his torso that should have been sliced open!

The wound… is completely healed…!? And the bleeding has stopped!?

“W-What’s going on!?”

Herotti, confused and panicking, involuntarily shouted!

General Tekigataa, watching him, guffawed!

“Just in case something like this happened… I secretly had a very effective, high-grade potion, made for me by my grandmaーーー!!!”

And saying that, he showed Herotti the empty bottle that contained the love-filled potion!


Herotti was shocked, and screamed!

What thoroughness!

And again… a faint hint of General Tekigataa’s love for his family!


But this time, Herotti was only flustered for a split second.

He always carries the happiness of the entire Yoiyattsu Kingdom on his back!

He can’t lose here!


So what!

He’ll just have to… slash him again!


Herotti, filled with his love for his country, changed his mindset, readied his sword again, and at a speed invisible to the eye, slashed General Tekigataa’s abdomen again!


The slash was so fast that General Tekigataa couldn’t even react, let alone dodge it.

He was deeply wounded by the slash, screamed, spurting out a large amount of blood, and finally collapsed face down, powerless… and stopped moving…!

“Haa… Haa… ! Finally, this… This puts an end to our rivalry, General Tekigataa…!”

Herotti, staring down at the corpse of his nemesis, which was no longer moving, sheathed his sword, breathing heavily.

And then he prayed to God.

That this poor, twisted man’s soul will be cleansed after death, and rest in peace.

But… it was at that moment!


With that cutting sound, a sharp pain suddenly ran through Herotti’s back!


He was slashed by someone!

Herotti, screaming in pain, was blown away, rolling on the stone roof of the fort, and then glared at the person who ambushed him!


And he was astonished!

Standing there!

Wearing a jet-black armor, carrying a greatsword on his shoulder… that large man—

Is… General Tekigataa… who he should have just defeated!

“Gu-fu-fu, too bad… This one was a body double! I’m actually a twin…!”


General Tekigataa, laughing evilly, kicked away the body double’s corpse, and then…!

“And I am… the real Tekigataa! Now, I’ll finish you off, bratーーー!!”

He raised his greatsword and started charging towards Herotti!

“G-U… Oooh!”

Herotti, despite blood gushing out from his wound, stood up, trembling!

He can’t feel his strength.

The wound from the surprise attack is deep, and he probably won’t be able to fight in this condition.

“Oooh… God…!”

But Herotti didn’t give up!

He clasped his hands together, and prayed!

“O God of Yoiyattsu…! Grant me… strengthーーー!!”

And then, at the next moment!

Piercing through the ominous, reddish-black clouds covering the sky… a golden orb of light fell down, at incredible speed, as if panicking!

That orb of light hit Herotti’s body, and was absorbed.

Herotti’s body glowed intensely, golden!

In other words, this is—divine power!

The God of Yoiyattsu, having heard the hero Herotti’s prayer… bestowed upon him, on the verge of death, the last strength he needs to fight!

A miracle happened!


General Tekigataa, unable to withstand the dazzling brilliance of Herotti, shining with light, involuntarily stopped, raised his hand to shield his eyes, and reflexively closed them!

And that moment… became a fatal opening!


Seizing that opportunity, forcing his aching body to move, with the help of divine power… Herotti drew his sword again, and in an instant, reached General Tekigataa!

And as he passed by, he swung his sword!

That sideways slash, powered by divine power, is incredibly powerful.

Herotti’s sword, smoothly, without any resistance…

Cut General Tekigataa’s body… clean in half…!


General Tekigataa screamed… covered in his own blood… and easily… lost his life…!

“Haa… Haa… Haa…! I won! This time… I really won…!”

Herotti, on the other hand, has already lost the divine power that was suddenly bestowed upon him… and he savored his victory, desperately enduring the pain throughout his body from the backlash.

“Now, Princess… Let’s go home… to our… country!”

But… it was at that moment!


With that stabbing sound… the tip of a greatsword emerged… from Herotti’s chest!


He was suddenly stabbed in the back by someone!

And the next moment, he was kicked in the back, and Herotti was blown away, screaming in pain, blood splattering everywhere, rolling on the stone roof of the fort.

“A-Guh… Guh…”

His whole body hurts.

To the point where he’s about to lose consciousness.

But Herotti somehow managed to get up, and glared at the person who ambushed him!


And he was astonished!

Standing there!

Wearing a jet-black armor, carrying a greatsword on his shoulder… that large man—

Is… General Tekigataa… who he should have just defeated!

“Gu-fu-fu, too bad… This one was also a body double! I’m actually… a triplet…!”


“And I am… the true Tekigataa! Now, I’ll finish you off, bratーーー!!”

“W-Wait, wait, wait, wait!? This is ridiculous! There’s something wrong here, isn’t there!? You, you guys are too persistentーーー!?”

‘You, you guys are too persistentーーー!?’

That was Herotti, the hero of the Yoiyattsu Kingdom’s, last words.

The stab from the back—

That surprise attack—he was already fatally wounded.

Therefore, Herotti couldn’t even dodge General Tekigataa’s large attack… and finally—

Struck by the giant greatsword—

He… lost his life.

“Gu-fu-fu… Fuhahahaha… Gu-ha—hahaha!”

General Tekigataa’s hearty laughter echoed on the roof of the Mount Desdadon fort.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter…

Raindrops, finally starting to fall, began to hit the general’s jet-black armor.

General Tekigataa, after laughing for a while, finally noticed it, and frowned at the unpleasant feeling of the rain on his body.

“General! As expected!”

“You finally defeated your nemesis, Herotti!”

At that moment, the soldiers of the Superbad Empire, who had been hiding, appeared, and rushed towards General Tekigataa, overjoyed.

“Yes… Gu-fu-fu, that’s right… Hey, you guys, bury Fukigataa and Nukigataa… And this brat too…”

“““““Yes, sir!!”””””

General Tekigataa offered a short prayer to the three corpses lying on the ground, and then walked towards the edge of the roof of the fort, his footsteps heavy.

Where he’s looking… is Princess Kawayuikko… her beauty preserved by the special ability, 【Dollfication】, which stopped her time.


General Tekigataa, staring at the beautiful princess, who had been turned into a doll, grinned… and then picked her up, and started walking.

He’s going to go downstairs, admire his best collection, and rest.


Princess Kawayuikko doesn’t say anything.

She can’t.

Her eyes closed, her hands clasped in prayer, she can’t even move an inch.

Only the raindrops, hitting her cheeks, flowing down…

Silently… but eloquently, spoke of her heart.

Arc 23, which suddenly started a story about people we don’t know… but from the next arc onward, it will basically be from Emi’s perspective.

Extra-sama will also be talking a lot!

Thank you for your continued support.

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