The Return of the God Level Assassin


"Y-YOU look beautiful too. I mean, good-looking, no, handsome. You look handsome!" Yu Jiao said in a stuttering manner, like a child who was scrambling on what she should say.

If she was compared to a cartoon character right now, her face would probably be like a boiled shrimp with eyes going round and round like a spiral. That's how lost she was right now. Like a driver who couldn't recognize left from right.

Luo Ren stood up straight and chuckled. "Thank you."

Then the other walked towards the opposite seat.

Soon enough, their dishes were delivered to the private room, and the two of them started eating.

Amidst Yu Jiao's racing heartbeat and confused mind, their lunch ended. She couldn't even remember the taste of the dishes they had eaten, much less how she managed to eat them. It must probably be delicious. This was a popular restaurant, after all. Too bad she was too busy calming her nerves that she didn't even have time to savor anything.

Throughout lunch, all she could think of was the compliment Luo Ren gave her. A compliment that the other threw in like a curve ball and hit her squarely at the center of her heart.

Was this only because she was weak to compliments? There were only two people who would constantly compliment her, her mother, and Luo Yan. So that might indeed be the case.

Of course, there were those comments online who kept on complimenting 'Vulcan', saying 'he's' handsome, and the best Blacksmith in Arcadia. But those didn't really count since they didn't really know who the real her was.

But even while she was making all these 'excuses' to explain why she was reacting like this to Luo Ren's compliment, she knew there was probably a different reason. A solid reason why she had been acting like this.

Sadly enough, she lacked the emotional knowledge to give a name to this 'reason'. Maybe if Luo Yan was here, the other could help her reach enlightenment. But the only one here with her was Luo Ren. There's no way she could ask him about her feelings. So, she could only be confused alone.

But Yu Jiao understood that she couldn't continue being like this. If she kept on blushing, stuttering, and floundering about like a fish out of the sea, she wouldn't be able to enjoy this day. This lunch was a good example of that.

So, when she and Luo Ren walked out of the restaurant, with steel determination, she told herself that she would pull herself together.

Luo Ren parked the car in front of Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art. Yu Jiao looked at the art gallery in front.

It had a contemporary architectural style, characterized by its minimalist and transparent structure that harmoniously blended with the cityscape. The building featured a predominantly glass design, which seamlessly merged with the bustling urban environment, allowing glimpsed of the art within it.

"By the way, Brother Ren, who's the artist having an exhibition today?" she asked.

Because of how nervous she had been, she didn't even think of asking Luo Ren about this. But after she steeled herself into calming down, she could now think more clearly. Thus, she was now able to ask questions that had to be asked.

Luo Ren seemed surprise for a moment, as if he didn't expect that she was finally willing to communicate like a normal person. This embarrassed Yu Jiao a bit. Sure enough. The other must have noticed how she'd been acting weirdly.

It's good that she managed to pull herself together before she embarrassed herself even further. The last thing she wanted was for Luo Ren to think that wearing a dress made her brain weird.

"It's Artist Gao Yuan," Luo Ren responded after a while.

Yu Jiao almost halted her steps when she heard that. She could not really be considered as an art enthusiast. Her interest aligned more with graphic designs related to games and such. Even so, she still knew who Gao Yuan was.

Gao Yuan was known for her paintings that often depicted tender and emotional moments between couples. Her art focuses on human connection, intimacy, and the complex emotions that came with love. She used a dreamy and romantic visual style to convey the depth of feelings and relationships.

Yu Jiao did an assignment about her for art class during her first year of high school. It was then she became interested in the other's works.

One of Yu Jiao's favorite art pieces of Gao Yuan was [Love on a Winter Night].

It portrayed a couple sharing a moment in the midst of a serene winter night. The scene featured a couple embracing each other, creating a sense of warmth and love in the midst of a cold and tranquil setting. The color palette in this work included cool tones of blue and white to convey the winter atmosphere while emphasizing the warmth of human connection.

Yu Jiao's face lit up at the thought that she could see more of Gao Yuan's work today. And in person, no less. Luo Ren might have noticed that because he asked;

"Are you a fan?"

Yu Jiao nodded. "Yes, I like her works."

"That's good," Luo Ren said with a smile, as if relieved.

Luo Ren presented their tickets at the entrance. As they walked inside, Yu Jiao looked around with bright and sparkling eyes. She couldn't wait to see each and every art piece inside.

"Shall we go clockwise so we can see everything?" Luo Ren suggested.

Yu Jiao nodded, very much wanting to see everything. So, they started to walk around.

Each canvas seemed to breathe with the fragility and beauty of human connection. Whether it's a couple's embrace in the serenity of a winter night, a shared moment by tranquil waters, or an intimate glance that transcended words, Gao Yuan's art gently reminded people of the universality of love.

The emotions her art stirred were akin to the warmth of a hug, the tenderness of a whispered promise, and the depth of connection that went beyond words.

Standing at the very last canvas, Yu Jiao's heart felt very full and warm.

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