The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 – Right Back at You (2)

The advance of the White Lion Brigade was unstoppable.

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, nor a single obstacle in their way.

Everything was smoothly sailing.

However, there were those who felt uneasy about this smooth progress.



“Wasn’t the Countess of Arsene recently murdered?”

Tripier, the captain at the front, nodded.

“The timing was moved up, but everything is going according to the Lord’s plan.”

“The timing is precisely why I bring it up. Don’t you think we might have fulfilled Viscount Rodri’s wish too early?”


“Although it was an unavoidable circumstance due to unforeseen variables…… Generally, rewards and compensation are given after the task is completed, aren’t they?”

Kieran, the vice-captain, continued speaking.

“Viscount Rodri has already achieved his goal. From what I’ve gathered, he doesn’t particularly have ambitions for power.”

“So, he has no reason to help us anymore?”

“Yes. If he were to turn against us now, wouldn’t it be dangerous?”

At that moment, Tripier, the captain of the White Lion Brigade, let out a small chuckle.

“Viscount Rodri is a traitor. As a result of his espionage, even the Countess was assassinated. Do you think he could return to his original position now?”

“That’s true, but……”

“Moreover, it’s absurd to think that someone as rigid as Count Arsene would take back such a spineless person.”

Tripier’s expression became peculiar as he continued.

“Are you, perhaps, afraid?”

“A-Afraid? Absolutely not!”

Kieran quickly exclaimed in surprise.

“It seems I was a bit too sensitive. I apologize for needlessly troubling you, Captain.”

“No, Kieran. As I always say, I respect you. I especially acknowledge your prudence, which I lack.”

It was advice worth considering.

The outcome of an operation could be determined by minor variables.

That’s how war is.

“Tell the troops to fully open their mana senses. Pay especially close attention to the top of the walls.”

Finally, Kieran’s face brightened.


“If the enemy is preparing an ambush, the optimal time would be when we approach near the gate, within bow range.”

“Whoa, whoa!”

Kieran quickly reined in his horse.


As the front slowed down, the following members naturally adjusted their speed.

“Fully open your mana senses! The enemy may have prepared an ambush!”

“Yes, sir!”

At those words, a resonant hum reverberated all around.

Five hundred knights were simultaneously circulating their mana holes.

This was the battlefield.

No one questioned it.

Their movements were impeccably coordinated.

This spoke volumes.

This clearly demonstrated how well the White Lion Brigade had been trained.

Thud, thud, thud!

The distance closed in an instant.

The White Lion Brigade heightened their tension to the extreme.

They were now within bow range.

Some of the knights around the captain even took out their portable shields hanging from their horses’ sides.


“Fortunately, there is no ambush.”

Despite their preparations, no arrows came flying.

In fact, the castle gate was wide open.

Seeing this, a smile naturally formed on Tripier’s lips.

“Now you can relax, Kieran.”

“It seems my worries were for nothing, after all.”

“Hahaha. Viscount Rodri is a wise man. He wouldn’t make such a foolish mistake……”

Tripier suddenly stopped speaking.

A group of people was pouring out through the just-opened castle gate.

At a glance, their numbers seemed similar to their own.

Immediately, a murderous aura surged through Kieran’s body.

“Could it be……?”

“Wait. They’re allies.”

Tripier, who had been watching the front closely, waved his hand as if to reassure them.

“You recognize him, don’t you? The man on the black horse, that’s Viscount Rodri.”


“Logically, if he were to betray us, there’d be no reason for him to abandon the advantage of the fortress and walk out himself.”

“That’s true.”

Shortly after, the leaders of both groups came forward alone.

“Hahaha! Viscount Rodri, it’s been a while!”

“Viscount Tripier, you look as splendid as ever.”

“All thanks to you. I didn’t expect you to come out to greet us.”

“Well, given the wartime situation, it would be suspicious for the villagers if a sudden influx of strangers poured in. Please, come in with us.”

“That makes sense.”

Tripier glanced sideways, as if to say, “See?”

Kieran’s expression relaxed completely.

“Our northern gate guard building should be able to accommodate everyone here. Let’s move there first and discuss the detailed plans.”

“I look forward to it. I will make sure to inform the Marquis of Foltaine about today’s events.”

“I would be grateful.”

It had only been two days since the Foltaine Marquisate declared full-scale war.

Finally, their elite White Lion Brigade of five hundred was entering the main fortress of the Arsene family.



News of the full-scale war between the two families eventually reached the other royalist nobles.

Consequently, the high-ranking nobles— excluding the sole duke— gathered.

These five marquises held an urgent meeting.

“This is an unwinnable battle!”

“They must be out of their minds. How on earth did Count Arsene allow the situation to deteriorate this badly? I heard that His Majesty the King personally mediated the matter.”

“I thought it had been resolved with that mediation……”

“Who would have thought that a scandal involving an illegitimate child would escalate to this extent? Ultimately, this entire mess stems from that illegal slave trade, doesn’t it?”

“This is something I only heard as a rumor…… but it seems the slave you mentioned is at the center of this storm.”

With the introduction of a new topic, everyone’s attention focused on one place.

“Marquis Douglas, what do you mean by that?”

“I heard a story about a young child who not only exposed the Countess’ misdeeds but also caught spies hidden within the Count’s household. It was such an interesting tale that I looked into it further…… and it turns out it was that slave.”

“That’s ridiculous…… Where did this information come from?”

“It’s information I verified directly through the Mask of Night for a substantial sum.”


There was no choice but to believe it.

The reliability of information from the Mask of Night was renowned.

“Apparently, because of those exploits, Count Arsene intends to keep the child in the family and raise him as an advisor.”

“What? A-An advisor? No matter how capable the child is, how could he think of making a mere slave……?”

“Count Arsene is famous for not letting social status hinder his employment of talented individuals. Besides, that slave might actually be from a reasonably good family.”

“That’s absurd. Even the lowest slave traders would at least evaluate the people they deal with.”

“The ways of the world are unpredictable. Did any of us foresee that the Marquis of Foltaine and Count Arsene would engage in a full-scale war?”


Listening to their conversation, one would question if they were even on the same side.

There was no helping it.

They were high-ranking nobles with many dependents to take care of.

There were countless viscounts eager to rise up.

But the positions were limited.

For one of the viscounts under them to rise, an existing noble family had to fall.

It was the law of supply and demand.

“Shouldn’t we send reinforcements? The Marquis of Foltaine has effectively defied a royal command, so we have ample justification to provide support.”

“Ah! Our troops have just completed their summer training, so we have difficulties in providing military support.”

“We don’t have as many private soldiers compared to other marquises……”

“Our soldiers are currently deployed to hunt monsters.”

This was the epitome of nobles seeking personal gain.

However, little did they know.

That the real target of concern wasn’t Count Arsene, but themselves.



Tripier first felt a sense of unease just as they passed through the north gate. It seemed he wasn’t the only one.

“C-Captain, what is……?”

“……Was this a trap?”


At that moment, a sharp whistling sound pierced his eardrums.


Tripier deftly deflected the attack with his sword, now infused with powerful mana.

“……What is the meaning of this?”

It was Viscount Rodri’s sword, swinging right next to him.

Naturally, his tone was not pleasant.

“It’s an expression of my will.”

Thwip thwip thwip thwip thwip thwip!

Archers hidden behind the walls all aimed their bows at once.


Tripier sneered bitterly.

They seemed to be aiming to maximize the impact by shooting arrows at close range, but……

‘Arrows coming directly at you are much easier to block or dodge.’

He could clearly see their movements.

However, it was as if they had read his mind.

“Why do you think there are none above?”


Tripier’s eyes widened.

A beat later, countless archers appeared atop the wall.

The number was overwhelming.

‘Hundreds? No, at least over a thousand.’

His pupils quaked with shock.

This was an entirely unforeseen turn of events.

The marquis’s main army was advancing on Arsenia Fortress.

Even concentrating their forces there wasn’t enough.

And yet, they had left such a significant number of troops at their home base?

Above all, the most astonishing part was……

“But I didn’t sense anything at all……?”

Even now, despite seeing them, he couldn’t sense their presence.

What measures had they taken?

‘An artifact to erase their presence?’

It was a plausible idea.

There were many mysterious artifacts in the world.

‘Or is it an illusion spell cast on such a large group?’

But, there was no information suggesting that Count Arsene’s family had a high-ranking mage capable of such feats.

“Is your mind in turmoil?”


“I wouldn’t recommend gambling. The stakes are your subordinates’ lives.”

Tripier’s smirk grew more pronounced.

“……I tend to trust my instincts.”

“You insist on trying?”

“Everyone, draw your swords!”

Shing, shing, shing!

The White Lion Brigade swiftly unsheathed their swords.

The intimidating display made even Viscount Rodri shudder.

However, the damn situation was far from over.

Sniff, sniff.

‘……What is that smell?’

Unconsciously flaring his nostrils, Tripier frowned.

A familiar scent belatedly assaulted his senses.


Suddenly, the smell of oil permeated the air.

Crack! Fwoosh!

In an instant, the surroundings were bathed in green light.

Crackle! Snap! Crackle, crackle!


The unexpected turn of events didn’t end there. The ground suddenly began to split open.

“What have you done!?”

Tripier exclaimed in bewilderment.

Green plants started to shoot up, reaching skyward without any restraint.

They were enormous, at least ten meters tall, forming a coliseum-like barrier around them.

“Seeds and soil drenched in oil.”



Immediately, a knight of Count Arsene raised a torch.

“What do you think will happen if I throw this?”


Tripier’s face twisted in despair.

He had let down his guard.

The possibility of a fire attack had never crossed his mind.

The area inside the gate was typically a wide open space.

And for a reason.

To prevent any intruders who breached or scaled the wall from having cover.

Cover would only hinder surveillance.

And fire needs fuel to burn.

“Do you intend to burn to death along with us?”

“……That wouldn’t be so bad.”


“In this situation, the only way I can atone to my lord is through an ‘honorable death’.”


Tripier bit his lip hard.

‘No, it can’t be.’

He finally realized the source of his constant unease.

As far as he knew, Viscount Rodri wasn’t the type to undertake such a mad plan.

“Who the hell came up with this insane idea?”

“I did, you fucker.”


Tripier’s eyes widened.

On the wall.

Amidst the archers, a pretty young child appeared.

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