The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 534: Suuankou: OMO

Chapter 534: Suuankou: OMO

Annan raised an eyebrow.

He noticed that Nefertari looked at him with a strange expression.

She seemed to see someone else through him.

Some nostalgia, but some sadness.

“Excuse me.” Annan asked, “Did you think of someone?”

The cheerful and gentle voice of a middle-aged man came from a disguise named “Ghirlandaio”.

“Yes.” Nefertari did not lie, nor did she equivocate.

Ghirlandaio was likely to be a Gold Rank Wizard who could deflect Silver Rank’s Prophet and Idol Spell.

Lying to him was probably meaningless.

The saint who held [the Heart of Justice] probably did not like liars too.

“My elder brother is the current Fearless Saint.

“I’m wondering if you are the holder of ‘Justice’.” Nefertari replied somewhat hintingly.

She was unsure if those three “apprentices” from the Secret Eye knew about it.

Hearing her words, Nieusel froze for a moment.

He looked at Annan with some surprise.

Is Sir Ghirlandaio the Justice Saint?

“No, I’m not there yet.” Ghirlandaio was a little surprised by Nefertari’s keen intuition and was a little curious that she knew another saint.

But since it was the first time they met, Annan did not know if there were any taboos and if it was appropriate to talk too deeply about it. This could affect first impressions.

So Annan politely skipped the topic. However, he did not hide anything, and he did not bluff. Instead, he told his situation truthfully, “Maybe it will be in the future, but I’m not a saint now.”

“You will certainly be!” Nieusel said loudly and forcefully, “There is no other candidate but you!”

His words were full of confidence, and his voice was so loud that he even interrupted Annan and startled Nefertari. He was even more confident than Ghirlandaio.

No wonder!

No matter the cost, he purifies nightmares and solves strangers’ troubles even when no benefits are involved.

Even after he woke up from the dangerous nightmare trap, he did not ask for payment or even mention the danger he had experienced in the nightmare.

The first thing Ghirlandaio did was to clear the innocent’s name and seek justice for the innocent death. The truth of this matter was meaningless to anyone.

After all, the person whose reputation was slandered had long since died, and he was not a big shot but just an ordinary person. However, correcting the scattered error in history was a troublesome matter that would easily offend anyone. Those who hated troubles would silently hide the fact that “Deward is not a Black Widow believer”.

However, Ghirlandaio did not do that.

Undoubtedly, if this is not justice, few things in this world can be called justice!

Nieusel looked at Ghirlandaio with undisguised admiration.

These days, even if one were to ask his closest friends or relatives to solve complex problems, the helpers would complain if the matter was really troublesome.

People, whom you could tell the truth and objectively describe what kind of predicament you were facing, were already in the minority. There would be dramatical exaggeration toward how tough the challenge they had solved. Their goal was to emphasize their capabilities, make this matter more interesting, make the other party appreciate themselves more, and inform the other party what price they had paid and what risks they had taken.

He would tell the story as if he had almost lost his life when the helper suffered minor injuries; he had to emphasize how challenging his family’s financial situation was when he asked for funds.

Only a handful of people would silently take on their hardships and difficulties.

The reason was that they knew very well that telling this matter out was a secondary injury to the help-seeker. Of course, it was not physically hurting their bodies but hurting their dignity.

Nieusel’s father was such a man of few words.

When Nieusel was young, his father taught him that he must not be complacent and arrogant just because he had helped others, being all over himself as the benefactor.

“A man can’t haggle over every detail, can’t expect favors to be repaid, and can’t owe favors unpaid.”

However, Nieusel’s father also taught him not to expect others to follow his moral standards.

Nieusel had always done so.

Perhaps this sense of responsibility persuaded Nefertari, who was much better than him, to be his friend.

Nieusel was grateful to his father for making him who he was. He felt that although his father was not the Wise, he had a wise heart.

He was not stupid, but he did not like to care about many things. On the other hand, Nefertari was bright, and her heart was as upright as his. That allowed him to go out without his brain and just listen to Nefertari’s command.

It was not difficult for him to notice that it was almost impossible for people like him to exist in the underground world where legal awareness was weak. He had been used to this situation for a long time — just like his father had taught him. He was a silent kind person.

He did not force others nor expect others to do good.

However, he saw someone who acted like him, His Excellency Ghirlandaio—or perhaps acting more nobly than him!

Although Ghirlandaio did not say it, Nieusel knew how dangerous Sporeggar Mill was.

Nieusel felt that he might not even be able to do this!

A man as great as my father…

He must be worried that if he told the truth about the danger he had encountered, he would make me feel guilty.

Moreover, it would make his apprentices feel bad about themselves and create a barrier against Nefertari. It was because of their pleas that His Excellency Ghirlandaio was in deep danger and almost failed to escape.

Ghirlandaio must have noticed the friendship I formed with Ms. Yiyi and the others. That’s why he could not bear to part with this friendship!

What a wise and gentle man.

“Could it be that [Justice] is underground now?”

Nieusel speculated, “I heard that sacred bones and saints will attract each other.”

“I don’t know about this either.” Ghirlandaio just shrugged helplessly.

Nieusel emphasized, “I know some friends who can be trusted. If you need, you can come to me at any time. I am usually here in the afternoon.

“When you leave, remember to pick a few leaves from the surrounding ashwood. Then, when you come back, the road will appear.”

“I will help myself with it if I need to.” Ghirlandaio smiled, pointed behind him with his chin, and motioned, “Why don’t you invite us in for our chatter?”

“Excuse me about that!”

Nefertari greeted Annan nervously, glared at Nieusel next to her, and silently said, “You idiot”.

Then, she quickly invited Annan and his party in. Later, she made each of them a cup of lung-clearing tea. This herbal tea tasted like wax gourd tea or lotus leaf tea, but it was not unpalatable after adding sugar to it.

Jiu Er and Suankou were not needy about it.

After hearing their wishes, Nefertari pondered for a while.

“An excellent job transfer for Berserker and Ambushers.” She was familiar with these two professions.

There were few Berserkers in the underground world, but there were still quite a few Ambushers. After all, the intensity and angle of the light source here were constant, and there were many situations where traps could come in handy.

However, she quickly locked on to several directions.

To better complete this task, she asked the players’ opinion, “Any other special requirements?

“For example, what is the best direction for professions’ advancement?”

Jiu Er replied without thinking, “It doesn’t matter if it’s dangerous. I want the profession with the strongest attack power!”

Suuankou thought about it seriously for a long time.

He asked probingly, “I hope it can increase my combat effectiveness in encounters. If I can’t arrange traps in advance, I will almost always be on edge as the spectator… I mean, I will always watch from the side.”

This was the truth.

In encountering enemies, he could only open Sneak and stood by the wall with an ‘OMO’ expression.

His health points were relatively low, and the backstab damage was insufficient. He could not even deal damage even if he went over. His main job was to dismantle and install traps.

It feels like an errand boy.

Even the Trap Rogue wants to play the damage role!

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