The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 – That’s Not the Prince We Know (2)

A hero without a rival. In his past life, it was a phrase he heard so often that his ears bled.

It might seem like a pleasant compliment. It made one feel like they could single-handedly change the entire world.


‘It couldn’t be further from the truth.’

Even trying to change the neighborhood where you were born leads to conflicts among the villagers.

Changing a whole region is even more challenging. Changing a nation requires the help of the heavens. So, what about changing the world?

‘Is it even possible?’

I couldn’t help but think this way. Each person has their own opinions, each culture has its own customs, and each nation has its own values.

Subjectivity differs from person to person, as it does from nation to nation.

In one country, people might ask, ‘What’s the big deal?’ when criticized for eating dogs. In another, they might react with outrage, asking, ‘How could you eat a family member?’

That’s how differences are.

But we must accept those differences.

Of course, Ancelot isn’t a reformer who wants to change the world. He doesn’t have such grand dreams. He simply wants……

‘Revenge for my dead child.’

And perhaps, he longs for a future where the world is slightly better for children like Andy to live in.

‘Isn’t that the same as wanting to change the world?’

For now, the current ruler of the world was the Empire, and it was the Empire Ancelot aimed to bring down.


Anselot shook his head and looked around. Why had his stream of consciousness led him here?


‘It’s because I need to judge whether these people can be rehabilitated or not.’

Those who are corrupt to their core won’t listen to reason, no matter how well it’s put.

Prince Andrew von Meeke, the Seventh Prince, was an irredeemable vermin. A treat from someone like him, no matter its taste, won’t get a single glance.

‘Unless, perhaps, it’s shaken right in front of their faces.’

Right as he was thinking this,

“What is this rudeness!?”

The ever-irritable Duke Veder shouted. He bristled with anger.

“How could you, the younger brother, treat your older brother like…… this?”

Duke Veder hesitated to say that Enzi had been beaten, but continued speaking.

“Moreover, it seems you haven’t heard the news yet. Prince Enzi is now the crown prince of this nation. Show him the respect he deserves, Prince Andrew!”

“What respect should I show to the son of the enemy who exiled me to die?”


Immediately, Duke Veder’s eyes widened.

“Always stay alert. Who knows? I might just return and snatch that crown prince position right out from under you.”

“You lunatic! The traitor’s blood runs deep in you, and now you plot treason as well!”

For a moment, a terrifying killing intent engulfed Ancelot’s entire body.


Anselot’s brow furrowed. He was still struggling to match the aura of a Master. Especially because of this young body of his.


“Murder is not permitted within our palace.”

At that moment, the oppressive killing intent vanished, almost as if it had never been there in the first place. Before he knew it, Duke Herman had taken up a position behind him.

“……Duke Herman, this is an internal matter of our nation.”

“Protection of our knight comes first.”

“What…… Did you say?”

“For your information, during the recent knight examination in the Hart Kingdom, Prince Andrew earned his title with honor.”


Shock, far surpassing simple surprise, washed over Duke Veder’s face.

“Could it be…… Are you saying Prince Andrew has sought asylum?”

“Asylum…… That’s an odd way to put it. It’s more accurate to say it was a desperate struggle for survival.”

“Survival? What nonsense is that!”

“The Black Swan territory that your nation bestowed upon Prince Andrew borders our kingdom’s land. Do you think we’re unaware that it’s the land of death?”

Duke Veder furrowed his brow.

“Black Swan? Are you referring to Death Valley?”

“We call it Black Swan in our country. If you look at the territory closely, it’s shaped like an upside-down swan.”

Black Swan. Certainly, it sounds much more elegant than something as blatant as Death Valley.

“So, your nation calls it Death Valley. The name itself suggests that you’re familiar with the land. Will you still deny that you sent this child there hoping for his death?”

“I must reiterate, this is not your kingdom’s concern. This is an internal issue of the Meeke Principality.”

Duke Herman nodded.

“Of course. It’s not our concern.”


Just then, Duke Herman casually draped his arm over Ancelot’s shoulder.

“That is, if this prince hadn’t become a part of our family.”


At that moment, Duke Veder’s eyes twitched uncontrollably. It was the phrase ‘our family’ that did it.

“Are you saying…… you’re siding with Prince Andrew?”

“We’re taking his side, yes.”

“I don’t understand. Why would you risk straining relations with our nation to do this?”

“Because I believe this man has the true qualities of a ‘ruler’.”


This time, it wasn’t just Duke Veder who was stunned; everyone’s eyes widened in shock.

“For the record, I personally owe Prince Andrew a great debt.”

Duke Veder gaped, dumbfounded. What kind of debt could it be? The question was on the tip of his tongue, but he grit his teeth instead.

This was Prince Enzi’s first official diplomatic mission as the crown prince. Duke Veder had been entrusted with an important task.

There was no way he could accept such an outcome.

Prince Enzi had been sent to make a name for himself, but instead, they’d dirtied his reputation.

As soon as this rumor spread, the queen wouldn’t stand idly by.

“A personal debt…… In that case, I must confirm this directly with His Majesty. If this decision was made on a whim solely by Duke Herman, our nation will not take it lightly.”

“You have my assurance on that.”

At that moment, a new figure entered the room.

“And you are……?”

“Apologies for the late introduction. I am Draksir de Foltaine.”


Yet another influential figure had made his entrance. Although the Kingdom of Hart was on the outskirts of the continent, his influence couldn’t be ignored.

This was especially true in neighboring countries, where he was known as a famous merchant with remarkable business acumen.

Even within the neighboring Meeke Principality, his influence was immense. Due to its geographical location, the principality had to rely on imports for iron and minerals.

Conversely, the Hart Kingdom controlled a whopping 80% of the region’s major mines. Most of them were located within the territory of the Foltaine Marquisate.

If Marquis Foltaine decided to cut off the supply of essential minerals like iron? It might be an exaggeration, but the knights of the Meeke Principality might have to wield wooden swords instead of real ones.

‘What…… on earth is happening right now?’

Duke Veder wasn’t the only one who was thinking this. At this point, even the other knights began to grow deeply uneasy.

“Is the Kingdom of Hart truly attempting to exert influence over our country by propping up Prince Andrew?”

It seemed entirely possible.

A fool of a prince becoming the son-in-law of a princess, with power being wielded from behind the scenes—

They weren’t unfamiliar with the narrative.

“Alright, enough. That’s enough.”

Ancelot, who had been watching the situation unfold, waved his hand dismissively.

“It seems like we’re just going in circles. Let’s get straight to the point. It’s better for both sides that way, don’t you think?”


For a moment, not only Duke Herman but also Duke Veder and Marquis Foltaine had quite the expression on their faces.

What Ancelot said wasn’t wrong.

But hearing it from his mouth made something inside them squirm uncomfortably.

“Hey, you.”

“‘Hey, you’?”

Prince Enzi belatedly pointed to himself in bewilderment.

“Did you really expect to be addressed as ‘Brother’ by me after all you’ve done?”

“Wh-What have I done……?”

“Do I really have to spell it out for you……?”

Ancelot let out an exaggerated sigh.

“You hit on your brother’s lover, got beaten up by that lover, and in your anger, tried to take it out on me, only to get your ass handed to you. And to top it off, this whole embarrassing situation became known to these gentlemen, which is how we ended up here, isn’t……?”

“W-W-W-W-W-W-Wait a minute!”

Before Ancelot could even finish speaking, the prince hastily waved his hands as if he’d been burned, his face turning as red as a ripe tomato.

“Wh-What did he just say?”

“He hit on…… his brother’s lover?”

“And got his ass handed to him?”

Of course, everyone here had already heard everything.

“I-Is it true, Your Highness?”

Even Duke Veder asked, his voice heavy with disbelief.

“I-It’s not true……!”

Prince Enzi tried to deny it immediately, but……

“It’s true.”


The arrival of Princess Winry, the other party involved, silenced him.


Duke Veder’s eyes darkened with realization. Silence was confirmation enough.

A sigh escaped from deep within him. He knew the prince was lacking, but even so……

‘……This is driving me insane.’

* * *

Reaper Scans

[Translator – San]

[Proofreader – Abstract]

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* * *

At the same time, questions arose in his mind.

‘How in the world did Prince Andrew manage to win her over?’

His looks? Duke Veder asked himself silently and nodded. That seemed the most plausible explanation.

At that age, appearance was everything, and Prince Andrew’s face was quite famous, even in the kingdom.

But that alone didn’t satisfy him.

‘Even if the princess was swayed, how do you explain Duke Herman and Marquis Foltaine?’

At that moment, Prince Enzi hurriedly tried to add to his explanation.

“I-I didn’t know she was my brother’s lover! If I had known, would I have done such a thing?”

“……Your Highness, does that mean the part about being beaten is……?”

“It happened because I was caught off guard! If I hadn’t been, would I have allowed myself to be struck by that worm, even as a joke?”

A voice cut through, interrupting Prince Enzi’s words.

“Caught off guard?”


Prince Enzi froze.

“Are you being serious?”

“I-I mean……”

Watching this, Duke Veder couldn’t help but admit it to himself.

‘This is unbelievable.’

How could someone change so drastically in such a short time? Duke Veder distinctly remembered the pitiful prince who had tried to hang himself in a corner of a room.

It had been just a year ago.

And now, how……?

“It seems some of you can’t tell if this is a dream or reality, so why don’t you experience it firsthand? See for yourselves how I’ve changed.”

Ancelot deliberately tapped the scabbard of his sword. It hung by his side— a fine dwarven blade gifted by Count Arsene.

“I didn’t earn my knighthood in this country for free? The Kingdom of Hart isn’t a place that hands out titles so easily, is it?”


“Of course, the person most upset by this must be my dear brother. So how about we settle this here and now?”

At this, Prince Enzi averted his gaze. Duke Veder couldn’t allow his reputation to be tarnished further.

“……Prince Andrew, how can you be so proud after committing the heinous act of assaulting your own brother?”

“And it’s okay for a brother to flirt with his sibling’s lover?”

“Responding to someone’s vulgarity in the same way only reflects your own shortcomings. It shows what kind of upbringing you had.”

“Then what should I have done?”

“……Of course you should have……”

For a moment, Duke Veder faltered. What…… should he have done?

The proper course would have been to report the incident to a higher authority and receive appropriate measures.

Given that both parties were princes, the only higher authorities would be the king or the queen.

But what would their reaction have been? Would they have scolded him, saying, ‘As an elder brother, you should be ashamed of yourself for flirting with your sibling’s lover!’

Or perhaps……

‘……No, they would probably have had Prince Andrew executed for disgracing his brother.’

Eventually, Duke Veder sighed deeply.

“……Personally, I believe this issue could have been resolved amicably between the parties involved.”

“Talking it out is always good.”

Unexpectedly, Ancelot nodded readily.

“That’s why I came here in the first place, to have that conversation.”

“……What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, it’s clear what would happen if we clashed again like this.”

“Are you trying to justify yourself?”

“Not justify— have a conversation.”

“……Alright, conversation.”

“Listen carefully. I’ll keep it short and to the point.”

Ancelot cleared his throat and quickly continued.

“On my way to the territory that was bestowed upon me, I encountered slave traders. These bastards tried to sell me off as a slave because they were tempted by my looks. So, I killed them. During the process, I also killed one of Marquis Foltaine’s expert knights. That unfortunate event has led to everything that’s happened since. I also helped out Count Arsene’s family along the way. You know how life is— once you get entangled with someone, it all starts snowballing. Before I knew it, I ended up engaged to this country’s princess.”

“That’s the most absurd nonsense I’ve ever heard.”

“Exactly, that’s what I’m saying.”

Ancelot’s lips twisted into a smirk.

“What’s with all this bullshit? It’s pissing me off.”


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