The Return of the God Level Assassin

Chapter 1010 SECOND WIN


TEAM Yunyue's second match in Arcadia Cup qualifiers was a tower defense, or more accurately, it was a base defense that was set in a marshland.

The two teams' base was located on the opposite side. The primary objective was for each team to defend its base from waves of enemy monsters living in the marshland. The team that successfully protected its base from enemy waves until the end of the match would win.

So, it's basically a fight against the monsters living in the marshland. The teams had to defend against them and also protect the base assigned to them. So, it's not a matter of a team having powerful members, but about strategy and teamwork. Especially so since the use of magical barrier was not allowed, so they had to resort to primitive ways of defending the base.

Why the use of magical barrier was not allowed, you asked? Well, why else, to add spice to the match.

Since the match would only end after a certain time, it would literally be a race to see which team could defend their base better. The time limit was 20 minutes. Not too long, but not too short as well.

As of now, 15 minutes had already passed. A stark contrast became evident between the two bases.

One base, surrounded by the marshland's murky waters and dense vegetation, remained steadfast and undeterred. The players defending it had set up makeshift barricades and traps, creating a challenging path for any would-be invaders. The players' ingenuity was evident as they adapted to the marshland's terrain, turning its natural features into defensive advantages.

In contrast, the other base appeared less fortified and more vulnerable. While some defenses were in place, they seemed scattered and lacking. The players there seemed to be struggling to capitalize on the marshland's unique aspects, leaving open avenues for potential invaders to exploit.

As waves of monsters emerged from the depths of the marshland, the first base held its ground with well-coordinated teamwork. The players moved as a single unit, covering each other's flanks and reinforcing vulnerable positions. Their seamless communication and unity made the base an impenetrable fortress, forcing the monsters to retreat time and again.

Meanwhile, the second base faced increasing pressure as they tried to repel the incoming waves. The players appeared disjointed, unable to coordinate their efforts effectively. Their attempts to retaliate seemed sporadic and lacked the strength needed to repel the enemy monsters' advances.

The marshland's terrain played a significant role in determining the bases' fates. The first base used the swamp's natural hazards to their advantage, creating a treacherous ground for monsters to traverse. In contrast, the second base struggled to utilize the terrain effectively, leaving them vulnerable to enemy incursions.

As the match continued, the difference between the two bases became more apparent. One stood as a testament to strategic prowess, adaptability, and teamwork, while the other struggled to withstand the marshland's challenges.

If you hadn't guessed it yet, yes, the first team was team Yunyue and the second one was their current opponent, team Xinghuo.

The current winning state of Yunyue was not only because of their effective teamwork and strategy, it's because a certain elf and fox duo were messing with the opposing team.

Using Luo Yan's [Shadow Walk] and Eclipse's illusion, they were secretly destroying the opposing team's defense structures. Doing it in a way where it would seem like the defenses they put up were breached because of their carelessness and not because of outside factor.

This led to inner strife within team Xinghuo which ultimately messed up with their teamwork. Thus, their current situation now.

By the time the 20 minutes ended, the obvious winning team was announced.

[The game has reached the 20-minute mark.]

[Calculating the damage gained by each team...]

[Team Yunyue wins!]


[Did you guys watch team Yunyue's match? LOL Noctis is such a troll.]

[I bet team Xinghuo will be so pissed once they found out that the cause of their arguing was Noctis.]

[Hahaha the way Noctis just screw with them.]

[Hey, don't forget the cute Eclipse. He did a lot for that strategy to work.]

[Ah~ I also want an Eclipse for myself. Should I search for a kitsune and tame them?]

[But team Yunyue's strategy was very effective, no? I mean, with the restrictions, messing with the opposing team was pretty genius.]

[Noctis is a pretty good player, right? I mean, I know he's good since he's the Rookie Carnival champion, but he also has the brain to back-up his skill.]

[This is team Yunyue's second win. Just seven more and they would be part of the final tournament. Go team Yunyue!]

[Hey, don't get ahead of yourself. Team Sanguis is also part of their block. If there's a team who would get perfect win in their block, it would be them.]

[I must agree. Like team Sanguis is up there with the current top four teams. They could definitely wipe the floor with team Yunyue.]

[The only reason it seemed like team Yunyue is so great right now was because the two teams they fought with were not really that great.]

[Upstairs, can you shut up? You're not only insulting Yunyue but the teams they fought with as well.]

[Ha... team Yunyue would be winning the championship and there would still be people saying that they're not good.]

[But they're really not though.]

[Why are you projecting your insecurities to team Yunyue?]

[Now, I want team Yunyue to win just to slap you people's faces.]


At the castle of team Sanguis, most of the team members were watching the live stream of the match between team Yunyue and team Xinghuo.

"That Noctis would definitely fit in with our team," the silver-haired Yin Jian added nonchalantly.

"I think he's much saner than any of you here," Qing Rushi said with a scoff.

"Princess, don't say that. Have you forgotten you're also part of this team?" Xu Ru said, putting his arm around the other's shoulder.

Qin Rushi shrugged his arm off. "Unfortunately."

Xu Ru chuckled and glanced back at the screen where team Yunyue was. He narrowed his eyes.

Fighting them would definitely be fun.

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