The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 510: A Parting Gift From the Paper Princess

Chapter 510: A Parting Gift From the Paper Princess

—No, that’s not an illusion.

Although Dmitri·Austere-Winter was not a transcender, he was still a bishop.

At this close range, his senses would not go wrong.

There was a pure, divine light flickered on Ghirlandaio.

“Your Highness Dmitri, what did you come to see me for?”

With a gentle smile, he asked Dmitri, who was wearing an off-white coat.

Dmitri wore a fleece coat made of the Frost Beast fur, but his hands were in his trouser pockets. He threw the two empty sleeves behind, like a white chasuble [1].

He frowned slightly and gave Ghirlandaio a silent stare.

Dmitri asked through gritted teeth in an unfriendly tone, “Huh, you even addressed me as ‘Your Royal Highness’?

“It’s you, right? Annan! I know you well. Don’t try to fool me!”

Even though you said it imposingly, haven’t I fooled you already?

Annan muttered in his heart.

However, he merely showed a radiant smile at Dmitri.

Then, his body seemed to shrink suddenly, returning to Annan’s original appearance.

Having used the identity of “Ghirlandaio” for too long, Annan felt a little discomfort after returning to his original body.

The long silver-white hair behind Annan had already grown over his neck, and his tall and straight figure resembled Dmitri’s style.

Annan still wore the soft and smooth silver-white robe without any exaggerated accessories.

That was because his outfit suffered a certain degree of damage in the previous battle with Bernardino. So the ingenious Paper Princess altered the high-collared robe into a deep V-neck. At the same time, she sewed a sapphire button on the neckline to tighten it.

Disregarding the triple silver circlet-shaped rune on the cuffs, it appeared a bit like Enkidu’s [2] outfit.

After having the Paper Princess handling the outfit, its current name was no longer called [Silver Sire’s Favorite]:

[Love Bearer (Current count is two)]

[Type: Equipment/ Armor/ Clothing (Gold)]

[Defense: 4 (Equivalent to a thick leather armor)]

[Efficacy (Defense): Cut, heat, electric shock, corrosion]

[Vulnerability (Defense): Piercing attack, blunt attack]

[Description: The silver silk robe woven by Silver Sire himself. The robe is light but tough and durable. There’s a divine essence in it that is not negligible; it has been further strengthened with the Paper Princess’s pale painting. Priests with a rank of bishop and above can recognize its origin.]

[Effect: When “Annan·Austere-Winter” has worn it, he is automatically immune to curses and Prophet Spells below the Silver Rank.]

[Silver Sire’s Favorite: Wipe your eyes with it to get the [Detect Poison] ability for ten minutes. Its effect is equivalent to the Hunter’s ability of the same name; wipe your hands with it to get the [Purify Poison] ability for ten minutes. Its effect is equivalent to the Idol Spell of the same name.]

[Paper Princess’ Fondness: The holder gets the curse [Heat Tolerant]. Its effect is equivalent to the Idol Spell of the same name; when the holder is attacked, the robe immediately releases a [Trace Erasure]. Its effect is identical to the Silver Rank’s Sneak ability.]

[Effect: Automatic repair can be performed by consuming silver coins; it can be repaired with paint too.]

The Paper Princess had significantly enhanced the outfit under her meticulous mending.

The attributes blessed by the Paper Princess and Silver Sire on the outfit revealed the different personalities of the two deities.

Silver Sire was more inclined to give Annan a higher status directly and was worried that Annan would be poisoned and conspired… or be embarrassed and lose his reputation after his clothes were damaged.

However, the Paper Princess paid more attention to Annan’s comfort and safety. Having the Silver Rank spell, [Heat Tolerant], enchanted on the clothing was too extravagant.

—Can’t you switch your outfit if it’s too hot or cold?

Even the king would not do this. If there were such an opportunity to receive enchantment, the king would rather have [Righteousness] or [Persuasion] spells of the same magic school at the same level.

[Heat Tolerant] was more often used to resist attacks. For example, when the Falteration Wizard attacked, the victim could use this spell to prevent himself from being frostbitten or frozen. Also, it was an emergency measure to protect internal organs from the searing wind and high-temperature environments.

In fact, the spell was equivalent to the extended version of Bronze Rank’s [Resistance to High Temperature] and [Resistance to Low Temperature]. After all, these two spells could not take place simultaneously. In some cases, the situation was not that complicated.

However, due to the limited spell slots, even the Silver Rank Idol Wizard probably would not learn such useless spells. Moreover, this spell was a Chant Spell and occupied a large spell slot.

Annan was a Level 22 Silver Rank Wizard. He only had 13 spell slots in total, and only four of them were Chant Spell spell slots.

It made Annan feel a little embarrassed. The Paper Princess dedicated this spell to Annan, which was equivalent to saying that she thought Annan might not know how to take care of himself and would catch a cold if she did not pay attention.

Where is this concerning aunty?

Maybe it’s because I am fourteen years old.

Disregarding this spell that made Annan a little helpless, the Paper Princess also enchanted Annan with the divine art [Trace Erasure] in her realm.

When the Stealth ability and Sneak ability reached a high level, most of them would unify into one aspect.

For example, the divine art [Lurking in the Shadow] could eliminate sound and smell in a dark environment. There would be no air resistance when attacking, so there would be no wind noise.

On the other hand, the divine art called [Hidden Spirit in the Mirror] allowed Lurkers to hide in the mirror world and had a complete mirror image influence on the real world. For example, if a dagger were pierced through the right chest in the mirror world, the attack would pierce the heart in the real world. Only in reflective mirrors, lake surfaces, and swords’ blades could one see traces of the lurker.

[Trace Erasure] was a divine art in the field of painting.

Once used, one’s existence was like being erased by an invisible eraser. Even if the spellcaster made a sound, used a spell, or launched an attack, invisibility would ensue. Only when the person had liquid tainted his body could he break free from this divine art.

This ability would undoubtedly siege the initiative in a passive situation.

Generally speaking, when seeing the enemy disappear suddenly, few people would continue to attack without hesitation. Under the constraints of instinct and reasoning, the attackers usually would adopt a vigilant, defensive stance and immediately raise their focus.

The time gap was enough for Annan to respond to the situation.

Judging from these two aspects, the Paper Princess’s parting gift was practical.

As written in the equipment description, this was the “fondness” from the Paper Princess.

“The Silver Sire and the Paper Princess?” As the bishop of the Old Grandmother, Dmitri could also see the mark on Annan.

They were like signatures, a divine mark clearly visible in the eyes of the high-ranking priests.

You’re less than a year away from home, but have you already received the support of two deities?

Also, this hair…

Seeing that Annan had silver hair, Dmitri’s mood was a bit complicated.

As the eldest son, he certainly understood what this meant.

Annan’s [Winter Heart] had already begun to hatch.

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