The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 9: The Haunted Memories [3]


"Mother please, I promise I'll be better," Awuor cried out, but her cries were in vain.

Defeatedly Awuor looked at herself, her tattered clothes making her wonder what had happened to her. They were clawed, and ripped apart so much so, that they didn't look anything like a regal wear anymore.

She looked like she had not even changed into her gym clothes, hell she looked like a homeless woman in Sicario, and yet she had a family and a home. She had power, but that didn't mean anything at the moment.

Devastated, she looked at her mother's fingers, only to find pieces of her clothing. It was crazy, how she was the suspect in all the damn ways. She never fought with her mother, so what was it that had made her murder her own luna?

'Oh goddess, what have I done?' Awuor sighed. She didn't know what had happened, but it seemed like she was the culprit. Her head was still hurting when she dared to look at her father, her brother, her mate, and the servants who had felt the bonds get cut instantly.

They were looking at her and she looked guilty in so many ways. She couldn't even defend herself; and even if she wanted to, where was she even supposed to start from?

Awuor was frustrated, so she looked at her father, the only man who could tell if she had really killed her mother or not. The alpha had that chance to make sure the right culprit was caught, but he was too angry.

"You killed my Eniola,"The devastated let out, glaring daggers at his daughter. This woman was already the alpha and now she killed her mother? Why were her claws dripping with her mother's blood?

Why did she smell like the stench of sweat in the alpha's suite and why in all hell was she even here? This was nothing like the gym; this wasn't the place for her to be at this particular time. What was she doing here?

"Father, please listen to me, trust me please, father, I didn't do it. I love her, I always have. Why would I kill the only woman who loved and understood me my whole life? Please, father," Awuor said and when her father didn't say anything, she knew she was to be judged by the whole of sicario.

Nothing she said would make things any better, so she gave in to her fate. So while everyone surrounded her and glared at her evilly, she took the chance to look at her mother well. the claws that had ripped her mother's throat, weren't hers.

It was so obvious because while Awuor's claws were retracting, she felt some kind of pain. the pain that came with being forced to show her claws. But then she couldn't prove that too, because only she was feeling this pain.

Someone had forced her on this suite. Someone had killed her mother and had made sure that the only person to be blamed would be her, the reigning alpha. Awuor knew it, but she didn't have any proof.

Right now, she needed proof, but what she had could easily be dismissed as her lame attempt at saving herself.

"I'm sorry, mother," Awuor said before adding to herself, 'I'll find whoever did this to you, but I gotta take the fall for it first. I'm really sorry, mother.'

"Take her," Alpha Sicario said and his daughter just hopelessly looked at him. She was hoping that her father could tell that she hadn't been the culprit, but then she couldn't blame him. That was his mate.

But she was his daughter.

Couldn't he at least try and listen to her side of the story? Couldn't he give her one last chance then?

She was always there for him and had been a good daughter.

She had never once broken a rule, so how was it even possible that the first rule she broke was when she killed her mother?

Awuor looked at Dom, the anger in her brother's face reminding her that she was already a convict.

Her mate didn't even seem disturbed by the findings. It was almost like he had expected Awuor to lash out someday, and hurt someone, only that this time, her mother was that someone.

He could feel the sadness in their mate bond, the genuine sadness and shock of his mate, but Jer didn't care. Instead, he had just watched as they dragged her from her mother, calling her unspeakable names and blaming her for the unfathomable act.

"Wait," Awuor said to her father who was staring at her with golden eyes, the proof that his wolf side was showing, werewolves were one with their wolves and would never separate. The grief was at play here.

"What do you want?" Sicario asked his daughter, his tone so cold and cruel. He wasn't going to give her a chance, and he was already making that clear as day.

"Please, let me cover her and get her off the floor. It's too hard," Awuor said and the wolves scoffed at her. The audacity she had was something else. Expectedly, her father denied her the chance, and so she used the only card she had left.

The alpha card.

"I'm still the alpha of this pack. Unless you banish me. And I am going to see to it that my mother gets a proper burial, whether you want me to, or not. Now, all of you standing here, find something to clear the damn mess.

"Try my patience and watch me kill all of you this instant. If you wanna make me a killer that much, try me, oh children of Sicario," Awuor growled out, the anger in her voice shocking the wolves there.

They could see her cruelty and felt it to the core. Her father was too shocked to say a word. So he let her have that last wish. Alpha Sicario already knew his daughter knew she was getting banished. That's why she used her last card.

Well, at least she was smart enough.

Quietly, the mourning werewolves wrapped their luna well, and put her in better clothes. The others had already begun digging her grave, thanks to the mindlink and in twenty minutes, everything was done.

Awuor was still in cuffs while giving the orders.

Her father expected her to give the order to be freed from the cuffs, but instead, she hadn't. She had focused solely on her mother's instant funeral, like some dumb package that had been ruined.

His heart was breaking for his child. She had just lost her mother and was too confused to even tell whether this was her fault or not. It would have been easier if the cameras were installed here, but they weren't.

It broke him for a moment but he recomposed himself to the cold person he had just been.

There was not going to be a burial ceremony here today. There was just sorrow and broken hearts.

The young alpha swore not to let them see her tears, even if it hurt so bad.

The worst had already happened and frankly, nothing would make this any better. Her best friend was dead, her mate was judging her, her brother was unusually quiet, and her father hated her.

It was all so clear, not to mention the fact that the werewolves wanted her blood.

The alpha Awuor decided not to focus on that because if she did, she would break down, and in her craziness, she would probably jump into the grave with her mother.

She didn't want to be dramatic because that would only show how much she didn't care for her mother or even respect her. Death was always a thing to be frowned upon and if Awuor tried to do anything, she wouldn't be forgiven.

Besides, It wouldn't help her case anyway.

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